Opinion 2018 Non-Crows #4: You say Potato, I say Portato (Cont in Part 5)

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Paddy whacking is fun but at the end of the day he's set himself up nicely.

A brownlow medal
A house on the beach where he surfs
Married with children to the ruling class.
MillIon dollar media and gov sponsorship
Will get at least one more season playing out of geelong than here
Much more media attention and fame

All this doing the hard yards in Adelaide

Alpha males........
A fair bit of head wobble too

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People will lose their minds when/if Betts starts getting pinged for it.
It's only because Toby is a renowned thug that it has become an issue; the Dahlhaus kick got the ball rolling and now the pitch forks are out.

I don't recall Betts doing this...

We could definitely use this to our advantage. Swap their first for a couple of ours say 14 and 19. They can use 19 on Hannas and keep 14.

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No offence but we lambast Carlton flogs for ridiculous trade suggestions, do you honestly think Swans would take 19? No chance in hell
I don't recall Betts doing this...

Betts frequently uses his sprigs to guard space or spring off the opposition. He just doesn't exaggerate it as much as Greene. Would be interesting if they bring a rule in for it if Betts would get pinged or not under the interpretation.

All I'm saying is, be careful what you wish for; the AFL screw most rule changes.
No offence but we lambast Carlton flogs for ridiculous trade suggestions, do you honestly think Swans would take 19? No chance in hell
Swans are more interested in trading Hannebery to clear salary space it sounds like. He's still owed $2.5 million over the next 3 years, they're not getting pick 4 AND clearing that much salary off the books for a guy who hasn't looked that good in the last 2 years.
No offence but we lambast Carlton flogs for ridiculous trade suggestions, do you honestly think Swans would take 19? No chance in hell
Unless the Swans are still paying some of his salary, I think absolutely they would take pick 19.
The real madness here is that another club wants to offer Hannebery a longer contract on more money. Insane. Even if we were a basket case, if we offered big money and a long contract to Hannebery I'd be ropeable.
Swans are more interested in trading Hannebery to clear salary space it sounds like. He's still owed $2.5 million over the next 3 years, they're not getting pick 4 AND clearing that much salary off the books for a guy who hasn't looked that good in the last 2 years.

yeh the COLA wasn’t the reason they could keep who they had and still go round poaching Franklins and Tippets.
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