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  1. S

    WCE/Rich/Coll/Port trade for the experts to dissect!

    Don't underestimate seaby. He is a much better tap ruckman (in directing them) than Cox, and if he was #1 ruck in any AFL side i think he would be in the top 5 of the AFL rather easily. His issue is that he is a confidence player and gets a bit down in Cox's shadow. Whenver asked to be the...
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    Well done

    Well done. Happy for McManus that you won, he has been one of my favorite players of all time (including eagles ones). I remember back before his first knee (which came in round 3), his games for the first 2 rounds were both 5 goal hauls playing at CHF, some of the most impressive games i've...
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    Hall - 4 weeks - how will afl get them out of this one? (Merged)

    Re: Hall - 4 weeks - how will afl get them out of this one? First of all, i am an eagles supporter. Second, all of the AFL "fights" are normally quite pathetic and just involve a bunch of players slightly nudging each to the point where it makes you cringe. Normally there is more dirty play...
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    Meet Assud - The Jew eating Bunny

    Most of those translations come from MEMRI, a propaganda tool of the zionist state. They are about as trustworthy as GW Bush. And I wonder how this didn't make the news?? Maybe we should change the names...
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    Adam maric

    It should Marich, aka Marić in Croatian. From experience I kept telling aussies but they keep pretending that they don't get it. Likewise Adam probably can't be stuffed anymore
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    Selwood's offensive comments......

    As an eagle supporter, if Selwood said what was alleged then let Hedland off. That would make it about even... You can't expect someone to put up with anything just because they are on the footy field.
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    what are your thoughts of muslims playing afl?

    Hi Chewy We muslims take the words of Muhamed(s) very seriously. Please do not say things that he did not say, even in an act of comedy which that obviously was. Our prophet who is more important to us than our parents, told us not to make fun of other peoples religion, no matter what it is...
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    what are your thoughts of muslims playing afl?

    Hi Dlanor Being a muslim i try to avoid using some cutlery at our office kitchen. It is not a matter of personal hygene but the food that is prepared with it. As you no doubt know we do not eat pork, amongst a few other things. For food to be halal it can not be cut with a knife that was used...
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    Australian Holocaust deniers in Tehran

    David Irving was convicted of holocaust denial because in 1990 or so, he claimed that no jews were gassed in Auschwitz. He also said that 4 million did not die there. The official figures were 6 million dead, 4 million there. A few years ago the authorities came out and said that there were...
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    Is there a problem with Islamic schools?

    To get better takes time. The Islamic schools in Perth have improved every year in the grades of their students. I am pretty certain that they are in the top 50% of the state. Not a bit achievement, but for a young school with a lot of challenges it is a start. You can not become something...
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    Do You Believe in Allah?

    I beleive that the universe did not create itself, and that there is a creator. Allah is the arabic word for the being that creates. Whatever can be seen can be seen not to create itself so something else must be responsible. If there were more than one god, then surely some would have dominated...
  12. S

    Aaron Russo - Freedom To Fascism.

    So tell me. What dia Aaron Russo present in the movie that was not correct? If you cant answer the question then stop trying to distract from the factual, well structured argument that we are all getting ripped off by the tax system.
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    Aaron Russo - Freedom To Fascism.

    :thumbsu: Thank you for posting this. This is the most important issue that the west needs to face, which is why people are being blinded by the "threat of terrorism". I am sure it has not gotten many responses because the PR firms and their employees on here wont post on a thread like...
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    The Talebanisation of UK Muslims as France burns

    That sect was one of many set up by the British to divide and conquer the Islamic world. Their tactic was to introduce extremism and create problems within the Islamic world. It worked and today every Muslim is being blamed for it. Take Jemmiyah Islamiya for one. An organization set up to...
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    Honoring Peaceful Muslims

    Muslims are peaceful, that is what the statistics say. Ask amnesty international for some figures. (I don’t expect you to. I expect you to say that they are biased hippies or something else that attempts to discredit any point of view aside from yours) If your perception is otherwise then it...
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    Iran simply out of control. Something needs to be done.

    Wasn't this same tripe being spread about Iraq? Surely we have enough intellect not to fall for it again....
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    My suggestion for next years NRS award

    good idea :thumbsu: Maybe base it on age? 18-22 with each age needing 10% more votes than the previous, or something along those lines.
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    St Kilda prove the midfield make the forward line work

    Both teams flooded, had men behind the ball. Also when freo were coming out of defense it was a lot easier for them, they had a lot more space. The saints flooded more than the dockers, and i was hoping the saints would win.
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    Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land

    Lestat, don't waste your time arguing semantics. People like Jane can see the truth, if they choose to reject it God will deal with them one day. Also they are no doubt being paid to be propaganda pieces, probobly work for a PR firm. You have better things to do than waste your time with them...
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    Is it getting close to a civil war yet?

    That fact hasn't been sanctioned as valid by george bush for the use of propaganda, so of course not...
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    Israel loses the War

    The zionists lost, because they lost image, face, popularity and support. They rely on that more than tanks and missiles. Without support from the west the zionist cause is over, without support from the people of the west they cannot survive. The biggest battle fought was in propaganda, and for...
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    Hezbollah > Jews

    Wow Jane, look back to a few years ago. The pendulum has shifted to the other side. 80% of people were backing the zionists then, 80% today are not... Peace = end of zionism War = end of zionism Which do you choose?
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    Hezbollah > Jews

    Blessed is not the word that i would use...
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    Shouldn't Dean Jones be reinstated now?

    I do not beleive the Dean Jones should have been sacked. He was in the wrong but there could have been other things done to sort out the scenario, like dealing with the root cause of the problem. In response to this post, what would all of you say if a muslim commentator had called ponting a...
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    When are Muslims marching in protest against latest terrorist plot?

    Because we know that the people behind the "event" are probobly not muslims. International politics is simple, whoever gains the most is behind it. Muslims have nothing to gain from doing this, not in this life and certainly not in the hereafter. It is not our way. It is for now a game of...
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    George Galloway - Hizbollah Is Not A Terrorist Organization

    Wonderful interview Lunk How long until we see something like this on US or Aussie TV?
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    AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview.

    It's not meant to download, you open the link and watch it in google video. This is a full length interview with him while the previous one was a trailer to his upcoming documentary. The man is right, people can say whatever they want but they cannot dispute what he is saying, because it is...
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    AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview.

    The most important issue facing the world today. For anyone here not a paid shill who is just trying to get by in life and trying to maintain a decent level of living, Russo's message is one of the most important issues you will have to deal with. Please watch it and judge for yourself and...
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    I Can Blow Things Up In The Name OF ETA And The IRA

    The west must oppress islam, to do so it must have the support of its population, to do so it must use propaganda to make this oppression seem justified/noble. Why? The islamic way of life is not compatible with the current economic setup of the world. It is something that muslims will never...
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    I Can Blow Things Up In The Name OF ETA And The IRA

    80% of the worlds terrorism is commited by the USA. (Amnesty International) It is just that 80% of the worlds terrorism you see on TV is blamed on muslims. What sort of blame does the west hold in say Jemyiah Islamiah? The organisation the aussies, yanks and zionists set up to support suharto...