Aker Sacked

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Akermanis was said last night to be tearful and humiliated. In a shock twist, he is said to be preparing to throw some ''hand grenades'' on radio today.
Akermanis was said last night to be tearful and humiliated. In a shock twist, he is said to be preparing to throw some ''hand grenades'' on radio today.

Make for an interesting couple of weeks :)

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Re: Acker looking after his future.

Aker didn't get fired for the article. He got fired for misleading them about it afterwards by claiming it was edited, for saying he was in their top 5 players, for refusing to tone down his daily media commitments, for discussing private team meetings, for being a dick in the media, etc.

He is not a team player. Too much is about him. Hence, he was just too much of a distraction. Combined with his average form, the Dogs decided they were better off without him. Given his form this year, I don't really think anyone can say that was a bad decision. He hadn't contributed much this year so far.

I find it funny that the club can leak this stuff to Stevens who is a Doggy supporter, yet say Aka leaked stuff and they cant say what, but they dont trust him.

funny stuff, the double standards here.

so he is in the poo, over what may or may not be in the book he is updating after his contract expired. bizarre stuff.

and they think that by sacking him it will all go away now. :eek:

dont they know not to poke the bear.
Re: Acker looking after his future.

Acker is a champion footballer . Clubs are getting too precious.
The AFL talk about players, and life after football.
Well Acker set himself up as a media person , good for him.
Football is entertainment , who gives a stuff about clubs saying
nothing about anything. Its not the friggin CIA. Secrets are bullshit.
You don't treat champions like fools by putting them infront of their peer group and making them answer questions like school children, by players, some of whom weren't and aren't fit to tie his boot laces at his peak, and maybe even now, though he's slower.
His comments about gay footballers was not a slight on gay footballers, it was a comment on the fact that some individuals in AFL circles may have difficulties dealing with a team mate comming out.
Now beleive it or not bigotry is alive and well in some peoples minds.
It would seem that all Acker was saying, was, that it may be easier to leave it alone while playing because there are some pea brains in the
AFL that wouldn't handle it. He's said nothing wrong. He is in the media
his job is commenting, so what, Footscray aren't going to invade Iraq
are they? It's goddamned football for christ sake it circus, its entertainment,people want to see the best playing, we pay for it.
Good on you Acker, go well mate, and the W DOGS will rue the day.
GF dead and buried.

Hypothetical... one of your players does the following...

- Leaks sensitive information about a teammates injury, days before you play in a Grand Final.
- When dropped to the reserves for refusing to do the team thing, he is asked by the media if he wants to stay at the club... his response is "I'm about a 5 percent chance of staying here next year".
- He criticises the club's game plan in the media.
- An email from his email address posts on a public site that the coach is a ****wit.
- Is asked to curtail a handstand gimmick as a sign that he wants to be one of the team, he goes on radio and says he wants to punch his teammates in the face.
- Lies to his club and says that a controversial and bigoted article he wrote was tampered with by the newspaper. As a result the club goes on the record to defend him, only to be humiliated when it turns out he lied.
- Refuses to keep quiet while serving his penance for the above, and instead goes on the air to say that he is in the top 5 players at his club. Basically telling 90 percent of his teammates "you are less than me".

These are just a few of Aker's transgressions.

Anyone who thinks Aker has been sacked for being a mere breath of fresh air are simply not looking hard enough. The reality appears to be that the great unwashed are simply addicted to the gossipy trash that comes out of his mouth. Admit it, you don't want him at your club, and all you are pissed about is that the Bulldogs have taken away a cheap source of entertainment.

Aker is reaping what he has sown. He is two for two in terms of being sacked by AFL clubs. No club just throws talent away willy nilly. If he did the same things at any other club, the result would have been the same.

In the coming months, you are going to really see what little integrity this bloke has. Every tidbit of gossip will be sold to the highest bidder.

Great career... 3 premierships, and Brownlow Medal but unforunately, very few mates.
I find it funny that the club can leak this stuff to Stevens who is a Doggy supporter, yet say Aka leaked stuff and they cant say what, but they dont trust him.

funny stuff, the double standards here.

so he is in the poo, over what may or may not be in the book he is updating after his contract expired. bizarre stuff.

and they think that by sacking him it will all go away now. :eek:

dont they know not to poke the bear.

Obviously it is not going to go away but clearly quite a number of senior influential players no longer want to play or trust him, better to cut him off and have the media distraction outside the club than any factions and division within club.
Re: Acker looking after his future.

Hypothetical... one of your players does the following...

- Leaks sensitive information about a teammates injury, days before you play in a Grand Final.
- When dropped to the reserves for refusing to do the team thing, he is asked by the media if he wants to stay at the club... his response is "I'm about a 5 percent chance of staying here next year".
- He criticises the club's game plan in the media.
- An email from his email address posts on a public site that the coach is a ****wit.
- Is asked to curtail a handstand gimmick as a sign that he wants to be one of the team, he goes on radio and says he wants to punch his teammates in the face.

- Lies to his club and says that a controversial and bigoted article he wrote was tampered with by the newspaper. As a result the club goes on the record to defend him, only to be humiliated when it turns out he lied.
- Refuses to keep quiet while serving his penance for the above, and instead goes on the air to say that he is in the top 5 players at his club. Basically telling 90 percent of his teammates "you are less than me".

These are just a few of Aker's transgressions.

Anyone who thinks Aker has been sacked for being a mere breath of fresh air are simply not looking hard enough. The reality appears to be that the great unwashed are simply addicted to the gossipy trash that comes out of his mouth. Admit it, you don't want him at your club, and all you are pissed about is that the Bulldogs have taken away a cheap source of entertainment.

Aker is reaping what he has sown. He is two for two in terms of being sacked by AFL clubs. No club just throws talent away willy nilly. If he did the same things at any other club, the result would have been the same.

In the coming months, you are going to really see what little integrity this bloke has. Every tidbit of gossip will be sold to the highest bidder.

Great career... 3 premierships, and Brownlow Medal but unforunately, very few mates.

bold* I had no idea about any of those, or I just forgot because I thought it was typical of him
Obviously it is not going to go away but clearly quite a number of senior influential players no longer want to play or trust him, better to cut him off and have the media distraction outside the club than any factions and division within club.

sounds to me that some senior players have serious issues..:eek:

do you not think the media is not going to run with this. and it will not be pretty. do you not think sam will not have a field day on the footy show.

mentally weak may just be true.:eek:
Been a great player

Great finals player for Brisbane

Great home and away season player for the dogs

Everyone is forgetting he has appeared in two finals series for us and produced nothing

The whole ****ing club has produced nothing in 56 years mate except a few glimmers of false hope. Can't blame Aka for that.
Obviously it is not going to go away but clearly quite a number of senior influential players no longer want to play or trust him, better to cut him off and have the media distraction outside the club than any factions and division within club.

There was obviously a pro/anti Aker division within the club anyway.

Watch it split right open now.:thumbsu:

In full view of the public.

The more that you look at this, the worse the decision by Smorgon and Co. appears.

Aker is going to tear you guys apart for the foreseeable future.
malthouse on footy classified when asked about rehashing the milne incident

"its done and dusted, im not gonna talk about it anymore"

thats basically all the players can do im guessing
How dare he not become a robot an show some personality
How dare he not bow to the pressures of being politically correct an answering things exactly how he felt.
Can guarantee hundreds of others feel the same an were thinking the same as him just they dont have the balls to say it and are to scared to not toe the line.

Another character goes out of the game :(
Might aswell bring in the robots coz a player isnt allowed to have opinions and show any personality.

The "wont somebody please think of the children" people are taking over everything :( an people wonder where all the personalities in sport have gone.
This is what happens when u have a personality

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There was obviously a pro/anti Aker division within the club anyway.

Watch it split right open now.:thumbsu:

In full view of the public.

The more that you look at this, the worse the decision by Smorgon and Co. appears.

Aker is going to tear you guys apart for the foreseeable future.

Was there......he left Brisbane with no friends in playing group......none, what makes you say he has a pro group at Bulldogs....all year he has been talking about his great relationship with Hall, apparently both Hall and J.Brown are on TFS tomorrow night so it will be interesting to see both their opinions. I am sure Aker will say a lot of stuff but how much if any you can believe is up to individuals, he has had a history of lying (which is why he got in trouble in first place)
Was there......he left Brisbane with no friends in playing group......none, what makes you say he has a pro group at Bulldogs....all year he has been talking about his great relationship with Hall, apparently both Hall and J.Brown are on TFS tomorrow night so it will be interesting to see both their opinions. I am sure Aker will say a lot of stuff but how much if any you can believe is up to individuals, he has had a history of lying (which is why he got in trouble in first place)

untrue. watch vossys interview the next year on 10 after you guys won at the gabba, and then watch vossy last year saying my mate aka.
he has a lot of friends in brisbane.

players cant go offside with the club in these issues. self preservation.
Was there......he left Brisbane with no friends in playing group......none, what makes you say he has a pro group at Bulldogs....all year he has been talking about his great relationship with Hall, apparently both Hall and J.Brown are on TFS tomorrow night so it will be interesting to see both their opinions. I am sure Aker will say a lot of stuff but how much if any you can believe is up to individuals, he has had a history of lying (which is why he got in trouble in first place)

Ya reckon??

He also has a history of saying it as it is. (Which is how it should be btw). And that may make things distinctly uncomfortable for you guys.

If you think that the biggest mouth in current day football is going to go down quietly you are sadly mistaken.

And the media are going to lap up every single word.:thumbsu:
I'd have no problem with a Collingwood player saying that they stuck him up the front of the room and hammered him with questions.

I'd think it was pathetic and question the method of dealing with issues but i hardly think it is a major problem acker saying this.....not that he actually said it in the media....sam leaked it.....if you don't think footy players talk to their mates or associates about what happens inside the club then you are naive.

I've had 2 good mates play AFL and they talked casually about shit that was going on all the time.

but WBFC rules are that players are not allowed to discuss matters involving stuff like that
I really do hope Aker unleashes tomorrow. I doubt he will, but it would be great if he did.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I quite like blokes like Aker and Mundine. They run their mouth, which can be hard to do more than once, as people usually let you know about it. They've then they go out and speak their mind a second time. It takes alot of balls to do that. You've got to respect them for backing the talk up also.

He may have a mouth on him, but at least he's got some part of a brain. I'd much rather Aker than some zombie w***er like Thomas or Schwarz.
The club is bigger than the individual and i see it as a line in the sand from my club as we try and win that elusive flag.
Aker is a peanut, but I don't understand what he did that deserved him to be sacked. I can understand the club pulling him aside and telling him that he will be sacked if his behaviour continues. I can understand the club telling him that as long as he is whinging about playing in the VFL, then he will never play in the seniors again, and possibly even sacked.

However, I don't know what he did or disclosed that deserves this action, so therefore I disagree with the people that completely support his sacking because as far as I am concerned, the Western Bulldogs have not shown whether they are right or wrong regarding this decision. I think an indefinite stint in the VFL team and a fine would have been an appropriate penalty from the info I've read, and then the rest of the season would have been up to him if he could completely fall into line this time.
Well I have read enough of this crap, so let me get this straight: SOME SUPPORTERS from other clubs have had a go at us for:
  • Collingwood supporters are being righteous about us taking action against undisciplined players by sacking him, so what happened to Shaw - didn't you get rid of him to Sydney?
Ummm...Rhyce Shaw was suspended for two matches in 2008, but then he returned to play finals that season, whilst Heath Shaw and Alan Didak were suspended for the remainder of the season. At the end of the season, the club and Rhyce Shaw sat down to discuss his future, and Rhyce requested to be traded, which Collingwood then aided him regarding that. He was not sacked at all, let alone before the season had ended, so this comparison is not alike at all.
Funny how a player can be a drug user or dealer, and clubs love to support them, but if a player tells someone "they made me give up handstands", or "they interrogated me", "I felt like punching them", which I guarantee, he most likely said all of them with a grin, then it deserves the sack....wtf.

If its much more serious than that, like he was a spy for another team or something, then please, anyone with any info, please tell us!
Because if nobody knows of anything slightly more serious than the above, then it hasn't been leaked, has it ??? :rolleyes:

Oh, and Shaw isn't a 3 time premiership player and brownlow medalist!
And if he was moved on simply because of skill, I wouldn't have cared either way.....(to whoever was using shaw as an example of being sacked, can't be bothered searching the thread :p )
Im on Aker's side here.

I really respect the fact he refused to 'retire' and forced the club to sack him. I dont like all these rosy 'retirement announcements' when its quite clear the player has been sacked.

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Aker Sacked

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