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  1. G

    Fitzgibbon: ALP could split in the next 20 years

    Isn't there a tale about The Scorpion and the Frog?
  2. G

    Fitzgibbon: ALP could split in the next 20 years

    Er ... which of these seats were NOT available to be won by the Labor Party in last years election?
  3. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    On the contrary Gougho, as President Trump will be expected to lead the GOP campaign for the Georgia senate runoffs in early January. Georgia results will tell the tale. And he'll have plenty to say I am sure, worst instincts and all.
  4. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    Not getting excited over Fox are ya? C'mon man!
  5. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    Would think he would be backed by the DOW on each of those issues I nominated.
  6. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    All true. that's CEO thinking. Also he will want to continue to be the voice for the modern, aspirational, multi racial working class party he has created out of the GOP in just 4 years. My guess he won't tolerate Joe and Co messing with his economy, pulling down his wall or resurrecting the...
  7. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    You think the Trump could last even 24 hours without making himself centre of attention? Here's a hint: Grandpa Biden going to have a shadow.
  8. G

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

    The next gen Repub leadership already regards Trump's leadership - clearing out old guard, reforming and modernising GOP to run young mainly female, diversity candidates to take down Nancy's 2018 team as his latest transformative accomplishment. Won or kept all their state legislatures too I...
  9. G

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

    Heh, heh, Trump was utterly personally odious in most respects but he turned out to be a surprisingly accomplished President. My guess - this is explained by him being a CEO by inclination and temperament and not a politician. That, and he jurst loves laying waste to the establishment - look...
  10. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    Groundhog Day.
  11. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    Of course. I am expecting a comfortable, clear cut win, whether Biden or Trump.
  12. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    Why didn't she send it by courier ... much more accountable.
  13. G

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

    t Exactly right. Generally speaking I don't have much to post about at the moment because of the shrieking decibels surrounding the campaign (coming from both sides) Am being highly entertained by every morning dose of Steve Bannon's Warroom Pandemic but!
  14. G

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

    The Beverley Hills Deplorables. If California falls next Tuesday at least we have been warned.
  15. G

    Protecting George Pell "News . com on what;s been referred to Vic's anti corruption body: New claims of a mystery $2 million wired from the Vatican to Australia...
  16. G

    Protecting George Pell

    Denis Shanahan of the Oz is he best informed journo on this issue. This interview displays why:
  17. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    Hard to see how enough Independents over there will be prepared to elect Granpa Joe when Trump has already demonstrated he at least knows how to pick a team to run an economy and keep them. After all, it'll only be another 3 years and then lame duckery will set in. And no more endless wars...
  18. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    also fwiw
  19. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

  20. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    This is what the "ÿoung men" theme is all about . All tied back to the White House. Trump has been running leadership conferences in the WH for young African Americans since 2017. A lot of the attenders took part in the RNC convention. Strategy being to move the Afro-Americans into the...
  21. G

    US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

    This is in Washington D.C?????????????
  22. G

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

    "CNN pundit Jeffrey Toobin has been suspended for "accidentally flashing his penis during a Zoom call with colleagues." Anti-Trumper Toobin was suspended by the New Yorker after showing his man part during a virtual meeting with the magazine and WNYC radio, sources revealed to VICE. 4 Jeffrey...
  23. G

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

    Nah, the (gay described) sacred sites were the public loos when Gough was in his prime
  24. G

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

    The questions are .... does the FBI have the laptop in its possession and has it been so since last December? and Are the emails fake? If so why doesn't FBI say so?
  25. G

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

    Settle down Doris - he's just cracking jokes to his base.