Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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It seems to be given that lgbetc voters would be in favour. Many would see it as intrusive of privacy.

Many examples of this in history
Are they so incapable of explaining their point to anybody that they can't even do anything?

God help us if we actually had something important to do and this Government didn't do it because Dutton and the Bigots would make it "divisive".

I'm staggered that the LNP have managed to convince the ALP that trying to be inclusive would actually be divisive. It's the LNP who would be the divisive one by objecting to counting people how they want to be counted.
Not defending them at all on this, as I disagree with it completely. But I would say that ‘being inclusive’ by allowing gay people to marry generated divisiveness. Many LGBTQI said the whole process was hurtful. So there are culture warriors out there that will take even the most inclusive gesture and turn it around. Then JK Rowling will probably tweet about it.
Not defending them at all on this, as I disagree with it completely. But I would say that ‘being inclusive’ by allowing gay people to marry generated divisiveness. Many LGBTQI said the whole process was hurtful. So there are culture warriors out there that will take even the most inclusive gesture and turn it around. Then JK Rowling will probably tweet about it.
Being inclusive?
You mean giving people equal rights

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Not defending them at all on this, as I disagree with it completely. But I would say that ‘being inclusive’ by allowing gay people to marry generated divisiveness. Many LGBTQI said the whole process was hurtful. So there are culture warriors out there that will take even the most inclusive gesture and turn it around. Then JK Rowling will probably tweet about it.
We survived AIDS ffs, Lyle Shelton being annoyed by a census question is water off a duck's back.
Being inclusive?
You mean giving people equal rights
Hence the quotation marks. Even something as simple as equal rights sparks a culture war these days. There’s nothing surer than a new question in the census generating some disgusting discourse. But just as people moved on immediately after gay marriage passed, this would be forgotten pretty quickly too, so it’s cowardly not to go ahead with it.

Labor should invest in demonising Bandt as well as Dutton​

The government wants us to believe Peter Dutton is dangerous and divisive. It might need to focus on the leader of the Greens as well.

Phillip Coorey

Phillip Coorey Political editor

Aug 29, 2024 – 8.00pm

In terms of timing, Jim Chalmers’ spray on Monday about Peter Dutton being the most divisive and dangerous leader in modern political history was somewhat incongruous.

It followed a week in which the opposition went out of its way to support the government with two risky but sorely needed structural reforms: passing a bill to rein in the rampant NDIS; and reaching an in-principle agreement to improve the sustainability of aged care funding.
A bit late for the Olympics but a decent backflip nonetheless.

Prime minister says there will be question on sexuality in the census​

The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, is speaking with Raf Epstein on ABC Radio Melbourne about the decision to exclude questions on gender identity and sexuality from the 2026 census.
He said there would be one question on sexuality in the census, tested by the ABS:
There will be a question in the census, if it is successfully tested by the Australian Bureau of Statistics … We haven’t sat down and gone through line by line, what questions will be asked in the census in two years time, in 2026, that’s the job at the ABS.
On Monday the assistant minister for treasury, Andrew Leigh, had said there would be no changes to the 2026 census more than a year after the Australian Bureau of Statistics issued a statement of regret over the distress felt by the LGBTQ+ community as a result of being left out of censuses.
Now we'll see how stupid the original decision was when we look at the sort of people who are going to be up in arms over this.
A bit late for the Olympics but a decent backflip nonetheless.

Now we'll see how stupid the original decision was when we look at the sort of people who are going to be up in arms over this.
Already been labor MPs publicly calling for questions to be included so not surprising this is possibly being walked back

Albo is nothing if not spineless
A bit late for the Olympics but a decent backflip nonetheless.

Now we'll see how stupid the original decision was when we look at the sort of people who are going to be up in arms over this.
Dcikhed Dutton will try to make hay saying Albo flip flops and stands for nothing, and I haven’t voted Labor for years except when there’s no alternative, but I really respect Albanese for having the courage to change his mind on this one.

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Suggesting collecting good statistical data about the population can't be done because it upsets the conservatives sure was a dumb line

Basically telling them yell loudly and we'll cave to your demands

What's the bet the new question is going to be window dressing compared to what was going to be in the census
There are a lot of ways to describe what has happened here, courageous isn't one of them
Disagree. No matter how tawdry the circumstances that led to this volte-face, it is a (small) breath of fresh air.

I am so sick of politicians of any stripe spinning absolutely everything, denying, denying, denying, gaslighting…
Disagree. No matter how tawdry the circumstances that led to this volte-face, it is a (small) breath of fresh air.

I am so sick of politicians of any stripe spinning absolutely everything, denying, denying, denying, gaslighting…
Being dragged kicking and screaming to a position by members of your own party is hardly a heroic gesture. If the Prime Minister was to perform an about face in a meaningful way (e.g. fess up that his party's promise to reduce power bills by $275 per year was absolute BS) then maybe there'd be a reason to sing his praises.
It's only slightly better than their position. Because their argument for it was so weak.

Then, just like with the tax changes, they realise how stupid they're being and change track beyond the point where it was most sensible to do so.

At least they changed, but the whole episode has made them look stupid and reactive again. At least they came to the right decision in the end.

How have the Commonwealth ALP not learned from states like Victoria and WA that if the ALP actually leads and does progressive things regardless of what the LNP and papers say that they'll actually get rewarded. They need to sack every single one of their spin doctors who tell them to react to what the papers and opposition are saying.

I mean, who the hell would take a Phil Coorey article seriously? He just puts his name on what the LNP press team send him to print.
Being dragged kicking and screaming to a position by members of your own party is hardly a heroic gesture. If the Prime Minister was to perform an about face in a meaningful way (e.g. fess up that his party's promise to reduce power bills by $275 per year was absolute BS) then maybe there'd be a reason to sing his praises.
In the dismaying world that is an Australia that is seriously pondering Peter Dutton’s chances at the next election, I’ll take every little ray of sunshine coming my way.
Being dragged kicking and screaming to a position by members of your own party is hardly a heroic gesture. If the Prime Minister was to perform an about face in a meaningful way (e.g. fess up that his party's promise to reduce power bills by $275 per year was absolute BS) then maybe there'd be a reason to sing his praises.
on that second one inflation dropped on the back of energy bills going down due to the government rebate

on that second one inflation dropped on the back of energy bills going down due to the government rebate

So? It's an artificial, one-off measure that was done with the specific intention of trying to bring the headline inflation number down. It's also not what the government said they would do before the election. They made it very clear that the $275 was based on modelling of their policies at the time, not a hand-out.

The RBA noted that the monthly inflation numbers exclude a number of items which are expected to actually go the other way. I'd be waiting for the quarterly results to see whether it has actually achieved anything.
So? It's an artificial, one-off measure that was done with the specific intention of trying to bring the headline inflation number down. It's also not what the government said they would do before the election. They made it very clear that the $275 was based on modelling of their policies at the time, not a hand-out.

The RBA noted that the monthly inflation numbers exclude a number of items which are expected to actually go the other way. I'd be waiting for the quarterly results to see whether it has actually achieved anything.
Who gives a shit what they said two years ago regarding inflation

Maybe pick something important to hold onto instead of this dross
You don't see cost of living pressures and long-term energy strategy as important?
I don't see your argument as relevant given the current situation

And no this isn't me saying they've been good on the issue

This is me saying the election promise gotcha is the biggest dumbest waste of time
I don't see your argument as relevant given the current situation

And no this isn't me saying they've been good on the issue

This is me saying the election promise gotcha is the biggest dumbest waste of time
What about it makes it a gotcha? The then leader of the opposition and many members of the shadow cabinet couldn't wait to tell us the impact of the energy policies they were taking to the election, and the direct impact they would have on people's power bills. It's not trying to trick anybody, merely holding the government to account for statements they have made regarding their policies.

It turns out that was an absolute load of bollocks. Like with the assessment that inflation will be within the target range by the end of the year (mentioned as part of the Budget) it's an example of the now-PM saying dumb s*** that is unrealistic. It goes to his trustworthiness and competency.

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Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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