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  1. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    People using Fox News and Breitbart articles/stories to support their opinions regarding race related topics never stops being amazing.
  2. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    Fox News doing very Fox News things...
  3. FatPizza

    Oppo Camp Regular Non Eagles Discussion

    I'm just imagining someone accidentally sets the soundboard to 'Ferris Bueller' mode, where a big fart is played whenever someone kicks a goal.
  4. FatPizza

    2020 Preseason training Part 2

    What the **** is up with Tim Kelly's hair?? :P
  5. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    The GOP. Apparently the party of States rights...
  6. FatPizza

    Analysis Coronavirus - The Impact IV “Phasing into the New Normal”

    No shit. But for the federal government to hold back on states like WA at a time like this after we've always contributed much, much more than what we get back GST-wise would be pathetic.
  7. FatPizza

    Analysis Coronavirus - The Impact IV “Phasing into the New Normal”

    Where do you think we are? The USA? Plus Queensland and WA have paid much more than their fair share over the years from all their mining revenue.
  8. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    AR-15 instead of COVID-19.
  9. FatPizza

    Insightful Media Coverage

    Not sure if I'm the only one, but having a family happy-snap accompanying the article totally changed the way I read it. Like it was more of a puff piece rather than a serious story about a drug conviction.
  10. FatPizza

    Analysis Coronavirus - The Impact IV “Phasing into the New Normal”

    Missing an Obama option.
  11. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    Trump has been transitioning to OAN for a while now. They ask some truly bonkers questions during the press briefings. John Oliver did an entire episode devoted to them a month or two ago.
  12. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    Well Trump just admitted he is apparently taking Hydrochloraquine. My take is he's lying because he just doesn't want to admit he was wrong about it. But if he is in fact taking it, then well... I wouldn't complain if it didn't quite work like intended.
  13. FatPizza

    Analysis Coronavirus - The Impact IV “Phasing into the New Normal”

    Will this affect West Coast/Fremantle players who are have to live at a ****ing resort interstate away from their homes?
  14. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    We need more Breitbart articles for an unbiased opinion.
  15. FatPizza

    Analysis Coronavirus - The Impact IV “Phasing into the New Normal”

    I live less than 5 minutes from my tower. It hasn't slowed down in 3 years. They actually unlocked my speed for free (I was initially limited to 100mbps) when NBN became available in my area last year.
  16. FatPizza

    Analysis Coronavirus - The Impact IV “Phasing into the New Normal”

    I don't have NBN (got tired of waiting for it whilst in 300kbps ADSL). I have fixed wireless point to point which gives me about twice the maximum speed the NBN can achieve. :p
  17. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    It's like Free Speech loudmouths. They NEVER have any idea what 'Free Speech' actually is.
  18. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    Yeah I know. But I'm just getting as gauge of what has constituted a pile-on in this thread. Like we've had a Trumper who left for the weekend (it's been about a 14 day weekend thus far) after continually having his ideas debunked and having nonsensical defenses laughed at. And then we had a...
  19. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    Pretty sure Trump Steak was a bust. Also, does this sort of stuff count as a pile-on?
  20. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    Even if there was no collusion... Does that make Trump a good president? It's almost like some people are trying to shift the focus from the current shitshow...
  21. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    What people don't seem to realise, is that she was just being sarcastic.
  22. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    You completely missed the point of my post. But for whatever reason I'm not surprised. And why are you calling me a lefty? Either way feel free to keep plugging away with your 'The Democrats are the real bad guys' rhetoric.
  23. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    All the Republicans right now. Generalizations are easy.
  24. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    Uh, what? Did some big news just drop or something that I'm not aware of?
  25. FatPizza

    Analysis Coronavirus - The Impact IV “Phasing into the New Normal”

    I was supposed to go to Tasmania for a week at the start of May. Was a bit annoyed initially as when the fixture came out they'd set the Hawks game to be the week before I went. Not really an issue now though...
  26. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    You sorta need to watch until the end...
  27. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    Although to be fair, based on Trump's past behaviour it's almost safer to assume it's racially motivated rather than not.
  28. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    It's not a competition. Even if China's numbers were astronomically worse it doesn't make the USA numbers look any better.
  29. FatPizza

    Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

    Nobody knew about the dribble before he did either.