Craig Foster, again....

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I am sure the atmosphere at games in Europe and South America is great (his point), but that does not make the game itself any less boring.

The good thing is I don't have to travel overseas to see the game I love played at the highest level, unfortunately for soccer fans in this country that will always be the case.

I've been in Glasgow on the days of Old Firm games and its not at all a pleasant place to be. In fact, many Glaswegian actually leave the place because of the tension and drunken violence before, during and after an Old Firm game.

Its hardly a joyous celebration of shared sporting passion.

Valid point.
Valid point.

Maybe Craig could tell us why it is that domestic violence rates soar on the days of Old Firm games.

Police are to visit homes with a history of domestic abuse ahead of this weekend's Old Firm title clash.

It comes in response to figures published after the last Glasgow derby which showed a 41% increase in domestic violence on match days.

Strathclyde Police said many of the incidents after Old Firm games were fuelled by excessive drinking.

Up to 1,000 extra officers have also been drafted in to help prevent violence and disorder.

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I quite agree with an earlier poster that made the point of the fact he calls it football.

I have to admit that I was only skimming through the earlier part of the article and until half way though, thought he was arguing on the side of football. Turns out he was arguing on the side of football.

You're doing it wrong, Fozz!
This is why our so great! The fans can sit next to or near opposition supporters and their won't be a riot after the game or a flare lit up. :eek:

It's because the game is exciting, people aren't so bored watching Australian Rules that they need to resort to flares and violence.
Did he also talk about how the TV ratings for the Victory vs United soccer match were 38,000, only 17,000 more than attended the game?

Some of the shows that outrated the Soccer

Raceday (Sky Racing)
American Idol
Bruce Almighty

Also the Adelaide v Melbourne v Port NAB Cup game outrated the Adelaide v Melbourne soccer match.
Why doesn't Foster write another book about his thoughts on soccer? I mean I rushed to the bookshop as soon as I heard he'd written a book called Fossie on Football. That sort of stuff must be amazing.

Not to mention having a media that falls over itself to describe 3 drunken morons ejected from an A-League match as a riot, but never mentions similiar (or worse, in the case of Cricket) incidents at other sporting events.

Cricket is the same, I love test cricket but long periods of time can go without much happening, hence the need for people to amuse themselves in other ways.

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Not to mention having a media that falls over itself to describe 3 drunken morons ejected from an A-League match as a riot, but never mentions similiar (or worse, in the case of Cricket) incidents at other sporting events.
That's just not true.

I've seen numerous media reports about crowd problems at cricket (particularly the MCG) over the years.
I'm sick of this attitude that because it is "popular" around the world then it is "better" than AFL. For example, is Lady Gaga "better" than Bethoven or Mozart, just because she is more popular... don't think so... Is Coke better than Dom Perignon, just because more people drink it? Quality always wins over quantity.
I haven't bothered reading the whole thread, but I read Foster's comments in the OP.

My reaction is that Foster still doesn't understand. He is bleating on about how big soccer is in other places, but he fails to grasp that we actually like it this way. We don't want our game to be too popular elsewhere, otherwise all our good players would move overseas and we wont be able to watch them.
Cricket is the same, I love test cricket but long periods of time can go without much happening, hence the need for people to amuse themselves in other ways.

Where are these violent episodes during A-League games? I want evidence and figures, cheers.

Should I dare explain why you won't be able to find a case of this? Because if you think soccer is boring because of lack of goals or some other metric, you clearly can't grasp why you don't want to take your eyes off the game.
Putting national teams aside, whet Foster is describing is trubal support. it takes generations to develop.

Soccer has it in most parts of the world, but here in Aus its AFL or NRL.

Soccer is a boutique sport much like rugby or cricket is in europe

Soccer used to have a little bit it in the old ethnic days, but rather than try to grow that and remove the violent aspects, they tried to homogonise their code to appeal to 'mainstream'
Lol constipated koala.

I only watch that show for Billy, what gets me is when Brian Taylor is on the show he rarely sticks up for the afl he just sits there like a stale cup of piss..
And the fact that he always finds a way to bag Mark Webber even after he has won races.

Oh, and since when does atmosphere make your sport shit?
I'm glad you all like the article.

It's relevant, because I am such an informed individual on Australian sport. Yes I've never been to an AFL match, but I don't need to attend one to know that the atmosphere at any real football match is 10 times better.

God I love this mighty country. I know I've said that anyone in this country who doesn't follow real football is uncultured and immature, and by inference we are an immature sporting country. But I still love this country. I might seem like a hypocrite at times, and I might seem like someone who would be more at home living in Europe. But I really do love this immature country that we call home.
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