Do you buy a Chery made car or Oppo phone and stay content with "okay" or do you fork out a little more for the reliability and peace of mind of a Toyota or Samsung if you've got the dough?
Pulling Matthew's logic to the side for a sec, I reckon the true key here is the ability to withstand the most. What I mean by that is, we are in for some bumps and low low's until we get to where we need to go - and the masses are most likely to ride them calmer if they've got the most successful coach of the modern era at the helm than an amatuer who needed to be coached to coach and hasn't been able to instil a reliable and consistent defensive tactic in our players despite being our literal defense coach as a literal former defender, or as the coach.
It ultimately comes down to "who has the most currency to burn and stay stable until turning a profit" - aka; "who is able to keep the people confident enough the longest to weather the storms preluding eventual success?"
Whether Rutten is the right man or not is still up for debate but I feel that factor will be the ultimate lever that forces the board's hand, as the ability to have a coach that keeps the peace is invaluable to a club on a journey like ours.