Wikileaks founder and good North man Julian Assange

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No, I don't think that was wrong at all.

This sums up my feelings pretty much perfectly;

I'd almost agree with that. But it omits the reality that he only turned psycho and willing to do dodgy non-journalist stuff in 2016 after years of persecution and what was really illegal detention.

He was targeted by the US imperial security state for exposing the horror of the Iraq occupation.

He's not exculpated from his later shitty behaviour BY that, but the reality is his journalism is what led to his illegal and immoral persecution.

The real question is what he could have done were the US not as vengeful and dismissive of the rights of journalists as say ... Vladimir Putin when he had Anna Politskavaya murdered.
That has been utterly and thoroughly debunked.

That's basically a Pizza-gate level conspiracy.

Vince Foster level shit. Plenty of murderous conspiracies in Washington to go round, that's not one

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Boo hoo. He told the world that Hilary Clinton and the DNC scammed Bernie Sanders out of his nomination for president.

Basically cos her continent sized sense of entitlement for the position.

He allowed himself to get played by a basic Russian op and he should have known.lots better
But answer me this; where did Wikileaks get those DNC emails?

The Russians hacked them. But it was the failings of the American system thst amplified them.
Wouldn't be allowed to profit from a crime would he? Given he pleaded guilty to get home.

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I'm no criminal lawyer, but I expect there is a thousand different loopholes at play here.

Eg. Pay Stella $1m for an interview, with an unwritten understanding that he'll participate too.

Schapelle Corby went through all this about a decade ago.
The Russians hacked them. But it was the failings of the American system thst amplified them.
The impossible hack, had to have been downloaded internally, check speeds limits bill binney.

Muller report was trash, he couldn’t stand by the report in court and went with the amnesia defence.
Russiagate last refuge of a scandal.
I'm no criminal lawyer, but I expect there is a thousand different loopholes at play here.

Eg. Pay Stella $1m for an interview, with an unwritten understanding that he'll participate too.

Schapelle Corby went through all this about a decade ago.

Nah they have Proceeds of Crime stuff pretty locked down.

He doesn't need to make money from a Big Interview anyway. He can gofundme a million in a day.

Tbh I think he probably lies low for a while anyway, for many reasons, first and foremost five years in Belmarsh or whatever it was woukd near kill anyone
Nah they have Proceeds of Crime stuff pretty locked down.

He doesn't need to make money from a Big Interview anyway. He can gofundme a million in a day.

Tbh I think he probably lies low for a while anyway, for many reasons, first and foremost five years in Belmarsh or whatever it was woukd near kill anyone
Alright so lets say CNN pay for his $500k plane trip to Australia.

What's the AFP going to do about that?
Yup, and to be clear I was a big Bernie supporter.

But answer me this; where did Wikileaks get those DNC emails?
I dunno and I don't really care.

Even if it was Russian agents so what?

The issue here is the behaviour of Hilary and the DNC not the people who provided that information.
I dunno and I don't really care.

Even if it was Russian agents so what?

The issue here is the behaviour of Hilary and the DNC not the people who provided that information.

It's literally a discussion about why Assange sucks and the role he played (either willingly, or as a useful idiot) for Russian election interference efforts.
He allowed himself to get played by a basic Russian op and he should have known.lots better
Why would he give a ****? Its accurate information and the people it hurts are the people who wanted him dead or locked in a box for the rest of his life.

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I dunno and I don't really care.

Even if it was Russian agents so what?

The issue here is the behaviour of Hilary and the DNC not the people who provided that information.

Nah, Russian agent hacking the DNC is beyond the pale. I don't think it amounts to election interference, I don't even know if it was s properly ordered op.

It's also exactly what the US and the UK do routinely to other countries.

The Americans were rightly outraged when a GOP President did the 70s equivalent of hacking the DNC.

Assange should never have got mixed up in that shit, but by then he was a paranoid psycho bring pushed and pulled from both ends.

Takes a soldier to withstand that shit, and he was a journo when he went in.
Alright so lets say CNN pay for his $500k plane trip to Australia.

What's the AFP going to do about that?

They can pay it as long as there's no interview lol
Nah, Russian agent hacking the DNC is beyond the pale. I don't think it amounts to election interference, I don't even know if it was s properly ordered op.

For what it's worth;
  • 12 active members of Russia's GRU were charged and convicted of the hack
  • The US Justice Department proved "they were acting in their official capacities"
  • It was specifically classified as deliberate election interference designed to damage the Democratic candidate in order to assist Donald Trump's campaign
That's just the facts as they were presented throughout the court process.
It's literally a discussion about why Assange sucks and the role he played (either willingly, or as a useful idiot) for Russian election interference efforts.

Why does it have to be so black and white and cliched?

Look at him like a footy played. He had a long career that included some majestic highlights and some awful stuff too.

Desperately complex individual, but nah man, nobody who does Collateral Murder "sucks.

They might have ****ed up, they might have gone nuts, but that original effort (thst wasn't even his first real hit) was all time good guy stuff.
It's literally a discussion about why Assange sucks and the role he played (either willingly, or as a useful idiot) for Russian election interference efforts.
What ... exposing Hilary Clinton's election interference efforts?

What actual evidence is there that Guccifer 2.0 was Russian anyway?
For what it's worth;
  • 12 active members of Russia's GRU were charged and convicted of the hack
  • The US Justice Department proved "they were acting in their official capacities"
  • It was specifically classified as deliberate election interference designed to damage the Democratic candidate in order to assist Donald Trump's campaign
That's just the facts as they were presented throughout the court process.

Yeah I really can't be bothered going through the desperate US cover up crap for what happened.

How many of those GRU guys gave evidence in open court and who did the Justice Department "prove" it to lol.
They can pay it as long as there's no interview lol
Nah I'm sure media lawyers would work a way around it.

In Corby's case, they couldn't stop her from paid tv appearances, it was just when she was getting paid to discuss her explicitly discuss her crime she had to cough up a bit of dough.

Assange only pleaded guilty to one crime, in relation to conspiring with Manning.

I reckon he'd have pretty free reign to get paid for talking about the quality of Belmarsh cuisine, intimate details of life inside the Ecuadorian embassy, what he thinks of Snowden these days, how the whole plea deal negotiation played out, that kinda stuff.
Why does it have to be so black and white and cliched?

It's not. I've specifically said multiple times that I am happy he's free, that exposing war crimes was good, etc.

I'm just specifically pushing back against ferb's tangent that Hillary/DNC being shitty to Bernie somehow exonerates the role Assange and WikiLeaks played in the Russian election interference saga.
... and who did the Justice Department "prove" it to lol.

A Grand Jury.

Good summary from 2018 here courtesy of CNBC:

Below are some key takeaways from the indictment, released by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

1. The Russians allegedly hacked America’s election infrastructure, including state election boards and secretaries of state. The allegations in Friday’s indictment went well beyond merely hacking the Clinton campaign and Democratic campaign committees. From one state election board, the Russians managed to steal information on 500,000 voters, Rosenstein said, although he did not identify which state. Trump won the 2016 election by winning three key states by slim margins that added up to around 80,000 votes.

The Russians also “targeted state and local offices responsible for administering the elections; and sent spearphishing emails to people involved in administering elections, with malware attached,” Rosenstein said. He stressed, however, that the indictments contained “no allegation that the conspiracy altered the vote count or changed any election result.”

2. An American congressional candidate allegedly asked for, and received, stolen documents about his or her opponent from the Russians. According to the indictment, the operatives allegedly provided stolen campaign documents to a candidate for Congress. “On or about August 15, 2016, the conspirators received a request for stolen documents from a candidate for U.S. Congress,” the indictment said. The conspirators “sent the candidate stolen documents related to the candidate’s opponent.”

The candidate was not identified in the indictment.

3. A journalist allegedly discussed with the Russian front account, Guccifer 2.0, about when to release stolen documents related to Black Lives Matter. The reporter, who is not named in the indictment, also “offered to write an article” about the release of the stolen documents.

Russia’s efforts to use the Black Lives Matter movement to stoke racial tensions, and its attempts to turn Black Lives Matter supporters against Clinton, have been criticized as among the most insidious elements of Russia’s 2016 election influence campaign.

4. Russian hackers targeted Clinton emails the same day Trump called for them to find “missing” emails. On July 27, 2016, Trump said during a campaign event, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” referring to emails Clinton deleted from her server because she said they were personal. According to the indictment, that same day, Russians “attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third party server used by Clinton’s personal office.”

The implication here is that Russian operatives did what Trump asked them to do, but the indictment specifically says: “There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime.” Nor does the indictment name any Americans.
A Grand Jury.

Good summary from 2018 here courtesy of CNBC:

Look you're going to have to forgive me if I don't have huge faith in the US justice system lol, Grand Juries included, especially when it comes to matters like this lol.

Using the Trump throwaway line is laughable
Look you're going to have to forgive me if I don't have huge faith in the US justice system lol, Grand Juries included, especially when it comes to matters like this lol.

That's your perogative.

As we've seen in this thread, there remains a lot of people who believed some wild conspiracy theories about the whole affair. I don't pretend to believe I can control that.

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Wikileaks founder and good North man Julian Assange

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