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  1. IvanTudorCMcHock

    gAyFL Round

    Because that is the word we use when two people exchange vows. Why is it so important to you that we create another word for it when the people involved are the same sex? Why do you care?
  2. IvanTudorCMcHock

    gAyFL Round

    Nice to see the moderators of the forum contributing some really high-quality material. Leading by example.
  3. IvanTudorCMcHock

    gAyFL Round

    Because gay people would like to get married too. It's pretty obvious.
  4. IvanTudorCMcHock

    gAyFL Round

    Why should they keep their sexuality private? I guess you would prefer it if, on Brownlow night, all the players showed up alone, right? After all, showing up with a woman reveals their sexuality. Newsflash, toots. It's commonplace to have a gay person in the work-place right now. No...
  5. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Geelong's fans booing the umpires

    Lewis was probably the second-dirtiest player I have ever seen. His favourite hobby was flying knees-first into players who were already on the ground. Nice guy.
  6. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Geelong's fans booing the umpires

    I was raised in Melbourne and have been to all the AFL grounds there including all of the old VFL grounds. I have also lived in Perth for 10 years and in Adelaide for 7 years and been to their respective grounds. People in Perth and Adelaide have what I call "Small State Syndrome". It's the...
  7. IvanTudorCMcHock

    People's least favourite sport

    American oval-track motor racing would be close to the most boring of all sports. You might just as well spend three hours spinning a top on your kitchen floor and watching it go round and round and round and round and zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  8. IvanTudorCMcHock

    What unpopular AFL opinions do you have? (Part 1 - cont in Part 2)

    My answer to the thread title question would be that Aussie Rules is a game which in the most part is played by, and for, morons. Listen to 90% of players when interviewed and the derp is very strong. Even the few who do have a clue seem to feel the need to dumb-down their language so as to...
  9. IvanTudorCMcHock

    The Worst Football Jargon

    Yeah nah obviously hopefully at the end of the day we're lookin forward to it.
  10. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Would 22 Gary Ablett's win the flag?

    22 Mark Zanottis would crap all over 22 Gary Abletts.
  11. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Certified Legendary Thread Hamish Mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwebz

    Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwe Leave Hamie alone!!
  12. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Best Players to never win a Premiership

    "If" being the operative word. Ablett senior is easily the best player I have seen. More powerful and more skillful by foot than Carey. Faster across the ground. Stronger. More brutal on opposition players. Best mark I have seen. More goals. There is not another player I have seen who even...
  13. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Collingwood - us v them campaign

    I moved to Adelaide from Melbourne 7 years ago and, as far as Adelaide people go, you are right. I don't go to games any more, so I can't say anything about your supporters' behaviour at the ground. However, I have seen enough of your supporters' behaviour away from the ground to understand...
  14. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Collingwood - us v them campaign

    So.... my perception wrong, your perception right. Gotcha :rolleyes: That's abuse!! Stop abusing me!!! :(
  15. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Collingwood - us v them campaign

    Actually, it should happen to religious people. They are morons who are never content with simply wallowing in their own stupidity. They always insist on shoving it down everyone else's throat too. Therefore it is our duty to point and laugh at them at every opportunity.
  16. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Steve Johnson loves...

    Yes I was. Every time he gets the ball. It's not about the team. It's about Steve.
  17. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Steve Johnson loves...

    Agreed. I would swap Stevie for Tippy in a heartbeat.
  18. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Steve Johnson loves...

    Agree 100%. I spent most of the night swearing and frothing at the mouth at the idiot's antics. Steve is all about Steve and how skillful Steve thinks Steve is and Steve wants everyone else to know how skillful Steve is. The torp that sailed out of bounds on the full was an insult to his...
  19. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Gary Ablett

    Why do you say that?
  20. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Gary Ablett

    He would be mad not to go. Loyalty is a bullshit guilt-trip that fans and coaches try to use to keep champions at their club. Football is a business and the players are professionals. They deserve to earn what the market says they are worth. Also, Gary jnr has seen his dad, IMO the best player...
  21. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Geelong should implement a youth policy right away

    It's not all about winning premierships. It's all about the show. 15 of the 16 clubs' supporters, that's 93% of all AFL fans, finish each season without seeing their team win a flag. And yet they come back the next year. That's because it's showbiz and the fans like the show that the players...
  22. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Naitanui Will Be AFL's Best

    I was only kidding about Mick, Joe. Do a google image search and marvel that a player as fat as Mick could have got a game. The game has come a long way.
  23. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Getting sick of seeing replays of Nicknat's ruckwork

    Garbage. If you can't see what a freak this bloke is then you either don't know much about footy or......... ........or you don't want to acknowledge how good he is. And that would be for obvious reasons. After all, you raised the black issue, didn't you.
  24. IvanTudorCMcHock

    Naitanui Will Be AFL's Best

    Nic's alright, but I don't think you can compare him to the greats of the past such as Mick Nolan.