Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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albo is weak, but i expected better from wong. on the genocide.

She's doing what they want her to do which is say what they want

its all she has ever really done
They would argue their childcare policy, changes to stage three tax cuts and surpluses are their biggest achievements, I would imagine. The NACC is also good policy though it would be nice if it actually did something.
On the NACC. I think doing nothing is better than doing something which costs time, money and effort but also achieves nothing. The Robodebt RC report held back on findings against people because they thought the NACC would do it. THe NACC did nothing, so the Robodebt RC missed a chance to recommend charges (because they thought the NACC would do it).

So not only did NACC achieve nothing despite being millions of dollars per annum, it stopped other bodies acting. It's a shambles.

Doing nothing would have been better in every way.

The Stage 3 tax cut changes was a promise they broke. It was a better outcome, but why make a stupid promise in the first place? Had they not made the promise they could have gone further. The surplus came with projections of deficits, so not a lot to pat themselves on the back about.

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They would argue their childcare policy, changes to stage three tax cuts and surpluses are their biggest achievements, I would imagine. The NACC is also good policy though it would be nice if it actually did something.
I don't know enough about the childcare policy but the provision of super recently sounds good.

They improved the stage 3 tax cuts

NACC has been awful, a toothless expensive agency designed to be seen as doing something while protecting pollies and senior crats. We effectively a national version of the defunded by Dan Victorian agency whereas we needed something more like the NSW one that has ended pollies (on both sides) careers.

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Most people won't Labor to remain centre left, Albo isn't stupid and knows this.
30% of people are happy with where Labor is (1st preference ALP voters). Not "most people". It is the lowest it has ever been. That is, it's the least happy "most voters" have ever been with the position of the ALP. At this rate he will lose the next election. Who exactly is he pleasing with his efforts to shrink into the most narrow central-nothing-position? Keeping 20-30% of people happy only works if you don't piss off the other 70-80% of people.
Unfortunately I think she has shown she is a great talker but not a leader. Would be an incredibly good uni lecturer

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Her record of getting things on her list of things she wants to achieve in politics done is abysmal. She's effective enough to be used by others but not a leader herself. She must have a terrible history of getting rolled in caucus, but you'd never know because she's a good soldier and sticks to the party line.
30% of people are happy with where Labor is (1st preference ALP voters). Not "most people". It is the lowest it has ever been. That is, it's the least happy "most voters" have ever been with the position of the ALP. At this rate he will lose the next election. Who exactly is he pleasing with his efforts to shrink into the most narrow central-nothing-position? Keeping 20-30% of people happy only works if you don't piss off the other 70-80% of people.
the idea that what we have in labor is a center left government is itself an issue

Australian media is so buys presenting Dutton as center right that anything not quite as openly shit as Dutton is seen in this country as being center left by many

There's nothing left wing about a party that is destroying a union, capping student immigration, not funding education or healthcare fully

giving tax cuts to the wealthy

not raising welfare or funding services Australia to even be able to deliver

gutting the NDIS to "save money"

not funding public housing

not supporting LGBTQI rights

not supporting Indigenous rights

just basically crowing about budget surpluses while people starve and lose their homes

but Sky new bang on about how Albo is a communist or socialist or left wing extremist in bed with the greens (even though Labor votes with the coalition to block anything the green propose)

and people think the campaigners are left wing
the idea that what we have in labor is a center left government is itself an issue

Australian media is so buys presenting Dutton as center right that anything not quite as openly shit as Dutton is seen in this country as being center left by many

There's nothing left wing about a party that is destroying a union, capping student immigration, not funding education or healthcare fully

giving tax cuts to the wealthy

not raising welfare or funding services Australia to even be able to deliver

gutting the NDIS to "save money"

not funding public housing

not supporting LGBTQI rights

not supporting Indigenous rights

just basically crowing about budget surpluses while people starve and lose their homes

but Sky new bang on about how Albo is a communist or socialist or left wing extremist in bed with the greens (even though Labor votes with the coalition to block anything the green propose)

and people think the campaigners are left wing
But left and right is relative to the population and society. Not compared internationally.

Compared to US parties, our Liberals are socialists. Compared to Norway, our Greens are right-wing capitalists.

There's not a bunch more progressive people to the left of the ALP. The ALP has shown such a lack of leadership and sold out to advertisers and corporate interests that the left has been abandoned and too many have followed the ALP.
But left and right is relative to the population and society. Not compared internationally.

Compared to US parties, our Liberals are socialists. Compared to Norway, our Greens are right-wing capitalists.

There's not a bunch more progressive people to the left of the ALP. The ALP has shown such a lack of leadership and sold out to advertisers and corporate interests that the left has been abandoned and too many have followed the ALP.
left of Dutton doesn't mean left wing and no the coalition are not socialists compared to the US

we have some of the most concentrated markets in the world without competition

Labor are not left wing, their policies are not left of center

left of Kram also isn't left wing

when you're teaming up with Pauline Hanson to gut disability support you are not left wing

I'd also disagree that the greens are right wing capitalists compared to Norway

the green are capitalist for sure but they're not right wing

they are an example of a largely center left party in this country

Labor don't even have a legit left faction within their ranks, they are and have been run largely by the catholic right for decades
I think as the coalition have moved further right so have Labor and I think they've in part made the mistake of thinking they can court moderate conservatives and keep their existing base

everywhere a supposedly left wing major party has tried this in western countries in the last decade they've lost both their existing base and in many cases the election

because the conservative voters don't see them as on their team and the progressive voters no longer see them as being on their team

so they end up in no mans land completely ineffectual and either double down and go further right or crawl back left a bit and try and win back their original base

Labor doing what they have done the CFMEU makes me think they have zero understanding of their own base, they don't do grass roots politics, they can't market, they wont' govern

do they really just want to be the opposition?

cushy job, say you don't agree, take a 300k+ paycheck and vote with the government anyway

when you retire take a cushy job with one of the major party donors

they're all career politicians, they're there to be there, not to do anything

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I think as the coalition have moved further right so have Labor and I think they've in part made the mistake of thinking they can court moderate conservatives and keep their existing base

everywhere a supposedly left wing major party has tried this in western countries in the last decade they've lost both their existing base and in many cases the election

because the conservative voters don't see them as on their team and the progressive voters no longer see them as being on their team

so they end up in no mans land completely ineffectual and either double down and go further right or crawl back left a bit and try and win back their original base

Labor doing what they have done the CFMEU makes me think they have zero understanding of their own base, they don't do grass roots politics, they can't market, they wont' govern

do they really just want to be the opposition?

cushy job, say you don't agree, take a 300k+ paycheck and vote with the government anyway

when you retire take a cushy job with one of the major party donors

they're all career politicians, they're there to be there, not to do anything
The last half of this seems to be the only rational explanation for the behaviour of these ALP "leaders".

More worried about their jobs and property portfolios and life after politics than representing their voters.

Maybe if we cut the money out of the opposition shadow cabinet we might get more honest opinions and less political lifers.

It's always staggered me that the Unions let these law graduates into the top spots in their Unions. Why aren't teachers, nurses and construction workers out there running for seats in the ALP?
However long Albo has in office, he needs to disassociate Labor as far apart from the Greens as possible...He's going to have a tough time winning the next election, but any alliance with the Greens will spell doom!
Yeah, it's strange because as much as the ALP are moving to the right, they're not leaking people to the Greens, they're losing them to the Libs.

So why chase those people into the Liberal Party. Why not just do stuff which is good for everyone and most of them will feel the benefit? Instead of tinkering round the edges with stuff only economists understand and 3% of people benefit from.
The last half of this seems to be the only rational explanation for the behaviour of these ALP "leaders".

More worried about their jobs and property portfolios and life after politics than representing their voters.

Maybe if we cut the money out of the opposition shadow cabinet we might get more honest opinions and less political lifers.

It's always staggered me that the Unions let these law graduates into the top spots in their Unions. Why aren't teachers, nurses and construction workers out there running for seats in the ALP?
I'd say because once they get control of a group they keep power among themselves

we went from having people with experience in various industries getting into politics, getting portfolios they had experience in to laywer/economist # 77 in every job
Yeah, it's strange because as much as the ALP are moving to the right, they're not leaking people to the Greens, they're losing them to the Libs.

So why chase those people into the Liberal Party. Why not just do stuff which is good for everyone and most of them will feel the benefit? Instead of tinkering round the edges with stuff only economists understand and 3% of people benefit from.
i think part of the issue is the way our system is setup, most polling focuses on the 2 party final number

and for a lot of people that means flopping between the two majors at the end of the day and not really thinking further

you've got somewhere around 30% that always vote Labor or Liberal

20% that probably just bounce between the two depending on whether they are pissed off by who is in power or not

and 20% that vote elsewhere consistently, but spread across greens, ON and Independents etc

The greens can't seem to get past 10-15% of the population but that shouldn't be surprising with how the media and majors treat them

they're the threat to the current duopoly and status quo (as much as a party that is part of the system can be, which isn't much really)

the risk of course is they're not in the pocket of the big corps so they have a lot set against them to try and keep them from growing
They would argue their childcare policy, changes to stage three tax cuts and surpluses are their biggest achievements, I would imagine. The NACC is also good policy though it would be nice if it actually did something.
What Childcare policy?

The Pay Grant is a joke.

Labor are not a progressive government
Very weak from the ALP. They stand for less and less as each week passes. You could replace Albanese with a cardboard cut out at this point and watch it get blown over in the wind and no one would know the difference.
Very weak from the ALP. They stand for less and less as each week passes. You could replace Albanese with a cardboard cut out at this point and watch it get blown over in the wind and no one would know the difference.
How much better would all his photo op social media posts be if it was clearly a cardboard cut out
I think as the coalition have moved further right so have Labor and I think they've in part made the mistake of thinking they can court moderate conservatives and keep their existing base

everywhere a supposedly left wing major party has tried this in western countries in the last decade they've lost both their existing base and in many cases the election

because the conservative voters don't see them as on their team and the progressive voters no longer see them as being on their team

so they end up in no mans land completely ineffectual and either double down and go further right or crawl back left a bit and try and win back their original base

Labor doing what they have done the CFMEU makes me think they have zero understanding of their own base, they don't do grass roots politics, they can't market, they wont' govern

do they really just want to be the opposition?

cushy job, say you don't agree, take a 300k+ paycheck and vote with the government anyway

when you retire take a cushy job with one of the major party donors

they're all career politicians, they're there to be there, not to do anything

So you think that all was OK in the CFMEU?
That the government should have done nothing because they have a vested interest?

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Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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