Coach Clarkson has left the building

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For me, the issues I have with Clarko and his part in the sour airing of his departure are restricted to just that.
I didn't particularly like how he managed his role in that separation, what he said, and what IMO he encouraged to be leaked to media to paint Hawthorn management - and thus the greater Club - in poor light. The only thing that would make that behavior understandable would be if the Club had told him he wasn't getting paid out at all.
If that was indeed what he was told, I wish he'd just have said so in an opinion piece he himself had penned, and I could have then understood the petulance he displayed. As it was, he played the unjustly jilted wife even though for 12 months all signs had been pointing to his exit with his knowledge and assistance in planning.
Nothing more than that for me. If he had stage managed his exit so that it was more dignified and in house I'd have never been the slightest bothered.
Everything I read coming out of the Club was respectful and admiring of Al.

You've mentioned percentages. I have it 50/50 Clarko and the Club, not 95% the Club and Kennett.
Doesn't mean I don't want Kennett gone.
So, you know, the girl giff who says why can't it be both is where I'm at, and not merely to be lumped with those who are disciples of JK that have issue with Clarko in his final hours at HFC.

Regardless, I'm right with everyone else who'd like a special place of honor for the little General in our HOF/Ring of Honor/Major deities as what he's brought to Hawthorn is worthy of every accolade possible.
He's also gonna kill it with the Tassie franchise, you just know he will.:cool:

Yes, but flinchy I can rely on you for an objective viewpoint! You're not blinded by an agenda on Jeff one way or the other because of his political leanings.

50/50 blame is absolutely fair because I am sure all parties made mistakes. I haven't seen as much sour grapes as you call it from Clarko - but if he was leaking and white anting I would expect better from him. That said - when you are being pushed out of an organisation you have spent 17+ years pouring everything of yourself into that would be a bloody vexing time so possibly he has done some things that are out of character because he felt pushed to the limit. I only had so much mental energy to dedicate to the handover debacle so I probably haven't dissected it quite as much as others but I always felt Clarko was fairly decent about his exit in public comments. Might need to go and watch some of those interviews a little more.
For me, the issues I have with Clarko and his part in the sour airing of his departure are restricted to just that.
I didn't particularly like how he managed his role in that separation, what he said, and what IMO he encouraged to be leaked to media to paint Hawthorn management - and thus the greater Club - in poor light. The only thing that would make that behavior understandable would be if the Club had told him he wasn't getting paid out at all.
Not to beat a dead horse, but the club were leaking too, and if you believe Caro, Jake Niall and other industry people, they did not want to pay him out and were privately telling journos we didn't want him there next year either despite publicly promoting a succession plan. Like Ned said, I'm excited for the change to Mitch which I think was due, but the way this whole thing was conducted was appalling, and a sorry way for it all to end.
So, Vandenberg is a lickspittle and a liar. Big call. Poor Vandy. No integrity.

From the article:

HAWTHORN’S decision to force Clarkson into a succession plan that, in hindsight, looked doomed to fail from the start has been sheeted home to Jeff Kennett’s stubbornness.

If the Hawks president was to pay Clarkson for the 2022 season, he might as well get another season out of him while heir apparent Sam Mitchell coached Box Hill.

But Vandenberg said the Hawks board was keen to give Clarkson a dignified exit that helped Mitchell’s apprenticeship.

He said the club could have spent more time considering whether Clarkson would embrace that role.

But in good faith – given Clarkson had been so integral in bringing Mitchell back to Hawthorn – they believed the succession plan could work.

“We felt there was absolutely a place for him honouring the contract and playing a role in developing the kids for the next 18 months,” Vandenberg said.

“It was more about we have a contract and at Hawthorn we like to honour our contracts.

“To do the honourable thing by Clarko, this was our position.

“I think where the misalignment started to manifest itself – and where it ended up and the position changed – was around the misalignment and an absolute buy-in of the direction and what it would take going forward.

“Really, that was it. Life is about money in many respects but, from the board’s perspective it wasn’t about the money, it was about us wanting to honour contracts.

“So do the right thing. He deserves a dignified exit that we tried to give him. But, as you know with succession plans, the two most important people in the succession plan are the two people in the plan. So in hindsight, maybe there was a better way to do it.

“In the end, he decided it wasn’t right for him or the club, so the decision was made to part ways.

“We acknowledge that of course as a board, we have reviewed the process and the role we all played in it, and hope to learn from it, and feel like as a club we have been able to stabilise it and we have worn that bit of pain. I don‘t think moving any legend of the club on is an easy thing to do for anyone.”

I'm afraid that statement doesn't leave any room. Clarkson agreed to a transition plan but then didn't support it. Then actively undermined it. And made the situation untenable, so he had to go.

My official position, stated here previously: I'm extremely grateful to have witnessed Clarkson's best at Hawthorn. He gave us everything. But he had fallen off the peak and it was time to move on. In fact, I posted that back in May. As Vandy says above, moving on a legend isn't easy. And it didn't work as it takes two to tango and after getting on the dance floor one partner decided he didn't want to dance.

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So, Vandenberg is a lickspittle and a liar. Big call. Poor Vandy. No integrity.

From the article:

I'm afraid that statement doesn't leave any room. Clarkson agreed to a transition plan but then didn't support it. Then actively undermined it. And made the situation untenable, so he had to go.

My official position, stated here previously: I'm extremely grateful to have witnessed Clarkson's best at Hawthorn. He gave us everything. But he had fallen off the peak and it was time to move on. In fact, I posted that back in May. As Vandy says above, moving on a legend isn't easy. And it didn't work as it takes two to tango and after getting on the dance floor one partner decided he didn't want to dance.
You've accused almost every major figure at Hawthorn in this thread of being a liar (or insinuated others are accusing them of such).

Footy is a bit like big business - people don't outwardly lie, but they don't always outwardly tell the truth. There are grey areas and small mistruths and strategic omissions. It's how footy and business have operated for many many years.

Football clubs are multi-million dollar public businesses that are at the mercy of their fanbase and media. If you expect 100% honesty from everyone, you will sadly continue to be disappointed. And this applies to players, coaches, board members, presidents.
You've accused almost every major figure at Hawthorn in this thread of being a liar (or insinuated others are accusing them of such).

Footy is a bit like big business - people don't outwardly lie, but they don't always outwardly tell the truth. There are grey areas and small mistruths and strategic omissions. It's how footy and business have operated for many many years.

Football clubs are multi-million dollar public businesses that are at the mercy of their fanbase and media. If you expect 100% honesty from everyone, you will sadly continue to be disappointed. And this applies to players, coaches, board members, presidents.

No, I've only accused one. And bitterly so because I never expected it from him. My observation has been that in order for him not to be a liar, everyone else has to be.
No, I've only accused one. And bitterly so because I never expected it from him. My observation has been that in order for him not to be a liar, everyone else has to be.
When you get into the workforce you'll understand how this all works.
Everything I have read and heard seems to be the same song but maybe sung in a different key by each person. To believe the narrative and what Vanders has just stated - it was Clarko who both started the ball rolling on him no longer having a job post-2022 and it was then Clarko who said to the board it wasn't working and for the good of the club to appoint Sam in 2022 (if we are going by Vanders' story as quoted here).

I don't think Vanders or Clarko are lying - I believe they are sticking to the usual club narrative here. Sam gets approached for the Collingwood job, Clarko proactively asks the board to consider his position. The board (including Kennett) agree to not extend Clarko post-2022 and appoint Sam as his successor. The succession plan falls apart in weeks when realised how unworkable it is to the extent that the players state their dissatisfaction with it. The decision is made to expedite things and pay Clarko out.

Now there are inner workings that none of us will ever know because they are on the inside of the four walls of the club. What I don't see in any of this still is Clarko coming out and lying and discrediting the club. If he had been as nefarious as some are pointed out something tells me it was probably awkward inviting him to do an interview at the PCM presentation. As spectacularly badly as this transition went I think we did pretty lucky for the key parties to not go mental in the media. Comparing this to Malthouse's less than dignified exit at Collingwood I think his behaviour isn't anywhere close to how Clarko is acting.
Everything I have read and heard seems to be the same song but maybe sung in a different key by each person. To believe the narrative and what Vanders has just stated - it was Clarko who both started the ball rolling on him no longer having a job post-2022 and it was then Clarko who said to the board it wasn't working and for the good of the club to appoint Sam in 2022 (if we are going by Vanders' story as quoted here).

I don't think Vanders or Clarko are lying - I believe they are sticking to the usual club narrative here. Sam gets approached for the Collingwood job, Clarko proactively asks the board to consider his position. The board (including Kennett) agree to not extend Clarko post-2022 and appoint Sam as his successor. The succession plan falls apart in weeks when realised how unworkable it is to the extent that the players state their dissatisfaction with it. The decision is made to expedite things and pay Clarko out.

Now there are inner workings that none of us will ever know because they are on the inside of the four walls of the club. What I don't see in any of this still is Clarko coming out and lying and discrediting the club. If he had been as nefarious as some are pointed out something tells me it was probably awkward inviting him to do an interview at the PCM presentation. As spectacularly badly as this transition went I think we did pretty lucky for the key parties to not go mental in the media. Comparing this to Malthouse's less than dignified exit at Collingwood I think his behaviour isn't anywhere close to how Clarko is acting.

The only data point I would add is that it came out here that Clarko approached the board back around April to extend him at which point the board began to formally consider whether they would make the switch at the end of next year or stick with Clarkson. It was stated around the transition announcement that Clarkson went to Reeves to say they better consider now as Collingwood is sniffing around Mitchell (possibly after or just before Mitchell went to Clarkson to let him know Collingwood had sniffed - it's not clear from the soundbites which have been dropped). At that point the board accelerated an announcement of a decision which it seems they had already reached - they would be switching to Mitchell. They wanted to switch to Mitchell at the end of this coming season but that didn't work out, as has already been discussed.
The only data point I would add is that it came out here that Clarko approached the board back around April to extend him at which point the board began to formally consider whether they would make the switch at the end of next year or stick with Clarkson. It was stated around the transition announcement that Clarkson went to Reeves to say they better consider now as Collingwood is sniffing around Mitchell (possibly after or just before Mitchell went to Clarkson to let him know Collingwood had sniffed - it's not clear from the soundbites which have been dropped). At that point the board accelerated an announcement of a decision which it seems they had already reached - they would be switching to Mitchell. They wanted to switch to Mitchell at the end of this coming season but that didn't work out, as has already been discussed.

Wasn't aware of the April discussion however it makes sense. If we are all happy to concur that it was Clarko who alerted the board to make their decisions or face risking Sam - then for mine that intent demonstrates the measure of the man that he was happy to put club before himself. By invoking Mitchell's possible departure he knew exactly what could be coming. Now, possibly he didn't like how things were handled post that discussion but to say that all leaks that came out from that point were all 100% Clarko white-anting people - it just doesn't quite compute. Unless Clarko spilled your beer, stole your girlfriend in your youth or punched you during a footy match - I think we'd all agree that Clarko's love and commitment to Hawthorn were there, and there beyond the usual coach/club relationship. To throw that all away to blow the joint up on the way out because of a transition plan that he bloody started - it just doesn't wash.

I think wires got crossed and feelings got hurt when the decisions were made for sure - and possibly people spoke out of shop and shouldn't have. However, I don't think that any side (Kennett, board, Sam, Clarko) was acting with sinister intent - unfortunately I just think a very difficult situation was badly managed across the board and ended up blowing up in our faces. Transition plans almost never work so I guess we should have expected it - but the past few months of his reign and the mismanagement of the list in the final few years aren't enough to make me question Clarko's core values and who he is as a human being.

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I moved to Canberra when I was 19, was a casual Parramatta fan before that but quickly got on the Big Green Machine train.....Meninga, Daley, it was sick.
Kept moving around the country/world and when Melbourne came into NRL, I was Storm first, Raiders/Eels second.
As a kid watching the NFL in the early 80's I saw Marino and became a Dolphins fan, then Montana/Rice in Superbowls and took a liking to the 49ers, moved to Chicago in 2000 and became a Bears fan foremost, before landing in Kansas the last 15 years and it's Chiefs first, Bears/Dolphins/9ers second.

I can easily see the overwhelming majority of Tasmanians being state affiliated first if they get a team into the AFL, and whoever they used to like being their 'second' team.
Don't reckon the Nth/Sth thing is a stopper, merely something to work through over their early history.
Any success and you watch, they won't care which ground they were on to qualify for finals, there'll be a roar across the map.
People undervalue the heartbreak that State has gone through hoping for a national side the last 20+ years.
The pump up getting a dark green jersey into the comp would absolutely fill Tassie, and whatever issue they've had with numbers at local footy would get a humungous boost.

You guys are overthinking it.
Tassie folk are very proud of their state, their lifestyle, and their historical connection to our native game.
Slam dunk for mine.
Much more deserving of national representation than all of Brisbane, Gold Coast, Western Sydney, Regular Sydney, and Essendon.
As a proud Taswegian that post brought a tear to my eye and I am reserved about how we will go. BTW the word Taswegian as just been patented and is now on the label of a gin distillery near home. Very nice too.
As a proud Taswegian that post brought a tear to my eye and I am reserved about how we will go. BTW the word Taswegian as just been patented and is now on the label of a gin distillery near home. Very nice too.

Milkshaker .... I am also a proud Taswegian... AND.... thanks for bringing back your avatar picture :)
Does my head in that people think otherwise. And some are still trying to paint that picture after the Vandenberg article.

I think its 100% the club and Kennett. Clarko was contracted. Kennett thought he would be clever, and failed, miserably.

We should have told Mitchell to walk if he was claiming Collingwood wanted him. The club decided to undermine Clarko so the idea that he had to sit back and cop it is ridiculous.

I fully expect Clarko to coach a Premiership again before Mitchell does - and it could well be Mitchell never does.
I think its 100% the club and Kennett. Clarko was contracted. Kennett thought he would be clever, and failed, miserably.

We should have told Mitchell to walk if he was claiming Collingwood wanted him. The club decided to undermine Clarko so the idea that he had to sit back and cop it is ridiculous.

I fully expect Clarko to coach a Premiership again before Mitchell does - and it could well be Mitchell never does.

This ignores that it was Clarko who brought Mitchell back to the club in 2017 and it was Clarko who went to the board when Mitchell had been approached. Yes it was botched a fair bit post that incident - but Clarko clearly had the long term objective to have Sammy succeed him, it just didn't pan out as he expected I dare say.
This ignores that it was Clarko who brought Mitchell back to the club in 2017 and it was Clarko who went to the board when Mitchell had been approached. Yes it was botched a fair bit post that incident - but Clarko clearly had the long term objective to have Sammy succeed him, it just didn't pan out as he expected I dare say.

Sure. To take over from him after 2022. After Mitchell had experience of a couple of years at Box Hill. When he would be ready. Or at least allow the Board to decide if he was ready, or go through the process of appointing a coach after a proper examination.

Not to bundle Clarko out and bring Mitchell in early.

Would Hawthorn have risen or fallen in 2022 under Clarko? Where do you see us under Mitchell?

I imagine Clarko would have had us challenging for Finals. Does Mitchell want that? Or does he want another crack at top draft picks and to see off our older players?
Sure. To take over from him after 2022. After Mitchell had experience of a couple of years at Box Hill. When he would be ready. Or at least allow the Board to decide if he was ready, or go through the process of appointing a coach after a proper examination.

Not to bundle Clarko out and bring Mitchell in early.

Would Hawthorn have risen or fallen in 2022 under Clarko? Where do you see us under Mitchell?

I imagine Clarko would have had us challenging for Finals. Does Mitchell want that? Or does he want another crack at top draft picks and to see off our older players?

Being that we have pretty much languished since 2016 and our list is a bit of a mish-mash as a result of really poor assessment that we should top up for another flag run - despite my high regard for Clarko I am glad we are going in another direction. I have listened to multiple interviews that Mitchell has done and I think he's an excellent communicator and I enjoy that he's going to bring a different plan and style to our side. I also think Mark McKenzie is doing a far better job at rebuilding the list than Wright had tried post-2016 - and with Andy Collins in the mix who has already identified Newcombe and Bramble for us, I think the club is incredibly well positioned to rebuild via the draft.

Whether this rebuild will require a few drafts to really bare fruit - or whether getting a couple more decent picks in this draft will be what the club needs to restock on talented younger players.

I honestly can't begin to put an expectation on where we will finish in 2022 because we need to see what the list looks like for one - and we probably need to watch the pre-season games to see what Mitchell's gameplan will look like. I am not expecting finals next year - but what I am expecting is for us to be not quite as deplorably bad as we were in the first 2/3 of this season.
Being that we have pretty much languished since 2016 and our list is a bit of a mish-mash as a result of really poor assessment that we should top up for another flag run - despite my high regard for Clarko I am glad we are going in another direction. I have listened to multiple interviews that Mitchell has done and I think he's an excellent communicator and I enjoy that he's going to bring a different plan and style to our side. I also think Mark McKenzie is doing a far better job at rebuilding the list than Wright had tried post-2016 - and with Andy Collins in the mix who has already identified Newcombe and Bramble for us, I think the club is incredibly well positioned to rebuild via the draft.

Whether this rebuild will require a few drafts to really bare fruit - or whether getting a couple more decent picks in this draft will be what the club needs to restock on talented younger players.

I honestly can't begin to put an expectation on where we will finish in 2022 because we need to see what the list looks like for one - and we probably need to watch the pre-season games to see what Mitchell's gameplan will look like. I am not expecting finals next year - but what I am expecting is for us to be not quite as deplorably bad as we were in the first 2/3 of this season.

By languished you mean finished top 4 in 2018 then lost one of the top 5 players in the league for the entire 2019 season, and also lost one of the top 5 defenders in the league for the entire 2021 season (along with a number of young and brilliant defenders) sure.

I imagine if Clarko had all the players back from injury who were missing during huge chunks of 2021 he would also expect to not have been deplorable. But if we do lose 4 of our starting 6 defenders as well as our best forward where do you imagine we will be?

I mean we should compare apples and apples.
By languished you mean finished top 4 in 2018 then lost one of the top 5 players in the league for the entire 2019 season, and also lost one of the top 5 defenders in the league for the entire 2021 season (along with a number of young and brilliant defenders) sure.

I imagine if Clarko had all the players back from injury who were missing during huge chunks of 2021 he would also expect to not have been deplorable. But if we do lose 4 of our starting 6 defenders as well as our best forward where do you imagine we will be?

I mean we should compare apples and apples.

Top 4 in 2018 was an absolute false dawn. We were sitting in 10th spot in round 17 and we had a handy streak at the end of the season while other sides slumped. We were bundled out of the finals in straight sets.

You genuinely can not blame Sicily's absence on our overall performances in 2021. Even when those younger players were there and CJ and Day were killing it on the half back line, we were still bloody hard to watch outside of those two kids.

2017-2021 we have made the finals once and went out in straight sets. We had late season flourishes in 2017, 2019 and 2021 all of which people cling to as some evidence that things are still going to be okay. Thankfully the powers that be at the club this year realised that the rebuild had to be on and that change was needed with the direction the club was taking. Sometimes even the best coaches can get a bit left behind and organisations can become a bit stale. I wish it hadn't and that we could have been building once again with Clarko - but the fact remains we were not.

Nobody can know if Mitchell is going to take us back to being one of the competition's dominant sides. However I am excited by what I am hearing from him regarding how we are going to progress forward and as I mentioned I have faith in McKenzie/Collins to identify and develop young talent.
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Top 4 in 2018 was an absolute false dawn. We were sitting in 10th spot in round 17 and we had a handy streak at the end of the season while other sides slumped. We were bundled out of the finals in straight sets.

You genuinely can not blame Sicily's absence on our overall performances in 2021. Even when those younger players were there and CJ and Day were killing it on the half back line, we were still bloody hard to watch outside of those two kids.

2017-2021 we have made the finals once and went out in straight sets. We had late season flourishes in 2017, 2019 and 2021 all of which people cling to as some evidence that things are still going to be okay. Thankfully the powers that be at the club this year realised that the rebuild had to be on and that change was needed with the direction the club was taking. Sometimes even the best coaches can get a bit left behind and organisations can become a bit stale. I wish it hadn't and that we could have been building once again with Clarko - but the fact remains we were not.

Nobody can no if Mitchell is going to take us back to being one of the competition's dominant sides. However I am excited by what I am hearing from him regarding how we are going to progress forward and as I mentioned I have faith in McKenzie/Collins to identify and develop young talent.

No. Im saying Sicily and Gunston missed the entire year. Day, Impey, and Jiath all missed giant chunks. 5 of our most exciting players missed either the entire season, or big grabs of it. You dont think that has an impact on not just performance, but how we looked?

Even Richmond struggled and they had smaller losses in numbers than us, though Dusty being out was huge. Only a handful of teams managed to play well with big numbers of players out. The ones who are developed. No developing team managed to do well with lots of injuries.
Wasn't aware of the April discussion however it makes sense. If we are all happy to concur that it was Clarko who alerted the board to make their decisions or face risking Sam - then for mine that intent demonstrates the measure of the man that he was happy to put club before himself. By invoking Mitchell's possible departure he knew exactly what could be coming. Now, possibly he didn't like how things were handled post that discussion but to say that all leaks that came out from that point were all 100% Clarko white-anting people - it just doesn't quite compute. Unless Clarko spilled your beer, stole your girlfriend in your youth or punched you during a footy match - I think we'd all agree that Clarko's love and commitment to Hawthorn were there, and there beyond the usual coach/club relationship. To throw that all away to blow the joint up on the way out because of a transition plan that he bloody started - it just doesn't wash.

I think wires got crossed and feelings got hurt when the decisions were made for sure - and possibly people spoke out of shop and shouldn't have. However, I don't think that any side (Kennett, board, Sam, Clarko) was acting with sinister intent - unfortunately I just think a very difficult situation was badly managed across the board and ended up blowing up in our faces. Transition plans almost never work so I guess we should have expected it - but the past few months of his reign and the mismanagement of the list in the final few years aren't enough to make me question Clarko's core values and who he is as a human being.
Good read. But just one question
Wasn't aware of the April discussion however it makes sense. If we are all happy to concur that it was Clarko who alerted the board to make their decisions or face risking Sam - then for mine that intent demonstrates the measure of the man that he was happy to put club before himself. By invoking Mitchell's possible departure he knew exactly what could be coming. Now, possibly he didn't like how things were handled post that discussion but to say that all leaks that came out from that point were all 100% Clarko white-anting people - it just doesn't quite compute. Unless Clarko spilled your beer, stole your girlfriend in your youth or punched you during a footy match - I think we'd all agree that Clarko's love and commitment to Hawthorn were there, and there beyond the usual coach/club relationship. To throw that all away to blow the joint up on the way out because of a transition plan that he bloody started - it just doesn't wash.

I think wires got crossed and feelings got hurt when the decisions were made for sure - and possibly people spoke out of shop and shouldn't have. However, I don't think that any side (Kennett, board, Sam, Clarko) was acting with sinister intent - unfortunately I just think a very difficult situation was badly managed across the board and ended up blowing up in our faces. Transition plans almost never work so I guess we should have expected it - but the past few months of his reign and the mismanagement of the list in the final few years aren't enough to make me question Clarko's core values and who he is as a human being.
Good read. Just a question when you said "unfortunately i just think a very difficult situation was badly managed across the board and ended up blowing up in their faces"
How should it have been handled or what would you have done ?
Good read. But just one question

Good read. Just a question when you said "unfortunately i just think a very difficult situation was badly managed across the board and ended up blowing up in their faces"
How should it have been handled or what would you have done ?
I think that is what Richie is referring to when he spoke to how hard it was to move on a legend. They got themselves into a bind around respecting Clarko and not wanting to pay him out.

Needed to rip the bandaid off. They should have made the decision to not have a transition plan.
Everything I have read and heard seems to be the same song but maybe sung in a different key by each person. To believe the narrative and what Vanders has just stated - it was Clarko who both started the ball rolling on him no longer having a job post-2022 and it was then Clarko who said to the board it wasn't working and for the good of the club to appoint Sam in 2022 (if we are going by Vanders' story as quoted here).

I don't think Vanders or Clarko are lying - I believe they are sticking to the usual club narrative here. Sam gets approached for the Collingwood job, Clarko proactively asks the board to consider his position. The board (including Kennett) agree to not extend Clarko post-2022 and appoint Sam as his successor. The succession plan falls apart in weeks when realised how unworkable it is to the extent that the players state their dissatisfaction with it. The decision is made to expedite things and pay Clarko out.

Now there are inner workings that none of us will ever know because they are on the inside of the four walls of the club. What I don't see in any of this still is Clarko coming out and lying and discrediting the club. If he had been as nefarious as some are pointed out something tells me it was probably awkward inviting him to do an interview at the PCM presentation. As spectacularly badly as this transition went I think we did pretty lucky for the key parties to not go mental in the media. Comparing this to Malthouse's less than dignified exit at Collingwood I think his behaviour isn't anywhere close to how Clarko is acting.
Nefarious. Wow Ned. Impressive.
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