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  1. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Saw a few diamond valley sorry NFL games this year and I dont think the umpiring there was anything special. Didn't see any games last weekend as I was crook but will probably get to Kilmore this week. I reckon the seconds match between the Kangaroos & Wallan will be worth the effort.
  2. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    What are we blaming this week Dave - umpires / your op / the mud pit you call a ground / Lee James / better side or just crappy football by Wallan?
  3. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Drove past the Romsey pub yesterday and couldnt see the phone box, where are you having the shindig Matt? Should be at least 3 people there, you Robbo & Cornish.
  4. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Your kidding I wouldn't be using the BFL as an example for anything, a lot of unhappy clubs looking for a way out is what I hear.
  5. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Noticed on the website Mick Allen didn't kick any, did he play and what was the weather lke. I can tell you its a beautiful 22 here in Fiji and not a breath of wind. Good to see the results on Big Footy as there are a couple missing from the website.
  6. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Went to see the grand final preview today - very dissapointed - well I know what I'll be doing the second last Sunday in September - stayin home. Or is it that Woodend were just trying to get better odds from Pickles.
  7. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Seeing you live in the Kimore area you might like to take a first hand look at the RDFL they tell me Dayson is giving away the resy coaches job at Kilmore next year. I'm sure your imput there would be appreciated. Good luck mate you've done a great job in cleaning up Broadford.
  8. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Doona you dont seem to be too happy about changing leagues. Did you go to the meeting or didn't you get an invite, is the writing on the wall - perhaps a new coach next year.
  9. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Haven't seen any games with out field or goal umps, been to a couple without boundarys in the 2s. The Riddell umpires are independent to the RDFL but I've been told they are looking at different ideas to recruit umpires. They might have to give up umpiring the ammos like they did with Ballarat...
  10. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Exactly Richo, but you have to make allowances for the man after all he is under a lot of stress with 2 draws in a week and a sore toe from kicking the fence.
  11. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Just looked up the total scores at Kilmore & Macedon up till round 9 - total scores at Kilmore 329.280 and at Macedon 216.212 so I guess that must rule Macedon out of hosting finals because the chances of missing goals there is even greater.;)
  12. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Why don't we play all the games at Macedon so when it rains the opposition bench can stand knee deep in water and the netball is inside a shoebox where nobody can watch. I'm sure that will make you happy - or the alternative is to teach your guys to play down the middle and not take it out wide.
  13. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Haven't seen Kilmore for a few weeks but you're right Matt they have slipped. Macedon played well and are one of the great improvers. Can't agree with the bagging you gave the Kilmore players here, why don't you tell the guys to their face. Matt you forget it was only a year ago you put in for a...
  14. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    I was at the game and didn't think Simmos effort was that bad. Wallan showed a total lack of discipline which is obvious by the captain having to tell his players to shut up. If one player gets sent off then the others if they had half a brain should know to shut up. The game wasn't killed off...
  15. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    I had my doubts that you were from Romsey when you started quoting the Oxford but then I saw how you spelt (spelled) wright or was that right or was that rite??
  16. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    That's something different - someone from Romsey who can think.
  17. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Tool of the Week would have to go to Colliver who kicked the ball a good 70 metres the wrong way straight down the throat of a Romsey player who standing at full forward who easily goaled.
  18. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Maybe not the same club in name but it was the easy way out so they didn't have to pay their huge debt. Funny how the AFL changed the rules not long after that so that only a certain number of players registered with a folded club can be registered with a new club.
  19. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    At least it would even the comp up and get rid of the bye.
  20. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    It's true Matt, someone told me you don't know what day it is. Romsey playing tomorrow should be interesting, does kilmore know they're starting a day early.
  21. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    What a great display by Mick - have to get the votes. Very disappointing by the Roos scored 1 point in the second half whats goin on.
  22. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Heard that Steve Turner is leaving the league, is he going anywhere or has he decided to retire. Good bloke been around for years remember he held the juniors together for ages.
  23. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Re: R.d.f.l Thread 2008 A lot can happen in a week - what happened with Wallans 18s yesterday are the rest still "happy".
  24. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Matt didn't you get injured the last time you decided to defect the club who cared and looked after you so you could go and play beside Robbo- do you think there might be a lesson in that.
  25. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    No mate the rule says that the team sheet must be handed to the umpires before the commencement of a match. I think you can change it up until half time.
  26. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    What about one for jounos - Free Press - Anyone but Pickles North Central Review - Ditto Gay Life - We'll take him.
  27. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Re: R.d.f.l Thread 2008 Sounds like a sooore looooser.
  28. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Re: R.d.f.l Thread 2008 Heard that only half the Wallan 18s turned up to Kilmore today and a lot have walked - a lot of unhappy kids I hear. Also told that a lot of send offs and reports in the 2s and the umpiring was sh*tful in the 1s & 2s. Anyone hear how Cornish went and what sort of...
  29. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Re: R.d.f.l Thread 2008 Only got to Romsey after the ones had started but someone said the u18 was called off because of a punch up. Don't what happened with the Kangas 18 too much to go all the way to Kilmore 2 days in a row.
  30. B

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Re: R.d.f.l Thread 2008 I'm told that only a donation has to be made to a charity, not the whole gate. Good on both clubs if that whats goin to happen.