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  1. W

    Manual or automatic?

    That parts not an issue for me (given that I am female) but I absolutely *hate* driving auto's. I've had both an auto car and a manual - which I currently drive. I much prefer the manual. I get bored driving auto's and like to be able to use the gears to slow down/speed up when I need to (no, I...
  2. W

    Most Inspiring Movies of All Time

    That's inspiring/good and all that. I don't dispute that (just the movie itself). :) How is that dude losing inspiring? "Wow he lost after putting in heaps of effort". The only thing that would do is inspire people not to try. :p Nah, I'm kidding. I know lots of people like the movie and...
  3. W

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    Haha. Way to dig yourself in deeper. :o Alright - no more gay/poo jokes. Yep, putting the toilet seat down works - but what about if you share a house with your family or something and they don't put the toilet seat down? What then!? Your own poo on your toothbrush is bad enough without...
  4. W

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    Hahaha! That fact seems to have that same affect on most people. What's worse, is apparently it can actually spray further than 20ft as it sort of wafts around the house, but I can't find a source for that...and I'm unwilling to conduct my own experiment. :) Mythbusters did something about it a...
  5. W

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    When flushing the toilet, fecal matter can spray up to 20ft away and cling to such things as towels, toothbrushes, you... :) (If you have a combined bathroom/toilet).
  6. W

    Most Inspiring Movies of All Time

    I like you. :thumbsu: Very overrated movie in my opinion, and probably not too inspiring unless you're a wannabe boxer or something. :cool:
  7. W

    Most Inspiring Movies of All Time

    Trust me - you're not. I don't like it (or Stallone) either. It must be a guy thing. :rolleyes:
  8. W

    Spidas Tattoo

    Hahaha. Eewww. :eek: With a 'logo' like that he'd be better off opening the bar somewhere in NZ where there's lots of Maori's. Maybe they'd appreciate/understand it. Nobody else does. :cool:
  9. W

    Building a tortoise environment. Any tips ???

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to have licences or something? That sucks, because I'd love a pet turtle. They're very cool. Anyway, I'm not sure how you'd go about building a pen, but Google is your friend. I just typed in a general search and quite a bit of info came up (e.g...
  10. W

    The best cartoon series ever

    Agreed. I also remember liking The Snorks and The Smoggies. Would love to see them again as an adult to see if I like them now. :o
  11. W

    Most Inspiring Movies of All Time

    I watched part of it too. The thing I don't get is how in hell E.T is meant to be inspiring? :confused: I must have missed something with that one.
  12. W

    I am happier with Brad Miller than I would be with Nick Riewoldt

    Eh. I think you'd be alright. I'm sure quite a few of the boys would appreciate your soft, smooth, lady hands in prison. ;) Only the jealous ones would beat you up.
  13. W

    Spidas Tattoo

    LMFAO. ---- Does Spida's tattoo have any "significance" or is it just a bunch of scribbles/patterns that appealed to him? :)
  14. W

    Jason Gram Bashed

    :D Great work. :thumbsu:
  15. W

    Powerade/ Gatorade

    I don't like gatorade at all. With powerade: red > blue > green > yellow > orange > pale greeny/blue one. :)
  16. W

    What did u have for lunch today?

    Agreed! I had to down a bunch of water before work yesterday so I wouldn't get all dehydrated and stuff. Not cool. I only like to drink when I'm actually thirsty. :cool: Anyway, for lunch today I had Not good for me, I know :o but I was hungry and they taste nice!
  17. W

    What star sign are you?

  18. W

    Brocks 'Tree' Cut Down

    Poor tree. :cool: In light of this information, a memorial in that spot isn't going to hurt then. I still think if they're going to do it then Bathurst is probably the best place for it.
  19. W

    How did Luke Skywalker know what Princess Leia was getting for Christmas?

    Haha. :thumbsu: Dad jokes are always funny in an odd/corny way. :)
  20. W

    adam yze and russel robertson

    Got a twin fetish or something? ;) Anyway for your viewing pleasure:
  21. W

    Brocks 'Tree' Cut Down

    Probably not a good idea to put a memorial right in that exact spot if they had to remove a tree due to safety issues. God, imagine if somebody crashed into a memorial. :eek: I think Bathurst would be the best place - as you said, spiritual home and all. Plus more people go there and can pay...
  22. W

    Favourite Steven Spielberg Film

    Lmao! It is pretty hard to take that film seriously. Artificial Intelligence was just about one of the worst movies I have ever watched. God that movie sucked. I'd probably choose Saving Private Ryan and Duel, not because they're particularly good, but they're the only one's I've seen/remember.
  23. W

    Most Moving Movie Moment

    WTF? Bambi died?! :eek: I thought it was his Mum. If Bambi died, that's pretty f-ed up. Who the hell would kill Bambi? :mad:
  24. W

    Best Simpsons Episode

    LMFAO!! That's right! God that is so funny. Imagine if it happened in real life. :eek:
  25. W

    Best Simpsons Episode

    Haha! Is that the one where Marge is on the radio to the police and says something like "My husband is on a murderous rampage, over" and Chief Wiggum goes "Oh thank God that's over. I was worried there for a little bit". If so, that episode is great! Speaking of Wiggum, it was funny the other...
  26. W

    What did u have for lunch today?

    Yum. :thumbsu: I'm having that for dinner tonight. It's too hot to make anything else. For lunch I had a jacket potato (those white ones) with some sour cream and cheese. Let the good times roll.
  27. W

    Ronnie Johns half Hour?

    Yep. That's the only reason I (sometimes) endured sitting through the rest of the show. Thankfully somebody has been putting the Chopper skits on YT so now I won't have to watch the rest of the show. :thumbsu:
  28. W


    Yup. :o Saints or Collingwood - only because they seem to cop the most 'culture' threads/posts.
  29. W

    Riewoldt crying all through Lyon appointment presser

    LMFAO. This thread is hilarious - especially the people who believed Nick actually was crying! :D :thumbsu: Why was the kid at the press conference anyway? :cool:
  30. W

    VCE Business Subjects

    God, it gets scaled down that much? :eek: I'm sure I got over 25 for it, but I can't find my VCE results, so maybe I'm wrong. I know it was my highest score (aside from English which everybody with half a brain scores high in). Doing VCE subjects by correspondence pretty much sucks. I had to do...