Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today....

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I think the issue boils down to the fact that

a) Islamic extremisim is spreading worldwide including Australia
b) people know what it is like in countries that are under islamic law
c) there are growing enclaves in Australia especially Sydney and Melbourne.
d) people are scared of what they see/perceive
e) Local islamic leaders keep saying things that concern people.

Continued attacks on civilians overseas will not help the plight.
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I think the issue boils down to the fact that:

1. Too much misinformation is spread as fact.
2. Fear sells.
3. The majority of the scared and outraged haven't actually looked any deeper into the 'facts' that they're told.

no not really. comments like this is why people vote for pauline hanson.

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If you want a rational and critical debate about the problems within Islam, Im all ears. If you want to use this thread as a platform for bigotry and hatred, take it to Stormfront

See that's the problem. No one can actually discuss the problems with Islam without being labelled a racist bigot. You've proven it in this thread - someone makes a comment about their concerns with Islam and you jump down their throat. Lefties are so concerned with taking the moral high ground that being even slightly critical of Islam will be interpreted as intolerable racism.

As for Sonia's comments, a tad OTT for sure, but the I'd say the response to her comments has been a lot more OTT.
I agree to the extent. Don't play the man play the ball.

I can hate the ideology of North Korean totalitarian ideology without hating North Koreans. For they are born in that part of the world and have no say.

I can hate the ideologue of bikies and the Hells Angels without having anything personally against your average bogan member who was just born/mixed/circumstance led them to that circle.

Just as I can hate see where I'm going.

In fact why do we as Humanity even tolerate Religion and their bullshit anymore?

There are 3 dominant Religions in the world today.

1) Mutalate their genitals still.

2) Another have upteem royal Co missions into Paedophilia going on where they have a major foot hold.

3) Another seemingly can not co-exist with any other Culture, Religion or belief system and anywhere they reach a significant number violence and terrorism emerges.

I realise people will always ask deep questions and there is a battle for hearts and minds but surely by now Religion has lost the battle.

.............and the secular world is much better because? Sorry I don't get that argument either. Hatred, drug abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, murder sex crime, greed, war etc all exist and are thriving in the secular world. Have a look around. Yet people target religious groups particularly Christians for example because they do not fight back. Why? Just because they have a different moral code? Big deal. Why the fear and intolerance?
See that's the problem. No one can actually discuss the problems with Islam without being labelled a racist bigot. You've proven it in this thread - someone makes a comment about their concerns with Islam and you jump down their throat. Lefties are so concerned with taking the moral high ground that being even slightly critical of Islam will be interpreted as intolerable racism.

As for Sonia's comments, a tad OTT for sure, but the I'd say the response to her comments has been a lot more OTT.
Discuss the problems with Islam then.

I'll get you started.
It's an idiotic religion (all religions are, but currently Islam is the most idiotic).
I think the requirements on dress and the majority of Sharia law, have no place in the 21st century.
It's a sexist, bigoted, and completely outdated piece of trash.
We don't generally hear about the violence going on in the world unless it is a white nation or we have put our soldiers there in the last couple of decades.

Are there bulk violent murders of innocent people happening committed by groups other than Islamic fundamentalists? Are those stories being kept off the news to keep the dialogue all about anti-Islam based groups?
To which you demonstrate hate and intolerance towards all Muslims by likening them to the Nazis and making calls to persecute or exclude from society all of them.


If you want tolerance, how about being ******* tolerant yourself.

Keep slagging them off, and Im sure you'll get some kind of reaction from one deranged Muslim out there.

In fact, its precisely what ISIL are counting on. This is why they do the social media thing.

You with your derps and bigot slurs. Seriously.

Kruger may be no mental giant, but she is entitled to her opinion, i for one cant wait until we have neighbourhoods here like in parts of France that are Police no go zones because of the fear of confrontation from Muslims, police and gendarmerie cannot enforce the Republican order or even enter without risking confrontation.

The above is what people are ultimately afraid of and rightfully so. What are the Muslim leaders in this ccountry doing to allay these fear. Diddly thats what.

Yet lets call people fears and reservations bigotry. Vary helpful. Unless you have read or have any understanding of the Koran I doubt you are any more qualified to give an opinion on what motivates followers of Islam than the next poster.
The country already makes plenty of generalizations when it comes to who's allowed in.

From a poor country with lots of over stayers? Bad luck, much harder for you to get a visa because of your compatriots behaviour. Are you a single male? Do you have few assets? Harder still.

Should religion be a part of this vetting process? Behind closed doors it probably already is. At least its worthy of being part of the conversation, especially since its closer to something like an ideology rather than something like race.

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You with your derps and bigot slurs. Seriously.

The above is what people are ultimately afraid of and rightfully so. What are the Muslim leaders in this ccountry doing to allay these fear. Diddly thats what.

Yet lets call people fears and reservations bigotry. Vary helpful. Unless you have read or have any understanding of the Koran I doubt you are any more qualified to give an opinion on what motivates followers of Islam than the next poster.

There is a reason why the Danes in what would be one of the most tolerant countries on earth banned people who cant speak English ( read - Muslims ) from nightclubs, there is a reason why Police In Paris and other French cities cant uphold the rule of French law in over 100 areas of France in what are essentially little kingdoms of Sharia law, they have rejected French and western civil law - we don't want that here.
Good to see all of the ministry turn up to Government House proudly toting their bibles on which they will swear the oath of office, and who's teachings they will ignore the moment they get back to the party room. Hypocrisy writ large.
I think the point of Kruger's comments about banning Muslim immigration actually will cause more problems than it supposedly solves.

Maybe it is just me I don't know, but, if you know anything of the world you would understand that where Muslims are in the greatest numbers, that these areas suffer significnatly from disease, famine and civil war. Do the deaths and injuries and dislocation of millions of people given the above rate anywhere on the conscience of people? It rates on mine. Remember how in 1984 and 1985 the world got behind Live Aid and the people of Ethiopia?

That good work would be eternally undone by banning Muslims from emigrating anywhere.
The problem is the moment you critise Islam and fundies, you get labelled racist thinking you are putting all Muslims in the same basket.
Isnt that what our media does though
The media in this country led with the headline "Jihadi Truck" in the newspaper the other day
french authorities have come out and stated that there is no link to radical Islam with the Nice attacks, yet the media is still running with the Islamic terrorist line and the public are following it
Isnt that what our media does though
The media in this country led with the headline "Jihadi Truck" in the newspaper the other day
french authorities have come out and stated that there is no link to radical Islam with the Nice attacks, yet the media is still running with the Islamic terrorist line and the public are following it

I would take what the french government is saying with a grain of salt considering the fact that tensions are sky high in france already.
It's looking more likely that the guy who carried out the Nice attack had more in common with Man Monis, than the people who carried out the Paris, and Brussels attacks. A whack job using radical Islam as an excuse for his actions.
I think the issue boils down to the fact that:

1. Too much misinformation is spread as fact.
2. Fear sells.
3. The majority of the scared and outraged haven't actually looked any deeper into the 'facts' that they're told.
This is the post of the thread, because it is the most truthful
I haven't followed it that closely, but didn't the Federal government at the time use One Nation policies and stop the boats, it appears that Hanson will shoulder the load of being labelled a racist but then major parties will pick up her watered down policies.

Hundreds of thousands of Australians are using her as a vehicle for how they feel, people are scared of uttering how they feel and what they feel, look at what happened to Steve Price last week and although i like the guy in general Waleed Aly (SP) just takes PC speak to another level on the show he chairs.

Australians are in general to scared to voice how they want this country to proceed on the immigration debate, shut down by people who scream racist far to easily - and by screaming that it does shut down debate.
I would take what the french government is saying with a grain of salt considering the fact that tensions are sky high in france already.
It wasnt the french government but the investigators into the incident
The government has made no such comment
Besides, should we not take this as more the truth just because it doesnt fit the crazy Islamic terrorist crap that is being spewed forth by the media?
It's looking more likely that the guy who carried out the Nice attack had more in common with Man Monis, than the people who carried out the Paris, and Brussels attacks. A whack job using radical Islam as an excuse for his actions.
That is a good description for all religiously justified violence.

The fix is education. No children allowed to be uneducated and no child allowed to be taught about religion until they have been educated.

All religion.
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