Autopsy Hawthorn v Geelong - opposition supporters coming to troll will be carded

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It seems that we have a problem with expectations here.

Some people really are still struggling with our players not meeting them by the amount of vitriol and tantrums I am reading.

We've had 4 ordinary weeks with some fundamentally poor football(skillswise), but it seems the expectation is that we can still flick the switch?

And yet, those very people venting last year that we were 'cooked' and would get nowhere near the flag are back, week after week in 2017, venting about how we are cooked again.

They'll be roasting the players, roasting the coaches...and I guarantee these same posters will be here again next week, with renewed expectations, and will again being filling the board with vitriolic garbage when Hawthorn don't get with 6 goals of West Coast.

So, all you whiny little bandwagon stains, who think it's your right to carry on like petulant children, your time has passed.

The expectation has been set.

Don't come back here next week to bitch and whinge about the side when they fall in a heap again. You've said it yourself, we are cooked.

I'll be over here thankful that the reason our boys are so cooked is a direct consequence of just how many times they tasted the ultimate glory.
It seems that we have a problem with expectations here.

Some people really are still struggling with our players not meeting them by the amount of vitriol and tantrums I am reading.

We've had 4 ordinary weeks with some fundamentally poor football(skillswise), but it seems the expectation is that we can still flick the switch?

And yet, those very people venting last year that we were 'cooked' and would get nowhere near the flag are back, week after week in 2017, venting about how we are cooked again.

They'll be roasting the players, roasting the coaches...and I guarantee these same posters will be here again next week, with renewed expectations, and will again being filling the board with vitriolic garbage when Hawthorn don't get with 6 goals of West Coast.

So, all you whiny little bandwagon stains, who think it's your right to carry on like petulant children, your time has passed.

The expectation has been set.

Don't come back here next week to bitch and whinge about the side when they fall in a heap again. You've said it yourself, we are cooked.

I'll be over here thankful that the reason our boys are so cooked is a direct consequence of just how many times they tasted the ultimate glory.
Can I just respond to this by saying that people coming on here having a whinge and and showing hurt at what there team is dishing up at the moment only shows how passionate and loving they are of the club !! But I agree there needs to be some respect when talking about players and coaches..
Ride the bumps peoples
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Pretty much as expected. Signs were there most of last year and now we're at rock bottom. And it's going to get worse before it's get better I reckon.

then its not exactly rock bottom if its going to get worse is it?

I don't think it can get worse than this....

but then again take out Hodge, Burgoyne and Gibson and well... yeh still cant get worse....

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Can I just respond to this by saying that people coming on here having a whinge and and showing hurt at what there team is dishing up at the moment only shows how passionate and loving there are of the club !! But I agree there needs to be some respect when talking about players and coaches..
Ride the bumps peoples

I agree with to a degree. However, it's one thing being unhappy, it's another thing how you express your disappointment. I'd like to hear constructive criticism about how we can improve on our performances. Reading endless threads on sacking the coach, and this and that player are shit is venting without saying anything worth listening to.

AND ...... if I read one more post on the trading of Sam Mitchell and Jordan Lewis, I think my computer will go into melt down. It's done. There's not going back on it, there's only onwards and upwards. Nothing else.
This entire year is an audition for who wants to be in our next Premiership era.

We are going to get smashed. We are going to have honourable losses that make us feel sick. We are going to surprise a few and win games we probably shouldn't that will feel amazing.

Best of all we get to see our next superstars before they are even considered such.

We lost but whatever happens there is always next week.
It really hurt me today seeing the boys after the game... This team deserves respect but aren't playing like it.... they can turn it around, I believe in them, maybe some will get the tap on the shoulder, maybe some will be traded end of year who knows.

But when I saw our boys walking off the park with their heads down and distraught... it broke my heart...

These are the times that make winning premierships so special..... remember these moments.... when it hurt the most...
I agree with to a degree. However, it's one thing being unhappy, it's another thing how you express your disappointment. I'd like to hear constructive criticism about how we can improve on our performances. Reading endless threads on sacking the coach, and this and that player are shit is venting without saying anything worth listening to.

AND ...... if I read one more post on the trading of Sam Mitchell and Jordan Lewis, I think my computer will go into melt down. It's done. There's not going back on it, there's only onwards and upwards. Nothing else.
Did say some respect needs to be shown towards players and coaches!!
How would you feel coming on here and seeing only, let's say 1 page in the autopsy with comments like "oh well doesn't matter"? That would say to me that we have supporters that have jumped in the premiership bandwagon!! I Say let people have there whinge and vent as long as it's done with a bit of respect!
When battling through and low in confidence, as we are, fear and negativity unfortunately play a part in skill errors. The Hawthorn belief of the very recent past has deserted us for the time being. Guys kicks and handballs are now missing targets all together where before they not only hit the target but helped the recipient into space. The slow fumbly kicks and handballs are a result of worrying about hitting the target instead of just playing the game that you practice.

We all know we've brought in some guys who's skills, time and vision aren't in the same league as Sam Mitchell's. Hawthorns game is not built around contested ball and pack marks, it turning it over and slaughtering teams on the outside with superior footskills, but we don't have that team anymore (or at least at the moment). If the personel are not capable of playing in that same manner, change the game style.

It looks to me as though we are doing a lot of small square handball drills, keeping the ball off the defenders. Get rid of that and teach them to run and kick forward. Play for possession inside our Forward 50 at any cost and play all the smalls forward in a manic defensive manner. In this team there can be no Vickery types inside 50 allowing an easy escape.

The comments about Rioli, Poppy, Bruest and Gunston being well down are true, but for a reason. They are being asked to do too much in the middle. You can't expect Cyril to run down opponents inside 50, take 2 hangers and kick a couple miracle goals when he's being needed just to get a clearance. The time has come to leave the forwards at home to play burst footy.

A forward line consisting of Poppy, Bruest, Gunston, Burgoyne, Rioli and Sicily is all that is needed. Roughy can play the lead-up role and help in the ruck and kick his running goals from outside 50. More the Riewoldt/Franklin style.

It is in the mids where we are getting decimated, which requires us to sacrifice our forward line to help them out. The mids turnovers and lack of 2 way running is killing our backs, who are still very capable of keeping teams to manageable scores.

Hartung's game was a good one. His changes of direction which led to turnovers are only because there is no movement around him. He, along with the return of Birchall and Smith are almost exclusively our drive forward.

McEvoy rarely concedes an easy (planned) hitout to advantage and is a super important player in our lineup. He provides our best defensive/turnover marking option. This role, the McGovern/Easton Wood role, is super important in modern footy. Though it's kind of Gibson or Hodges job at the moment they are ineffective (in that capacity) because the midfield is applying very little pressure on the opposition ball carrier. I have absolutely no doubt Gibson could look All-Australian calibre again if we gave him a chance to get to the contests.

We have absolutely nothing to gain by a failed year, having traded our first pick. The beauty of where we are now at is that we have been formally written off. I for one am hoping the shackles of expectation are now gone and some free flowing attacking footy can be played along with that manic defensive pressure.

I hope that at the end of last year many contracts were renegotiated to front load them, allowing some real room in the cap at the end of the season to go shopping. Though even if that it the case we must now ensure our brand is not destroyed so we can actually attract a quality player or two without having to overpay.

The Geelong loss was no doubt a very low day for our proud footy club but one that can galvanise a group. After all we are only 'Strong as One'.
Should have been 40 points down at quarter time but bad kicking by Geelong kept us in it.

Showed a little fight in the middle of the game but got overrun.

Some good signs from Burton early, Sicily later and Hardwick in patches.

I reckon the Ceglar injury is really hurting us at the moment.
All of this ... Yes.
Brad Hill was hugely important for us as he ran to space and created holes behind him.
Sam Mitchell was the scythe that hit the holes that Brad created.

The Hawks are stuffed this year.. but there is much to see and like. Ryan Burton is 7 games into his career and is already in our top 10 players. Hardwick is quality. And maybe O'Rorke will step up

The thing that deflates me most is that we will not get a high draft pick or even a second high draft pick this year.
We traded them away to get O'Mera. To be clear, I think Jaegar was worth even the No1 pick. A known quality player always trumps a high draft pick. But I wish I could see new quality players into our club.
Okay, can we take a deep breath and stop the excuses now?

We stink! And only by getting rid of the passengers will we improve.

Hodge still clearly the leader of this footy team.

Harsh reality check for a few today.

HUh? Who has been making excuses?

We've hit the cliff. We all know that. We also know we are a better side that what we've shown but we're in a very deep hole.

Turning on our own is hardly going to help.
Been an interesting month of footy for us Hawks supporters. It's a shame so many are so quick to stomp their feet and get angry about what is going on. What we have been through in the last ten few years is the most successful period in the club's history and I think many have forgot the work and struggles we endured before we reached this period.

Back the boys in, attend the games and show your support. Things are tough at the moment but the transition we are going through is going to be enjoyable in its own way. It's been a while since we've really sat back and watched a group of young players find their feet and become the Hawks next gun players. Embrace the challenge, support the team and never lose hope. Times were tough in 04-05 but the rewards of the work of the entire club from that time got us to where we are today, 4 flags and more salt from opposition than all the oceans combined. Every loss being celebrated shows you just how much jealousy other clubs have towards our club and the amount of success we've had.

On Clarko, his presser pretty much said what a lot of us are thinking. He knows what's going on and he knows how much work is needed. Do we need a physical moment to really lift us from this slump? Do we just need to wait for the confidence to return? Hard to say and this is what he is going to have to work to figure out and then find a way to resolve.

Buckle up, and don't get disheartened. The joy this club brought us in the past few years deserves to be repaid and as members and supporters we need to get behind the team and do what we can to try and lift the team.

No it is not, 1982-1994 is the most successful period in clubs history
We've had 4 ordinary weeks with some fundamentally poor football(skillswise), but it seems the expectation is that we can still flick the switch?
I wouldn't even say four weeks, if we play how we did against Adelaide we would make finals. first half of that game was purer Hawthorn of old but the last two weeks have been a head scratcher with skills execution.

If we can address the fade out's and clean our skills a bit, we're right back on track. Also for the love of god can people stop pointing out individuals specially individuals which have just become outlets of peoples frustrations.
No they haven't. The AFL have nothing against Hawthorn at all. The AFL likes parity so would be loving the parity but to suggest they have "orchestrating this for a decade" is immature. There is no conspiracy theory - we have had a fantastic run and we are losing because this is what happens in a salary cap league unless you're Tom Brady and the Pats. People are cheering because they love an underdog and hate seeing the same team dominate- fair play

disagree ...matt Thompson is an AFL journalist and tweets that everyone is smiling hawthorn is bottom of the ladder and getting belted...I ve never seen that for any other club ...

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Did say some respect needs to be shown towards players and coaches!!
How would you feel coming on here and seeing only, let's say 1 page in the autopsy with comments like "oh well doesn't matter"? That would say to me that we have supporters that have jumped in the premiership bandwagon!! I Say let people have there whinge and vent as long as it's done with a bit of respect!

The problem is, a lot of it shows no respect whatsoever. I'd like people to realise the word "criticism" means to analyse, it doesn't meant to be abrasive. And where I really draw the line is when people attack others simply because they have an alternate opinion to their own.
I wouldn't even say four weeks, if we play how we did against Adelaide we would make finals. first half of that game was purer Hawthorn of old but the last two weeks have been a head scratcher with skills execution.

If we can address the fade out's and clean our skills a bit, we're right back on track. Also for the love of god can people stop pointing out individuals specially individuals which have just become outlets of peoples frustrations.

Yes, I was thinking this as well. It's not as if it's not there. Our 1st quarter in particular against Adelaide was quality stuff, and if we'd reproduced a semblance of this form in the other matches we'd be at least 2-2 right now rather than 0-4.

To think we did well against (IMHO) the best team in the competition right now in Adelaide, and then succumb meekly the following week against Gold Coast and totally collapse in the final term against Geelong is my major cause of concern.

It must be frustrating Clarko no end.
It seems that we have a problem with expectations here.

Some people really are still struggling with our players not meeting them by the amount of vitriol and tantrums I am reading.

We've had 4 ordinary weeks with some fundamentally poor football(skillswise), but it seems the expectation is that we can still flick the switch?

And yet, those very people venting last year that we were 'cooked' and would get nowhere near the flag are back, week after week in 2017, venting about how we are cooked again.

They'll be roasting the players, roasting the coaches...and I guarantee these same posters will be here again next week, with renewed expectations, and will again being filling the board with vitriolic garbage when Hawthorn don't get with 6 goals of West Coast.

So, all you whiny little bandwagon stains, who think it's your right to carry on like petulant children, your time has passed.

The expectation has been set.

Don't come back here next week to bitch and whinge about the side when they fall in a heap again. You've said it yourself, we are cooked.

I'll be over here thankful that the reason our boys are so cooked is a direct consequence of just how many times they tasted the ultimate glory.

No, the expectation (from me anyway) is for effort. In that last quarter yesterday and a fair chunk of the suns game, a portion of the playing group gave up. That's not good enough, regardless of skill set.

I'm not about to complain about us being ordinary for a few years because that is the price you pay for being at the top for so long. I will (and have already) lowered my expectations of the players skill set. My expectation for effort will never change though.
Yes, because they were slowing down which was glaringly obvious, and the new mid-field have not yet jelled as a unit, and are not likely to until support comes from the others around them who should be trying harder.

Will help if they are playing as well :/
The comments about Rioli, Poppy, Bruest and Gunston being well down are true, but for a reason. They are being asked to do too much in the middle. You can't expect Cyril to run down opponents inside 50, take 2 hangers and kick a couple miracle goals when he's being needed just to get a clearance. The time has come to leave the forwards at home to play burst footy.

A forward line consisting of Poppy, Bruest, Gunston, Burgoyne, Rioli and Sicily is all that is needed. Roughy can play the lead-up role and help in the ruck and kick his running goals from outside 50. More the Riewoldt/Franklin style.

It is in the mids where we are getting decimated, which requires us to sacrifice our forward line to help them out. The mids turnovers and lack of 2 way running is killing our backs, who are still very capable of keeping teams to manageable scores.

Bingo. I've been very reluctant to lay too much criticism at the feet of the forwards because quite simply the way we are playing and what they are being asked to do is basically killing their games.
Time to play the young players on the list. We are not going to get anything positive out of Gibson this year. He looked terrible. Shiels shouldn't be turning the ball over like he did yesterday. That was bad. Hartung was poor for the first half but I like how he took the game on more after half time.
I can't understand how the skills have dropped off so much. They looked lost most of the time coming out of the middle. Stupid handballs and low percentage plays.
Not great to watch.

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Autopsy Hawthorn v Geelong - opposition supporters coming to troll will be carded

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