Wikileaks founder and good North man Julian Assange

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Sorry but the guy is a clown. There was nothing inherently valuable in what he did. Bulk leaking of documents and then expecting other people to analyze it on your behalf, whilst also claiming that you took steps to protect informants?

Talking about Russian political integrity? Saying at one point you had tens of gigabytes of data on Russian corruption and then not releasing it and saying how great Russia is because they help you personally.

The guy wanted to be notorious. That's it. And he certainly didn't care about who got killed in the process.

To have him associated with the club would be a shit outcome.
Sorry but the guy is a clown. There was nothing inherently valuable in what he did. Bulk leaking of documents and then expecting other people to analyze it on your behalf, whilst also claiming that you took steps to protect informants?

Talking about Russian political integrity? Saying at one point you had tens of gigabytes of data on Russian corruption and then not releasing it and saying how great Russia is because they help you personally.

The guy wanted to be notorious. That's it. And he certainly didn't care about who got killed in the process.

To have him associated with the club would be a shit outcome.
WL were judicious on the Afghan leaks , whether or not subscribing to Great-Man-Theory-of-History , mankind never advanced thru homogenous thought or act , it required those who contradict and gainsay and broke convention
i wonder what equity the Albo administration had to burn to get UK and America to drop arms , this is enough for me to vote ALP next election , I thought JA was f<rked
well given we're giving the empire $300 billion plus for submarines that will never be delivered, Assange would seem to be a small price for Washington to pay

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well given we're giving the empire $300 billion plus for submarines that will never be delivered, Assange would seem to be a small price for Washington to pay
This is exactly the ****en scam he copped so much trouble for exposing...
Sorry but the guy is a clown. There was nothing inherently valuable in what he did. Bulk leaking of documents and then expecting other people to analyze it on your behalf, whilst also claiming that you took steps to protect informants?

Talking about Russian political integrity? Saying at one point you had tens of gigabytes of data on Russian corruption and then not releasing it and saying how great Russia is because they help you personally.

The guy wanted to be notorious. That's it. And he certainly didn't care about who got killed in the process.

To have him associated with the club would be a shit outcome.

Nobody cares two heads, its a just a bit of fun ffs
Sorry but the guy is a clown. There was nothing inherently valuable in what he did. Bulk leaking of documents and then expecting other people to analyze it on your behalf, whilst also claiming that you took steps to protect informants?

Talking about Russian political integrity? Saying at one point you had tens of gigabytes of data on Russian corruption and then not releasing it and saying how great Russia is because they help you personally.

The guy wanted to be notorious. That's it. And he certainly didn't care about who got killed in the process.

To have him associated with the club would be a shit outcome.

Implying that you are an astute observer and critic of media integrity and truthfulness, yet failing at the very first turn. :rolleyes:

Give yourself a swift punch to the groin.
Its almost like we should have dedicated thread for discussing this stuff, so this important bit of North BF lore can stay a bit of a pisstake.
i wonder what equity the Albo administration had to burn to get UK and America to drop arms , this is enough for me to vote ALP next election , I thought JA was f<rked
I’ll put my hand up and say I didn’t think albo was competent enough to do this..
hats off too you sir, massive amount of respect.
I’ll put my hand up and say I didn’t think albo was competent enough to do this..
hats off too you sir
Surely his release is the result of a conspicuous lack of political appetite in Washington for his continued detention, moreso than anything our government has done. Both Trump and Biden's camps have been luke warm on pursuing Assange for quite a while.
The Guardian and Assange are adversarial in this situation and anything a Guardian employee says should be taken with a grain of salt.

Also anyone who knows anything about Assange knows he isn't a lefty as such, more a libertarian in the EFF tradition (not a libertarian in the lets take over other countries and steal their resources cos US freedom tradition) and the whole point of wikileaks was to limit government and corporate power.
Surely his release is the result of a conspicuous lack of political appetite in Washington for his continued detention, moreso than anything our government has done. Both Trump and Biden's camps have been luke warm on pursuing Assange for quite a while.
i don’t think this would’ve been an American lead issue. They would’ve happily given him a show trial and paraded around the result.
i don’t think this would’ve been an American lead issue. They would’ve happily given him a show trial and paraded around the result.
I suspect that's the consensus in the US DoJ.

But, I very much doubt there is much enthusiasm for his prosecution among American politicians these days.

The Guardian and Assange are adversarial in this situation and anything a Guardian employee says should be taken with a grain of salt.

Also anyone who knows anything about Assange knows he isn't a lefty as such, more a libertarian in the EFF tradition (not a libertarian in the lets take over other countries and steal their resources cos US freedom tradition) and the whole point of wikileaks was to limit government and corporate power.

Guardian loved him up until they got taken in by Snowden (an actual real life FSB agent) and the security services raided them and laid down the law

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Wikileaks founder and good North man Julian Assange

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