Hutchy no saint

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Premiership Player
Dec 7, 2006
AFL Club
West Coast
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Perth Scorchers
With the Carlton tanking fiasco interview with Libba I think everyone needs to remember there was another person in the room, asking the questions and directing the interview. This guy makes an artform out of putting people in uncomfortable situations and say things they would normally refraim from. Yes Libba did say a lot of things most of the football world already knew and I for one was made very uncomfortable by what he said and how he said it.
But, as Libba said, Hutchy approached him first for the story.
The guy must have some damn thick skin and he does come up with some revealling reports but I personally don't like the way he goes about some things. Libba came out looking like dobbing dumby-spitter whereas all you saw of Hutchy was his back.:rolleyes:
Hutchy should work for ACA. If he was a decent investigative journalist he would have held back until he had something substantial.

Instead we have an interview about vibes and feelings with nothing concrete.

Good for talkback and bigfooty but that's about it.

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That is his job and he didnt tie Libba to a chair to get answers out of him.

He could of researched the topic a little better then couldn't he?

Some of the comments he made about 'playing the untried kids' were ridiculous.

Most of those 'untried kids' will be in our starting 22.
I am no fan of Hutchy but as a reporter you have to give him credit for seeking and landing a real story. Following Cousins to LA is distasteful. Asking Libba to talk about Carlton and then getting what he did out of him was journalism.
Hutchy's pathetic following of Ben Cousins in the US was on the verge of stalking IMHO.

The man enjoys muck-racking, one of those journos who is more interested in negative/controversial stories then positive ones ..
Yes, Libba can be a dummy spitter (look at the Bulldogs comment), but this is serious...much like New England's "spygate" when all is revealed...egg on the faces of the AFL & NFL.:)

With the Carlton tanking fiasco interview with Libba I think everyone needs to remember there was another person in the room, asking the questions and directing the interview. This guy makes an artform out of putting people in uncomfortable situations and say things they would normally refraim from. Yes Libba did say a lot of things most of the football world already knew and I for one was made very uncomfortable by what he said and how he said it.
But, as Libba said, Hutchy approached him first for the story.
The guy must have some damn thick skin and he does come up with some revealling reports but I personally don't like the way he goes about some things. Libba came out looking like dobbing dumby-spitter whereas all you saw of Hutchy was his back.:rolleyes:
"Vlad" & his henchmen took over the Blues with that $1 million...match fixing, price fixing (by Pratt). See the simialrities?
It costs more than a loaf of bread in Zimbabwe to buy a pie at the Dome!:)
if it wasn't Hutcy stirring up shit it would be someone else, there will always be someone to take the sensationalist angle. Libba didn't seem to have too many qualms about answering the questions put to him

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if it wasn't Hutcy stirring up shit it would be someone else, there will always be someone to take the sensationalist angle. Libba didn't seem to have too many qualms about answering the questions put to him
i agree at least he gets good stories,the whole thing proved what a little Rat libba is
Dont kill the messenger here. Hutchy just delivered the news.

Libba is a dirty-dog and Carlton has skeletons in their closet, combine the 2 and you get last night's result.
Does Hutchy understand that the world does not revolve around him and his do whatever it takes, ruin as many people's lives, so long as he can make a name for himself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends he loses or people he leaves dead and bloodied along the way, just so long as he can make a name for himself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends he loses or people he leaves dead and bloodied and dying along the way?
Hutchy is a leach of the worst kind, channel 9 and particularly lyon work at pumping up his credibility if it was true it wouldn't need to be said.

Libba had some great points that should have been handled much better with footage and investagtive journalism that would have backed up his claims rather then letting him spout feelings about things. Hutchy was to gutless to do this story properly so only presented a jumbled mess from libbla to the masses.

I for one can't stand hutchy his freakin try hard look and crap he delivers week in week out were the story is more important then the facts ala ACA and TT is nothing but cheap tabloid stories presented as fast food to the masses without any real substance.

Libba had some real info but Hutchy took the soft option by letting him libba hang himself by airing his bumbling answers without proper presentation of the story.

Hutchy your a tool of the worst sort, the sort that damages others in the pursuit of your own glory. Go **** yourself
I think he's a good journo. I like the way (in last night's case) that he presented the story, then debated it and not always on the opinion that Carlton tanked. I think that if you actually pay attention to what he says, you'll find that he's very balanced and never slings allegations around like they're going out of fashion. Beats the pants of about 95% of football journalists in this country.
I think that one thing that's been forgotten in this whole mess is just who the puppet-master of this whole thing is. To be honest I'm surprised they didn't edit out the part about Hutchy contacting him, not the other way around.

Hutchison needed a big scoop for the first TFS of the year to justify his pay. Carlton are an easy target because they're the only club that anyone can insult with impunity and no fear of repurcussions, and the momentum of this tanking crap. So he finds a bloke in Libba, who now alienated from his former club for making stupid comments after they knocked him back for a job, and humiliated because of it, not only has an axe to grind but desperate to try and get some credibility back. Hutchy makes him a deal. Pay out on your former club, and watch the masses blindly admire and follow you. You get your name in lights, I get my big scoop.

Then the "interview". Libba talks about sending injured players to surgery, playing kids who wouldn't have got a chance previously (although for one of our coaches, he didn't seem to know our players too well), winning not the be-all and end-all, standard stuff really. But it's Hutchison who moulds and packages it to sound far more sinister. Having Libba call the above "tanking", he now has justification to come on TFS and say "Libba says Carlton tanked", to the chorus of cheers from the anti-Carlton brigade.

Libba gave his opinion (or "vibe" if you will), and Hutchy wrapped it up with a bow as something the "bogans and no-shows" can jerk themselves off over.

Shoddy journalism, but effective manipulation. He's scum like Patrick Smith, only of a different variety.
You get the feeling in the old days Hutchy would wind up a feeling a little worse for wear in an alley down the Port way for saying the wrong thing about the wrong person

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Hutchy no saint

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