Play Nice Bye bye Brad

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Scott said there had been no problem with North's on-field structures or systems during the second half of Sunday's game, saying his team's poor execution and its inability to win contests when it had Collingwood outnumbered had been costly.

Really ? Seems everyone here could see a problem.
How about those short kicks into their fwd. line marked by short blokes resulting in goals while we played a zone defence ?
We are further from a flag now than we were 6 years ago.
This here is the most telling fact. We are not in a better position compared to when Brad took over. He has failed. Just imagine sitting in the job interview when Brad was pitching to the selection committee.....
" I'm your man, after 5 and half years I'll have the team sitting 13th and playing like a herd of blind giraffes"
Perfect, you're hired!
Scott said there had been no problem with North's on-field structures or systems during the second half of Sunday's game, saying his team's poor execution and its inability to win contests when it had Collingwood outnumbered had been costly.

Really ? Seems everyone here could see a problem.
How about those short kicks into their fwd. line marked by short blokes resulting in goals while we played a zone defence ?
Yes there was 3 or 4 of those that cost us goals - absolutely pathetic.

Nearly as pathetic as the defenders looking around at each other bewilderingly when pendles dropped a short pass from the boundary to the top of the square and a bloke smaller than Tyrion Lanister takes an uncontested grab in between them all.. Farking crazy!...

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seriously what the **** was he talking about in his presser....

he said "we went away from going what we opening the door"

it was his ****ing fault. we were killing it in the first half with our centre square setup and going 1v1, at the start of the 2nd half brad went ultra conservative and dropped a player back and instructred our mids to cluster up around the stoppages. Gave collingwood all the space in the world and they used it to their advantage.

"players failed to tow the line"...."execution was abhorrent"...."everyone gets held accountable to a standard"

so why the **** have you continued to gift games to players who continually turn the footy over and play with little to no urgency. Its actually embarassing that he trots out this shit when he doesn't coach the team that way.

This club is rotting. He has killed the shinboner culture for his "elite" bullshit, and his standards are reflective of the inconsistent shit this team has served up over the last 5 years.
The thing that upset me today was that Collingwood coming back was a real possibility. They had worked back to parity in the last 10mins of the second and the game didn't seem over. After about three goals in the third I resigned myself to us being cooked. OK, we got back into it in the last, but in the end we were done. But on reflection, how easily I had resigned myself to the worst is what saddens me now. The lack of resistance is so predictable.

Maybe it's because I'm nudging 43. Seriously. When I was in my 20s - young, independent, a bit of cash behind me but no big responsibilities - going to the footy was a big deal and I was into it full bore. I also followed a side that bears no resemblance to the current one. It was hard, played aggressively, got the most out of their ability, had a tough coach, took no prisoners and won premierships. The wins were fantastic and the losses costly, and I barracked for the team accordingly. Now I have no confidence in the team, club or coach. Watching them is not fun. They seem soft, lazy, content with ordinariness. The coach says the same stuff every week regardless of what actually happened. Losing is predictable, but another win is never far away. But those wins don't matter as much as they aren't going to amount to anything greater. Watching today didn't anger me as it once might. Have I been numbed by an organisation I am passionate about, but disillusioned by its lack of progress in any direction? Or am I a boring middle aged bloke who wishes everything was like it was when he was younger?

Probably both. But what I do know is that over the past 6 years, this club has lost its soul. They are never getting better and they're never getting worse. The wins don't matter much. The losses don't matter much. If you've ever read "Oh! The Places You'll Go!" By Dr Seuss (yes it's a kids book) he mentions the worst place you can be - the Waiting Place. The place where nothing happens and nothing goes anywhere. He says how bad times can make you better and stronger too, but NMFC aren't there. We're in the Waiting Place. The place of nothing and we've been there six years. I'm tired of it and it's making footy less fun.

That's why I'd like to thank Brad for his services. He's a good man. But we're going nowhere. It's time to go places.
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To be fair to Brad, he can't be held accountable for today's loss. The players just disappeared after half time, they played like a bunch of grade A d##kheads. There is only so much Brad can do, he can set up structures as best he likes but if the players on the ground do not perform than all his tactics aren't worth shit.
The one that has been killing me of late, is his questionable choices for the 22 each week. Not only does he omit players who are performing well, but he even replaces them with players that are absolutely clueless.
To be fair to Brad, he can't be held accountable for today's loss. The players just disappeared after half time, they played like a bunch of grade A d##kheads. There is only so much Brad can do, he can set up structures as best he likes but if the players on the ground do not perform than all his tactics aren't worth shit.
The one that has been killing me of late, is his questionable choices for the 22 each week. Not only does he omit players who are performing well, but he even replaces them with players that are absolutely clueless.

Yes he can. He coached poorly today. In fact, he hardly coached at all. But I do agree. He's coaching grown men. If they need a messiah to make the most of themselves, to make the most of their careers, then they need to be moved on too.
The thing that upset me today was that Collingwood coming back was a real possibility. They had worked back to parity in the last 10mins of the second and the game didn't seem over. After about three goals in the third I resigned myself to us being cooked. OK, we got back into it in the last, but in the end we were done. But on reflection, how easily I had resigned myself to the worst is what saddens me now. The lack of resistance is so predictable.

Maybe it's because I'm nudging 43. Seriously. When I was in my 20s - young, independent, a bit of cash behind me but no big responsibilities - going to the footy was a big deal and I was into it full bore. I also followed a side that bears no resemblance to the current one. It was hard, played aggressively, got the most out of their ability, had a tough coach, took no prisoners and won premierships. The wins were fantastic and the losses costly, and I barracked for the team accordingly. Now I have no confidence in the team, club or coach. Watching them is not fun. They seem soft, lazy, content with ordinariness. The coach says the same stuff every week regardless of what actually happened. Losing is predictable, but another win is never far away. But those wins don't matter as much as they aren't going to amount to anything greater. Watching today didn't anger me as it once might. Have I been numbed by an organisation I am passionate about, but disillusioned by its lack of progress in any direction? Or am I a boring middle aged bloke who wishes everything was like it was when he was younger?

Probably both. But what I do know is that over the past 6 years, this club has lost its soul. They are never getting better and they're never getting worse. The wins don't matter much. The losses don't matter much. If you've ever read "Oh! The Places You'll Go!" By Dr Seuss (yes it's a kids book) he mentions the worst place you can be - the Waiting Place. The place where nothing happens and nothing goes anywhere. He says how bad times can make you better and stronger too, but NMFC aren't there. We're in the Waiting Place. The place of nothing and we've been there six years. I'm tired of it and it's making footy less fun.

That's why I'd like to thank Brad for his services. He's a good man. But we're going nowhere. It's time to go places.

That is just fantastically expressed. I'm 44, and couldn't have possibly had someone better echo my sentiments.
Yes he can. He coached poorly today. In fact, he hardly coached at all. But I do agree. He's coaching grown men. If they need a messiah to make the most of themselves, to make the most of their careers, then they need to be moved on too.

everytime they went to him in the 3rd quarter he was there arms crossed throwing his head back...get down on the bench and start stamping your authority instead of being a bitch.
Great post Mastermind.

This is the thing. We all threaten it but slowly Brad is breeding apathy into the supporter base.

Last year did reverse it slightly I'll admit. But this year has gone back in the apathetic direction - with interest.

People can grandstand about how good a supporter they are on internet forums. But we all know how much we personally want to invest in terms of time, money and passion.

We all get older and our priorities change. Right now Brad and this playing group are making me question everyone of those elements.

You live once. There's lots to do and see. Do I really want to pump finite resources into watching blokes who put more passion into their instagram and a coach who uses lazy psychology to guide them at the expense of other things? Dunno.
Great post Mastermind.

This is the thing. We all threaten it but slowly Brad is breeding apathy into the supporter base.

Last year did reverse it slightly I'll admit. But this year has gone back in the apathetic direction - with interest.

People can grandstand about how good a supporter they are on internet forums. But we all know how much we personally want to invest in terms of time, money and passion.

We all get older and our priorities change. Right now Brad and this playing group are making me question everyone of those elements.

You live once. There's lots to do and see. Do I really want to pump finite resources into watching blokes who put more passion into their instagram and a coach who uses lazy psychology to guide them at the expense of other things? Dunno.

Spot on, KC. Time is our most precious finite resource. The thought did cross my mind during the third quarter: What the **** am I doing here when I could be doing something, anything else with family and/or friends? And when I got home at 7.30 in a foul mood and then had to be told by the Mrs: don't let it ruin your weekend, it's only a game.:rolleyes:

Well it's not ''only a game'' and I love the footy but a person can only take so much heartbreak, disappointment and DESPAIR.
Maybe it's because I'm nudging 43. Seriously. When I was in my 20s - young, independent, a bit of cash behind me but no big responsibilities - going to the footy was a big deal and I was into it full bore. I also followed a side that bears no resemblance to the current one. It was hard, played aggressively, got the most out of their ability, had a tough coach, took no prisoners and won premierships.

Word for word, that's exactly me!

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Thanks KC and NMLB and Pike

I'll always follow NMFC, always buy a membership, always go to every game possible. I love this club. I go to all games on my own, or with my kids. I go for the team - it's not a social occasion. I probably want the club to succeed as much for my eldest son (he's into it more than my youngest) than anything else. Thankfully he didn't go today.

I now am married - Mrs.Marstermind doesn't care much for footy - have a mortgage, two kids and my work requires more of me. I have to 'fit North in'. So I probably want a bit more bang for my buck. But I'm kinda bored with it. I'm not even that upset now even though my expectations for the season just went up in smoke within an hour of shit footy. I just don't trust this group. I don't buy into what they are about. Maybe I'm not the supporter they need - maybe they need someone who'll just walk away. I dunno. Disillusioned. I don't need a team that challenges for a flag every year. Just an honest team. A team with a clear vision and one that has a discernible path to success. This team is nothing.
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Great post Mastermind.

This is the thing. We all threaten it but slowly Brad is breeding apathy into the supporter base.

Last year did reverse it slightly I'll admit. But this year has gone back in the apathetic direction - with interest.

People can grandstand about how good a supporter they are on internet forums. But we all know how much we personally want to invest in terms of time, money and passion.

We all get older and our priorities change. Right now Brad and this playing group are making me question everyone of those elements.

You live once. There's lots to do and see. Do I really want to pump finite resources into watching blokes who put more passion into their instagram and a coach who uses lazy psychology to guide them at the expense of other things? Dunno.

The thing that upset me today was that Collingwood coming back was a real possibility. They had worked back to parity in the last 10mins of the second and the game didn't seem over. After about three goals in the third I resigned myself to us being cooked. OK, we got back into it in the last, but in the end we were done. But on reflection, how easily I had resigned myself to the worst is what saddens me now. The lack of resistance is so predictable.

Maybe it's because I'm nudging 43. Seriously. When I was in my 20s - young, independent, a bit of cash behind me but no big responsibilities - going to the footy was a big deal and I was into it full bore. I also followed a side that bears no resemblance to the current one. It was hard, played aggressively, got the most out of their ability, had a tough coach, took no prisoners and won premierships. The wins were fantastic and the losses costly, and I barracked for the team accordingly. Now I have no confidence in the team, club or coach. Watching them is not fun. They seem soft, lazy, content with ordinariness. The coach says the same stuff every week regardless of what actually happened. Losing is predictable, but another win is never far away. But those wins don't matter as much as they aren't going to amount to anything greater. Watching today didn't anger me as it once might. Have I been numbed by an organisation I am passionate about, but disillusioned by its lack of progress in any direction? Or am I a boring middle aged bloke who wishes everything was like it was when he was younger?

Probably both. But what I do know is that over the past 6 years, this club has lost its soul. They are never getting better and they're never getting worse. The wins don't matter much. The losses don't matter much. If you've ever read "Oh! The Places You'll Go!" By Dr Seuss (yes it's a kids book) he mentions the worst place you can be - the Waiting Place. The place where nothing happens and nothing goes anywhere. He says how bad times can make you better and stronger too, but NMFC aren't there. We're in the Waiting Place. The place of nothing and we've been there six years. I'm tired of it and it's making footy less fun.

That's why I'd like to thank Brad for his services. He's a good man. But we're going nowhere. It's time to go places.
Spot. On.
We're a side that plays with zero passion and for me that's the saddest part.
It's stuck record stuff I know, but we don't hurt enough as a a club.

There's no denying it, the history backs it up.
We're a side that plays with zero passion and for me that's the saddest part.
It's stuck record stuff I know, but we don't hurt enough as a a club.

There's no denying it, the history backs it up.

We are bereft of emotion.

The players have been conditioned to be robots.
We're in the Waiting Place. The place of nothing and we've been there six years.

Been over 10 years. I remember the dogs and us being up and about late 90s, we won flags so had the better of that. When it was obvious both teams were on the way down we recruited to stay up over rating our list while they rebuilt. I remember posting at the time it'll be interesting who is up again the quickest. Well the dogs had a good 3-4 year period up, again it didnt result in flags but they were panting us most times.

Last year finally got back up there and looks like the dogs will have us covered in year or 2 if not already. They're best has been a higher level than we've displayed this season thats for sure. Yes sometimes tough periods are required to build something lasting.
The thing that upset me today was that Collingwood coming back was a real possibility. They had worked back to parity in the last 10mins of the second and the game didn't seem over. After about three goals in the third I resigned myself to us being cooked. OK, we got back into it in the last, but in the end we were done. But on reflection, how easily I had resigned myself to the worst is what saddens me now. The lack of resistance is so predictable.

Maybe it's because I'm nudging 43. Seriously. When I was in my 20s - young, independent, a bit of cash behind me but no big responsibilities - going to the footy was a big deal and I was into it full bore. I also followed a side that bears no resemblance to the current one. It was hard, played aggressively, got the most out of their ability, had a tough coach, took no prisoners and won premierships. The wins were fantastic and the losses costly, and I barracked for the team accordingly. Now I have no confidence in the team, club or coach. Watching them is not fun. They seem soft, lazy, content with ordinariness. The coach says the same stuff every week regardless of what actually happened. Losing is predictable, but another win is never far away. But those wins don't matter as much as they aren't going to amount to anything greater. Watching today didn't anger me as it once might. Have I been numbed by an organisation I am passionate about, but disillusioned by its lack of progress in any direction? Or am I a boring middle aged bloke who wishes everything was like it was when he was younger?

Probably both. But what I do know is that over the past 6 years, this club has lost its soul. They are never getting better and they're never getting worse. The wins don't matter much. The losses don't matter much. If you've ever read "Oh! The Places You'll Go!" By Dr Seuss (yes it's a kids book) he mentions the worst place you can be - the Waiting Place. The place where nothing happens and nothing goes anywhere. He says how bad times can make you better and stronger too, but NMFC aren't there. We're in the Waiting Place. The place of nothing and we've been there six years. I'm tired of it and it's making footy less fun.

That's why I'd like to thank Brad for his services. He's a good man. But we're going nowhere. It's time to go places.

Quality posting as always, Marster. (And KC and Mr R, likewise.)

And it's sad to hear of the passion waning in three stalwarts like yourselves.

But I do totally hear you guys on the whole 'getting older/priorities change' thing. I'm around the same age as you Marster, so can relate to what you're saying. Time is indeed precious and there's a big, bright world out there outside of footy. And sometimes it ain't half bad.

Saying that, I'm a tragic. I may not feel the need to get on here and rant and rave about it, but the losses absolutely burn in me. Maybe not a much as they used to (there's that 'aging/changing perspective' thing), but probably still to a slightly unhealthy level. Such is my love for the NMFC.

Regardless of my opinion of Braddles, I know that there's nothing that I say or do that is going to affect his tenure as coach. And I also know that said tenure is finite. So to an extent, it's just something I have to roll with. Same goes with any coach. Limitations and all, they come and go. The club remains.

I know I'm over-simplifying things here, but as insipid as our team has been at times under Brad's tutelage, short of me believing that the club's culture has been irreparably f'ed for eternity, then I refuse to allow Brad's leadership to temper my passion for the club in any way.
I'm like the rest of you 40 somethings, there's more to life. A complete turn around from the 2013 loses and the emotional investment. The expectations have changed, and been adjusted until something changes again and we have hope. I played Masters footy on Saturday night. We won, but I was disappointed because I missed a couple of easy ones 20 out. I kicked 1:4. I was disappointed with my effort, and woke during the night, stupid I know but I let myself down and I felt my team, despite being named in the best. I don't know but I'll guess our players should be suffering from insomnia
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