Collingwood - us v them campaign

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I think Carlton supporters get their fair share...why are singling out Carlton supporters?...isnt that targeting someone in itself? abuse?

i dont think ive read anything personal here...more so general

Correct. I am just trying to explain the US v THEM philosophy behind the slogan which is the topic heading.
Thats the point. It is not just teasing. It is generalising about a group of people and then specifying them with certain characteristics because that suits your argument.

In today's modern age, that thing shouldn't happen. Not in relation to race, creed, religion.

Actually, it should happen to religious people. They are morons who are never content with simply wallowing in their own stupidity. They always insist on shoving it down everyone else's throat too. Therefore it is our duty to point and laugh at them at every opportunity.

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If everyone is against collingwood, does that include everyone in the media from this year and last year who spent most of their time proclaiming they are the greatest team ever?

You want a real team that everyone is against - Port Adelaide
If everyone is against collingwood, does that include everyone in the media from this year and last year who spent most of their time proclaiming they are the greatest team ever?

You want a real team that everyone is against - Port Adelaide

I moved to Adelaide from Melbourne 7 years ago and, as far as Adelaide people go, you are right. I don't go to games any more, so I can't say anything about your supporters' behaviour at the ground.

However, I have seen enough of your supporters' behaviour away from the ground to understand why they are SA's version of Collingwood.
the whole idea of the AFL journey is to get supporters to sit at games and support their team without abusing the other side.

Adrian Anderson sees this as his quest.

He looks at other codes around the world and sees how ugly the crowd violence gets, and doesn't want the same thing for our great game.

It is up to all of us, at games and on Big Footy to not abuse others.

It is not funny. It is sick.

The AFL is coming down tougher and tougher in this area. Just like they have on racial vilification and umpire arguing on the field.

So you will have to change else next year, serious amounts of people will be kicked out of games. This includes my own club. All supporters must change and embrace a sense of sportsmanship and understanding.

The quest for the AFL is to keep a positive environment at their games so they can grow it as the great family sport it is.

It is up to all of us; to assist in this quest.
the whole idea of the AFL journey is to get supporters to sit at games and support their team without abusing the other side.

Adrian Anderson sees this as his quest.

He looks at other codes around the world and sees how ugly the crowd violence gets, and doesn't want the same thing for our great game.

It is up to all of us, at games and on Big Footy to not abuse others.

It is not funny. It is sick.

The AFL is coming down tougher and tougher in this area. Just like they have on racial vilification and umpire arguing on the field.

So you will have to change else next year, serious amounts of people will be kicked out of games. This includes my own club. All supporters must change and embrace a sense of sportsmanship and understanding.

The quest for the AFL is to keep a positive environment at their games so they can grow it as the great family sport it is.

It is up to all of us; to assist in this quest.

I won't take my 9 year old daughter to any Collingwood games due to the excessive amount of crowd violence and vitriol that I have witnessed first hand during and after their matches. :(

The only place where there is a truly family friendly environment for ALL supporters is Kardinia Park.
So you don't take your daughter to the MCG. Pity as it is the best place to watch footy in the world.

Most fans think their home ground is the best to watch football because they outnumber opposition supporters.

It is up to all of us to look after the children. Make all stadiums kid free venues.

If you can't say something in front of your kids, then don't say it at the footy.
thats half the problem with kids these days, parents shelter then from everything and soon as something bad happens they have no idea how to react....

Every club has tool supporters, thats narrow minded thinking....

Hopefully not that stupid.

As I said, you don't want to judge a club by the minority. I am glad you were able to find one bad north supporter, congratulations, but I don't think you want to be casting the first stone. Would be able to string out an endless list of Collingwood supporter behaviour issues at games. ;)

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Anyone who lived in the week after this years’ Grand Final in Melbourne knows it is Us against Them.

Every other supporter from every other team wanted to give it to you.

As if they were the first ones to talk to you….

The us v them mentality is driven by the supporters of all other Clubs.

The next person who walks up to me and says Colingwood fans are feral as if I am hearing it for the first time and then laughs at their own joke, is going to find out all about..

Us v Them!

My boss is a Melbourne supporter. I reckon he goes to about 2 games a year maximum. But every meeting we have, he spends the first half hour on a diatribe of how much he hates Collingwood and Collingwood supporters. Every second day. Like it is original and no one has heard it before...and he thinks he is funny.

If African Americans or Chinese people coped that much abuse, they would call it racial vilification. Just look at the minimum stuff said about Tiger Woods by his former caddie and how the press is all over that.

Yet Collingwood and Collingwood supporters can be abused - left, right and centre...without any form of censure.

Sometimes we don't even get to the topic of the meeting..

Prime example of how this hatred, which I am not even sure where it comes from? The 1950s probably. Drives his every thought about football.

He doesn’t really support his own team, he watches the AFL to hate Collingwood.

if you try and have a civilised conversation with a non-Collingwood supporter, they will swear black and blue that all the abuse comes from Collingwood supporters and all the rest of the team’s supporters are as quite as church mice.

The big issue in the Us v Them tag is that it is really ALL OF THEM.

Richmond fans may hate Carlton, Hawthorn fans may hate Essendon, Sydney and West Coast may have a rivalry etc etc…

But we are EVERYBODYS’ arch enemy.

And the only way they see they can beat us; is to gang up on us!

Which they all do!

Hence the beauty of the US v THEM! Slogan.

It really is ALL of them..

Individually and collectively.

The point of the US v THEM slogan is:-

Look we know you have tried to be civil with other teams supporters, we know you have sat there and accepted their stupid jokes and abuse and you, as Collingwood supporters, have tried your hardest to be giving and happy and let other supporters have their way…

But fair dinkum, enough is enough.

I doubt there are any other group of supporters in the world who get abused as much as Collingwood supporters.

In America, most cities are one team towns. Boston supports the Celtics, Patriots, Red Sox and Bruins. 99.9% of people in the city live and breathe these teams in unison.

In New York, you have got the Jets and the Giants and Mets and Yankees but the rivalry is a bit watered down because they are in different divisions.

In England, you have Liverpool and Everton and Man City and Man United and in London you have Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs and the Hammers.

But there is not the constant vile, pathetic, hatred from every other franchise in the league that Collingwood and Collingwood supporters get on a daily basis.

We are the most abused fans in the world.

So Us v Them doesn’t go far enough..

You are either Us or you are Them.

And "Them" hate everything about You.

You can't talk to other teams supporters because they are unreasonable.

So why bother...

Just turn up and enjoy your team because all other supporters will abuse you and call you ******* and ****** or nuff, nuff or no hoper just because you wear a Collingwood jumper.

We know what you are like, other team supporters.

You are abusive.Thus we can only rely on ourselves.

Is that you DNine?
Didn't work for St Kilda and it won't work for the Pies. Funny thing is the Collingwood supporters were the main culprits when it came to laughing at the Saints "us against the world" mentality.

Also, I think there are a lot of Pies fans who play up the "Us against them" crap, more so then there are opposition supporters who despise Collingwood that much. I've never seen a footy fan hate the Pies more than they love their own team, but Pies fans will tell you that's what everyone does. At the end of the day they're just another team. They have all the money in the world and plenty of supporters but they've barely fired a shot since WWII, so they're not even a powerhouse when it comes to what matters: results.

It's one reason why I admire Geelong so much. They just go out and win. They might consider it them against the world but they don't feel the need to tell everyone. They just go out, play footy, and get results. Maybe Collingwood should try the same.

These sound like the words of a man who hates Collingwood more than his own team!!
For Collingwood it has always been 'Us v them'.

Sure there are supporters who limit themselves to good natured banter,but there are also a huge number of opposing supporters wanting to make it very personal.

Many years ago my ex-wife and I went to a dinner and were seated around a table of about 12 people. It was not footy season, but for some reason one of the guys on the table wanted to hear who everyone supported.

When I mentioned 'Collingwood', a Fitzroy supporting woman at the table launched into a 3 minute tirade of abuse, to the point where her partner had to drag her away from the table. I had never met this woman before and such was the level of abuse, my ex-wife was in tears. The woman apologised, which she duly did after being dragged back to the table. "I'll apologise to her, but I'm not apologising to him", were her final words on the matter.

Not long after that incident, I began a job with a Hawthorn supporting boss. Every friday we had a meeting which lasted most of the afternoon. The first few meetings began with slight digs about Collingwood to longer and more prolonged personal attacks "Collingwood are losers, you must be a loser too if you barrack for them", every single Friday for the following 2 years.

Several times I would say, "If you want to talk about Collingwood, go ahead, find someone else who wants to listen to you, I'm not interested. At the end of 2 years, I had had enough. He hadn't listened to my protestations. So one Friday, I thought I've had enough. The thought of smashing him was an option, but not being a violent person, I told him to go f*** himself. Got sacked for it, but at least the abuse was at an end, for a time at least.

One of the reasons I hate Hawthorn more than any other club.

I now work in a retail environment and meet a lot of people each day. Unwittingly, most know that I barrack for the Pies. With the recent GF, each day became an endless stream of "I hope you lose". "I hope you lose by 1 point and Chapman hits the ball form out of bounds" ect ect x300. My female colleague, a totally unpassionate Melbourne supporter, eventually said to me "Gee, they make it personal, don't they. It's only a stupid game of football".

So unless you are a Collingwood supporter, you probably would not have had to put up with this sort of rubbish. Sure we have a lot of ******** supporters that embarrass the club, but under Eddie McGuire, I believe we are the first club to attempt to eradicate the lunatic element.

I've always said that following Collingwood is like being an African American in Klu KLux Clan territory. It's not that abuse is upsetting anymore, it has just became plain boring.
I've always said that following Collingwood is like being an African American in Klu KLux Clan territory. It's not that abuse is upsetting anymore, it has just became plain boring.

Bagging somebody's football team is like being lynched. :cool:

You chose to be a Collingwood supporter. You don't choose to be black.
For Collingwood it has always been 'Us v them'.

Sure there are supporters who limit themselves to good natured banter,but there are also a huge number of opposing supporters wanting to make it very personal.

Many years ago my ex-wife and I went to a dinner and were seated around a table of about 12 people. It was not footy season, but for some reason one of the guys on the table wanted to hear who everyone supported.

When I mentioned 'Collingwood', a Fitzroy supporting woman at the table launched into a 3 minute tirade of abuse, to the point where her partner had to drag her away from the table. I had never met this woman before and such was the level of abuse, my ex-wife was in tears. The woman apologised, which she duly did after being dragged back to the table. "I'll apologise to her, but I'm not apologising to him", were her final words on the matter.

Not long after that incident, I began a job with a Hawthorn supporting boss. Every friday we had a meeting which lasted most of the afternoon. The first few meetings began with slight digs about Collingwood to longer and more prolonged personal attacks "Collingwood are losers, you must be a loser too if you barrack for them", every single Friday for the following 2 years.

Several times I would say, "If you want to talk about Collingwood, go ahead, find someone else who wants to listen to you, I'm not interested. At the end of 2 years, I had had enough. He hadn't listened to my protestations. So one Friday, I thought I've had enough. The thought of smashing him was an option, but not being a violent person, I told him to go f*** himself. Got sacked for it, but at least the abuse was at an end, for a time at least.

One of the reasons I hate Hawthorn more than any other club.

I now work in a retail environment and meet a lot of people each day. Unwittingly, most know that I barrack for the Pies. With the recent GF, each day became an endless stream of "I hope you lose". "I hope you lose by 1 point and Chapman hits the ball form out of bounds" ect ect x300. My female colleague, a totally unpassionate Melbourne supporter, eventually said to me "Gee, they make it personal, don't they. It's only a stupid game of football".

So unless you are a Collingwood supporter, you probably would not have had to put up with this sort of rubbish. Sure we have a lot of ******** supporters that embarrass the club, but under Eddie McGuire, I believe we are the first club to attempt to eradicate the lunatic element.

I've always said that following Collingwood is like being an African American in Klu KLux Clan territory. It's not that abuse is upsetting anymore, it has just became plain boring.

Wow that is annoying. I know Essendon for example are not as hated as Collingwood and Carlton on average so I don't know the abuse you two get? I however, do get abused for my religion and ethnicity, but in the end of the day, that doesn't bother me too much.

I think St Kilda and Collingwood supporters get abused too much by opposition fans. You have to feel sorry for some St Kilda fans as they get subject to some of the worst abuse. Some of them are labelled as something that some of the players have done and I have witnessed this many times and ironic enough, Collingwood supporters are a large percentage of those fans. Collingwood also have their fare share of supporters abusing them, but they also dish it out as well and there is no denying that. Not all, but a fairly large portion through my eyes.
From my point of view the hatred at least partially stems from the following:

  • The way that alot of Collingwood fans carry on at the footy, I can honestly say that the only place I have heard "pooz and weez" outside of the brilliant minds on BF is at EVERY Collingwood game.
  • The way that most Collingwood fans carried on this year, presuming that back to back GFs was merely a formality, this went a long way towards everyone jumping on Geelong.
Outside of that, comparing Collingwood fans persecution to that of the Jews in WWII would be laughable if it was not so offensive, read some books Blessed you have no idea (hint: the nazis didn't persectute them by saying they had no teeth , bad tatts and a Centrelink account)
After reading through the thread it is truly mind blowing the amount of people of are taking "Blessed" seriously. Look at the join date and read the style of typing, he's clearly extracting the urine.

Masterful trolling by "Blessed"!
I moved to Adelaide from Melbourne 7 years ago and, as far as Adelaide people go, you are right. I don't go to games any more, so I can't say anything about your supporters' behaviour at the ground.

However, I have seen enough of your supporters' behaviour away from the ground to understand why they are SA's version of Collingwood.

Well maybe you should go to a game? I usually get good tickets through my dad and his mates who are all saints fans and members, so I sit with them, and not once during several port vs st kilda games has anything been said or done to us/them.

You should notice the Adelaide media is also very against Port Adelaide, unlike the Melbourne media with Collingwood.
Bagging somebody's football team is like being lynched. :cool:

You chose to be a Collingwood supporter. You don't choose to be black.

It was only an exaggeration to convey a feeling. I thought that might be obvious. Next time I will put that in brackets so you understand.

On my first trip to America in 1997, one the leading stories of the day, aside from John Denver's death in a plane crash, was the story of 2 white racists.

They cruised around a town somewhere in the deep south in a pick up truck. Spotted an African American and tied him to the back of the truck and drove around town until there was barely a skeleton left.

On my first day in San Francisco, I was walking around near Union Square when a huge white guy hurtled himself towards an African American who was walking a few metres in front of me. The puched knocked the guy clean out. Police were quickly on the scene. One officer screamed at the guy, "Why the f*** did you do that". "Coz he's a f***** black", came the reply.

I don't know if the level of racism today is still as bad as then, but it was a sickening feeling.

So yes, it was a bad analogy. At least we don't get abused/attacked by the scum of the earth.

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Collingwood - us v them campaign

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