Bulldogs vs Hawks week 1 of the finals

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Always a hard one, but I'll see how I go:

Week 1

The winners of 1v4 & 2v3 go through to the Prelim Final.

The losers of 5v8 & 6v7 are eliminated.

Week 2
Losers of 1v4 & 2v3 play the winners of 5v8 & 6v7 (if sides from different states, the home team is/are the losers of 1v4 & 2v3).

Week 3
Winners meet in the Prelim Finals against the winners of 1v4 & 2v3.

Week 4
If you need this explained you're going bad!

Guys enough of the advanced maths

1 V 4
2 V3

We play the hawks first final if we

we get a rest and straight to a prem final

and we will play one of the bottom sides in the eight and if we win that we meet Geelong in a prem final
Guys enough of the advanced maths

1 V 4
2 V3

We play the hawks first final if we

we get a rest and straight to a prem final

and we will play one of the bottom sides in the eight and if we win that we meet Geelong in a prem final

Looking at that tells us that its really really important to win that first final.

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I know this is thinking way too far ahead but would it be better to finish fourth rather than third? The way Geelong is going if we finish fourth I don't think we would play Geelong in prelim final week if we make it that far (although would play them in week 1). If we finish second or third and lose in week 1 we would likely be playing off for a clash with Geelong in prelim final week. Is that the way the finals system works now?

Not very positive thinking I know

I have been thinking the same-finish 4th, lose to Geelong in the first final, win the second, make the prelim against- you would assume Hawks as you would have swapped over in the draw after losing to Geelong - beat the Hawks and into the Grand Final......however if we finish 2nd or 3rd AND beat the Hawks we make the prelim against whoever and hopefully win while Geelong and Hawthorn beat the crap out of each other and we go on to win the flag the next week. The loser of 2nd v 3rd in the first week is going to really struggle to win the flag...
You go into any campaign knowing that you need to be good enough to beat whoever you come up against. If we deserve to win a GF then we will beat Geelong or whoever else gets in our way. Let's just get through to September without injuries and see if we can reach peak fitness levels and desire and win three more games to hold the cup aloft!
will depend on injuries to key players if for example buddy was out then I would be confident if we were without cooney then the hawks.

If we go in with our best team and so did the hawks you say they have a slight advantage because of the x factor of franklin so we would need Williams to keep under control if that happened then I would be confident.

I am expecting AKA to have a big finals series
I have been thinking the same-finish 4th, lose to Geelong in the first final, win the second, make the prelim against- you would assume Hawks as you would have swapped over in the draw after losing to Geelong - beat the Hawks and into the Grand Final......however if we finish 2nd or 3rd AND beat the Hawks we make the prelim against whoever and hopefully win while Geelong and Hawthorn beat the crap out of each other and we go on to win the flag the next week. The loser of 2nd v 3rd in the first week is going to really struggle to win the flag...

Still need to win 2 finals to make the grand final.
I have been thinking the same-finish 4th, lose to Geelong in the first final, win the second, make the prelim against- you would assume Hawks as you would have swapped over in the draw after losing to Geelong - beat the Hawks and into the Grand Final......however if we finish 2nd or 3rd AND beat the Hawks we make the prelim against whoever and hopefully win while Geelong and Hawthorn beat the crap out of each other and we go on to win the flag the next week. The loser of 2nd v 3rd in the first week is going to really struggle to win the flag...

It's pretty basic really...

Look at it "seed-wise", like tennis...

The two winners of the first two finals (top 4) don't meet again until GF.

Beat Hawthorn, and hope someone else knocks off Geelong. (And, despite 99% of people's views, there are certainly some teams about capable of doing so.)

Even so, a Dogs/Geelong GF will be well worth seeing ;)
I am watching Hawks play the Pies right now and it is scary. They're very intense and very smooth, and even when they make errors they're mopping up in an instant
They look like they're playing for their lives but in a bad way... like the desperation has gone over the peak to make it detrimental. They're probably already wondering how Malthouse is gunna choose to put them down publicly this week.

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I still think the one area where we can trouble both Hawthorn and Geelong is our run. Out of the three sides, we are the quickest. Pace is our strong suit. Having said that, Geelong and Hawthorn have advantages over us in other areas.

I think we have pretty much equal depth to Hawthorn, where we start to fall away in quality round about the 15th- 18th player. Geelong don't drop away in quality at all, they have A-B grade players right up until the 22nd player.

Hawthorn's forward line has the capacity to burn us big time, they have such an explosive forward line, Franklin, Roughhead, Williams, Rioli etc. They probably have the best forward line in the league and our back line is middle of the road at best, its not too bad but its not too great either.

On the flip side, I think their back line is similiar to ours, not bad but not super fantastic either. Our small to medium size forward line has a chance of also kicking many goals.

Both midfields have heaps of quality, but our midfield is a bit more outside whereas their stars are more inside, mitchell, hodge, etc.

Both teams match up pretty evenly IMO. It might just come down to what sort of kicking day Buddy is having. Lets hope he has a 3.8 day rather than a 8.3 day. Statistics suggest he is going to have 10 plus shots at goal, no matter who we play on him.
alright clowns. This is the problem with bulldogs people. We are thinking way too far ahead and when we do think ahead we are worried about who we are going to play and when. Thats loser talk in my opinion. If you are good enough to make the GF and or win it you really shouldnt care who you play and when. We are beautifullly placed. We dont have to win many if any games to finish where we are so we can plan accordingly. Leave it with the blokes that got us in this situation. Then when finals time comes around if we are good enough, which i feel we are, then we will do well. The game against the cats was on the narrowist ground in the afl. obviously a ground that doesnt suit the bulldogs. The wind was flukey which will obviously suit a team that trains there daily. The hawks game also wasnt a true reflection as they had significant outs. In my opinion we make the GF. And it will be a Hawks v Dogs GF. mark my words.
I know this is thinking way too far ahead but would it be better to finish fourth rather than third? The way Geelong is going if we finish fourth I don't think we would play Geelong in prelim final week if we make it that far (although would play them in week 1). If we finish second or third and lose in week 1 we would likely be playing off for a clash with Geelong in prelim final week. Is that the way the finals system works now?

Not very positive thinking I know

If we want to win the Premirship we MUST beat Geelong, no matter when or where that maybe.
We are beautifullly placed. We dont have to win many if any games to finish where we are so we can plan accordingly. Leave it with the blokes that got us in this situation.

Well this is true - still for the confidence side of things they have to be switched on and not let any complacency slip into their game. Be good to get the win against the Swans tomorrow.
who's worried?

I was just marvelling at how well the hawks were playing last night. doesn't mean we can't beat them or anything. course we can!

I'm with Aka: we can beat any side :D

This is something I was writing the other day after the Carlton game, to comfort myself, with all the pessimism going round...:

"It's like when you're entering a relationship. You can analyse, dissect, doubt, predict, bitch and moan. When I engage in these things, all they bring me is worry - and the ability to say 'I knew it', when the negative outcome eventuates.

Or... you can just hope. Blindly, and wontonly, out of a naive but passionate want to be able to jump up and down when the final siren's gone, yipping and yelling a jagged tune that's meant to be your team's song, accidently whacking the people in front with your flag or your scarf but they don't care because they're doing it too.

Maybe we'll get to do that a few times in September, and even - I'm hoping - you see how much and how hard I am hoping - the very last day in September. Maybe as the spectators are jumping in the stands, it'll be our team barrelling into each other, crazed with happiness, then piling up for the team photo. Maybe it will be our captain's million dollar smile bright as the big silver cup, and the confetti will fly and it will be red and silver and blue, and the song will blare and we'll scream along in cracking voices gone tuneless with emotion:


Maybe. Let's hope. "

Chant it with me! WE CAN BEAT ANY SIDE! Sing it with me! SONNNS OFFF THE WEST!!! Sound like loser-talk to you??! TBH i've been harbouring secret GF fantasies all season (well not so secret anymore)

After witnessing the Dogs v Hawks game at York Park, I am very confident we can account for them in the finals.

If you think you will be playing the same quality Hawk side in the finals as you did in Tassie, I think you are in for a nasty shock.

I was there and the Dogs played great. No doubt.

But as a hawk man, and having not missed a game in Tassie, you could tell within the first 5 minutes that the Hawks were as flat as a tack that day.

Picture facing last night's Hawks instead. Slightly different unit.

Sewell, Bateman and Crawf still yet to run into form after long lay offs and Osbourne to replace Stokes. Young cant get in the side and playing twos. Starting to gather steam.

Im sure the dogs fans can mount similar points of view regarding your side but I just think the above comment is really simplistic and needed perspective.
If you think you will be playing the same quality Hawk side in the finals as you did in Tassie, I think you are in for a nasty shock.

I was there and the Dogs played great. No doubt.

But as a hawk man, and having not missed a game in Tassie, you could tell within the first 5 minutes that the Hawks were as flat as a tack that day.

Picture facing last night's Hawks instead. Slightly different unit.

Sewell, Bateman and Crawf still yet to run into form after long lay offs and Osbourne to replace Stokes. Young cant get in the side and playing twos. Starting to gather steam.

Im sure the dogs fans can mount similar points of view regarding your side but I just think the above comment is really simplistic and needed perspective.


I think both teams have a lot in common

Both backlines are good but not great
The midfields are of top class, with a senior midfield player to have agreat finals campaign after being out nearly all year
Foward line points go the Hawks but maybe not as spread out with Talent then the Bulldogs

Should be a ripper game if it happens and worth every cent to get there for both sides

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