Wikileaks founder and good North man Julian Assange

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Obama merely progressing CFRcouncilforeignrelations agenda

see: WADA (yes sports doping)

take an anamorphic lens ,. WADA throw book at Florida(Florid'ian) tennisplayer out of Russia Maria Sharapova and all the Russian athletes banned for that testosterone derivative and Russia can't fly their own flag in Rio or wherever pre-Tokyo 000

The international agenda starts over a decade pre Kiev putsch/colour revolution of '14

Obama's CD&PA was a mere stepping stone of an agenda over a decade into its manifestation

Obama merely inherited the agenda and was to be steward
You should join us in the devils
chessboard, you won’t have to journey far back in that thread to understand he didn’t start the fire, the world has been burning since it’s been turning.
I was more theorising about the immediate cost of what has been done, in America you’ve created extremist population amongst bourgeoise, the rural class, who normally pays the cost, has no appetite for this war.

I was more theorising about the immediate cost of what has been done, in America you’ve created extremist population amongst bourgeoise, the rural class, who normally pays the cost, has no appetite for this war.

[The Pitchforks Are Coming For Us]

see: 2008 Occupy Wall Street

Zacotti Park

now ask yourself "why intersectionality now"

Brooklyn v Melbourne , p'raps the most liberal(progressive centres) in all of world outside London , p'raps more so than London/WelliingtonJacintaNZ...

here is tell

alot of higher order leftist/socialist thought-leaders like ChrisHedges MaxBlumenthal AlanNairn raise this paradox non-paradox(conspiracy)

what is maddaddam's handle , I want to raise him MatthewLloyd Essendon FF hoody jacket windcheater dress v Mick Gatto with the retired second most important person in Australia the captain of the Australian cricket team dressing like a rave goer on ecstasy and Mitsubishi's at a Manchester Hacienda dance night in 1980s with Bez of Happy Mondays

There were some ripper ones of Pup in a Balenciaga sweatshirt fighting with Stefenovic's missus-in-law on dailymail , i am a sucker for cricket and tabloid


not those ones below but aint that Daly for NRL Canberra , not sure , need side profile for Daly's proboscis profile

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devil's advocate:

but who are we kidding, from the days of pamphleteer'ing and William Randolph Hearst even to the Hobart Mercury(under News'un'Limited) stewardship , still consensus FourthEstate = establishment

2018 I thought DavidManne and GuyRundle may bring the truth on RussiaGate and Putin_v_Trump , no , they went down the propaganda route with Chief

I have brought the receipts the data the references the facts since 2016 here on the RussiaGATE confected humdrum it affected my personal sensibility/ies and commitment to truth

It had little to do w DJT ,

DJT useful tool ( the useful idiot ) to progress StateDep't Russian agenda , but HRC and DJT mattered nought

tho HRC like Thatcher and Golda Meir liable to burnish leader-in-chief credentials with hot war
commitment to truth

NOT commitment to Tribe™
Chief you are following the Durham report , which mimics everything i told you over seven years , and nominates HRC and the Downer/Hockey 'tip' on George Papadopoulos

not about DJT v HRC
not about red v blue
not about GOP v DNC

truth matters , as creating such precedent will be used again for nefarious means , perhaps against the other side

the fact no one in the fourth estate could utter the truth and counter the narrative works against their clique as mummified bloc
I still think he'll end up back here.
The ABC leak implied the first half of this year

Both sides of Canberra had their chance

JWH Rudd Gillard Abbott Turnbull Morrison Albo

I am sorry but even Chief will agree that conservatives and labor exhausted their credit and leeway , albo is beholden to his predecessors of his seat


left or right
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This is a very long, detailed critique of the dismissal of Assange's appeal by Craig Murray.

This is a very long, detailed critique of the dismissal of Assange's appeal by Craig Murray.

Jeffrey Schmidt 'Disciplined Minds'

if learning qua learning-intellect crowds-out a zero-sum well , it stands to reason you decrease superfluous function

Jeffrey Schmidt 'Disciplined Minds'

if learning qua learning-intellect crowds-out a zero-sum well , it stands to reason you decrease superfluous function

That looks interesting.

You familiar with Craig Murray's history? Cos that blurb about that book has strange parallels with it.

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This is a very long, detailed critique of the dismissal of Assange's appeal by Craig Murray.

@Yoo @Addington

Dubbya had some credentialed lawyers ,

David Addington and John Yoo marked off anything GWB Cheney Rumsfield Powell Rice wanted

Yoo is now a law prof at Berkley after previously having tenure there
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That looks interesting.

You familiar with Craig Murray's history? Cos that blurb about that book has strange parallels with it.
dont know of the Scottish Mandarin

he left foreign service

scanning thru wiki ref seems as if he had his own AddingtonYoo in the PerfidiousAlbion foreignbureaucracy/ MI6
dont know of the Scottish Mandarin

he left foreign service

scanning thru wiki ref seems as if he had his own AddingtonYoo in the PerfidiousAlbion foreignbureaucracy/ MI6
He was UK ambassador to Uzbekistan and found out about torture as part of the US rendition program. He spoke up about it, rejected it and ended up sacked.

After reading your link's book blurb I thought he fits the description of someone who left their professional position because they didn't sacrifice individual ethics for professional and political groupthink.

He was UK ambassador to Uzbekistan and found out about torture as part of the US rendition program. He spoke up about it, rejected it and ended up sacked.

After reading your link's book blurb I thought he fits the description of someone who left their professional position because they didn't sacrifice individual ethics for professional and political groupthink.

re: < 'left' >

left was rhetoric , moral_choice would have been more apt
The amount of roids he's gotta be packing in I say good to excellent.

That TRT/Clen cycle he's so obviously on isn't great for your health.

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Wikileaks founder and good North man Julian Assange

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