Werewolf Discworld Werewolf

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See, that is where I think you are wrong

He's just keeping himself in it. Happy to 50/50 his way to the end.

You've got two kills tonight he's forgetting about and none of us know who Croweater protected last night for real (jmoo is in a PM with me and Croweater).

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He's just keeping himself in it. Happy to 50/50 his way to the end.

You've got two kills tonight he's forgetting about and none of us know who Croweater protected last night for real (jmoo is in a PM with me and Croweater).

Of course you both are.

Don't worry, I have this all worked out
Of course you both are.

Don't worry, I have this all worked out

I'm not worried... I've done f*** all this game and spent three days trying to lynch a villager.
Jmoo f’ed the game for himself when he didn’t kill me last night. He knew I was available for killing.
nice try - but you and ND both noticed I missed a kill last night right? it was on you to be clear
nice try - but you and ND both noticed I missed a kill last night right? it was on you to be clear
That’s why GREENESHOOTS died. But I’m not sure why you knew I was an open easy target but you went for the win instead taking the extra Wolf.

The night before you missed as I self protected. You would have known this and I was a free kill last night. I missed protecting MP by minutes on the last “night” phase.
nice try - but you and ND both noticed I missed a kill last night right? it was on you to be clear

Well that doesn't make any sense, there were two kills last night phase. And if you mean the phase before, why would you leave the doc alive and hit the cub instead?
Look, I'm spinning a few wheels right now, I'm more focused on rewriting Iggy Pop's Lust for Life to a lock down theme. I woke up this morning with this in my head:

Well I'm just a Pfizer guy
Of course I've has it in the arm before.

I'm in Lockdown Life
Yeah in Lockdown life

"Day" 6 Summary

"The Four Horsemen whose Ride presages the end of the world are known to be Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence. But even less significant events have their own Horsemen. For example, the Four Horsemen of the Common Cold are Sniffles, Chesty, Nostril, and Lack of Tissues; the Four Horsemen whose appearance foreshadows any public holiday are Storm, Gales, Sleet, and Contra-flow.

Among the armies encamped in the broad alluvial plain around Hunghung, the invisible horsemen known as Misinformation, Rumor, and Gossip saddled up..."

1628247896302.png “Mustrum Ridcully was, depending on your point of view, either the worst or the best Archchancellor that Unseen University had had for a hundred years.

There was just too much of him, for one thing. It wasn’t that he was particularly big, it was just that he had the kind of huge personality that fits any available space. He’d get roaring drunk at supper and that was fine and acceptable wizardly behavior. But then he’d go back to his room and play darts all night long and leave at five in the morning to go duck hunting. He shouted at people. He tried to jolly them along.

And he hardly ever wore proper robes. He’d persuaded Mrs. Whitlow, the University’s dreaded housekeeper, to make him a sort of baggy trouser suit in garish blue and red; twice a day the wizards stood in bemusement and watched him jog purposefully around the University buildings, his pointy wizarding hat tied firmly on his head with string. He’d shout cheerfully up at them, because fundamental to the make-up of people like Mustrum Ridcully is an iron belief that everyone else would like it, too, if only they tried it.

‘Maybe he’ll die,’ they told one another hopefully, as they watched him try to break the crust on the river Ankh for an early morning dip. ‘All this healthy exercise can’t be good for him.’

Stories trickled back into the University. The Archchancellor had gone two rounds bare-fisted with Detritus, the huge odd-job troll at the Mended Drum. The Archancellor had arm-wrestled with the Librarian for a bet and, although of course he hadn’t won, still had his arm afterward. The Archchancellor wanted the University to form its own football team for the big city game on Hogswatchday.

Intellectually, Ridcully maintained his position for two reasons. One was that he never, ever, changed his mind about anything. The other was that it took him several minutes to understand any new idea put to him, and this is a very valuable trait in a leader, because anything anyone is still trying to explain to you after two minutes is probably important and anything they give up after a mere minute or so is almost certainly something they shouldn’t have been bothering you with in the first place.

There seemed to be more Mustrum Ridcully than one body could reasonably contain."
jmoo wan (Archchancellor Mustrum Ridcully/Godfather) lynched - the Unseen University has been eliminated

It is now Night 7. If everyone is happy to get their Night Actions in ASAP, let's close this chapter tonight!

Night 7 Summary

No-one died overnight.

Day 7 Summary

With Mr Winvoe's (Manipulative Wolf's) unique skills in manipulation means that he was able to turn the City Watch against themselves and tricked the head of the Alchemist's Guild, Thomas Silverfish (Bomb) into joining him and lynching Dr John "Mossy" Lawn (Doctor).

1628251241701.png “A light was burning in one of the lower windows, so Lawn was presumably still awake. After a while, a very small panel slid back, and he heard a voice say: ‘Oh... it’s you.’

There was a pause, followed by the sound of bolts being released. The doctor opened the door. In one hand he held a very long syringe. Vimes found his gaze inexorably drawn to it. A bead of something purple dripped off the end and splashed onto the floor.

“What would you have done, inject me to death?” he said.

‘This?’ Lawn looked at the instrument as if unaware that he’d been holding it. ‘Oh...just sorting out a little problem for someone. Patients turn up at all hours.’

‘I’ll bet they do. Er...Rosie said you had a spare room,’ said Vimes. ‘I can pay,’ he added quickly. ‘I’ve got a job. Five dollars a month? I won’t be needing it for long.’

‘Upstairs on the left,’ said Lawn, nodding. ‘We can talk about it in the morning.’

‘I’m not a criminal madman,’ said Vimes. He wondered why he said it, and then wondered who he was trying to reassure.

‘Never mind, you’ll soon fit in,’ said Lawn. There was a whimper from the door leading to the surgery.”
croweater 41 (Dr John Lawn/Doctor) lynched

With only two players left, the Assassins Guild has met their win condition.


Congratulations to NaturalDisaster for making the right calls at the end and getting his faction the win. Interestingly enough, his character is the only one with exactly ZERO images available online, which is fitting as he was basically invisible until a few hours ago!
1628251583274.png “The figure vanished. At the same moment the door was flung open to reveal the distraught figure of Mr. Winvoe, the Guild Treasurer.

‘Excuse me, my lord, but I really had to come up!’ He flung some disks on the desk. ‘Look at them! No denomination!’ said Winvoe. ‘No heads, no tails, no milling! It’s just a blank disk! They’re all just blank disks!’

Downey opened his mouth to say, ‘Valueless?’ He realized that he was half hoping that this was the case. If they, whoever they were, had paid in worthless metal then there wasn’t even the glimmering of a contract. But he could see this wasn’t the case. Assassins learned to recognize money early in their careers.

‘Blank disks,’ he said, ‘of pure gold.’

Winvoe nodded mutely.

‘That,’ said Downey, ‘will do nicely.’

Downey bounced the coin on the desk a couple of times. It made a satisfyingly rich thunking noise. It wasn’t magical. Magical money would look real, because its whole purpose was to deceive. But this didn’t need to ape something as human and adulterated as mere currency. This is gold, it told his fingers. Take it or leave it.

The Guild attracted all sorts of people, Downey reflected. He found himself wondering how it had come to attract Winvoe, for one thing. It was hard to imagine him stabbing anyone in the heart in case he got blood on the victim’s wallet. Whereas Mister Teatime…”
And despite claiming a role within moments of the game starting, no-one questioned the veracity of The Filth Wizard's "Bomb" claim and he made it right until the end. However, that wasn't enough to save the people of Ankh-Morpork by themselves.
1628251838876.png “Thank you,” he said vaguely. “Er. Are you a wizard?”

Silverfish glared at him.

“Whatever made you think that?” he snapped.

“You’re wearing a dress with magic symbols—”

“Magic symbols? Look closely, boy! These are certainly not the credulous symbols of a ridiculous and outmoded belief system! These are the badges of an enlightened craft whose clear, new dawn is just...er, dawning! Magic symbols!” he finished, in tones of withering scorn. “And it’s a robe, not a dress,” he added.

“Sorry,” he said again. “Couldn’t see them clearly.”

“I’m an alchemist,” said Silverfish, only slightly mollified.

“Oh, lead into gold, that sort of thing,” said Victor.

“Not lead, lad. Light. It doesn’t work with lead. Light into gold...”

“Really?” said Victor politely, as Silverfish started to set up a tripod in the middle of the plaza.

An alchemist. Well, everyone knew that alchemists were a little bit mad, thought Victor. It was perfectly normal.


“This is where the gods play games with the lives of men, on a board which is at one and the same time a simple playing area and the whole world.

And Fate always wins.

Fate always wins. Most of the gods throw dice but Fate plays chess, and you don’t find out until too late that he’s been using two queens all along.

Fate wins. At least, so it is claimed. Whatever happens, they say afterwards, it must have been Fate.

Gods can take any form, but the one aspect of themselves they cannot change is their eyes, which show their nature. The eyes of Fate are hardly eyes at all—just dark holes into an infinity speckled with what may be stars or, there again, may be other things.

He blinked them, smiled at his fellow players in the smug way winners do just before they become winners, and said:

“I accuse the High Priest of the Green Robe in the library with the double-handed axe.”

And he won.

He beamed at them.

“No one likeh a poor winner,” grumbled Offler the Crocodile God, through his fangs.

“It seems that I am favoring myself today,” said Fate. “Anyone fancy something else?”

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Night 7 Summary

No-one died overnight.

Day 7 Summary

With Mr Winvoe's (Manipulative Wolf's) unique skills in manipulation means that he was able to turn the City Watch against themselves and tricked the head of the Alchemist's Guild, Thomas Silverfish (Bomb) into joining him and lynching Dr John "Mossy" Lawn (Doctor).

View attachment 1197997“A light was burning in one of the lower windows, so Lawn was presumably still awake. After a while, a very small panel slid back, and he heard a voice say: ‘Oh... it’s you.’

There was a pause, followed by the sound of bolts being released. The doctor opened the door. In one hand he held a very long syringe. Vimes found his gaze inexorably drawn to it. A bead of something purple dripped off the end and splashed onto the floor.

“What would you have done, inject me to death?” he said.

‘This?’ Lawn looked at the instrument as if unaware that he’d been holding it. ‘Oh...just sorting out a little problem for someone. Patients turn up at all hours.’

‘I’ll bet they do. Er...Rosie said you had a spare room,’ said Vimes. ‘I can pay,’ he added quickly. ‘I’ve got a job. Five dollars a month? I won’t be needing it for long.’

‘Upstairs on the left,’ said Lawn, nodding. ‘We can talk about it in the morning.’

‘I’m not a criminal madman,’ said Vimes. He wondered why he said it, and then wondered who he was trying to reassure.

‘Never mind, you’ll soon fit in,’ said Lawn. There was a whimper from the door leading to the surgery.”
croweater 41 (Dr John Lawn/Doctor) lynched

With only two players left, the Assassins Guild has met their win condition.


Congratulations to NaturalDisaster for making the right calls at the end and getting his faction the win. Interestingly enough, his character is the only one with exactly ZERO images available online, which is fitting as he was basically invisible until a few hours ago!
View attachment 1198002“The figure vanished. At the same moment the door was flung open to reveal the distraught figure of Mr. Winvoe, the Guild Treasurer.

‘Excuse me, my lord, but I really had to come up!’ He flung some disks on the desk. ‘Look at them! No denomination!’ said Winvoe. ‘No heads, no tails, no milling! It’s just a blank disk! They’re all just blank disks!’

Downey opened his mouth to say, ‘Valueless?’ He realized that he was half hoping that this was the case. If they, whoever they were, had paid in worthless metal then there wasn’t even the glimmering of a contract. But he could see this wasn’t the case. Assassins learned to recognize money early in their careers.

‘Blank disks,’ he said, ‘of pure gold.’

Winvoe nodded mutely.

‘That,’ said Downey, ‘will do nicely.’

Downey bounced the coin on the desk a couple of times. It made a satisfyingly rich thunking noise. It wasn’t magical. Magical money would look real, because its whole purpose was to deceive. But this didn’t need to ape something as human and adulterated as mere currency. This is gold, it told his fingers. Take it or leave it.

The Guild attracted all sorts of people, Downey reflected. He found himself wondering how it had come to attract Winvoe, for one thing. It was hard to imagine him stabbing anyone in the heart in case he got blood on the victim’s wallet. Whereas Mister Teatime…”
And despite claiming a role within moments of the game starting, no-one questioned the veracity of The Filth Wizard's "Bomb" claim and he made it right until the end. However, that wasn't enough to save the people of Ankh-Morpork by themselves.
View attachment 1198006“Thank you,” he said vaguely. “Er. Are you a wizard?”

Silverfish glared at him.

“Whatever made you think that?” he snapped.

“You’re wearing a dress with magic symbols—”

“Magic symbols? Look closely, boy! These are certainly not the credulous symbols of a ridiculous and outmoded belief system! These are the badges of an enlightened craft whose clear, new dawn is just...er, dawning! Magic symbols!” he finished, in tones of withering scorn. “And it’s a robe, not a dress,” he added.

“Sorry,” he said again. “Couldn’t see them clearly.”

“I’m an alchemist,” said Silverfish, only slightly mollified.

“Oh, lead into gold, that sort of thing,” said Victor.

“Not lead, lad. Light. It doesn’t work with lead. Light into gold...”

“Really?” said Victor politely, as Silverfish started to set up a tripod in the middle of the plaza.

An alchemist. Well, everyone knew that alchemists were a little bit mad, thought Victor. It was perfectly normal.


“This is where the gods play games with the lives of men, on a board which is at one and the same time a simple playing area and the whole world.

And Fate always wins.

Fate always wins. Most of the gods throw dice but Fate plays chess, and you don’t find out until too late that he’s been using two queens all along.

Fate wins. At least, so it is claimed. Whatever happens, they say afterwards, it must have been Fate.

Gods can take any form, but the one aspect of themselves they cannot change is their eyes, which show their nature. The eyes of Fate are hardly eyes at all—just dark holes into an infinity speckled with what may be stars or, there again, may be other things.

He blinked them, smiled at his fellow players in the smug way winners do just before they become winners, and said:

“I accuse the High Priest of the Green Robe in the library with the double-handed axe.”

And he won.

He beamed at them.

“No one likeh a poor winner,” grumbled Offler the Crocodile God, through his fangs.

“It seems that I am favoring myself today,” said Fate. “Anyone fancy something else?”

I'll challenge this. The manipulative wolf can only change a vote and I wouldn't have submitted one.
I'll challenge this. The manipulative wolf can only change a vote and I wouldn't have submitted one.
OK, so you're modkilled then. Crowy and ND vote each other and they both die and no one wins. Probably seems more fitting, actually. But it's not how I interpret the manipulation, so it's a moot point.
And that’s how the Filth Bomber won something something

He possibly forgot voting was compulsory.

I like the result of a draw. In truth no-one deserved the win.

NaturalDisaster had posted a massive 7 or 8 times before yesterday. Nuff said.

Maybe it is the start of SFA 32, the Olympics, the pointy end of the footy season, the ennui of Covid or some WW exhaustion but for whatever reason this was the lowest participation game I can recall.

It was a pity as MC Bad Genius had designed one of his typically elegant games.
He possibly forgot voting was compulsory.

I like the result of a draw. In truth no-one deserved the win.

NaturalDisaster had posted a massive 7 or 8 times before yesterday. Nuff said.

Maybe it is the start of SFA 32, the Olympics, the pointy end of the footy season, the ennui of Covid or some WW exhaustion but for whatever reason this was the lowest participation game I can recall.

It was a pity as MC Bad Genius had designed one of his typically elegant games.

Calm down fam.

I for on appreciate what MC Hammer has put into this game and feel I now know something about dis world albeit 1%, but the point is I thought it was a fantastic game he put together.

I always go into these games for my own enjoyment and I want to be the last man standing but this game I felt it was needing some pizzazz so I used the Highlanders song and didn’t want to live forever.

I actually thought Filth won.
oh wow - has this game started- thanks for the tag!

weirdly quiet game- but really well done- love the write ups MC Bad Genius

can i get a peak at the dead PM please?
I actually thought Filth won.

I was tempted to pull that one as the last evil against a villager makes sense as they have a night kill but in this case the evil would die with the last villager, so draw.

I also checked to see what would happen if evil chose not to use a role, in light of compulsory voting I figured night moves would be compulsory too but that fell flat.

Then I gave up and played some FIFA for a while before going to bed.
I was tempted to pull that one as the last evil against a villager makes sense as they have a night kill but in this case the evil would die with the last villager, so draw.

I also checked to see what would happen if evil chose not to use a role, in light of compulsory voting I figured night moves would be compulsory too but that fell flat.

Then I gave up and played some FIFA for a while before going to bed.

That would have messed up the Mafia on N1 when we forgot to enter a seer (even though we did the other overnight actions)
That would have messed up the Mafia on N1 when we forgot to enter a seer (even though we did the other overnight actions)

Always double check your night moves before going to play FIFA.

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Werewolf Discworld Werewolf

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