Australian Flag.Aboriginal Flag

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I like this one.


Why does this flag represent Aboriginals and immigrants any less than those born here? It represents Australia, not white people.
AndSmithMustScore said:
Thanks for letting us all know Australia was created in the 1950's :thumbsu:

Strange though how all those peoples you mentioned who "came to our rescue" to make sure Australia was built came from nations with ********ed up economies,political systems etc.i.e italy,yugoslavia,germany and so on.

And in fact it was our stable political environment and reasonable justice systems(all british modelled)that meant our nation had a basis for tremendous growth.

But i digress, Australia was only discovered in the 1950's.

You may be right and you make a fair point. The first fleeters and subsequent english, scottish, irish and welsh immigrants who came here from the 1770s right through to the the early 1900s were very brave people and helped to settle this country and develop the beginnings of a wonderfull new state.

However I also want to say this. My father and his brother and sister and parents came to this country as immigrants from Croatia. They had to come here, they had no choice. If you knew the back breaking work that they all did to survive you wouldnt be so dismissive of what the immigrants of the 1950s and 1960s did. They all lived tremendously hard lives to make themselves and their children and grandchildren a future, they have helped to develop this country into what it is today. My grandfather was treated very harshly when he first started working in this country, on the hydro damn in Tasmania infact. At first he had no other clothes except his army uniform from his time in WW2. No doubt some of the Australians didnt like him wearing his uniform however what was he supposed to do? Go to work naked? I feel a little understanding would have been quite appropriate in that situation.

My family lived in the same town/city from those days and still do. From day one my surname has been mispronounced, mispelt, misdone. Now, I can understand that its hard to spell, pronounce and that people will struggle with it. However, after 15 years at the same school and 20 years in the same community noone gets it right even today. It does create a bit of hurt when people you grow up with and know from a baby dont even bother to learn the correct pronounciation of your name. In the end my father anglocised it to make it easier for him and my mother in their business. I never got rid of my surname although we changed the spelling of it a little to help people out (an h on the end as most croatians/serbs did). My parents gave me the choice, the anglocised version or the croatian version with an h on the end. Naturally on my birth certificate it is the croatian name however my parents always said I could change it by deed poll to the anglocised version or simply just go by the anglocised version if I wanted. I choose the croatian name because it was part of my identity. Im an Australian and I love this place however you cant ever forget your heritage. I've been all over this world and we honestly live in the greatest country on earth.

I think all the pioneers of our countries' history deseve to be honoured and respected. From the first settlers right through to the immigrants of the late 20th century.They all did their fair share of hard back breaking work to build this country. It simply isnt fair to dismiss one group of immigrants and the contribution they made to this nation because they wernt the first.
Murray said:
No no no.
Its their country - we are the invaders

Do not get me started on this subject. If they want even rights than they live with the Australian flag and ******** off there little gimmic flag.

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carlyp said:
You may be right and you make a fair point. The first fleeters and subsequent english, scottish, irish and welsh immigrants who came here from the 1770s right through to the the early 1900s were very brave people and helped to settle this country and develop the beginnings of a wonderfull new state.

However I also want to say this. My father and his brother and sister and parents came to this country as immigrants from Croatia. They had to come here, they had no choice. If you knew the back breaking work that they all did to survive you wouldnt be so dismissive of what the immigrants of the 1950s and 1960s did. They all lived tremendously hard lives to make themselves and their children and grandchildren a future, they have helped to develop this country into what it is today. My grandfather was treated very harshly when he first started working in this country, on the hydro damn in Tasmania infact. At first he had no other clothes except his army uniform from his time in WW2. No doubt some of the Australians didnt like him wearing his uniform however what was he supposed to do? Go to work naked? I feel a little understanding would have been quite appropriate in that situation.

My family lived in the same town/city from those days and still do. From day one my surname has been mispronounced, mispelt, misdone. Now, I can understand that its hard to spell, pronounce and that people will struggle with it. However, after 15 years at the same school and 20 years in the same community noone gets it right even today. It does create a bit of hurt when people you grow up with and know from a baby dont even bother to learn the correct pronounciation of your name. In the end my father anglocised it to make it easier for him and my mother in their business. I never got rid of my surname although we changed the spelling of it a little to help people out (an h on the end as most croatians/serbs did). My parents gave me the choice, the anglocised version or the croatian version with an h on the end. Naturally on my birth certificate it is the croatian name however my parents always said I could change it by deed poll to the anglocised version or simply just go by the anglocised version if I wanted. I choose the croatian name because it was part of my identity. Im an Australian and I love this place however you cant ever forget your heritage. I've been all over this world and we honestly live in the greatest country on earth.

I think all the pioneers of our countries' history deseve to be honoured and respected. From the first settlers right through to the immigrants of the late 20th century.They all did their fair share of hard back breaking work to build this country. It simply isnt fair to dismiss one group of immigrants and the contribution they made to this nation because they wernt the first.

I agree with your sentiments.

Every nationality that has came to Australia has contributed to it's success and growth.

Perhaps those who defend the flag etc. are more comming from the point of those who first arrived here,arrived with nothing in the sense of nothing was built it was all just rock and wood, and its these early immigrants who were the ones who lived incredibly hard lives and many thousands preished along the way while building this dream of a new nation.

Forward onto the next major influx of immigrants and the nation was a comepletely different place.

The new immigrants arrived in a place where cities/hospitals/schools were built.

So in essence we have to sets of immigrants those who built it up from scratch and those who helped make it bigger and better.

But little credit is given to the orginal ones because it's more PC to praise the newer ones.

Both deserve praise for their works.

It would jsut be a nice touch to keep a symbol of those original migrants as our nations emblem in respect to their efforts.
AndSmithMustScore said:
I agree with your sentiments.

Every nationality that has came to Australia has contributed to it's success and growth.

Perhaps those who defend the flag etc. are more comming from the point of those who first arrived here,arrived with nothing in the sense of nothing was built it was all just rock and wood, and its these early immigrants who were the ones who lived incredibly hard lives and many thousands preished along the way while building this dream of a new nation.

Forward onto the next major influx of immigrants and the nation was a comepletely different place.

The new immigrants arrived in a place where cities/hospitals/schools were built.

So in essence we have to sets of immigrants those who built it up from scratch and those who helped make it bigger and better.

But little credit is given to the orginal ones because it's more PC to praise the newer ones.

Both deserve praise for their works.

It would jsut be a nice touch to keep a symbol of those original migrants as our nations emblem in respect to their efforts.

Ofcourse. I dont want to see the union jack go from our flag, it represents a very important part of our history. I guess because of my own background I would like to see more representation of the european immigrants. However my grandfather always said that the southern cross and all the stars on the flag represented him and the other immigrants of his era because stars shine brightly and thats what this country allowed his children and grandchildren to do, shine brightly.

AndSmithMustScore said:
So in essence we have to sets of immigrants those who built it up from scratch and those who helped make it bigger and better.

Hmmm. So all immigrants are equal but some are more equal than others? The first lot of immigrants deserve their background referenced on our flag but not the second lot?

Having the flag of another country on our flag is immature. Why don't the yanks have a Union Jack on their flag? The first lot of immigrants there were just like our first immigrants.

Take the bloody thing off our flag. It is embarrasing, condescending and inappropriate. It's fine for a colony but not for a country that has enough pride and self belief to stand on its own feet and say 'We are Australian'.
This country did belong to the indigenous people...

Why should we respect the "convicts" that came to this country and fukced the Aborigines up?

Fly the flag.
Helix said:
I like this one.


Why does this flag represent Aboriginals and immigrants any less than those born here? It represents Australia, not white people.

Because it was imposed on a group of people that don't necessarily want it - not that hard to understand is it?
UNIT said:
As much as some people which it wasnt the case, this country was built by Anglo Saxons and we will irrevecobaly be linked to the Union Jack, why should we be ashamed of it and change our flag just to appease then PC black armband brigade, Asians, Aboriginals and Muslims?

Agreed. Lefties / Multiculturalists LOVE dividing the country. The abhor national unity. If they had their way, they would be flying the United Nations flag, as that is what they want Australia to be... a mini-United Nations.
F/D said:
This country did belong to the indigenous people...

Why should we respect the "convicts" that came to this country and fukced the Aborigines up?

Fly the flag.

Why do you say that the country 'belonged' to the Indigenous people? Because they were here first? Here longest?

We 'fukced' them up did we? So, perhaps we should let them live in their pre-1788 stone age civilization... would that make you happy?
wizard_9 said:
What a load of ********, the country is Australia and if they cant handle that and wanna make their own little country they can all ******** of to the NT and build there own government etc.

No thanks, we have enough trouble with them up here as it is...
all of you should speak to your grandfathers, or anyone that served in world war 2, and ask them if we should change the flag. They fought and died while serving under their flag, and i find it disrespectful that so many awful awful new flag designs are being drawn up. I would always vote to get rid of the monarchy also, but the flag is part of our history as a nation and it should be kept.

I have the utmost respect for the aboriginal flag, and have no problem with sheeds flying it, but it is not the flag of our nation.

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UNIT said:
Pathetic. Are you saying any white person who is proud of their heritage and their flag must be a KKK. Is that what debate has come to in this country?

Do you give the same treatment to all Aboriginals that are proud of their heritage and ancestory?

Its that sort of racial hypocrisy that is holding back reconcilliation.

Haven't you realised it yet UNIT? Every race and culture in the world can show pride (in their race and culture), except Caucasians / Anglo Saxons.
One flag to represent us all is going to be just about as hard as all of us agreeing to support the same team.
One thing I do know is that the aboriginals were here before anyone else.
My parents are from England, but I support Australia in all sports ahead of their homeland.
I am not aboriginal, but if my culture was here before the rest of the cultures that now encompass modern Australia then I would feel that the flag that represents them should be shown.
I was actually amazed to see the aboriginal players singing the Australian National Anthem.
You dont see that very often in international sport. So if they aboriginals in the aussie team are willing to sing a song that has nothing to do with their heritage, then what right do we have to complain about the aboriginal flag hanging in the changerooms.
Do you think that any Aussie player had a probelm with this.
It didn't look like it to me.
Murray said:
No no no.
Its their country - we are the invaders

So, should we demand compensation from the Italian government, because the Romans invaded OUR Ancestral homeland, England? Should we force the Italians to have a national sorry day? Should we start making exuses for our life and look to the past and blame that for current circumstances?
I dont know why we just dont adopt the german flag and be done with it. Any country that starts two big blues with the poms is OK in my books, if they had invented the water pistol, it would have sent the poms packing, and a suds gun too
Murray said:
Because it was imposed on a group of people that don't necessarily want it - not that hard to understand is it?

It was imposed on me, I certainly didn't have any input to it's design. Doesn't mean that it doesn't represent me any less as an Australian.

Regardless of whether or not you like the design, it represents all Australians.
carlyp said:
However I also want to say this. My father and his brother and sister and parents came to this country as immigrants from Croatia. They had to come here, they had no choice. If you knew the back breaking work that they all did to survive you wouldnt be so dismissive of what the immigrants of the 1950s and 1960s did. They all lived tremendously hard lives to make themselves and their children and grandchildren a future, they have helped to develop this country into what it is today. My grandfather was treated very harshly when he first started working in this country, on the hydro damn in Tasmania infact. At first he had no other clothes except his army uniform from his time in WW2. No doubt some of the Australians didnt like him wearing his uniform however what was he supposed to do? Go to work naked? I feel a little understanding would have been quite appropriate in that situation.
They worked extremely hard those fellas up in the highlands, there was an old Czechoslovakian guy that used be a cleaner at the bowl up until he died in the early 90's who worked on building the dams when he came out here in the 40's, some of the stories he used to tell would make your hair curl.

carlyp said:
My family lived in the same town/city from those days and still do. From day one my surname has been mispronounced, mispelt, misdone. Now, I can understand that its hard to spell, pronounce and that people will struggle with it. However, after 15 years at the same school and 20 years in the same community noone gets it right even today. It does create a bit of hurt when people you grow up with and know from a baby dont even bother to learn the correct pronounciation of your name. In the end my father anglocised it to make it easier for him and my mother in their business. I never got rid of my surname although we changed the spelling of it a little to help people out (an h on the end as most croatians/serbs did).
My surname is Scottish, and no-one can spell it consistantly correct.
I think I've seen at least 11 different spellings of it in my life. It's a pretty basic name just that it's spelt different to how it's pronounced. It's the pronunciation of it that throws people.
Even my best friends get it wrong a lot of the time.

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Australian Flag.Aboriginal Flag

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