Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 7 - Trump takes full responsibility.

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You seem confused, let me help: A not guilty verdict does not mean innocent, it means not guilty. OJ was not guilty, for example.

I'm not arguing Trump is innocent or guilty, just pointing out that there is a point in between "exonerate" and "unable to establish guilt".

A not guilty verdict absolutely does mean innocent in the eyes of the law. Unless you can demonstrate that there has been a miscarriage of justice (as in the Simpson case), he is innocent.
If he was a dodgy piece of shit determined to bring down Trump like you believe, he would have fabricated some shit.

If he is legit and was working in good faith to determine whether there was collusion and found none, then returning these finding does not make him a failure.

So on what basis is he a failure?

Option C - lifelong Republican Mueller lets Republican President off.
That's a joke btw

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Like all the leaks that Muellers team has done over the past 2 years?

It would seem that if Mueller was satisfied that no crime was committed he would have in his own words exonerated the President. The fact that he is quoted as saying he could not exonerate says there is circumstantial evidence to the contrary but not strong enough to be upheld in a court of law.
Whether we see the report will be interesting. I would have thought that even a redacted version would go a long way to change the perception of Trump.

You know that is only related to the Obstruction of Justice accusation's and nothing to do with the Russian Collusion allegations
I'll give you a hypothetical.

Let us say a cia agent has infiltrated russian intelligence.

Mueller finds out about this agent and emails him:

- Oh hai FBi here. Did Trumpy collude with them russkis?

- Re: Oh hai FBi here. Did Trumpy collude with them russkis.

**** off dickhead you are going to get me killed.

If that exchange is in the report, then the agents life is in danger and also the operation he's on may be compromised, even though there is no actual intel that Trump has done anything...

Why would an exchange like that be in the report? He is only going to report things if they do find something of interest. If a dead body is found the police will go door knocking and ask people if they saw anything. They arent going to put the names and details of people who had no information in the police report.

And even if something was found from a source that needs to be protected, they simply wont list who the source is. It doesnt stop the report of what the source found from going public. Journalists protect sources all the time yet they still publish stories.

You are going to need to find much better reasons to hide the report.
If there is anything there then the democratic party will find it.

If there isn't then they will suggest their is and claim some sort of cover-up.

Mueller will find something...

And if he doesn't, he a frickin Russian spy!
Cat. That is simply the best video. The best. Captures the Trump appeal exactly. Good timing.
can@Kiss_Steph mimic that sentiment? I can't take credit for the mash-up, my wildean drollery ends with distorted po'mo acronyms like HormoneReplacementClinton and Chelsea Trigger brothers surfboards; prosaic much

I'll give you a hypothetical.

Let us say a cia agent has infiltrated russian intelligence.

Mueller finds out about this agent and emails him:

- Oh hai FBi here. Did Trumpy collude with them russkis?

- Re: Oh hai FBi here. Did Trumpy collude with them russkis.

**** off dickhead you are going to get me killed.

If that exchange is in the report, then the agents life is in danger and also the operation he's on may be compromised, even though there is no actual intel that Trump has done anything...


you give Socratic method fallacy new material for explicating the reductio ad absurum fallacy
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President Donald Trump has vented his anger at the inquiry and vowed to investigate unnamed political enemies who did "evil" and "treasonous things"
Treason doth never prosper.

I would not want to be on the wrong side of The Don, just at the minute!

Many many sleepless nights for many many politicians.

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Investigated for what?
Spreading a false conspiracy about russian collusion based on a fake dossier and lying to congress and the media that they "know Trump colluded with russia" in an effort to build sentiment towards impeaching a validly elected president who has not committed any misconduct?
Spreading a false conspiracy about russian collusion based on a fake dossier and lying to congress and the media that they "know Trump colluded with russia" in an effort to build sentiment towards impeaching a validly elected president who has not committed any misconduct?
What the fu***? This is dictator supporter sh*** you are spouting. Investigations dont have to proove guilt to justify themselves. Otherwise why bother with the investigation in the first place. No one is questioning whether there was just cause to open an investigation. We all know that Donald Trump junior met with russians about leaked emails in his dads hotel and lied about it. That alone was enough to justify a major investigation. However we have far far more than that to justify an investigation. It was the republicans that opened this investigation remember. Not the democrats. Your post is incredibly undemocratic its scary.
Knew it all along, no evidence, no collusion. Stop listening to bullshit mainstream media people.

For the sad cases on here who can't accept reality, just admit Hilary was an absolute disaster who was rejected by the majority and move on.
If we should stop listening to the mainstream media who should we listen too? Or should we just take the governments word as gospel?
Spreading a false conspiracy about russian collusion based on a fake dossier and lying to congress and the media that they "know Trump colluded with russia" in an effort to build sentiment towards impeaching a validly elected president who has not committed any misconduct?
My word - what a marvellous fantasy that must be.
You should be replying to Engimal v3 I know what/who the moron is, you don't have to give me any proof.

Then again nothing will change the mind of those committed to his defense.

Not even this - totally ignored by those committed to a man and not the country.

View attachment 642207

Who cares about foreign interference into elections as long as they think their moron idol wasn't involved.
How are those criminal charges going Maggie? They’re indictments and nothing will ever come of them. These so called Russian hackers lawyered up and they couldn’t even tell them what the charges were. Lying is bad for you.
What the fu***? This is dictator supporter sh*** you are spouting. Investigations dont have to proove guilt to justify themselves. Otherwise why bother with the investigation in the first place. No one is questioning whether there was just cause to open an investigation. We all know that Donald Trump junior met with russians about leaked emails in his dads hotel and lied about it. That alone was enough to justify a major investigation. However we have far far more than that to justify an investigation. It was the republicans that opened this investigation remember. Not the democrats. Your post is incredibly undemocratic its scary.
<popcorn.gif> do you spell gif as gif or giph? hard g or non-hard flaccid g.
Knew it all along, no evidence, no collusion. Stop listening to bullshit mainstream media people.

For the sad cases on here who can't accept reality, just admit Hilary was an absolute disaster who was rejected by the majority and move on.

Rejected by the majority but won the popular vote by 3 million? Oookkkkaaayyyy.....
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