Stop listening to the commentators hyping up Petracca. If you seriously think that Petracca is better than Billings, then that really is a case of buying into the grass being greener on the other sideThe reason we picked billings was because we saw him becoming a midfielder after 3 years. It's even in there draft meetings they held. They thought he had the potential to play midfield and he hasn't proven the scope yet. Petracca takes a s*** on billings
And like the Demons supporter said, Petracca isn't even a midfielder either at this stage. I'm happy for our young blokes not to be hyped up to the extent that there pant-wetting over the simple execution of a handball or kick.
I'm seriously starting to believe that there are a lot of closet Demons supporters around pretending to be Saints fans
As I've been saying in other posts above, my mates & I play drinking games when watching the footy. When Melbourne play, you drink when Tom McDonald makes an error, whenever the commentary talks up how 'courageous' Nathan Jones is, and whenever the commentary unnecessarily talks up Christian Petracca..... Most times we're smashed before the ball is even bounced to start the game
Enough with buying this seriously unwarranted Demons hype. It's nauseating & embarrassing