Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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yeah sure, the alp feels the need to respond to a a plodder making a claim on a forum. a claim the plodder can only support by a link to a right-wing propaganda outfit. thanks for proving my point. appreciated.:thumbsu:
FMD are you thick or just being obtuse? Several media outlets and Bill Shorten have now commented on the "caucus solidarity" pledge of the ALP with the SMH reporting today that the ALP has essentially required its Members to sign the same pledge since 1902.

Just because you didn't know anything about the pledge because your only news source is Twitter doesn't mean it isn't real...

In an interview yesterday Bill Shorten confirmed the pledge's existence - "SHORTEN: No, that's true. And we all sign a pledge to stick by caucus."

FMD are you thick or just being obtuse? Several media outlets and Bill Shorten have now commented on the "caucus solidarity" pledge of the ALP with the SMH reporting today that the ALP has essentially required its Members to sign the same pledge since 1902.

Just because you didn't know anything about the pledge because your only news source is Twitter doesn't mean it isn't real...

In an interview yesterday Bill Shorten confirmed the pledge's existence - "SHORTEN: No, that's true. And we all sign a pledge to stick by caucus."

I'd be interested to know if this is an actual pledge, or whether it's just a by-law/rule that's in the fine print of party membership application.
You want Islamophobia, I give you the Australian Jewish Association. Why would a Jewish Association be hosting a speaker about "Impact of Muslim Immigration"? I would have assumed a Jewish organisation would be focused on less racism, not more. Also, I think the "impact of Jewish Immigration" would be an interesting speaking tour led by a Palestinian.

Check out some of the questions. The white South African lady with the Israel scarf saying the Govt has been soft on Pro-Palestine rallies at 36:16 is great.

At 40 minutes there's a question about Muslims replacing Swedish people (they're 8% of the population).

I wonder why an Australian Jewish Association would spend time talking about Islam in Sweden.........of course they're not racist.....

Totally for multiculturism in australia
Totally oppose the same thing in Israel

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Oh dear lord... It actually says pledge in it... The Australian Labour Party are a US College Fraternity :tearsofjoy:

Wonder if they have to do the cinder block test as well, Old School style :tearsofjoy:
That pledge doesn't say anything about voting with Caucus. If the ALP support a 2-state solution, it's only Senator Payman who voted for that.

No wonder socialists are accused all the time of being a mask for totalitarianism. Even the centre-left want complete control of their party.
Totally for multiculturism in australia
Totally oppose the same thing in Israel
It just depends what the culture is. But that's not bigotry is it??

It's the first organisation i've seen with just two goals which are totally contradictory:

Totally against racism or bigotry (when it's Jews)
Totally for racism and bigotry (if it's Muslims)

Explain to me how their position is different from nations who carried out anti-Jewish Pogroms.

And what did the ALP do? Launch an investigation into anti-semitism based on bigots like this coming on Sky News and Morning shows to complain about bigotry.
I don't like it.
I don't like pretty much anything these campaigners are taking about

But teaming up with Hanson who has said some disgusting things about disability to "reform" the NDIS which is actually just budget cuts so less people get support is ghoulish
a huge disappointment is albo. as leader of the house he had conviction and fire. now he’s a shadow of that. luckily he’s got an unelectable vacuous, policy-free, venal creep as opposition leader with a backbench of empty heads.

and this.

ALP are their own worst enemy, absolutely spineless trying to appease the boofheads who are too stupid to understand nuanced discussion and fall for the right wing media soundbites and "slogans for bogans" made popular by Abbott.

Have the courage of your convictions FFS, put these policies into action and show people that they work instead of trying to convince them they'll work. Instead they end up doing neither and are seen as spineless and inept, paralysed by their own indecision.

It's why I hate the ALP more than the LNP, at least with the LNP I know what I'm getting, I know they are corrupt narcissists in it to ensure more tax breaks, government funding etc for them and their rich mates. The ALP pretend to espouse these left wing ideals but never actually put them into practice when they are in power and then allow the LNP back in due to their own ineptitude. Its because the ALP are such a bunch of hacks the LNP even get a look in.

This stuff with Senator Payman a perfect case in point, her actions are more aligned to the Party platform than the actual Parties actions.
Power prices went out of control cos fossil fuel prices went up. That has nothing to do with renewables.
Because we willingly hand over our natural resources to the robber barons on a peppercorn deal who then sell most of it offshore and extort us to purchase our own resources back off them at highly inflated rates. And then not only pay minimal if any taxes but actually put their hand out for government funding. If people weren't so stupefied they would be storming government house demanding we either charge them more, nationalise our resources or force them to sell to us at our own market rate instead of the global market rate.

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It genuinely seems like all the RBA do is go "well inflation hasnt dropped, looks like we pump those rates up again".

13 rate rises over 2 or 3 years and its done **** all to inflation, for genius economists it doesnt seem like they know much more than your average punter about it and how to fix it.
If the only tool you have is a hammer....
I have no problem with what the new Governor-General will earn.

I will have a problem if she, while the Governor-General, publicly comments on political matters.
I'd rather she was paid peanuts and had principles than paid a lot and said nothing.

What's the point of a GG anyway? Perhaps this connected outrage will help shed light on the utter uselessness of the position.
Very glass half full about the Labor Party.

The other way of looking at it is: Since the founding of the Libs, the ALP have been in opposition for over 70% of the time. Despite being the party which represents workers. In all that time, workers have become less well-off, the inequality has become a lot more pronounced, the middle class is becoming less well-off and for the first time since maybe the Black Death, young people will be less well-off than their parents.

On what basis is it that you think party solidarity has been behind any of the "successes" of the Party?

I can think of two recent failures. One is Gaza, the other is gay marriage. Where Penny Wong prides herself on denying herself her own human rights, all because the Shoppies are run by a corrupt catholic.

In what planet is a Union forcing a Senator to vote against her own human rights a good outcome for democracy?
Or trying to force a person to vote against other people's human rights?
I get that some people don't like the fact that Fatima has been marginalised by the ALP but the thing is, the ALP has rules and when someone agrees to stand for the ALP, they accept ALP party rules.

Times do change but standards MUST remain and the standards of the ALP have lasted the test of time. They were founded in the 1890's pre Federation and as a Federal party since 1901 - they formed the first National Labor Government in the world and since then, they have been mercilessly attacked by anti-labour and reactionary forces. They have been white anted from within by Catholic morons who shat themselves believing the UAP/Liberal crap about the ALP having been infiltrated by communists, the same Communist Party whose preferences made sure that the Menzies government was returned in 1961 with a one seat majority.

The Scullin Government was stopped by the Bank of England and the Commonwealth Bank, which was founded by Andrew Fisher's Labor government in 1911 by the way, this Commonwealth Bank, the bank of Australia, refused to release funds to the Scullin Government to help Australia during the Great Depression. The Government bank refusing to give money to the Government.

Green's idiots may laugh at the ALP's longevity and the fact the ALP is the only Political Party of reform and progress whilst the boys club/establishment, has fought it tooth and nail since it's formation. The Green's morons don't get the fact that they have never been a Party of Government and never will be and therefore, it's easy to go around screaming and gesticulating for what are, in the main, are great good ideals but they don't understand that we live, and have always lived, in a capitalist world in a world wide economic system.

A classic example of how idiotic the Greens are is the latest offering from smarmy Chandler-Mather. He says that the Greens oppose the Build-to-Rent scheme because it would give tax breaks to developers. Who the frigging hell does that git think builds houses, inner city latte drinking hipsters? He and the GPP are opposing the legislated affordable housing measures in this bill because the pricks want to play politics. They don't give a rat's arse about the poverty stricken or the homeless, they just play politics and they will never have the responsibility of Government but regardless of this, the ALP will endure and keep striding for progress and reform and it is the disciplined adherence to Party rules, that they have been able to continue the struggle for those who sell their labour and expertise. To "change the 120 year old rules" like the editor of The Age suggests, is to abandon the principles and disciplines that are the bedrock of the Labour Movement.
The ALP are far from perfect, no Party is, but the ALP rank and file, more than 60,000 of them, do their dissenting and arguing in the branches and at the Party Conferences but one thing they don't do, is to trash the rules of the Party and that is what keeps them strong.

If Dutton and the LNP win the next election with the undoubted help of the navel gazers (the GPP), then it will be catastrophic for the nation but the ALP will not diminish as a movement.

The Greens Political Party don't really give a shit about the nation or people's well being, if they did, they would be screaming from the rooftops opposing Dutton's nuclear madness but hardly a peep, except for some glib line that both major parties don't care about the climate. Nah, it's in the GPP's political interest that they keep shtum so that the ALP can go it alone and hopefully, milk some more votes of them.

Your last paragraph about a Senator being forced to vote against her "own human rights" and other people's human rights by a Union is simply preposterous and completely wrong. She is a member of the ALP and they have been speaking clearly and loudly as well as voting in the UN on our behalf for the human rights of the Palestinian people. The myth that the ALP don't care about the plight of Palestinians is being flogged for all it's worth by the slimy, sleazy Greens who don't give a shit about who they use, and who they betray if it means that they may score votes off the ALP.

If Fatima wants to be an autonomous member of Parliament, then she can bugger off out of the ALP and sit on the cross benches.

Give them the tax breaks if they work on these projects.
Didn't workers just get a tax break? Haven't wages been increasing since the Government changed the LNP policy of deliberately keeping wages low?

I would like to know who builds houses Chief? It's developers and those individuals who invest in building dwellings on the assumption that there will be a return on their investment. That's the capitalist world we live in.

The original negative gearing and the associated tax regime surrounding it was about investors, companies, developers building houses with the prospect of returns in the long term. Howard and the Thatcherites deformed that great bit of social policy and turned it into a short term speculative money making venture for spivs.

The ALP took a return to the original negative gearing settings to an election but Shorten and the ALP, took the electorate for granted and spent their time preening themselves in front of a mirror so the drover's dog looked immaculate and the electorate rejected it. This build-to-rent scheme is along the same lines as the original policy which was taken up by individuals, developers and companies. I can't see how the Greens can oppose it on the grounds that it gives developers a tax break.
I would like to know who builds houses Chief? It's developers and those individuals who invest in building dwellings on the assumption that there will be a return on their investment. That's the capitalist world we live in.
They get on the tools do they?
I get that some people don't like the fact that Fatima has been marginalised by the ALP but the thing is, the ALP has rules and when someone agrees to stand for the ALP, they accept ALP party rules.

Times do change but standards MUST remain and the standards of the ALP have lasted the test of time. They were founded in the 1890's pre Federation and as a Federal party since 1901 - they formed the first National Labor Government in the world and since then, they have been mercilessly attacked by anti-labour and reactionary forces. They have been white anted from within by Catholic morons who shat themselves believing the UAP/Liberal crap about the ALP having been infiltrated by communists, the same Communist Party whose preferences made sure that the Menzies government was returned in 1961 with a one seat majority.

The Scullin Government was stopped by the Bank of England and the Commonwealth Bank, which was founded by Andrew Fisher's Labor government in 1911 by the way, this Commonwealth Bank, the bank of Australia, refused to release funds to the Scullin Government to help Australia during the Great Depression. The Government bank refusing to give money to the Government.

Green's idiots may laugh at the ALP's longevity and the fact the ALP is the only Political Party of reform and progress whilst the boys club/establishment, has fought it tooth and nail since it's formation. The Green's morons don't get the fact that they have never been a Party of Government and never will be and therefore, it's easy to go around screaming and gesticulating for what are, in the main, are great good ideals but they don't understand that we live, and have always lived, in a capitalist world in a world wide economic system.

A classic example of how idiotic the Greens are is the latest offering from smarmy Chandler-Mather. He says that the Greens oppose the Build-to-Rent scheme because it would give tax breaks to developers. Who the frigging hell does that git think builds houses, inner city latte drinking hipsters? He and the GPP are opposing the legislated affordable housing measures in this bill because the pricks want to play politics. They don't give a rat's arse about the poverty stricken or the homeless, they just play politics and they will never have the responsibility of Government but regardless of this, the ALP will endure and keep striding for progress and reform and it is the disciplined adherence to Party rules, that they have been able to continue the struggle for those who sell their labour and expertise. To "change the 120 year old rules" like the editor of The Age suggests, is to abandon the principles and disciplines that are the bedrock of the Labour Movement.
The ALP are far from perfect, no Party is, but the ALP rank and file, more than 60,000 of them, do their dissenting and arguing in the branches and at the Party Conferences but one thing they don't do, is to trash the rules of the Party and that is what keeps them strong.

If Dutton and the LNP win the next election with the undoubted help of the navel gazers (the GPP), then it will be catastrophic for the nation but the ALP will not diminish as a movement.

The Greens Political Party don't really give a shit about the nation or people's well being, if they did, they would be screaming from the rooftops opposing Dutton's nuclear madness but hardly a peep, except for some glib line that both major parties don't care about the climate. Nah, it's in the GPP's political interest that they keep shtum so that the ALP can go it alone and hopefully, milk some more votes of them.

Your last paragraph about a Senator being forced to vote against her "own human rights" and other people's human rights by a Union is simply preposterous and completely wrong. She is a member of the ALP and they have been speaking clearly and loudly as well as voting in the UN on our behalf for the human rights of the Palestinian people. The myth that the ALP don't care about the plight of Palestinians is being flogged for all it's worth by the slimy, sleazy Greens who don't give a shit about who they use, and who they betray if it means that they may score votes off the ALP.

If Fatima wants to be an autonomous member of Parliament, then she can bugger off out of the ALP and sit on the cross benches.
Yeah you really got the feeling that they care with their motion today to recognise that they might maybe recognise Palestine in the future if Israel says its ok and decides to stop committing a genocide.
They get on the tools do they?
Sorry chief, I don't understand what you are on about. Workers work on building sites that are being developed by developers, companies and individuals. What is your point? Those who sell their labor and expertise have just got a pay cut, they have got far cheaper medicines, child care, free TAFE to get the skills to work on building sites and in other areas, early childhood education for all is now a reality and wages are increasing. I don't understand what you are driving at.

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Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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