List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread - No.1

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We sacked Ratts off the same kind of performance. I've said he gets next year but if he can't move us forward we need to look at options.
Why hasn't Ratts got another chance or even been in any conversations for vacancies or potential vacancies coming up?

Ratts becoming caretaker and getting the caretaker bump was one of the worst things that could've happened to the club.

The best thing to come out of that was that it lead us to Ross. The worst thing that came out of that was the absolutely abysmal training standards that we needed to try and correct on the fly.

If you don't think Ross is a better appointment than Ratts than I don't know who can help you
They didn't have a time line, they had a guy who wasn't a recruiter and timed bottoming out as the 2 new clubs entered. There was nothing in that road to 2020 that was a plan. It was a hope. We had a pretend football department even.

You are about to time it so if it ****s up it coincides with Tasmania coming in. We will be back to Richo's road to nowhere if they get this wrong.
Looks like a pretty clear timeline to me.

This article is two years post GWS entering as well


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Why hasn't Ratts got another chance or even been in any conversations for vacancies or potential vacancies coming up?

Ratts becoming caretaker and getting the caretaker bump was one of the worst things that could've happened to the club.

The best thing to come out of that was that it lead us to Ross. The worst thing that came out of that was the absolutely abysmal training standards that we needed to try and correct on the fly.

If you don't think Ross is a better appointment than Ratts than I don't know who can help you

I'm not saying I'd want him back but Lyon should be held to the same standard as anyone else. He's an employee.
Looks like a pretty clear timeline to me.

This article is two years post GWS entering as well

They had no structure for it. It was a fantasy that it would just happen without employing people at actualise it. I can say I have a plan to make St Kilda a triple flag side but if I employ some assistant coach as a head recruiter and have no real football department staff in debvelopment and list management then it's just wasting everyone's time.
Should always be a combination of both. You can't make up a good side out of just one.

I don't mind the freebies, like Wood, and i for sure thought that Crouch was a good thing. Hill was expensive but also good ( bare in mind he will retire in the next couple of years, but the picks that were drafted with our trade should still be playing in 2030 ).

But spending draft picks for the likes of Dow.? You said how deep this years draft is, well Dow is a third round pick.

IF we had managed our list well, we'd have had a ruck coming up ,and wouldn't have needed Campbell ( and Abbot and co before him ).
IF we had managed our list well , we wouldn't have needed Cordy.

The whole Bonner , Stocker, Lionert thing is just a merry go round. Hey lets get rid of Stocker this year and get another cast off HBF.

Our trades of young players with an upside have been good though.
We put out a road to 2020 plan or something when Richo came in and it included three flags.

There is pressure on everyone but just rushing timelines because we were previously shit doesn't do anything for the future. That is such backward thinking :tearsofjoy:

Guys we have been bad for so long, we can't take the time to build this thing correctly we have to go NOW NOW NOW

I hated all that KPI target setting crap.

OK guys we need 3 first round picks this year. So we rummage around and end up with the last 3 picks in the 1st round. Target Achieved.
Maybe 2 good ones, with well chosen players would have been better.
I don't mind the freebies, like Wood, and i for sure thought that Crouch was a good thing. Hill was expensive but also good ( bare in mind he will retire in the next couple of years, but the picks that were drafted with our trade should still be playing in 2030 ).

But spending draft picks for the likes of Dow.? You said how deep this years draft is, well Dow is a third round pick.

IF we had managed our list well, we'd have had a ruck coming up ,and wouldn't have needed Campbell ( and Abbot and co before him ).
IF we had managed our list well , we wouldn't have needed Cordy.

The whole Bonner , Stocker, Lionert thing is just a merry go round. Hey lets get rid of Stocker this year and get another cast off HBF.

Our trades of young players with an upside have been good though.

Dow was worth a go and hopefully he's more than he is now. After delisting Bytel we had really cut the midfield depth down after already having not much coming through. It was very unlucky to have so many go down in one season. I'm not sure any of them got through a full season except for Steele and even he was playing under duress for a lot of it.

I'm pretty sure that we got Bonner in because Sinclair started the year out of the side. It gave us cover until he came back in. He cost nothing but minimum wage.

Losing Crouch was a massive hit to our chances this season alone and we really need to replace him with a player of that standard. Jarrod Lyons would be a good option for a year or two if Macrae or Parker aren't interested.

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Legit. Gringo might be GT, he's the only person I can think of that might have a reason for being so anti Ross

I'm not anti Ross. I'm anti stupidity and plenty of you cultists on here qualify.
Legit. Gringo might be GT, he's the only person I can think of that might have a reason for being so anti Ross
How is it anti-ross to say he should be held to the same standards and expectations as anyone else?

It's been a constant theme since he was hired about the higher standards he was going to bring to the club. Surely those are universal and he shouldn't be exempt from them.
People on here are claiming he's un touchable.
OR... maybe it's the fact that he has proven to be a competent coach over nearly 15 years. Someone that drives hard standards and is revered by elite players from two clubs.

And for once in our existence. It would be nice to actually see out a plan & not jump at shadows or media speculation.

If by 2030 the club is still a dumpster fire, the list is terrible and we're still bottom 4, i'll buy you a beer and we can celebrate Ross getting the ass together.

But damn, it would be nice to just give someone that's clearly good at their job the time and space needed to actually do the job.

I'm more likely to give up on the club for sacking Ross early than for signing Thomas or Oliver
My view being someone like TT makes a decision to be that shit bloke.
Oliver, I can't really level the same claims since as one with health BS, sometimes you just have weak moments and break.

This is different to "I was in a relationship, it ended, and now I'm pissy" for obvious reasons. So whilst yeah optics are shizen in both cases for different reasons, the path there be different.

Also in my view, you can fix the latter, the former is a no go zone as if shit person degrades other people they're not suddenly going to have an epiphany just because you employ them and give them money.
Each to they're own l suppose but IMHO both are subjective cases that have root cause in stoopid.

That combined with a multitude of other unknown factors leads each to exhibit the aggregate of their personal misfortunes, to which none here are qualified to speak on.
The fundamental question is: What chance of rehabilitation or correction.
Either way, stoopid reduces the prospects of a favourable outcome to below 50% and with their existing liabilities l think it's a gamble we shouldn't take.
OR... maybe it's the fact that he has proven to be a competent coach over nearly 15 years. Someone that drives hard standards and is revered by elite players from two clubs.

And for once in our existence. It would be nice to actually see out a plan & not jump at shadows or media speculation.

If by 2030 the club is still a dumpster fire, the list is terrible and we're still bottom 4, i'll buy you a beer and we can celebrate Ross getting the ass together.

But damn, it would be nice to just give someone that's clearly good at their job the time and space needed to actually do the job.

I'm more likely to give up on the club for sacking Ross early than for signing Thomas or Oliver

And if he does his job and doesn't do anything wrong he will get that opportunity.
If people read through your comments on this thread over the last 2 days, they'll see you argue against the same things you've argued for.

I can't tell if you're here just trolling or you don't know which lane to pick

You obviously get upset at anyone having a different opinions than yours. Maybe we should just agree to ignore each other. Don't think this is much of a debate to be honest. I'm bored by it.
Do you think Holly will stick as a nickname for Peckett? Or is it a bridge too far with the whole Frankie Goes to Holly(El)wood reference?
I don't mind the freebies, like Wood, and i for sure thought that Crouch was a good thing. Hill was expensive but also good ( bare in mind he will retire in the next couple of years, but the picks that were drafted with our trade should still be playing in 2030 ).
Geez, I hope Hill doesn't retire in a couple of years - we just signed him to a three year contract!
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