News Labor promise $7 Million for the Olympic Park Precinct.

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I was going to vote Labour anyway, but hey, if they are going to make it easy for us to move from Gosch's to the Olympic Park stadium, I'm definitely not changing now.:thumbsu:

A future Brumby Labor Government will invest $7 million towards upgrading and opening up the Olympic Park sports precinct to the public, providing access to state-of-the-art facilities.“Opening up the wonderful sports precinct to the community will make the elite facilities at Olympic Park and the Westpac Centre - the exclusive home of Collingwood Football Club and the Victorian Institute of Sport - available to schools, sporting clubs and community groups.

Collingwood's response;

Collingwood President Eddie McGuire said, "The Olympic Park Precinct has become the biggest sporting and event precinct in the world and one of Melbourne's greatest assets. The redevelopment of the Olympic Park Stadium and the Labor Party’s long-term vision to create a world class sporting and community precinct called 3000S will provide enormous benefits to the Melbourne community.

“Our club is now placed in the heart of this amazing precinct and this exciting initiative will enable our club to play a major role in hosting community events and activities and delivering a range of valuable programs and experiences for young people."
And they will just up the near $4m rent bill we already pay to the Trust.

Great for the club but as we are a tenent we will be paying for it via our rent. Brumby stuffed up also as he made mention of the VIS which is being moved to MSAC.

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Good news, but still not voting for them. They are a lying, incompetent disgrace.

You say this as if the Liberals aren't. Please. There is literally no good party in Australia, and the fact that we have only two parties running for Government in every jurisdiction, with near identical policies is a joke. You will always be voting between an idiot and an idiot - and the fact that you can apparently chose between the two, shows that you watch too much TV.
You say this as if the Liberals aren't. Please. There is literally no good party in Australia, and the fact that we have only two parties running for Government in every jurisdiction, with near identical policies is a joke. You will always be voting between an idiot and an idiot - and the fact that you can apparently chose between the two, shows that you watch too much TV.
this ^ :thumbsu::thumbsu:
The only political party more irrelevant to honesty and competence are the greens who quite literally torpedoed the first green legislation on emissions ever introduced in this country :rolleyes:
this ^ :thumbsu::thumbsu:
The only political party more irrelevant to honesty and competence are the greens who quite literally torpedoed the first green legislation on emissions ever introduced in this country :rolleyes:
They are also anti football and anti sport in a huge way, so anyone who votes for the Greens is basically an idiot if you are a sports fan IMO.

But what about the Sex Party, surely they have to get some votes.:p:eek:

(Oh no, this is going to become a political debate thread isn't it:eek:).
Can someone explain how this is going to benefit the Collingwood football club apart from having a running track put in? I mean it's great for the public and local communities but I don't really see many benefits for the club. Not trying to be negative here either, I'd just like to know if it's much use to us or not.
Oh dear, I can see this thread ending in tears

Psst, Vote Labor, even if its just to give morges the shits

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Can someone explain how this is going to benefit the Collingwood football club apart from having a running track put in? I mean it's great for the public and local communities but I don't really see many benefits for the club. Not trying to be negative here either, I'd just like to know if it's much use to us or not.
I think you'll find long term the running track is getting ripped up at Olympic Park, or at least in it's current place so we can move our training ground there.

Eddie has promised us this for several years now, and yet I don't even see any mention of it in today's press releases.:confused:


Here we go, nice pic of no running track;

As opposed to the other lying incompetent disgraceful mob?


ALL politicians are that way.

You say this as if the Liberals aren't. Please. There is literally no good party in Australia, and the fact that we have only two parties running for Government in every jurisdiction, with near identical policies is a joke. You will always be voting between an idiot and an idiot - and the fact that you can apparently chose between the two, shows that you watch too much TV.

Hang on, please point out to me where my I state my political preference in my previous post?

I am a swinging voter and have no allegiance to any party.

I realise this thread is not about politics or myself, but I won't take this crap.

Stop assuming things and you won't look like a pair of idiots in the future.
Hang on, please point out to me where my I state my political preference in my previous post?

I am a swinging voter and have no allegiance to any party.

I realise this thread is not about politics or myself, but I won't take this crap.

Stop assuming things and you won't look like a pair of idiots in the future.
I never accused you of any party affiliations READ my post. I just commented that ALL politicians are alike and opined that anyone who thought differently needed to wise up. Picking one mob over another is merely a flip of the coin, they are all incompetent and deceitful.
Oh dear, I can see this thread ending in tears

Psst, Vote Labor, even if its just to give morges the shits

Fair rationale to start off with.

Labor builds infrastructre, Liberals sell it off at fire sale prices, we have to re-invest in infrastructure, and then the Liberals sell it off again. The Liberals are coat-tail riding geniuses.
I never accused you of any party affiliations READ my post. I just commented that ALL politicians are alike and opined that anyone who thought differently needed to wise up. Picking one mob over another is merely a flip of the coin, they are all incompetent and deceitful.

Complete BS.

Just STFU.
It was only up for 5 minutes before it was taken down, but today the collingwood twitter page tweeted "to all pies fans in Vic, VOTE LABOR!..blah blah"

As a passionate Pies supporter I was just so insulted when I read this and that the club would treat us like this. There are more important things in this election than $7m for Olympic Park. I tweeted back saying how pathetic it was on their behalf.

I don't love collingwood so they can tell me to vote labor. No prizes for guessing who I'm voting for.

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