Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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Coming from someone who retweets like you’re on commissio, your post is rich!!

Why would you question the accuracy of what was reported? I would be 100% certain it’s accurate

god, help us. it's not "authoritative". it's from a ‘stokes’ outfit that has a record of publishing right-wing propaganda. it would appeal to you cos you make unsubstantiated claims regularly. if you again come back with nothing more than the above empty response the point will have been made.
god, help us. it's not "authoritative". it's from a ‘stokes’ outfit that has a record of publishing right-wing propaganda. it would appeal to you cos you make unsubstantiated claims regularly. if you again come back with nothing more than the above empty response the point will have been made.
LOL. If it wasn’t true don’t you think someone, anyone from the ALP, would deny it? FMD.
The whole political inaction because of fear or interest group attacks and fear campaigns should have died out by now but still seems to be the prevailing mentality. Probably because our politicians are now 3rd rate lawyers who only know other Uni Law graduates and can't related to anybody in the "lower" 80%.
I think Labor Party strategists looked at the electoral success the Coalition has had over the years and copied it. The Coalition are masters of Do-Little and Do-Nothing government, under the guise of small government and laissez-faire economics. John Howard won multiple elections by doing almost nothing, then handing out tax cuts and Family Tax Benefit windfalls every pre-election Budget.

The two major parties are neither idealistic or pragmatic - they're just time-servers.

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It transpires ALL Labor candidates, including Fatima Payman, signed a pledge before the last Federal election to abide by caucus solidarity and remain party members or be liable to repay money spent on their campaign
The ALP has been around for over 100 years and the reason that it has been, is because when you become an ALP parliamentary member, you are bound by the ALP platform and policy. If you don't like it, then bugger off or be expelled. It is this discipline that has meant the ALP has stayed strong and made the ALP the only party of progress and reform in Australia. Something that some don't like to hear but Governing is very different to navel gazing and protesting.

To cross the floor and vote against ALP policy is not acceptable in any way. To accept this behaviour from a member is to cripple the party.

Those who keep screaming that the ALP is "not doing enough" for the Palestinian cause is to overlook what they are doing. The Greens Defence Spokesperson David Shoebridge stood up and made a statement that was full of misrepresentations and lies about the military support to Israel by the Government to paint the Government as not caring about Palestinians.

Albanese has been unequivocal in his condemnation of the killing of innocents in Gaza by the IDF, as well as the killing of innocents by Hamas. He and the ALP have always and continue to support a two-state solution and the right of the State of Israel to exist, both of which Bandt refuses to say if he supports.

Albanese has been calling for a ceasefire in Gaza since December of last year and the Government voted for Palestine to be a full member of the United Nations.

Albanese is the Prime Minister of AUSTRALIA, not a Uni student carrying placards and being part of any civil disobedience to bring to the attention to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. He is bringing attention to the plight of Palestinians in a level headed and reasoned way as he should, being Prime Minister. He and his Government governs for all of us, not just for one section or another. His job is to try and maintain social cohesion, not to divide for some putrid political purpose.

It is Dutton and the filthy LNP and the Murdoch gutter press that is accusing anyone and everyone who condemns the actions of Netanyahu and the Israeli Government/Defence Forces of being anti-Semitic. Where are the go-forth-and-multiply Greens harassing and barricading LNP members and their offices? They are the ones that are engendering suspicion and hatred towards Palestinians and by extension, Muslims. Nah, that doesn't mean shit to the Greens Political Party. They are doing exactly the same as the filth of Dutton and the Murdoch scum by failing to clearly differentiate between the Israeli Government/Defence Forces and those of the Jewish faith and as a consequence, they are engendering suspicion and loathing of Jewish people in Australia.

For the Greens Political Party and the LNP/Murdoch scum, it's all about the politics and for the GPP, it's a cheap and tawdry attempt to milk votes from the ALP.

I ask Fatima Payman, the GPP and others, what would you have Albanese and the Government do? Send troops into Gaza to fight against the Israeli Defence Forces?
The ALP has been around for over 100 years and the reason that it has been, is because when you become an ALP parliamentary member, you are bound by the ALP platform and policy. If you don't like it, then bugger off or be expelled. It is this discipline that has meant the ALP has stayed strong and made the ALP the only party of progress and reform in Australia. Something that some don't like to hear but Governing is very different to navel gazing and protesting.

To cross the floor and vote against ALP policy is not acceptable in any way. To accept this behaviour from a member is to cripple the party.

Those who keep screaming that the ALP is "not doing enough" for the Palestinian cause is to overlook what they are doing. The Greens Defence Spokesperson David Shoebridge stood up and made a statement that was full of misrepresentations and lies about the military support to Israel by the Government to paint the Government as not caring about Palestinians.

Albanese has been unequivocal in his condemnation of the killing of innocents in Gaza by the IDF, as well as the killing of innocents by Hamas. He and the ALP have always and continue to support a two-state solution and the right of the State of Israel to exist, both of which Bandt refuses to say if he supports.

Albanese has been calling for a ceasefire in Gaza since December of last year and the Government voted for Palestine to be a full member of the United Nations.

Albanese is the Prime Minister of AUSTRALIA, not a Uni student carrying placards and being part of any civil disobedience to bring to the attention to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. He is bringing attention to the plight of Palestinians in a level headed and reasoned way as he should, being Prime Minister. He and his Government governs for all of us, not just for one section or another. His job is to try and maintain social cohesion, not to divide for some putrid political purpose.

It is Dutton and the filthy LNP and the Murdoch gutter press that is accusing anyone and everyone who condemns the actions of Netanyahu and the Israeli Government/Defence Forces of being anti-Semitic. Where are the go-forth-and-multiply Greens harassing and barricading LNP members and their offices? They are the ones that are engendering suspicion and hatred towards Palestinians and by extension, Muslims. Nah, that doesn't mean shit to the Greens Political Party. They are doing exactly the same as the filth of Dutton and the Murdoch scum by failing to clearly differentiate between the Israeli Government/Defence Forces and those of the Jewish faith and as a consequence, they are engendering suspicion and loathing of Jewish people in Australia.

For the Greens Political Party and the LNP/Murdoch scum, it's all about the politics and for the GPP, it's a cheap and tawdry attempt to milk votes from the ALP.

I ask Fatima Payman, the GPP and others, what would you have Albanese and the Government do? Send troops into Gaza to fight against the Israeli Defence Forces?
Why don't the ALP Govt just recognise the state of Palestine like most countries in the world have done already?

Why are we holding out? If the ALP really supports a two-state solution, and we recognise the state of Israel, why refuse to recognise the state of Palestine?

What you've written is exactly the party line. But it overlooks the simple fact that the ALP say a lot, but have actually done very little. Belatedly supporting a ceasefire (don't forget that they abstained first) is a great example. Nothing changed between the abstention and then finally voting with everyone but a handful of nations. Labor had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the absolute minimum of action (please stop committing genocide, pretty please, still no?).

When the ALP voted against recognising Palestine, they voted for Israel's genocide. If they have to be brought kicking and screaming to the right decision every time, even shedding their own Senators along the way, they might as well get out of the way. At least the LNP oppose Palestine because they're consistent. The ALP say they support Palestine in words, but don't in any deed.
The ALP has been around for over 100 years and the reason that it has been, is because when you become an ALP parliamentary member, you are bound by the ALP platform and policy. If you don't like it, then bugger off or be expelled. It is this discipline that has meant the ALP has stayed strong and made the ALP the only party of progress and reform in Australia. Something that some don't like to hear but Governing is very different to navel gazing and protesting.

To cross the floor and vote against ALP policy is not acceptable in any way. To accept this behaviour from a member is to cripple the party.

Those who keep screaming that the ALP is "not doing enough" for the Palestinian cause is to overlook what they are doing. The Greens Defence Spokesperson David Shoebridge stood up and made a statement that was full of misrepresentations and lies about the military support to Israel by the Government to paint the Government as not caring about Palestinians.

Albanese has been unequivocal in his condemnation of the killing of innocents in Gaza by the IDF, as well as the killing of innocents by Hamas. He and the ALP have always and continue to support a two-state solution and the right of the State of Israel to exist, both of which Bandt refuses to say if he supports.

Albanese has been calling for a ceasefire in Gaza since December of last year and the Government voted for Palestine to be a full member of the United Nations.

Albanese is the Prime Minister of AUSTRALIA, not a Uni student carrying placards and being part of any civil disobedience to bring to the attention to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. He is bringing attention to the plight of Palestinians in a level headed and reasoned way as he should, being Prime Minister. He and his Government governs for all of us, not just for one section or another. His job is to try and maintain social cohesion, not to divide for some putrid political purpose.

It is Dutton and the filthy LNP and the Murdoch gutter press that is accusing anyone and everyone who condemns the actions of Netanyahu and the Israeli Government/Defence Forces of being anti-Semitic. Where are the go-forth-and-multiply Greens harassing and barricading LNP members and their offices? They are the ones that are engendering suspicion and hatred towards Palestinians and by extension, Muslims. Nah, that doesn't mean shit to the Greens Political Party. They are doing exactly the same as the filth of Dutton and the Murdoch scum by failing to clearly differentiate between the Israeli Government/Defence Forces and those of the Jewish faith and as a consequence, they are engendering suspicion and loathing of Jewish people in Australia.

For the Greens Political Party and the LNP/Murdoch scum, it's all about the politics and for the GPP, it's a cheap and tawdry attempt to milk votes from the ALP.

I ask Fatima Payman, the GPP and others, what would you have Albanese and the Government do? Send troops into Gaza to fight against the Israeli Defence Forces?
Very glass half full about the Labor Party.

The other way of looking at it is: Since the founding of the Libs, the ALP have been in opposition for over 70% of the time. Despite being the party which represents workers. In all that time, workers have become less well-off, the inequality has become a lot more pronounced, the middle class is becoming less well-off and for the first time since maybe the Black Death, young people will be less well-off than their parents.

On what basis is it that you think party solidarity has been behind any of the "successes" of the Party?

I can think of two recent failures. One is Gaza, the other is gay marriage. Where Penny Wong prides herself on denying herself her own human rights, all because the Shoppies are run by a corrupt catholic.

In what planet is a Union forcing a Senator to vote against her own human rights a good outcome for democracy?
Or trying to force a person to vote against other people's human rights?
Very glass half full about the Labor Party.

The other way of looking at it is: Since the founding of the Libs, the ALP have been in opposition for over 70% of the time. Despite being the party which represents workers. In all that time, workers have become less well-off, the inequality has become a lot more pronounced, the middle class is becoming less well-off and for the first time since maybe the Black Death, young people will be less well-off than their parents.

On what basis is it that you think party solidarity has been behind any of the "successes" of the Party?

I can think of two recent failures. One is Gaza, the other is gay marriage. Where Penny Wong prides herself on denying herself her own human rights, all because the Shoppies are run by a corrupt catholic.

In what planet is a Union forcing a Senator to vote against her own human rights a good outcome for democracy?
Or trying to force a person to vote against other people's human rights?

And the Israel Palestine situation has meandered on for most of that time. I think most Australians would think we have very little influence there, and are bemused by people living here demanding that we can.
And the Israel Palestine situation has meandered on for most of that time. I think most Australians would think we have very little influence there, and are bemused by people living here demanding that we can.

Do you not think Israel has too much influence over politicians here and in other countries?
The ALP has been around for over 100 years and the reason that it has been, is because when you become an ALP parliamentary member, you are bound by the ALP platform and policy. If you don't like it, then bugger off or be expelled. It is this discipline that has meant the ALP has stayed strong and made the ALP the only party of progress and reform in Australia. Something that some don't like to hear but Governing is very different to navel gazing and protesting.

To cross the floor and vote against ALP policy is not acceptable in any way. To accept this behaviour from a member is to cripple the party.

Those who keep screaming that the ALP is "not doing enough" for the Palestinian cause is to overlook what they are doing. The Greens Defence Spokesperson David Shoebridge stood up and made a statement that was full of misrepresentations and lies about the military support to Israel by the Government to paint the Government as not caring about Palestinians.

Albanese has been unequivocal in his condemnation of the killing of innocents in Gaza by the IDF, as well as the killing of innocents by Hamas. He and the ALP have always and continue to support a two-state solution and the right of the State of Israel to exist, both of which Bandt refuses to say if he supports.

Albanese has been calling for a ceasefire in Gaza since December of last year and the Government voted for Palestine to be a full member of the United Nations.

Albanese is the Prime Minister of AUSTRALIA, not a Uni student carrying placards and being part of any civil disobedience to bring to the attention to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. He is bringing attention to the plight of Palestinians in a level headed and reasoned way as he should, being Prime Minister. He and his Government governs for all of us, not just for one section or another. His job is to try and maintain social cohesion, not to divide for some putrid political purpose.

It is Dutton and the filthy LNP and the Murdoch gutter press that is accusing anyone and everyone who condemns the actions of Netanyahu and the Israeli Government/Defence Forces of being anti-Semitic. Where are the go-forth-and-multiply Greens harassing and barricading LNP members and their offices? They are the ones that are engendering suspicion and hatred towards Palestinians and by extension, Muslims. Nah, that doesn't mean shit to the Greens Political Party. They are doing exactly the same as the filth of Dutton and the Murdoch scum by failing to clearly differentiate between the Israeli Government/Defence Forces and those of the Jewish faith and as a consequence, they are engendering suspicion and loathing of Jewish people in Australia.

For the Greens Political Party and the LNP/Murdoch scum, it's all about the politics and for the GPP, it's a cheap and tawdry attempt to milk votes from the ALP.

I ask Fatima Payman, the GPP and others, what would you have Albanese and the Government do? Send troops into Gaza to fight against the Israeli Defence Forces?
Progress and Reform
The adults at the table

screaming uni students with placards

which labor strategist wrote that for you?
And the Israel Palestine situation has meandered on for most of that time. I think most Australians would think we have very little influence there, and are bemused by people living here demanding that we can.
Congratulations, you've reached the "Australia is only a little bit of global pollution so we might as well do nothing" levels of head-in-sand.

This is exactly what the Genocide convention was written for. It's illegal to look the other way while weapons you supply are used for war crimes.

Australia is committing a war crime by supplying the IDF.

But we might as well do nothing, why bother. Might stop paying my taxes too, it's only a small part of Govt revenue, so why bother.
The ALP has been around for over 100 years and the reason that it has been, is because when you become an ALP parliamentary member, you are bound by the ALP platform and policy. If you don't like it, then bugger off or be expelled. It is this discipline that has meant the ALP has stayed strong and made the ALP the only party of progress and reform in Australia. Something that some don't like to hear but Governing is very different to navel gazing and protesting.

To cross the floor and vote against ALP policy is not acceptable in any way. To accept this behaviour from a member is to cripple the party.

Those who keep screaming that the ALP is "not doing enough" for the Palestinian cause is to overlook what they are doing. The Greens Defence Spokesperson David Shoebridge stood up and made a statement that was full of misrepresentations and lies about the military support to Israel by the Government to paint the Government as not caring about Palestinians.

Albanese has been unequivocal in his condemnation of the killing of innocents in Gaza by the IDF, as well as the killing of innocents by Hamas. He and the ALP have always and continue to support a two-state solution and the right of the State of Israel to exist, both of which Bandt refuses to say if he supports.

Albanese has been calling for a ceasefire in Gaza since December of last year and the Government voted for Palestine to be a full member of the United Nations.

Albanese is the Prime Minister of AUSTRALIA, not a Uni student carrying placards and being part of any civil disobedience to bring to the attention to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. He is bringing attention to the plight of Palestinians in a level headed and reasoned way as he should, being Prime Minister. He and his Government governs for all of us, not just for one section or another. His job is to try and maintain social cohesion, not to divide for some putrid political purpose.

It is Dutton and the filthy LNP and the Murdoch gutter press that is accusing anyone and everyone who condemns the actions of Netanyahu and the Israeli Government/Defence Forces of being anti-Semitic. Where are the go-forth-and-multiply Greens harassing and barricading LNP members and their offices? They are the ones that are engendering suspicion and hatred towards Palestinians and by extension, Muslims. Nah, that doesn't mean shit to the Greens Political Party. They are doing exactly the same as the filth of Dutton and the Murdoch scum by failing to clearly differentiate between the Israeli Government/Defence Forces and those of the Jewish faith and as a consequence, they are engendering suspicion and loathing of Jewish people in Australia.

For the Greens Political Party and the LNP/Murdoch scum, it's all about the politics and for the GPP, it's a cheap and tawdry attempt to milk votes from the ALP.

I ask Fatima Payman, the GPP and others, what would you have Albanese and the Government do? Send troops into Gaza to fight against the Israeli Defence Forces?
It's all the Greens fault... Hi Albo :handwaving:
It's all the Greens fault... Hi Albo :handwaving:
Labor complaining people were talking about Payman on July 1st instead of tax cuts when Labor suspended her in the afternoon on the 30th of June was peak toys out of the cot tantrum

why are you reporting on our own actions!

this is all the greens fault they are sabotaging us!

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Labor complaining people were talking about Payman on July 1st instead of tax cuts when Labor suspended her in the afternoon on the 30th of June was peak toys out of the cot tantrum

why are you reporting on our own actions!

this is all the greens fault they are sabotaging us!
I said last week that the ALP should cut their losses on this one, public admonish Payman for her actions and let the news cycle chew it up and spit it out... Yet here we are a week later and the issue is even more front of mind than it was then.

Rather than showing actual leadership and telling the caucus that it would be better to let this one slide, Albo succumbed to the pressure and punished Payman, and has seemingly done nothing to either deny or condemn the bullying of an ALP senator.

They'll sit back and tell themselves that this is what the rank and file would want... while totally ignoring the fact that the national conference endorsed a two-state solution at their national conference. This is what people mean when they talk about the "Canberra Bubble", you end up in an echo chamber of undeserved hubris.
Labor complaining people were talking about Payman on July 1st instead of tax cuts when Labor suspended her in the afternoon on the 30th of June was peak toys out of the cot tantrum

why are you reporting on our own actions!

this is all the greens fault they are sabotaging us!

Just stupid.
Even if they still wanted to suspend her, they could have moved the distraction, by simply saying , "we are considering if there will be any repercussions ".
Congratulations, you've reached the "Australia is only a little bit of global pollution so we might as well do nothing" levels of head-in-sand.

This is exactly what the Genocide convention was written for. It's illegal to look the other way while weapons you supply are used for war crimes.

Australia is committing a war crime by supplying the IDF.

But we might as well do nothing, why bother. Might stop paying my taxes too, it's only a small part of Govt revenue, so why bother.

You projected on me there. I was guessing at voter interest in this, even though some pollies want to play it for all it’s worth
You projected on me there. I was guessing at voter interest in this, even though some pollies want to play it for all it’s worth
Part of the protest movement is getting people to understand that by recognising the state of Palestine and stopping supplying weapons to a Genocide that we can at the least help provide political pressure, and at the most, slow down the bombing.

The whole point of my education about Genocide, and attending Genocide museums from Namibia to Rwanda and Europe is that looking the other way, minimising and not caring is exactly what genocidaires rely upon, for good people to do nothing.
Why don't the ALP Govt just recognise the state of Palestine like most countries in the world have done already?

Why are we holding out? If the ALP really supports a two-state solution, and we recognise the state of Israel, why refuse to recognise the state of Palestine?

What you've written is exactly the party line. But it overlooks the simple fact that the ALP say a lot, but have actually done very little. Belatedly supporting a ceasefire (don't forget that they abstained first) is a great example. Nothing changed between the abstention and then finally voting with everyone but a handful of nations. Labor had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the absolute minimum of action (please stop committing genocide, pretty please, still no?).

When the ALP voted against recognising Palestine, they voted for Israel's genocide. If they have to be brought kicking and screaming to the right decision every time, even shedding their own Senators along the way, they might as well get out of the way. At least the LNP oppose Palestine because they're consistent. The ALP say they support Palestine in words, but don't in any deed.
It seems to me there are interesting logistical problems in recognising Palestine. I assume Palestine refers to Gaza and the West Bank. There are 2 different ruling groups, Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. In this context what or who are being recognised? Obviously other countries have found a way of making this work, or maybe ignore it. I don’t think many countries would want to recognise Hamas as a government they want to have diplomatic relations with.
Part of the protest movement is getting people to understand that by recognising the state of Palestine and stopping supplying weapons to a Genocide that we can at the least help provide political pressure, and at the most, slow down the bombing.

The whole point of my education about Genocide, and attending Genocide museums from Namibia to Rwanda and Europe is that looking the other way, minimising and not caring is exactly what genocidaires rely upon, for good people to do nothing.

Even our looking the other way has little practical effect
Even our looking the other way has little practical effect
spoken like someone that wants to think our position doesn't matter
With respect Gralin, take it to a thread on the subject
give I was replying to your post in the thread you posted it in, I have to ask why you think this is an appropriate deflection
So might as well do the right thing then, yes? Rather than sack a Senator in a week they were trying to talk about taxes?

The government is playing a diplomatic straight bat on it. You do realise this has been going on for decades?

Back at you why is this issue ‘special’ over the dozens of issues around the world?
The government is playing a diplomatic straight bat on it. You do realise this has been going on for decades?

Back at you why is this issue ‘special’ over the dozens of issues around the world?
What a load of absolute BS. The government is pandering to the Israel lobby and refusing to denounce what is happening in Gaza in any meaningful way. Just because it has been happening for ages doesn't make it right. Why hasn't the Israeli Ambassador been hauled in to explain why his country is behaving this way? It was good enough for us to do it with Russia...

It's "special" because people are taking an active interest in it, turns out there are quite a few people in this country that don't really like the idea of one country wiping out tens of thousands of members of another country... What a quaint thought...

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Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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