Young girl allegedly insulted by St Kilda player.

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Ah, back in the day. The wit, the prose, the intellectual battles. Next thing you know, there is graffiti on the bus stop, some rough looking youngsters have moved in to the neighbourhood and Shakespeare in the Park has been replaced by skateboard ramps and rap-offs. I remember when I could buy a choc coated icecream for 10 cents and potato scallops for 5c. :(

lol did u here budy quit twitter!?!?!?!
lol did u here budy quit twitter!?!?!?!
Your buddy did? What's Twitter? Probably one of those new-fangled designer drugs. Tell your friend he is better off.
Surprised she wasn't kept quiet by the local police who have a habit of destroying criminal evidence. Can anyone say 'rapist'...

I can say rapist. ELLIOT THREW A PARTY IN A BROTHEL and invited all the BLUES. One of them wasn't content with the paid services and had a go at a girl (AGAINST HER WILL) who normally limited her activity to stripping. Putting your dick inside a girl who doesn't want it there is a pretty straightforward defenition of rape.

SO I CAN SAY CARLTON and RAPIST in the same sentence.

I can also say that the police who investigated the allegations that Steven Milne was involved in a sexual assualt were investigated and there was no evidence of wrong doing.

But what has it got to do with the topic at hand, and why are you suggesting that the police local to the tullamarine airport are corrupt. You may well upset their feelings.

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i just saw Honches name in there, I presume it is another attempt to blame a journo for half the Saints footy team making an underage girl pregnant and then eating her baby.
No wonder they have all those cameras around the goal posts now. It is a deterant for St Kilda players getting too fresh with that female goal umpire under pluggers system of 'rape on the field is different to rape in your mates place pretending to be someone else', totes.

glad you're not my mum mate.

Surprised she wasn't kept quiet by the local police who have a habit of destroying criminal evidence. Can anyone say 'rapist'...
Is this what passes for discussion on the main board these days?
Are you having a go at Saint supporters for doing damage control? Or are you having a go at the inane posts in this thread in general?

I've actually said in this thread that if it is true, it's disgusting, and on top of that, the person not owning up to it is gutless.
But with more and more people taking it as gospel, I feel the need to defend it equally.
Thats Kevin Sheedy you avid football follower you.... I'm 6'3 100 KG not playing weight but far from a whale like your fat **** mate you latte sipping pillow biting fart collector...

Someone's sounding very upset - angry enough to vitriolically abuse a woman on the internet. That's so tough. Maybe you feel a bit insulted too Keilor, to get that riled up? Sounds like you and krak should get a room for the night. Perfect partners. Good luck with it. :thumbsu:
I can say rapist. ELLIOT THREW A PARTY IN A BROTHEL and invited all the BLUES. One of them wasn't content with the paid services and had a go at a girl (AGAINST HER WILL) who normally limited her activity to stripping. Putting your dick inside a girl who doesn't want it there is a pretty straightforward defenition of rape.

SO I CAN SAY CARLTON and RAPIST in the same sentence.

I can also say that the police who investigated the allegations that Steven Milne was involved in a sexual assualt were investigated and there was no evidence of wrong doing.

But what has it got to do with the topic at hand, and why are you suggesting that the police local to the tullamarine airport are corrupt. You may well upset their feelings.

All Here-say with no proof. it was found that two detectives, who just happen to be St. Kildher fans removed evidence linking both Montagna and Milne to the sexual assault of a school girl. That much is fact.
What a nothing story.

From what I've heard, the players had already had photos taken with her. She came back for more.

At some point, footballers are allowed to say: that's enough.

And if people persist, they can say what we would all say in the same circumstances: pi$$ off.
All Here-say with no proof. it was found that two detectives, who just happen to be St. Kildher fans removed evidence linking both Montagna and Milne to the sexual assault of a school girl. That much is fact.

No its not. Your HEAR ( hear say is stuff you hear its not stuff that you found here ) Say is no better than mine. In fact the Police were investigated and found not to have influenced the case. Idiot. And they were not the local Tullamarine police so its just moronic to bring it up on this thread. But hey lets just parrot the same bullshit anytime someone mentions StKilda football club, because you are too dumb to make up anything new.
At some point, footballers are allowed to say: that's enough.

Absolutely, all celeb types need some personal space.

Is that what they said though?
And if you don't want to be called ugly by your favourite AFL player, go and get radical plastic surgery? If you don't want to be called flat-chested, go and get a breast enlargement? Where would it end?

It's not the crime of the century, but it's completely unnecessary to talk to somebody like this. Gotta laugh at all the heroes in this thread acting as though they are concerned with the state of people's health - you can easily pick a person who has an issue with fat people and this thread is packed with them. It's about your own intolerance - nothing to do with caring about people's wellbeing.

I couldn't agree more!

Plus, for all of you idiots assuming that she's obese, I would like to point out that I actually know who this girl is as I went to school with her and she's about a size 8 or 10. So for all of you idiots thinking that the St. Kilda player/s responsible for this were just being "helpful"in her weightloss journey, sorry to disappoint but they were just being nasty!!

As a Sainters supported, I'm pretty damn disappointed...
All Here-say with no proof. it was found that two detectives, who just happen to be St. Kildher fans removed evidence linking both Montagna and Milne to the sexual assault of a school girl. That much is fact.

That isn't a fact at all.

There has been an internal police investigation into the original investigation and they have found no wrongdoing which is why the case has been closed.

If you think there is still enough evidence against Milne and Montagna maybe you could go and speak to the police and see if they will re-open the case. I'm pretty sure they will just tell you to piss off and stop wasting their time though.
Absolutely, all celeb types need some personal space.

Is that what they said though?

The way I've heard it is that they said no for follow up photos, and she has heard the "insult" while walking away as they talked amongst themselves.

Two significant points there:
1. She was coming back for more, with no real entitlement to do so - be happy with the first op.
2. She has heard (or thinks she heard) what was a conversation between themselves, i.e. it was not directed at her or meant to be insulting to her ears (whatever the comment may have been).

Has no one on this thread ever had a private conversation about anyone they have just seen, not intending for that to be heard by anyone outside the group?

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I couldn't agree more!

Plus, for all of you idiots assuming that she's obese, I would like to point out that I actually know who this girl is as I went to school with her and she's about a size 8 or 10. So for all of you idiots thinking that the St. Kilda player/s responsible for this were just being "helpful"in her weightloss journey, sorry to disappoint but they were just being nasty!!

As a Sainters supported, I'm pretty damn disappointed...

Yeah I'm sure you're a real Saints supporter making your first post in a St Kilda troll thread. Haven't seen you make any posts on the Saints board yet.

I still can't figure out how this thread hasn't been closed or removed, it's worse than Bay 13 standard with the amount of idiotic trolling going on.
I couldn't agree more!

Plus, for all of you idiots assuming that she's obese, I would like to point out that I actually know who this girl is as I went to school with her and she's about a size 8 or 10. So for all of you idiots thinking that the St. Kilda player/s responsible for this were just being "helpful"in her weightloss journey, sorry to disappoint but they were just being nasty!!

As a Sainters supported, I'm pretty damn disappointed...

Can you explain why someone size 8 would be offended by such an insult, and not just consider the perpetrator weird?
Like if you went up to Russel Brand and called him a Book Nerd would he be insulted?
Also can you be sure it was a player and not some other member of the entourage?
Naive, immature and unprofessional: Time to grow up, a couple more pre-seasons and the individual will know better and understand that it is just politically incorrect to turn up for an autograph without doing the work and getting yourself into the best possible condition to succeed.
I dont care if she came back for more photos or not, they could just say "sorry love, you've had a go" and leave it at that. Saying what they've said within earshot is horrid and speaks volumes about the quality of young men they are. Very disappointing.

Were you there were you? Or are you just another moron who just buys everything this woman and the media says without question.

You realise the St Kilda players have denied saying what she said they said?
Maybe you should go the threads on Bay13 and start shaming the posters there oh righteous one. Not sure why you draw the line at physical appearance. What about emotional state, and basic nature.
What about dumb people.
My son comes home from primary school and tells old jokes. They used to be irishman jokes last I heard but now they are dufus jokes.
Surely dumb people get upset that they are being picked on once they realise it.

Sorry I'm being facetious but I'm a bit over the overly politically correct bullshit, and you seem to be advocating some utopia where no-one should ever be upset ever. I suggest you start at the schools, where kids can be horrible litte *&^%s. If you think this size 8 girl was upset, try the reality that some obese thirteen year old with glasses suffers on a daily basis, and maybe look at some of the atrocities that take place overseas. Do you think someone's nose might be out of joint when their relative is shot by the taliban when she's accused of adultery. There is a bushfire raging and you are trying to blow out a match.

So as long as the "atrocity" is minor it's ok???? I agree there are far "worse" things that go on in the world, but that doesn't mean that we should turn a blind eye (or in some cases in this thread try to justify) a lack of basic respect.

There is a big difference between political correctness (which I'm not a fan of) and deliberately being rude & insensitive. I disagree with Christmas being re-branded "The Festive Season" for fear of alienating non-believers for example. Insulting someone based on a feature (be it physical, mental, emotional) is a deliberate attempt to make them feel inferior is an entirely different issue.

As I've said above, I'm not commenting on whether or not this incident actually occured or not - I am making a general observation about treating people with respect. There are posters in this thread that think what was said (IF it actually was) was entirely appropriate & vindicated, I disagree with that. You're right, sometimes people may get upset when there is nothing to be upset about, but I don't think it's too much to expect people to not go out of there way to make act with some level of decency.
The way I've heard it is that they said no for follow up photos, and she has heard the "insult" while walking away as they talked amongst themselves.

Two significant points there:
1. She was coming back for more, with no real entitlement to do so - be happy with the first op.
2. She has heard (or thinks she heard) what was a conversation between themselves, i.e. it was not directed at her or meant to be insulting to her ears (whatever the comment may have been).

Has no one on this thread ever had a private conversation about anyone they have just seen, not intending for that to be heard by anyone outside the group?
All points accepted and I do not know whether they said anything untoward. However, to play devil's advocate for a second, if my boss walked away from me and I muttered to a colleague that I thought the boss was a ****wit, what are my chances that he would not take offense because I didn't mean for him to hear it?

Maybe she was annoying and maybe they had the right to roll their eyes and express that annoyance and maybe they did well not to say anything at the time. I'm more than happy to concede that some of a group of 20-something testosterone filled guys can be insensitive and oblivious to who might hear them. It may very well be a beat up, even if they did say it. Doesn't change the fact that some footballers aren't exactly smart when in public.

We shouldn't attack the girl or her motivations in order to defend others. Just accept we don't know, it is a 'he said, she said' kind of thing and if it needs to be discussed, discuss the hypothetical situation of dealing with members of the public, both genuine and non-genuine.
I couldn't agree more!

Plus, for all of you idiots assuming that she's obese, I would like to point out that I actually know who this girl is as I went to school with her and she's about a size 8 or 10. So for all of you idiots thinking that the St. Kilda player/s responsible for this were just being "helpful"in her weightloss journey, sorry to disappoint but they were just being nasty!!

As a Sainters supported, I'm pretty damn disappointed...

Oh, so you are friends with her, and a St Kilda supporter, you will have no trouble at all pointing out who allegedly said these things then?

If it's true, I hope he is named and shamed. An in club fine or something as well. This is if we believe the worst case scenario of what happened.
If it's false, nothing will happen though, and people will still forever say "smoke and fire".

Where was all this outrage at Malthouse calling Milne a rapist?
Can you explain why someone size 8 would be offended by such an insult, and not just consider the perpetrator weird?
Like if you went up to Russel Brand and called him a Book Nerd would he be insulted?
Also can you be sure it was a player and not some other member of the entourage?
Probably a difference between taking personal offense to the actual comment and take offense that somebody was being rude in regards to you, regardless of the comment.
Probably a difference between taking personal offense to the actual comment and take offense that somebody was being rude in regards to you, regardless of the comment.

Oh dear someone bipped their car at me when I didn't drive off quick enough, I think I'll go home and have a cry because someone was rude to me. Seriously?
Oh dear someone bipped their car at me when I didn't drive off quick enough, I think I'll go home and have a cry because someone was rude to me. Seriously?
Who is being a sook now? You don't have to be emotionally distressed by it, but you could be annoyed by it, especially if coming from somewhere you don't expect it. I reckon I'd be miffed by it, but would probably say something at the time.
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