Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - HCQ doesn't work - Part 3

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This thread is continued in Part 4:

Going for a walk isn’t what I’d call getting out.

It’s okay to admit that this is getting very tiring for some. You can only watch so much Netflix, footy etc before you’re bored out of your mind.
Read books, take up a hobby or two. World at your fingertips on internet besides pr0n. So much to do so little time

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Oh you mean like the investigation that's found many aged care workers are casuals who work a number of jobs at a number of locations as an industry-wide issue.

Yes i suppose they could investigate that.

Looking up the payroll tax information of a employee doesnt really equate to a investigation really. You need alot more definitive evidence, examples and changes to fix all these things before you rant and rave
Looking up the payroll tax information of a employee doesnt really equate to a investigation really. You need alot more definitive evidence, examples and changes to fix all these things before you rant and rave

So the issue wasn't workers working at multiple aged care facilities to get sufficient hours. Got it.
So the issue wasn't workers working at multiple aged care facilities to get sufficient hours. Got it.

Lets not pretend its a 1 problem issue with a 1 sentence answer. A issue like this is a bit more complex then that

The issue needs to be investigated a bit more then that and a bit longer chain of causation needs to exist. Otherwise you are no better then Donald Trump, which I do not think Dan Andrews is. Very very similar people
Seems to me that a lot of people, including Politicians are confusing general level of care at aged care homes, with anti-viral measures.

When you make wild accusations without any specific details you will get alot of people confusing the message. Thats why good leaders dont rant and rave without a clear message backed up with clear evidence

If you dont provide specific information, people will twist the meaning and so they should. If Dan Andrews want to be ambigious and provide no detail, he shouldnt bitch and moan when people begin filling in the holes themselves for him
I do all of the above. Still get bored. It still isn’t a substitute for playing sport, going to the footy, a bar etc.
Definitely not, not easy watching interstate footy with those crowds either.

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Did you reply to the wrong post? That makes zero sense as to what I said.

The Nightingale hospitals in the UK have been virtually empty. They had 30 nurses or more for every patient. Existing NHS hospitals have been generally able to cope with corona cases.

However the NHS prioritised corona patients over all others so that they could cope with demand. It led to them kicking out elderly patients into care homes, some of whom were infected, which led to thousands of deaths. Other parts of the NHS have collapsed. Waiting lists for surgery such as hip replacements have been scrapped.

Victoria has just announced that all elective surgery has been suspended. That's f’ed.

No i quoted the right post. Nightangle hospital should have been used for corona only to it's full capacity (i mean coronapatients in general hospitals should have been moved to the Nightingale) leaving other hospitals for other patients (atleast in that area). Building such a massive thing and then not using it is a waste of taxpayers money.

Prioritizing corona is okay, i don't see a problem with it, if it's managed properly. If measures are not taken then it will lead to a collapse of the healthcare system like we are seeing in the US and India (although they don't have a decent healthcare system). Imagine a Corona patient in the same room as an elderly patient with a pre-condition, what do you think will happen to him? they should have used the temp. facilities for corona only or hospitals dedicated to corona only. Most people who go to hospitals have a pre-condition, that puts them in danger.Then if they die of something else (it's unclear how corona affects people with a precondition) then people will scream murder
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No I didnt.

Id like him to single out the aged care homes he thinks are underperforming, as opposed to the 100% Bullshit blanket statement he made. He should put his name to something and add specifics, instead he targets everyone. It is the cowards way out because he has no belief in himself

Name the homes, present the evidence, do the investigation. Meaningless and insulting blanket statements do nothing but protect himself and any leader who will throw health care professionals under the bus at a time like this will lose all confidence with the general public for a good reason
He’s talking about the private homes the Federal govt is responsible for.

Going for a walk isn’t what I’d call getting out.

It’s okay to admit that this is getting very tiring for some. You can only watch so much Netflix, footy etc before you’re bored out of your mind.

When I was a child and whinged about being bored my mother would tell me that only boring people get bored.
Now I am an adult I can only agree with her attitude. Get some interests and hobbies. It really isn't difficult. When looking through history as far as crises go this one we are facing is pretty cruisy. It seems to me the problem is that you need external stimuli to not be bored and unfortunately you won't always be able to rely on others to occupy your time and keep you entertained. You will just have to find some way to do it yourself.
He’s talking about the private homes the Federal govt is responsible for.

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So we do all the hard work locking down, losing jobs, losing freedoms, losing social connections, losing education. And what have they (state & fed, ALP & LNP) done?
Prepared enough PPE for the public? No
Prepared for our most vulnerable? No
Protected the borders? No
Prepared a long term plan? No

Just keep telling us we're not doing enough.
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