Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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Sorry chief, I don't understand what you are on about. Workers work on building sites that are being developed by developers, companies and individuals. What is your point? Those who sell their labor and expertise have just got a pay cut, they have got far cheaper medicines, child care, free TAFE to get the skills to work on building sites and in other areas, early childhood education for all is now a reality and wages are increasing. I don't understand what you are driving at.
Probably reality and not ALP propaganda
I'd rather she was paid peanuts and had principles than paid a lot and said nothing.

What's the point of a GG anyway? Perhaps this connected outrage will help shed light on the utter uselessness of the position.
No doubt when we become a republic the ‘President’ will be nothing more than a ceremonial role like Governor General, without the monarchy.

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I'd rather she was paid peanuts and had principles than paid a lot and said nothing.

What's the point of a GG anyway? Perhaps this connected outrage will help shed light on the utter uselessness of the position.

Part of the important principles of being GG is not being political. If there is a disagreement between political parties on an issue, then the issue is political.

Leave politics to the politicians.
Sorry chief, I don't understand what you are on about. Workers work on building sites that are being developed by developers, companies and individuals. What is your point? Those who sell their labor and expertise have just got a pay cut, they have got far cheaper medicines, child care, free TAFE to get the skills to work on building sites and in other areas, early childhood education for all is now a reality and wages are increasing. I don't understand what you are driving at.

Developers don't "build" anything. They make deals, trying to shaft any and all who deal with them, and skimp on materials and evade regulations to squeeze money out. The people on the job site do the building.
Didn't workers just get a tax break? Haven't wages been increasing since the Government changed the LNP policy of deliberately keeping wages low?

I would like to know who builds houses Chief? It's developers and those individuals who invest in building dwellings on the assumption that there will be a return on their investment. That's the capitalist world we live in.

The original negative gearing and the associated tax regime surrounding it was about investors, companies, developers building houses with the prospect of returns in the long term. Howard and the Thatcherites deformed that great bit of social policy and turned it into a short term speculative money making venture for spivs.

The ALP took a return to the original negative gearing settings to an election but Shorten and the ALP, took the electorate for granted and spent their time preening themselves in front of a mirror so the drover's dog looked immaculate and the electorate rejected it. This build-to-rent scheme is along the same lines as the original policy which was taken up by individuals, developers and companies. I can't see how the Greens can oppose it on the grounds that it gives developers a tax break.

Interesting Liberal theory. Unfortunately the facts are that profits are at record highs, while worker salaries are at record lows, and you think the Govt should look at this chart and think: Gee those developers need a tax break and labour is going great?

The tax break is specifically for overseas investors too, so it's a direct foreign handout because the Build to Rent developers have convinced the Government that locals can't figure out Build to Rent and they'll only turn up if there's a tax break. Rent-seeking at its best and the ALP are falling for it because the lawyers throughout that whole organisation have never understood how businesses work.

A progressive ALP would have built the houses themselves and rented them out for those in need. If they're saying they can't figure out the Business Model which is well publicised and in use around the world with a huge Treasury, Finance and PM&C organisations, then what hope have they got of running the Govt budget well?
They should really put the "according to Labor figures" at the start. Then we would read the headline and know it's an ALP press release, not an actual opinion piece.

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they're accusing Payman of working with the greens over crossing the floor to acknowledge Palestine while Bill Shorten is posing for photos with Pauline Hanson to attack the greens for not helping them removing funding from the NDIS

anyone who thinks backing Labor is the moral thing to do at this point, that they aren't exactly the same political machine as the coalition, is rather gullible
they're accusing Payman of working with the greens over crossing the floor to acknowledge Palestine while Bill Shorten is posing for photos with Pauline Hanson to attack the greens for not helping them removing funding from the NDIS

anyone who thinks backing Labor is the moral thing to do at this point, that they aren't exactly the same political machine as the coalition, is rather gullible
I think they have better policies overall than the Libs, but have a far worse machine. You really get the feeling with the ALP that none of them are ever saying what they actually think. When ALP leaders (post-Keating) speak, you get the feeling they're saying what they think they're supposed to say, but usually don't actually believe it or have any conviction.

Albanese is arguing more about Payman crossing the floor and the Party rules than the actual moral stance she has taken.
I think they have better policies overall than the Libs, but have a far worse machine. You really get the feeling with the ALP that none of them are ever saying what they actually think. When ALP leaders (post-Keating) speak, you get the feeling they're saying what they think they're supposed to say, but usually don't actually believe it or have any conviction.

Albanese is arguing more about Payman crossing the floor and the Party rules than the actual moral stance she has taken.
They're debt collecting welfare recipients more than the coalition did

They're trying to gut NDIS harder than the coalition did

They jailed David McBride and continued prosecution of other whistleblowers

Trying to pass "antidoxxing" laws that have nothing to do with safety for the public

Just as shit on refugees and immigration

In the pocket of fossil fuel companies

Beyond what they say, in what they do where is the real difference

A slightly slower slide into fascism is still sliding into fascism

The difference between the two is largely which donors and lobby groups benefit the most.

Anyone still thinking labor is going to fix things just hasn't been able to face the reality that they won't.

And to be clear I'm talking about the party machine not the rank and file members

It's clear that the party is not enacting the policy platform of the members.

Same issue at state level too
I get that some people don't like the fact that Fatima has been marginalised by the ALP but the thing is, the ALP has rules and when someone agrees to stand for the ALP, they accept ALP party rules.

Times do change but standards MUST remain and the standards of the ALP have lasted the test of time. They were founded in the 1890's pre Federation and as a Federal party since 1901 - they formed the first National Labor Government in the world and since then, they have been mercilessly attacked by anti-labour and reactionary forces. They have been white anted from within by Catholic morons who shat themselves believing the UAP/Liberal crap about the ALP having been infiltrated by communists, the same Communist Party whose preferences made sure that the Menzies government was returned in 1961 with a one seat majority.

The Scullin Government was stopped by the Bank of England and the Commonwealth Bank, which was founded by Andrew Fisher's Labor government in 1911 by the way, this Commonwealth Bank, the bank of Australia, refused to release funds to the Scullin Government to help Australia during the Great Depression. The Government bank refusing to give money to the Government.

Green's idiots may laugh at the ALP's longevity and the fact the ALP is the only Political Party of reform and progress whilst the boys club/establishment, has fought it tooth and nail since it's formation. The Green's morons don't get the fact that they have never been a Party of Government and never will be and therefore, it's easy to go around screaming and gesticulating for what are, in the main, are great good ideals but they don't understand that we live, and have always lived, in a capitalist world in a world wide economic system.

A classic example of how idiotic the Greens are is the latest offering from smarmy Chandler-Mather. He says that the Greens oppose the Build-to-Rent scheme because it would give tax breaks to developers. Who the frigging hell does that git think builds houses, inner city latte drinking hipsters? He and the GPP are opposing the legislated affordable housing measures in this bill because the pricks want to play politics. They don't give a rat's arse about the poverty stricken or the homeless, they just play politics and they will never have the responsibility of Government but regardless of this, the ALP will endure and keep striding for progress and reform and it is the disciplined adherence to Party rules, that they have been able to continue the struggle for those who sell their labour and expertise. To "change the 120 year old rules" like the editor of The Age suggests, is to abandon the principles and disciplines that are the bedrock of the Labour Movement.
The ALP are far from perfect, no Party is, but the ALP rank and file, more than 60,000 of them, do their dissenting and arguing in the branches and at the Party Conferences but one thing they don't do, is to trash the rules of the Party and that is what keeps them strong.

If Dutton and the LNP win the next election with the undoubted help of the navel gazers (the GPP), then it will be catastrophic for the nation but the ALP will not diminish as a movement.

The Greens Political Party don't really give a shit about the nation or people's well being, if they did, they would be screaming from the rooftops opposing Dutton's nuclear madness but hardly a peep, except for some glib line that both major parties don't care about the climate. Nah, it's in the GPP's political interest that they keep shtum so that the ALP can go it alone and hopefully, milk some more votes of them.

Your last paragraph about a Senator being forced to vote against her "own human rights" and other people's human rights by a Union is simply preposterous and completely wrong. She is a member of the ALP and they have been speaking clearly and loudly as well as voting in the UN on our behalf for the human rights of the Palestinian people. The myth that the ALP don't care about the plight of Palestinians is being flogged for all it's worth by the slimy, sleazy Greens who don't give a shit about who they use, and who they betray if it means that they may score votes off the ALP.

If Fatima wants to be an autonomous member of Parliament, then she can bugger off out of the ALP and sit on the cross benches.
:tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy: which they were dragged kicking and screaming to after initially abstaining.

While your blind defence of the ALP is very "on-brand" with the whole solidarity schtick... It's failing to take any responsibility for the current cluster f*** that Albo is dealing with, which I suppose in itself is pretty on-brand.

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How nice of you to absolve the ALP's rank and file membership.

Looks like they don't have enough say on how the ALP operates.
I'm not absolving them, I'm saying the platform the members vote on isn't being enacted by the party machine

There's a reason there has been a lot of coverage of dissatisfaction from the members.

I still think the members need to wake up and leave
Interesting Liberal theory. Unfortunately the facts are that profits are at record highs, while worker salaries are at record lows, and you think the Govt should look at this chart and think: Gee those developers need a tax break and labour is going great?

The tax break is specifically for overseas investors too, so it's a direct foreign handout because the Build to Rent developers have convinced the Government that locals can't figure out Build to Rent and they'll only turn up if there's a tax break. Rent-seeking at its best and the ALP are falling for it because the lawyers throughout that whole organisation have never understood how businesses work.

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How nice of you to absolve the ALP's rank and file membership.

Looks like they don't have enough say on how the ALP operates.
Do you support the Liberals position on the matter?

Dutton has expressed unequivocal support for Israel who are currently committing mass genocide, ethnic cleansing and complete destruction of the Gaza Strip.

If you vote Liberal should you be “absolved”.

Yep. Wages were kept down and businesses yanked profits, to the point where they were just hiking prices because they could, causing inflation.

Then the ALP got scared into thinking wage increases were inflationary, when they're the only way the working class is going to keep up.

A one-time <3% tax cut isn't going to make up for ~5+% inflation. Everybody is still worse-off. The shoppies just rammed through a terrible EBA for Woolies staff.
Do you support the Liberals position on the matter?

Dutton has expressed unequivocal support for Israel who are currently committing mass genocide, ethnic cleansing and complete destruction of the Gaza Strip.

If you vote Liberal should you be “absolved”.

I don't agree with the assertions included in the second statement. And that's all I am going to say on that issue.

I was making the point that somewhere else around here Gralin suggested I was "working for some of the worst people in the country", but not giving ALP rank and file members the same courtesy when by his own admission, the parliamentary members of both parties mentioned were almost the same.
Part of the important principles of being GG is not being political. If there is a disagreement between political parties on an issue, then the issue is political.

Leave politics to the politicians.
My point was more around the uselessness of the role itself. $700k for a handshaker, could probably get the same output from a cardboard cutout or wax model.
I don't agree with the assertions included in the second statement. And that's all I am going to say on that issue.

I was making the point that somewhere else around here Gralin suggested I was "working for some of the worst people in the country", but not giving ALP rank and file members the same courtesy when by his own admission, the parliamentary members of both parties mentioned were almost the same.
Life is easy when you can just dismiss the “assertions” without any explanation and just blindly support genocide.

This really is the beauty of the Post Conservative experiment - they never have to justify anything they do - pure Trumpian Autocrats - “we are the elected officials and no one can question us”.

Labor might find themselves in a horrible predicament but at least they are not all in on supporting genocide.
FWIW, the Albanese Government summoned the Israeli Ambassador for a meeting last week to tell him Australia won't support Israel acting militarily against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon should it choose to do so.
I could have googled that, I wanted to know what you think the important functions they do are

All job ads like that make the role sound better than it is
None of the things listed are worth $700k pa plus lifetime pension

If the role disappeared quietly, no one would notice. Not even the people defending it as important

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Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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