Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 2

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Ask and we'll try our best to assist - so here's 2024 Provisional AFL Draft Order

As normal, would like to acknowledge & thank Lore for creating this, keeping it up to date and making it available for all users on BF to use and keep track of the picks ahead of the upcoming draft

I'll also sticky this post to ensure it's easily accessible for discussion of our hypothetical trader
Stupid example. 20yo who was not best 22 was traded. Happens all the time fringe players get traded or delisted.

I assume you think delisting osca brownless also falls into this category given he was a highly respected VFL player??

Another stupid post as Brent Maloney was a rookie pick, jhye Clark is a top ten pick, which has a significant weighing in your first handful of seasons until you establish yourself as a b22.

Moloney was never consistently in our b22 and played 8 games his first season and then 15 in his second and was pretty ordinary in a lot of them. We had a fairly young team back then and played a lot of young kids.

Players like this get traded all the time as part of a bigger deal involving picks.

I didn’t think I had to insert common sense into my original post and say * only referencing b22 senior players”. It was just common sense this was what was meant.

Brent Maloney style fringe player trades happen all the time because the club knows they are replaceable
Tap out mate.

You're not on to something with this one.
Moloney was absolutely in the best side by the time he was traded, it was needs must and we won the trade handsomely but your assertion isn't right imo

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24-year-old gun in his prime. He will cost. The ACL will not mean he comes at a discounted price - there is not a body of evidence to suggest he is injury prone and frail. Right now, it's a one-off and should be treated as such. We won't commit to handing out a large contract to a player we think is likely to break down with significant injuries.

Right now the ACL is a one off. We aren't buying someone who has done 2-3 of them. He is young, fit and healthy.

He's a known gun - not just a proven player, but a 'gun' type of proven player with 8-10 years left and over 100 games under his belt already. Draft picks are unknown and could be busts.

We can't offer a long-term deal on good money to a player and try and short change them by saying we should get a discount based on what current evidence suggests is just a one-off major injury.

There is always a risk there will be repeated major injuries, but if we think that risk is significant, that would be reflected in our offer to him. We have put forward a big contract and the Dogs will rightly expected to be compensated fairly for losing a gun player and at 24, yet to even hit his prime.

I think there is an element of us as fans wanting to bundle up his injury, previous sunstance use, mental health issues to get a discount and get him on the cheap. It just won't work like that IMO.

The sign of a fair and successful trade is both parties not being satisfied from the outcome. That is what will happen here IMO.

I think most would say a first and second would be a great deal - but that means it actually isn't fair, as everyone should walk away feeling a little bit dissatisfied..

The ACL will definitely discount Smith's price, if not, it's not worth taking him. He hasn't played footy in 12 months and hasn't proved he's recovered or it won't reoccur. There's significant risk there and that needs to reflect at the trade table.
The ACL will definitely discount Smith's price, if not, it's not worth taking him. He hasn't played footy in 12 months and hasn't proved he's recovered or it won't reoccur. There's significant risk there and that needs to reflect at the trade table.
Also had a poor 2023 so 2 seasons since he has played great footy

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One thing we know for certain, when the Cats hierarchy have committed to a non-Geelong player and his management privately behind the scenes to join the club, they will fully commit to him. So, if Smith, his management and the Cats have agreed privately for him to join the GFC, then Geelong will make every attempt for that to happen, our record over the years has 100% proven that.
That in a nutshell is exactly what has and will happen.
would you guys do jack steele for a F1st?

so 24 1st for smith and 25 1st for steele in this window. saints losing battle with possibly a band 1 coming back, this give them another 1st next year when steele is 29 so doubt he be in their window when they contend.
29 next year... Isn't a real A grader/Game changer.
I'd be hesitant unless the Saints return us a their 2nd rounder.
Which might turn out to be our Pick 11 or indeed our pick 16 for Saints Pick 21 - 25 especially if they lose Battle.
Some would say a drop back of 10-15 spots is a bargain for an instant starter in our midfield.
FWIW The Saints would have rocks in their head if they agreed to a deal along those lines.
The worse thing about silly season is that the various media outlets love running headlines like below and then fans start discussions around every potential player on the move to their club

I've loved watching Parker play (except against us), the way he attacks the ball & attitude he brings - but do people seriously think he'd be a valuable addition to our senior team

Remembering he'll be turning 32 in October

I see both sides of the Smith argument.

I'm not overly keen on the risks - the ACL, his form the last season he played and the off field baggage - given the trade cost and the big contract he will demand.

The flip side is we desperately need a midfielder with a bit of x factor and short of spending a couple of years in the wilderness to draft them with top 10 picks, Smith is our best shot of potentially addressing that, at least this off season where the pickings are very slim. I also expect the pickings to remain slim given that GWS and GC are both competitive at the moment, and those two clubs were the major source of wantaway players, plus the significant increase in the salary cap means that every team has cash to retain players if they really want to.

We end up with a "top 4" fixture next year and I could easily see us finishing ~12th in 2025 so not keen on involving our future first round pick.

Dogs will ask for two first rounders.

We will try and offer up a package of draft picks excluding the FR1 like we did to the Pies with Ollie Henry.

The equilibrium position would normally end up that FR1.

I did read on the D&T board a while back though that the Dogs have more father sons next year. So maybe we could get away with this years first plus FR2 & FR3 for F/S points for them as they may not value the FR1 as highly as us or other clubs if it would just get chewed up with a bid anyway.
A first and Parfit with Smith and 3rd coming back?
Would rather get Macrae for a lot cheaper than that and he would serve a similar purpose.
With Holmes (21), Dempsey (21) and probably Smith (24), that is some serious spread with plenty of run & carry.

We need a big bodied bull on the inside. I guess this is where the intrigue for Knevitt comes into play. He looks decent and still young (21). At 194cm tall, young players that size usually take a bit longer to put it all together.
Look at Will Day at Hawthorn. Similar size but he's in his 5th season and it's beginning to all click.
I agree with this overall.

The problem with relying on Knevitt for a role like this is that he has height, but he doesn't have bulk, strength and real explosiveness, and I'm not sure he'll ever have it.

IMO we need a power athlete in the mould of Cripps / Danger / Fyfe / LDU / Tom Green (GWS), and I just don't see that in Knevitt. Not to say he won't be a good player, but more that he won't be THAT TYPE of good player.
Regarding Smith i am sure the Dogs will ask for 2 firsts and i am sure we won't pay that.

It will end up being our first and either our second this year or our future second with maybe a few latter pick swaps.

Hell it is a very good chance that they have already agreed on a price and will be told by the AFL to wait till last day for the drama unless a bigger name moves this year.
What makes you think we won't pay it? We have a very strong history of getting the deal done even if it means paying more than us fans think we should. And this smells like exactly that.

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Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 2

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