Player Watch Charlie Dixon Part 2

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Gees this is pretty toxic.

No player calls out their coach or club - that’s just dumb to suggest otherwise.

Dixon has been coached by Ken for a long time both at the suns and port. There would be a friendship and connection there. So it’s understandable he would support and feel for Kenny.

And, to be honest, everyone outside of Port think the fans are feral for booing Ken and carrying on. So kind of reasonable to give the fans a whack.

But yes I know this is unpopular and sack Hinkley and all those that have remotely suggested support for him and all that.
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Gees this is pretty toxic.

No player calls out their coach or club - that’s just dumb to suggest otherwise.

Dixon has been coached by Dixon for a long time both at the suns and port. There would be a friendship and connection there. So it’s understandable he would support and feel for Kenny.

And, to be honest, everyone outside of Port think the fans are feral for booing Ken and carrying on. So kind of reasonable to give the fans a whack.

But yes I know this is unpopular and sack Hinkley and all those that have remotely suggested support for him and all that.
Imagine being such a cucksissy that you are ok with a player potting fans for fair, justified and non-violent protest against an all controlling regime of failure.
Imagine being such a cucksissy that you are ok with a player potting fans for fair, justified and non-violent protest against an all controlling regime of failure.
No you got me with cucksissy. I take it all back. Bloody knife em!

When was the last time fans booed a coach or club official of any club in the AFL? When was the last time a player didn’t back their coach or club publicly?

Dixon has a reason to like Port, to like Ken and to support and back Ken. Doesn’t mean he is soft or weak or dumb.

And fair enough to pot the fans that boo. It’s surprising that Koch didn’t come out and whack the booing. Dixon could have said it in a different way but does it really matter?
Chuck isn't all that bad. He's politicking - he's just as frustrated but if a player was to knife his own coach to the media, especially here in Australia, then he'd be made public enemy number 1.
And, to be honest, everyone outside of Port think the fans are feral for booing Ken and carrying on. So kind of reasonable to give the fans a whack.


You mean former Geelong teammates of "Kenny", his friends and fanboys in the media, and the Cornes family?
Losing weight to salvage the last few months of his career is a smart move

He should have done it a long time ago.

Its all good that Dixon relies on his frame and physical presence to a large degree. However a guy carrying 105 to 110 kg standing 200cm is obviously putting tremendous stress on his lower legs. For someone who has had issues his whole career with his ankles its an even bigger issue.

He is less likely to get injured, and will be more mobile. Unfortunately it is probably too late for a guy stuck in an aging body and very likely in the last couple of months of his career.

Drew on Ken Hinkley
Obviously, a fair bit of outside noise with Ken. But ever since I've been here and this year, Ken has been absolutely super to me and this whole playing group. And we've got full support of Ken. Obviously, I know that our supporters are so passionate and really want the best for this club but yeah, Kenny has been great for us. I don't think he's lost the playing group at all. And, obviously, a fair bit of stuff in the media that is said, but internally, we're all on the same team. And we all want to win, Kenny wants to win, the coaches want to win, us players want to win. And now it's about getting back to what we do best and trying to get back into that form. Obviously, Kenny's been around for a long time and he's been around this playing group for a fair while now and he knows that we all support him and we’ve got his back.”

To the people who inexplicably still defend this bloke, notice how Willem Drew went into bat for the coach yesterday and absolutely nobody is attacking him over it?

We're all smart enough to understand that the players are publicly going to back in their coach. But it turns out it is possible to back in your coach without being an insufferable dickhead and insulting the members who pay your inflated salary. Who knew?

Drew on Ken Hinkley
Obviously, a fair bit of outside noise with Ken. But ever since I've been here and this year, Ken has been absolutely super to me and this whole playing group. And we've got full support of Ken. Obviously, I know that our supporters are so passionate and really want the best for this club but yeah, Kenny has been great for us. I don't think he's lost the playing group at all. And, obviously, a fair bit of stuff in the media that is said, but internally, we're all on the same team. And we all want to win, Kenny wants to win, the coaches want to win, us players want to win. And now it's about getting back to what we do best and trying to get back into that form. Obviously, Kenny's been around for a long time and he's been around this playing group for a fair while now and he knows that we all support him and we’ve got his back.”

To the people who inexplicably still defend this bloke, notice how Willem Drew went into bat for the coach yesterday and absolutely nobody is attacking him over it?

We're all smart enough to understand that the players are publicly going to back in their coach. But it turns out it is possible to back in your coach without being an insufferable dickhead and insulting the members who pay your inflated salary. Who knew?

Its not a question of knowing it they want to win, it's recognising that he's had 12 years of trying and hasn't worked it out.

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Drew on Ken Hinkley
Obviously, a fair bit of outside noise with Ken. But ever since I've been here and this year, Ken has been absolutely super to me and this whole playing group. And we've got full support of Ken. Obviously, I know that our supporters are so passionate and really want the best for this club but yeah, Kenny has been great for us. I don't think he's lost the playing group at all. And, obviously, a fair bit of stuff in the media that is said, but internally, we're all on the same team. And we all want to win, Kenny wants to win, the coaches want to win, us players want to win. And now it's about getting back to what we do best and trying to get back into that form. Obviously, Kenny's been around for a long time and he's been around this playing group for a fair while now and he knows that we all support him and we’ve got his back.”

To the people who inexplicably still defend this bloke, notice how Willem Drew went into bat for the coach yesterday and absolutely nobody is attacking him over it?

We're all smart enough to understand that the players are publicly going to back in their coach. But it turns out it is possible to back in your coach without being an insufferable dickhead and insulting the members who pay your inflated salary. Who knew?

Drew was asked a different question and it wasn't on live radio.. One that was more general in nature about Hinkley.

Dixon was asked specifically about the booing of the coach after the game. He said he didn't agree with it. What's wrong with that? He is entitled to that point of view. He did say "fans, or so called fans" referring to those that booed the coach. Well that is Charlie backing a coach his way as he would do a player or anyone else belonging to Port who got booed. Of course he is going to be vigorous in defending his coach because whether he plays AFL or not depends on him. He had a right to say it. You have a right not to like it. But FFS get over it and move on.

I don't think he was an insufferable dickhead, he wasn't insulting all the members and you are deluded if you think the members fees collectively pay for the players salaries. Do you even know what his inflated salary is this year?

Funny that you and others on here attack Charlie mercilessly for 'insulting the members' (or the fans) when in reality he had a go at two subsets of fans only. The idiot that hung the sign, and the fans that booed Hinkley. If you weren't one of them he wasn't having a go at you. You are getting your back up at something that has nothing to do with you, and defending their actions by insulting Charlie. Pot, meet Kettle...
Watching the clubs that are more successful than Port they have mobile, agile tall forwards that create headaches for their opposition.
With Port we play a style of football that suits the limited strength of Dixon.
I consider him to be a liability to a very weak forward line.
The sooner he's gone along with hi n kly the better this team will be.
The boys club is a huge understatement for this very average to weak football club.
Those comments were made directly to the vandal that hung the sign and what he said was completely bastardised as evidenced by the numerous '...'s. Get over it.
Yes, Hinkley showed him with his subsequent checks notes embarrassing finals performances and zero premierships.
Lol I remember the Kokoda level defence this bloke used to get in 2016-2017 whenever someone used to say something like 'hmmm, dunno if this player is all he's cracked up to be'

It's been a nice downfall.

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