Rumour 2024 Hypothetical trade and FA Thread

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Before it would have been a great to get Smith. Now I’m starting to feel it would be good to get him. Would add some value and depth sure but either way let’s not stress out about it as I reckon we already have the list to take us to the top of the mountain again. It’s more important to focus and continue the upward trend in development and that we keep most of them together. If Smith, Battle or whoever else want to jump on board it should only be for the right reasons. Mich and MM have placed our list in a great spot
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All the speculation on Bailey Smith assumes it’s still a decision to be made. Feels unlikely he wouldn’t have known by now, but if he hasn’t decided you would think that works in our favour given the recent form spike.
All the speculation on Bailey Smith assumes it’s still a decision to be made. Feels unlikely he wouldn’t have known by now, but if he hasn’t decided you would think that works in our favour given the recent form spike.
He would have a preference. Most have made their decision 12 months in advance.

That doesn't mean opposition coaches stop pursuing them though.
I see we continue to be linked with Perryman and Battle. Perryman probably seals Hardwick as a permanent forward, and Battle is probably a straight Frost replacement.

Both play multiple positions as well - which clearly Sam loves.

It does leave us with a very tough to make 22, who do we trade out?
All the speculation on Bailey Smith assumes it’s still a decision to be made. Feels unlikely he wouldn’t have known by now, but if he hasn’t decided you would think that works in our favour given the recent form spike.
Why would anyone hunting for clicks and views want everyone to know where someone is going half a season out? If they ‘speculate’ that drags more clubs supporters in.
All the speculation on Bailey Smith assumes it’s still a decision to be made. Feels unlikely he wouldn’t have known by now, but if he hasn’t decided you would think that works in our favour given the recent form spike.
I think he would have almost certainly made his decision already.

It just seems the done thing in the AFL is still to act coy and say you're still weighing up your future and only announce your decision once both clubs seasons are complete. It might not be much of a secret by then but I think it's still considered the respectable thing.

There's also the argument that you don't want to close any doors until you have to. Something radical might happen that changes his mind.
The tables are turning.

Smash Geelong on their dung heap in 3 weeks, and it will add more credibility to our case.
Don’t underestimate the ego of an AFL footballer (or any elite sportsperson for that matter). Geelong will be selling the idea of him leading the next generation, of being the next Dangerfield and G.Ablett. That his signing will be the first domino to fall in their next flag. I won’t be shocked if his ego falls for that.
Don’t underestimate the ego of an AFL footballer (or any elite sportsperson for that matter). Geelong will be selling the idea of him leading the next generation, of being the next Dangerfield and G.Ablett. That his signing will be the first domino to fall in their next flag. I won’t be shocked if his ego falls for that.
I will.

Any dumb arse can see their cliff is here. And their draw only gets harder.
Swans at the SCG this weekend. I'll get the popcorn.

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The childhood allegiance is a factor, no doubt, but a lot of it also has to do with our coach and how much connection players have to him as a recently retired player and how they’d look up to him.

The other thing people seem to overlook or not know here is that his manager D’orazio is big on us and what we are building, as are quite a few in the industry. Just listen to Bartel for example, who was still pumping up our future prospects even when we were losing, saying he wanted to buy Hawks stock.
Robbie has liked what he’s seen and heard from his players on our list for a couple of years now.

Lastly, Baz has a very good connection with Day, CJ, Ginni and others. Our list is prime for someone of his age, and would look like a place to be.

Chris Scott would be going all out to land Baz, because they simply have to.

Emphasis on land
He would have a preference. Most have made their decision 12 months in advance.

That doesn't mean opposition coaches stop pursuing them though.

And the team that he wants to go to may not be able to negotiate a trade for whatever reason. Like what happened with Shiel, when we backed out once GWS upped their asking price.
All the speculation on Bailey Smith assumes it’s still a decision to be made. Feels unlikely he wouldn’t have known by now, but if he hasn’t decided you would think that works in our favour given the recent form spike.
There is no rush for him as he can’t sign a contract to leave until free agency. He can make up his mind and change it multiple times unless he signs to stay.
I see we continue to be linked with Perryman and Battle. Perryman probably seals Hardwick as a permanent forward, and Battle is probably a straight Frost replacement.

Both play multiple positions as well - which clearly Sam loves.

It does leave us with a very tough to make 22, who do we trade out?

Personally I don't see Battle as a Frost replacement. Frost is a last line of defence FB, whereas Battle is more of a third tall backman / pseudo-CHB. I think we'd be wasting him by playing him at FB.

I'm hoping signing Battle would mean we could release Weddle further afield. But then that makes the potential signing of Perryman a big confusing... How many wingman will we have?
Apparently this was him letting a Pies fan know that he's not coming. It's the Cats or us 😂

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Isn't that old mate who copped a ban for touching a West Coast player? Bit hard to tell with the number of pies fans with facial tattoos I guess.

EDIT: I see a few others in the thread have given me my answer. Apologies, carry on.

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