Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 4 - Ivermectin doesn't work either.

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Continued in Part 5:

Finally an expert has called out the insanity of Atagis and Queensland’s Chos advice on AstraZeneca

Dr Moy likened the strategy to the “worst invention ever created” – a car airbag for which the user had to press a button to activate in the event of a crash.

“Sometimes it feels like that having to deal with the advice in the context of the Delta variant because by the time the Delta variant escalates, it's too late,” he said.

now that delta exists everyone should get AstraZeneca. Not just over 60s or people in places where outbreaks have already happened.

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So are you still pissed that Morrison’s vaccine targets aren’t as strong as the dohertys institute?

I don't care about targets. Supply enough vaccines and give everyone that wants one the opportunity.

If people don't want AZ because LNP stuffed the rollout/messaging, that's fine but it will take longer for supply.

Thats on the feds, not doherty institute or whoever else you want to blame. You seem to flip flop every second day on who you are blaming.

Please stop reading the Courier Mail.
I don't care about targets. Supply enough vaccines and give everyone that wants one the opportunity.

If people don't want AZ because LNP stuffed the rollout/messaging, that's fine but it will take longer for supply.

Thats on the feds, not doherty institute or whoever else you want to blame. You seem to flip flop every second day on who you are blaming.

Please stop reading the Courier Mail.
Gees you changed your tune. You cared a lot about it the other day when you mistakenly thought you were right.

lnp stuffed the message enormously and continue to do so. But not as much as thé labour appointed queensland CHO who is almost an anti vaxer. still advocating no one under 60 should get the vaccine during an outbreak that is running rife across Brisbane’s schools.
Gees you changed your tune. You cared a lot about it the other day when you mistakenly thought you were right.

lnp stuffed the message enormously and continue to do so. But not as much as thé labour appointed queensland CHO who is almost an anti vaxer. still advocating no one under 60 should get the vaccine during an outbreak that is running rife across Brisbane’s schools.
Yeah, but she's ALP. That makes it OK in BF land.
Gees you changed your tune. You cared a lot about it the other day when you mistakenly thought you were right.

lnp stuffed the message enormously and continue to do so. But not as much as thé labour appointed queensland CHO who is almost an anti vaxer. still advocating no one under 60 should get the vaccine during an outbreak that is running rife across Brisbane’s schools.

The school kids that aren't eligible for vaccines yet?

Some yr12 kids in NSW can get Pfizer, but they are taking it away from adults, including school teachers.
Messaging from QLD officials is staggering. That they can’t understand why people are going into the office and should stay home.. not everyone is lucky enough to be able to work from home. What a mess this country is.

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The vaccines have been effective in preventing hospitalisations and deaths in the most vulnerable population - the elderly. If the vaccines are so amazing then those who are vaccinated will not be at risk from the unvaccinated.

What is the science behind vaccinating 80% of the adult population, most of whom are not at risk, before opening up our society?

I went to my doctor yesterday, and i did what politicians have been advising , asked about vaccines.
His reply, get the one its easiest to get.

Latest research tends to suggest that the blood clotting from AZ may be genetic. They are unable to predict which people will be susceptible to it. An old person with a history of blood clotting may be fine while a healthy young person may get it.

He then went through and rattled of the odds which i didn't commit to memory.

If an older person takes AZ they are 1000's of times less likely to die than if they catch Covid.
Even young kids are less likely to die of AZ than they are from Covid , but it comes down to 100 times or thereabouts i think.

Pfizer can cause heart inflammation, which has had a high recovery rate. The risks to young people are even less.

Why not get vaccinated?
You are scared of complications in less than 1 in a million, but you consider people catching Covid to be risk free, which is just a lie.
Max Barry post is worth a read for anyone who considers a 99% survivable illness to be trivial:

If you do one thing each day that has a 99% survival rate, you’ll likely be dead in under ten weeks.

Go sky-diving, and you’re over two thousand times safer than if you were doing something with a 99% survival rate. Driving, the most dangerous everyday activity, requires you to clock up almost a million miles of travel before you’re only 99% likely to survive. Even base jumping, perhaps the single most dangerous thing you can do without actively wanting to die, is twenty-five times safer than anything that carries a 99% survival rate.

the difference in life expectancy between 99% and 100% survivable daily routines isn’t one percent: It’s ten weeks versus immortality.
Max Barry post is worth a read for anyone who considers a 99% survivable illness to be trivial:

If you do one thing each day that has a 99% survival rate, you’ll likely be dead in under ten weeks.

Go sky-diving, and you’re over two thousand times safer than if you were doing something with a 99% survival rate. Driving, the most dangerous everyday activity, requires you to clock up almost a million miles of travel before you’re only 99% likely to survive. Even base jumping, perhaps the single most dangerous thing you can do without actively wanting to die, is twenty-five times safer than anything that carries a 99% survival rate.

the difference in life expectancy between 99% and 100% survivable daily routines isn’t one percent: It’s ten weeks versus immortality.

He also posted it in the Squiggle thread on the mainboard if you want to generate that sweet sweet click revenue.

who would have thought the idiots who drank fish chemicals, and then bleach, are now consuming horse meds

is there anything they will not do that their orange god tells them to do?
who would have thought the idiots who drank fish chemicals, and then bleach, are now consuming horse meds

is there anything they will not do that their orange god tells them to do?

Well yeah, they wont touch the vaccines.

My daughter has managed to get a parasitic infection, they gave her some dodgy stuff, its not Invermectin ( i checked ), but she's required to have frequent blood tests to check for liver function, so i'm thinking its something similar. I'd say that similarly, they would use the blood tests to monitor any humans if they did prescribe Invermectin to them.

( Maybe it will stop her getting Covid 19, instead of that useless Vaccine she had, i'll ask some randoms on facebook ).
You do know the orange bloke is responsible for the mass purchase of vaccines that has quite literally saved the US?

Now the guy is a pig. But that is a fact. And the current VP is quoted as saying she wouldn’t touch the vaccine.
“If the public health professionals, if Dr. [Anthony] Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely,” Harris said during the live debate in Salt Lake City, when she was asked if Americans should take a vaccine, if the Trump administration were to approve one either before or after the election. “But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it. I’m not taking it.”
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