Politics Climate Change Paradox (cont in part 2)

Should we act now, or wait for a unified global approach

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If the former experts warn that the future will be bad and that future happens, what do you do?

The firefighters were explicitly warning that this fire season would be bad, and they were right.

Sort of strange that people who insist predictions must be exactly correct for them to take science seriously completely ignore those predictions that are. Then claim they are more logical and have scientific cells in their brain!

Anyone who looks at fuel loads knows the danger.

We are at 2009 levels.

Previously we saw those levels in 1994. Before that 1983. Before that 1968. Before that 1957.

Which of them were climate chsnge because of our CO2 emissions?
Snakey's not a big fan of the CSRIO. You'll need to try harder to convince him.

Edit: dam. You beat me to it.
Should I care? Why would some sort of burden fall upon me to convince anybody that a body of environmental scientists carry more clout than their own hackneyed take on the issue?
1) The CSIRO are now a politicized body with regard to climate.
Are they, indeed. I know people that work there. The fact they’ve been hijacked, and research budgets slashed doesnt mean all research is poor.

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8% & 5% is the specific targeted areas,
Regardless of the size of the State, 5% in Victoria means its the entire states average target area has a reduction burn every 20 years, WA 8% means the entire states average target area has a reduction burn every 12 years.

The percentages becone complex because different forest types have different reccomended turnaround times, like in WA, jarrah forests reccomended from 5-7 years, karri longer at 8-12 years, old growth can be up to 20 years (politics) regrowth can be little as 6 years, and thinning of regrowth every 20-25 years. Forest on urban fringes ever 3-4 years.

A lot of knowlege, resources and go into planned green burns, and unfortunately resources and money are now second to supplying equipment for supression.
No wonder fire cheifs are all demanding more funding, because ultimately they get it.

Should add, in every individual forest green burn, depending on the state, only around 70% is targeted, allowing scattered patches for recolonisation of insects and small fauna etc.

Its shackled by the paralysis of analysis these days, lines on maps, can never be resourced in line with current theory. When farmers need a permit to back burn their verge, something is wrong.
Dont want to alarm anyone, but: global warming is reality. It’s happening.

It’s not half-happening, it’s not half-real. If we do not curb global Co2 emissions, we will have more catastrophes worldwide.

It’s not alarmist to say it. It’s irrefutable. Support those who’ve been saying it all along. Hold the Murdoch press to account for refusing even now to make the link and inform our population. Hold our politicians to account for selling our future up the river for the mountain of cash that our coal fetches in China. Hold each other to account, its the only reason I’m posting in this stupid place.
Snakey's not a big fan of the CSRIO. You'll need to try harder to convince him.

Edit: dam. You beat me to it.
Snakey’s not a fan of anyone that disagrees with him and accuses anyone or any fact that does so of being politicised. His politicising is, of course, not politicising.

Dont want to alarm anyone, but: global warming is reality. It’s happening.

It’s not half-happening, it’s not half-real. If we do not curb global Co2 emissions, we will have more catastrophes worldwide.

It’s not alarmist to say it. It’s irrefutable. Support those who’ve been saying it all along. Hold the Murdoch press to account for refusing even now to make the link and inform our population. Hold our politicians to account for selling our future up the river for the mountain of cash that our coal fetches in China. Hold each other to account, its the only reason I’m posting in this stupid place.

Let us ALL accept for a moment your "non alarmist" claims are correct.
Seems to me the converted convinced "non alarmists" only wish to try and convince others by screaming -'somebody do something'!

You blame Australia for selling coal. Do you think China won't buy it's coal elsewhere if little OZ stops selling it?
Do you think the Saudi's or Iran will stop selling oil.? For that matter the super greenie country of Norway stop seeling Oil and gas, which is the basis of their whole economy they will stop it all, by taking your lead and example.

Have you stopped driving your polluting vehicle and walk and/or push bike everywhere
Refused to buy ANY clothes or goods from China or USA or India
You don't buy anything transported by fossil fuel or wrapped in plastic (oil product)
Could you quickly teach all those coal workers how to hunt kangaroos and goanna's and pick berries and bush tucker?

Just "holding you to account"

No good screaming about the problem, if you have not got a viable solution and just want to appear as morally "right" but in every personal way hypocritically 'wrong'
Let us ALL accept for a moment your "non alarmist" claims are correct.
Seems to me the converted convinced "non alarmists" only wish to try and convince others by screaming -'somebody do something'!

You blame Australia for selling coal. Do you think China won't buy it's coal elsewhere if little OZ stops selling it?
Do you think the Saudi's or Iran will stop selling oil.? For that matter the super greenie country of Norway stop seeling Oil and gas, which is the basis of their whole economy they will stop it all, by taking your lead and example.

Have you stopped driving your polluting vehicle and walk and/or push bike everywhere
Refused to buy ANY clothes or goods from China or USA or India
You don't buy anything transported by fossil fuel or wrapped in plastic (oil product)
Could you quickly teach all those coal workers how to hunt kangaroos and goanna's and pick berries and bush tucker?

Just "holding you to account"

No good screaming about the problem, if you have not got a viable solution and just want to appear as morally "right" but in every personal way hypocritically 'wrong'
I have a vegetable garden. I shop locally. I don’t eat meat. I have made pretty good reductions in waste and my use of water, plastics and the car. I support slow fashion. I give money to organisations who support climate change action. I know plenty of people who are doing this sort of stuff. It’s not that hard. You don’t have to be mother Theresa but we can do our bit. It’s just hard to do a bit unless you accept the science. So comon lads.

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You've really nailed your colours to the mast there then, mr non-inbetween. You can hardly get any more political than that

Look, if that simplifies your life, then run with it.
No, they’re pushing their own political currency. They’re politicians.

I get that you are trying to discredit me by attempting to drag me down in to the left-right paradigm cesspool, but if you acknowledge me as scientifically better informed than you, then you should also be intellectually consistent in accrediting these examples as my view of better representations of the science.
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I get that you are trying to do discredit me by attempting to drag me down in to the left-right paradigm cesspool, but if you acknowledge me as scientifically better informed than you, then you should also be intellectually consistent in accrediting these examples as my view of better representations of the science.

They are politicians deeply embedded in the left right paradigm. They’re not experts. Pointing out you’re compromised by adherence to ideology( like the rest us) isn’t a discrediting.
They are politicians deeply embedded in the left right paradigm. They’re not experts. Pointing out you’re compromised by adherence to ideology( like the rest us) isn’t a discrediting.

Okay, shoehorn me then.

However, you are not representing who I am or where I am coming from.

ABC deleted a story which didnt fit the narrative?

Say it aint so !!!
Should I care? Why would some sort of burden fall upon me to convince anybody that a body of environmental scientists carry more clout than their own hackneyed take on the issue?

Are they, indeed. I know people that work there. The fact they’ve been hijacked, and research budgets slashed doesnt mean all research is poor.
Maybe. You've come on to a forum to try and convince people of your opinion.
Look, if that simplifies your life, then run with it.
You're quoting politicians and a media organisation with a clear and undeniable political agenda. I can't see how you can pretend you're taking a non-political path. Who are you trying to fool? Yourself?
I have a vegetable garden. I shop locally. I don’t eat meat. I have made pretty good reductions in waste and my use of water, plastics and the car. I support slow fashion. I give money to organisations who support climate change action. I know plenty of people who are doing this sort of stuff. It’s not that hard. You don’t have to be mother Theresa but we can do our bit. It’s just hard to do a bit unless you accept the science. So comon lads.

Good for you.:thumbsu:
I used to do the veggie garden thing but found the cost to output, and pest control etc difficult to justify.
I shop (walk where possible) locally too
I used to be completely vegetarian now little meat (perhaps too little) but impractical for me to be fantatical.
I have no fashion sense at all , but likely "slow".
I accept human influence on environment and therefore climate but I am unqualified to even understand let alone endorse the science.

Now can I go and buy one of those Made in China T-Shirts with "save the planet" slogans the activist organisations sell.
Do I deserve a badge?

You seem like a very nice NUN, celibate (sometimes!) too I guess?

Just don't go trespassing on and vandalising farms to save 'the little piggies'.
AND don't think about lighting bushfires trying to prove Climate change !!!!
I will be grateful and full of admiration.

Your donations are better sent to Investment houses who can direct funds to those who can attempt to develop better cheaper new large scale energy solutions.

Good on you for your little bit. Find another thouand or so like you, and you will nearly equalise someone like Trumps personal contribution to the Co2 output problemo.

Edit: and the aggregate output of the 1001 humans will still be too much!!!!, unless the 1 has access to the new 'antigravity electro-magnetron' free (cheaper -better) clean energy power drive to go fly to golf courses all over the world.

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Good for you.:thumbsu:
I used to do the veggie garden thing but found the cost to output, and pest control etc difficult to justify.
I shop (walk where possible) locally too
I used to be completely vegetarian now little meat (perhaps too little) but impractical for me to be fantatical.
I have no fashion sense at all , but likely "slow".
I accept human influence on environment and therefore climate but I am unqualified to even understand let alone endorse the science.

Now can I go and buy one of those Made in China T-Shirts with "save the planet" slogans the activist organisations sell.
Do I deserve a badge?

You seem like a very nice NUN, celibate (sometimes!) too I guess?

Just don't go trespassing on and vandalising farms to save 'the little piggies'.
AND don't think about lighting bushfires trying to prove Climate change !!!!
I will be grateful and full of admiration.

Your donations are better sent to Investment houses who can direct funds to those who can attempt to develop better cheaper new large scale energy solutions.

Good on you for your little bit. Find another thouand or so like you, and you will nearly equalise someone like Trumps personal contribution to the Co2 output problemo.

Edit: and the aggregate output of the 1001 humans will still be too much!!!!, unless the 1 has access to the new 'antigravity electro-magnetron' free (cheaper -better) clean energy power drive to go fly to golf courses all over the world.

Lol. So much cynicism for one so young.
Still, it’s better to go down swinging surely, than put up the white flag.
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