Review Good, Bad, and Ugly vs GWS

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I thought the power pose and stare down, followed by us waiting for GWS to retreat first was great.
Had us fired up and ready for battle, unwilling to back down from the very first contest.
The games we've done poorly in this year, we haven't started with the proper intensity and left ourselves with too much to do.

If this was Tex's idea for a solution to that problem, the man is a genius.

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How far we've come
This is fantastic!
Seriously, how ******* good was that stare down. Pyke shot it down, but that was per-meditated. Every Crows player and Pyke in the same stance. Steely look. "We've got you ******s covered"

******* BRING IT ON!

Thanks for posting it!

Standing like that denotes big balls. The national anthem version of manspreading, if you will.

In an age of rainbow filters and chai lattes, this was refreshing.

Also - linking arms at the national anthem is passé.
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The clutch moment in that game - if you had to pick one - was his goal in the third quarter.
Yep they had their inevitable fightback and we needed to stop the momentum. Cue the very good intercept mark and clutch goal.

His 2nd half of the year has been phenomenal.
HS Player review vs GWS

Brouch - Absolutely sensational, this is the player we have wanted to see for 2 years. The burst from the pack, the long goal...... brilliant.

Knight - Only query I had on this kid was whether he could impact a game without hitting the scoreboard. My word he can, finals performer.

JJ - Felt he worked hard and brought the ball to ground for the smalls. Needs to step it up another gear

Lever - Much better this week, punched the ball rather than try to mark it. Make these last 2 games count Jake.

Kelly - Another massive game, just does the right things at the right times and knows his limits.

Seeds - Started the game well and got us moving. Faded a bit as it went on but has a huge role to play now.

Talia - Absolutely owned the Giants forwards. Gets another week to rest his body too,

Tex - Led from the front early, but did pick some strange options around goals, theres more to come from the big fella.

Mackay - What on earth was that ?!?! Dylan Shiel is still in hospital after being shocked to death. He hasnt had many super games..... that was one of them.

Harto - Completely justified his place in the side, brilliant game.

Brown - Rinse and repeat for Browny. Did what he always does

Eddie - Genius, and now gets a chance at a prelim final 4 years after he probably felt he would never see one.

Greenwood - Tough around the contest, and took some good marks. Perfect finals midfielder.

Atkins - Not bad, not real good either. Just holding on IMO.

Cameron - Speaking of which, this guy even more so. It wont take much more for him to rip a game apart...... but we are waiting.

Sauce - Words cant express how proud I, and I suspect most of us are of him. If only that goal went through..... the Oval would have erupted.

Douglas - Thought he was nearly done, but he just gets better each week. Kicked a couple of crucial goals.

Lynch - That vital link, just keeps working and working, Fantastic game.

Laird - Back to his rebounding best, although he still hacks it a bit.

Smithers - Shattered, but his response showed us something about this team. All about everyone else, not about him. Win it for this bloke lads.

Gov - Had some important little taps and kicks forward, just to stay involved on a lowish night for him. Kicked a goal and took another huge grab

Mrouch - Bossed their midfield along with his brother, if we get Sydney then the challenge grows again.

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Hilarious tonight driving home and listening to Triple M. Chris Judd comes out with that our midfield doesn't have speed and he talked about how slow Matt and Brad are. Don't think he did any research because there might some information that in sprints when Danger was here, he used to get beaten by Brad.

Yeah, Judd seems to have something against us. Also reckons that we're vulnerable when challenged against the better sides, yet we have the best record against all of the top 8 sides. Our issue is not taking lesser sides seriously enough.
HS Player review vs GWS

Brouch - Absolutely sensational, this is the player we have wanted to see for 2 years. The burst from the pack, the long goal...... brilliant.

Knight - Only query I had on this kid was whether he could impact a game without hitting the scoreboard. My word he can, finals performer.

JJ - Felt he worked hard and brought the ball to ground for the smalls. Needs to step it up another gear

Lever - Much better this week, punched the ball rather than try to mark it. Make these last 2 games count Jake.

Kelly - Another massive game, just does the right things at the right times and knows his limits.

Seeds - Started the game well and got us moving. Faded a bit as it went on but has a huge role to play now.

Talia - Absolutely owned the Giants forwards. Gets another week to rest his body too,

Tex - Led from the front early, but did pick some strange options around goals, theres more to come from the big fella.

Mackay - What on earth was that ?!?! Dylan Shiel is still in hospital after being shocked to death. He hasnt had many super games..... that was one of them.

Harto - Completely justified his place in the side, brilliant game.

Brown - Rinse and repeat for Browny. Did what he always does

Eddie - Genius, and now gets a chance at a prelim final 4 years after he probably felt he would never see one.

Greenwood - Tough around the contest, and took some good marks. Perfect finals midfielder.

Atkins - Not bad, not real good either. Just holding on IMO.

Cameron - Speaking of which, this guy even more so. It wont take much more for him to rip a game apart...... but we are waiting.

Sauce - Words cant express how proud I, and I suspect most of us are of him. If only that goal went through..... the Oval would have erupted.

Douglas - Thought he was nearly done, but he just gets better each week. Kicked a couple of crucial goals.

Lynch - That vital link, just keeps working and working, Fantastic game.

Laird - Back to his rebounding best, although he still hacks it a bit.

Smithers - Shattered, but his response showed us something about this team. All about everyone else, not about him. Win it for this bloke lads.

Gov - Had some important little taps and kicks forward, just to stay involved on a lowish night for him. Kicked a goal and took another huge grab

Mrouch - Bossed their midfield along with his brother, if we get Sydney then the challenge grows again.
That's not a bad review for the Herald Sun, they are normally shit

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Review Good, Bad, and Ugly vs GWS

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