Malthouse is the answer

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i didnt say the court hotel was a gay bar. so that tells me you know a gay bar in perth. i bet its your watering hole.

Tool... anyone who has lived in Perth knows what the Court Hotel is... it's the big rainbow flag flapping out the front that gives it away as a gay bar...

And for what it is worth, you do know 9/10ths of **** all about football.

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Can you please break up your posts into paragraphs? Its really hard to read otherwise.

Blight was just a suggestion as going back to the 90's i thought he was a great coach and i still feel stkilda didnt give the bloke a fair chance.

You mean this guy:

After being signed for $1 million AUD as senior coach for 2001, Blight was sacked after Round 15 (3 wins, 12 losses). His famous humiliation of the players by making them stay on the ground (Telstra Dome) highlighted the worsening relation between the coach, players and club supporters. Some years later CEO Butterss questioned Blights commitment to the club during his tenure.

Are you old enough to remember how this went down? It was a complete abortion at the time.

No thanks.

as for what winning moves he could have done in that final well anything would have been something. he sat there watching and didnt make a move when brissy was coming home. what type of coach sits there jaw wide open and does nothing. he could have floodded the backline when the run started. that would have maybe stopped bradshaw getting free and doing the damage. anything would have been ok instead of sitting there like a spud.

Flood the backline with 20 minutes to go in the quarter and 30 points up? And with who exactly?

Watch the game again. It was our shithouse defence that cost us the game! He (Ratten) attempted to use our midfield strength to create congestion around the stoppages. Brisbane were forced to employ a 'Kick the ball forward at every opportunity' mentality. Sometimes the ball just bounces your way.

You are completely ignoring the fact that Bradshaw (and Brown) tore our very young, inexperienced and injured backline (that was also missing our CHB and FB) a new one. Ratten could have put all 22 players back there, and it wouldnt have stopped them.

We have no depth to cover for the lack of defenders. Murphy, Gibbs, Judd, Fevola... you going to play them in defence?

When a team gets a roll on, the best way of stopping it is to score.

the decision to drop garlett and betts was a silly decision and maye have costed us top 4. why didnt he just fine the players instead of putting us at a disavantage.

In an earlier post you critiqued Ratten for being to soft and too familiar with the players. Now you critique him for being too harsh?

Standards needed to be set.

And it was impossible for us to make the top 4 regardless of the result of the Adelaide game, so your post is rubbish.

one of our losses i gotta say the players contributed too was the loss to freo up at the gold coast. there really isnt a excuse for that. the players was flat that day and its the only game i can say we lost that on our merits without the help of ratts.

Underselling the St Kilda and Hawthorn losses (how did ratten make fev hit the post?) a bit arent you.

So your point is that Ratten caused all our losses aside from Freo (apparently the players followed his directions in all these losses and this caused us to lose), meanwhile:

i cant find a game where ratts contributed to a win. the players themselfs won the games on spirit. a 3 legged donkey could coach this side and get wins.

When we actually won it was beacuse the players ignored Rattens coaching directions and did it all themselves.

What utter one-sided, false and clearly biased rubbish.

You cant have it both ways.

its the pressure games that matter where the coach needs to step up and make changes and decisions that win games. ratts failed on every occasion on the big games.

Lets examine the teams that finished the year above us and see who we beat this year (in order of final ladder postions):

1 St Kilda (lost by a goal)
2 Geelong
3 Dogs
4 Collingwood
5 Adelaide
6 Brisbane (twice)

So aside from the losses to Adelaide, how can you stand by the claim "Ratts failed on every occasion in the big games"
Speaking of village idiots, if all the village idiots in the world got together to form their own village, Military Man would be voted their village idiot.

I think that we have the post that makes this a 5 star thread right here!
Remind me again how much experience Voss has as an cheese is what you have there.

For a nanosecond I considered finding an amusing pic of swiss cheese but neither the thread nor your arguments are worth the effort.

and how far did voss get ???? well he beat us because he may have the same experience as the spud ratts but what makes voss different is he has the balls to take a chance like he did against us. he is tougher then ratts. you say my arguments aint worth the effort then why reply ???
Tool... anyone who has lived in Perth knows what the Court Hotel is... it's the big rainbow flag flapping out the front that gives it away as a gay bar...

And for what it is worth, you do know 9/10ths of **** all about football.

to be honest i never seen it. i wouldn't have a clue where the hell it is. i really dont wanna know how you know. best keep that kind of thing to yourself
Here are some facts worth considering:

1. Malthouse is able to get a fairly average bunch, Collingwood playing determined, disciplined, team-oriented and quite skilled football.

2. Ratten is unable to get a more talented, but still fairly average bunch, playing determined, disciplined, team-oriented football. And what we see every week is error ridden skills.

3. Malthouse is on the way out at Collingwood in favour of Buckley.

4. Ratten hasn't got the ruthlessness, nor coaching ability to take this mob past a top 4 spot.

My solution? Make Malthouse an offer too good to refuse. Sack Ratten (pay him off) and buy out Malthouse's contract at Collingwood and start him in 2010.
Collingwood has a much better team than carlton hhahahahah what were you on when you wrote this mate....
Can you please break up your posts into paragraphs? Its really hard to read otherwise.

You mean this guy:

Are you old enough to remember how this went down? It was a complete abortion at the time.

No thanks.

Flood the backline with 20 minutes to go in the quarter and 30 points up? And with who exactly?

Watch the game again. It was our shithouse defence that cost us the game! He (Ratten) attempted to use our midfield strength to create congestion around the stoppages. Brisbane were forced to employ a 'Kick the ball forward at every opportunity' mentality. Sometimes the ball just bounces your way.

You are completely ignoring the fact that Bradshaw (and Brown) tore our very young, inexperienced and injured backline (that was also missing our CHB and FB) a new one. Ratten could have put all 22 players back there, and it wouldnt have stopped them.

We have no depth to cover for the lack of defenders. Murphy, Gibbs, Judd, Fevola... you going to play them in defence?

When a team gets a roll on, the best way of stopping it is to score.

In an earlier post you critiqued Ratten for being to soft and too familiar with the players. Now you critique him for being too harsh?

Standards needed to be set.

And it was impossible for us to make the top 4 regardless of the result of the Adelaide game, so your post is rubbish.

Underselling the St Kilda and Hawthorn losses (how did ratten make fev hit the post?) a bit arent you.

So your point is that Ratten caused all our losses aside from Freo (apparently the players followed his directions in all these losses and this caused us to lose), meanwhile:

When we actually won it was beacuse the players ignored Rattens coaching directions and did it all themselves.

What utter one-sided, false and clearly biased rubbish.

You cant have it both ways.

Lets examine the teams that finished the year above us and see who we beat this year (in order of final ladder postions):

1 St Kilda (lost by a goal)
2 Geelong
3 Dogs
4 Collingwood
5 Adelaide
6 Brisbane (twice)

So aside from the losses to Adelaide, how can you stand by the claim "Ratts failed on every occasion in the big games"

what wrong with you people if you all think your so good at deciding what to do with carlton on the field then why dont you get off your fat arse and do something instead of trying to ridicule a person that has a opinion. so go get off your fat arse and do something big mouth know it all
and how far did voss get ???? well he beat us because he may have the same experience as the spud ratts but what makes voss different is he has the balls to take a chance like he did against us. he is tougher then ratts. you say my arguments aint worth the effort then why reply ???

Yeah I guess you're right, entering into correspondence with you would be a bit like Sam Newman's street talk, not really a fair debate and people would rightly accuse me of taking advantage of the less fortunate, its not attractive when Sam does it so I will take that as my cue to rack it. Good luck with it though, perhaps you will get a government grant for your wacky theories.

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typical carlton morons!!! eat each other. ha ha ha !!! this is hysterical ha ha ha!!

the answer to your prayers is staring you in the face......

(1)do what carlton do best.....CHEAT!!! Spend more money(Include property, investments, retirement packages, employment, shares etc etc) to get better players(who cares about the salary cap)

(2) pay off champion players & STEAL them from other clubs.

(3)Do deals under the table, & LIE to anyone who listens.

Just 3 easy steps....You wouldn't even need a RATten to coach.

The Pies had plenty of injuries, even a Collingwood supporter said they only had Fraser and Pendles out, the others are fringe players, the turn around time is a load of horse shit, one less day, but don't forget Adeladie had to travel.

Carlton had Waite, Jammo and Austin missing for the bst part of rounds 12-22, yest we still manage to finish 7th (2 wins short of 3rd)

And the depth thing, Carlton has depth for the first time in years, they go a lot deeper than Collingwood, which is why in the second part of the season when we had injuries we were still able to win games and win games against top teams.
Sure, against Adelaide only Pendles and Fraser were senior walk-up starts in our team. However, Adelaide had an 8 day break compared to 6 and the whole "travel time" suggestion you make in order to make it sound fair is bullshit. It's a 1hr flight max. Hardly a rough trip ala Subiaco.

You say Carlton had Waite and Jamison missing for nost part of the season and then suggest the Blues have more depth than Collingwood which is why you were still able to finish 7th. Hmm.

Collingwood had Pendles, Fraser, Didak, Medhurst, Davis, Cloke, Maxwell, Thomas, Brown, Johnson etc. all of whom are in our best 22 missing throughout the course of the year. A handful of those named missed major chunks of the season too. Collingwood finished 4th and are currently in a prelim. How many games did Carlton play without Judd? Fev? Murphy? Gibbs? Simpson? Kreuzer? Depth is having the ability to cover important players, not simply stating fringe players such as Austin being out and replaced by other fringe players. That is not the definition of depth. If that were the case, I could suggest other names such as Rusling, McCarthy, Beams etc. These players are not guaranteed best 22. They are fringe players at the moment in and out of the side.
to be honest i never seen it. i wouldn't have a clue where the hell it is. i really dont wanna know how you know. best keep that kind of thing to yourself

Geez mate, if you are driving north out of Perth, you have been past it a million times and it's a bit hard to miss if you are waiting for a bus at the museum.

I bet that you do know where it is coz you wandered in there one night and are embarrassed to admit knowing where it is now :D
typical carlton morons!!! eat each other. ha ha ha !!! this is hysterical ha ha ha!!

the answer to your prayers is staring you in the face......

(1)do what carlton do best.....CHEAT!!! Spend more money(Include property, investments, retirement packages, employment, shares etc etc) to get better players(who cares about the salary cap)

(2) pay off champion players & STEAL them from other clubs.

(3)Do deals under the table, & LIE to anyone who listens.

Just 3 easy steps....You wouldn't even need a RATten to coach.


I guess reading the board rules is a little beyond your educational competency level. I guess that a little holiday so you can study grammer and punctuation as well as improving your reading skills.

Also dont come on the Carlton board slating us off... it just pisses people off and reinforces the opinion that the majority of Collingwood supporters are the type of people who would fit in easily in Arkansas.
and how far did voss get ???? well he beat us because he may have the same experience as the spud ratts but what makes voss different is he has the balls to take a chance like he did against us. he is tougher then ratts. you say my arguments aint worth the effort then why reply ???

I think you'll find the its 2-1 in Rattens favor vs Voss head to head.

Advantage Ratten.

what wrong with you people if you all think your so good at deciding what to do with carlton on the field then why dont you get off your fat arse and do something instead of trying to ridicule a person that has a opinion. so go get off your fat arse and do something big mouth know it all

Whats your point? You trying to say its OK for you to express your opinoin and not every one else?

Dont be so bloody hypocritical! You're the one who thinks he knows best/ knows what to do (Better than Ratten, the MC, Kernahan, our board and every media commentator who all think Ratts is going a fine job).

You're the armchair expert mate, not us.

If you are going to come onto a Carlton internet forum and make uninformed and negative opinions about a Carlton great, and current Carlton coach, you had better be prepared to cop some stick.

You're not achieving anything by spruiking negative uninformed and biased drivel.

Come back with a reasoned, intelligent and articulate argument about the perceived strengths and weakness of Brett Ratten as a coach - and be prepared to defend you arguments with logic, reason and insight (not negative vitriol and trolling).

You might get a better response.
Geez mate, if you are driving north out of Perth, you have been past it a million times and it's a bit hard to miss if you are waiting for a bus at the museum.

I bet that you do know where it is coz you wandered in there one night and are embarrassed to admit knowing where it is now :D

nah i dont get into perth much i live about 40 km south of perth and when i do go to perth i train it. i don't think the train go past any pubs from the mandurah line.
I think you'll find the its 2-1 in Rattens favor vs Voss head to head.

Advantage Ratten.

Whats your point? You trying to say its OK for you to express your opinoin and not every one else?

Dont be so bloody hypocritical! You're the one who thinks he knows best/ knows what to do (Better than Ratten, the MC, Kernahan, our board and every media commentator who all think Ratts is going a fine job).

You're the armchair expert mate, not us.

If you are going to come onto a Carlton internet forum and make uninformed and negative opinions about a Carlton great, and current Carlton coach, you had better be prepared to cop some stick.

You're not achieving anything by spruiking negative uninformed and biased drivel.

Come back with a reasoned, intelligent and articulate argument about the perceived strengths and weakness of Brett Ratten as a coach - and be prepared to defend you arguments with logic, reason and insight (not negative vitriol and trolling).

You might get a better response.

you think your so good, so go and do something about it. instead of sitting on your lazy fat arse pretending to know more then anyone else. prove it come on lets see how good you are. send your smart arse ideas to the club. i be interested to see what reply you get.
Im sure carlton could do with a laugh at your expense
you think your so good, so go and do something about it. instead of sitting on your lazy fat arse pretending to know more then anyone else. prove it come on lets see how good you are. send your smart arse ideas to the club. i be interested to see what reply you get.
Im sure carlton could do with a laugh at your expense

What is wrong with you?

You started off with name calling, posting homo-erotic fantasies and trolling. When we all called you out about it, you objected so I (and others) asked if you could put forward a reasoned argument to support your apparently unreasoning hatred of our Coach.

When you finally did post your argument... it consisted of mostly uniformed and biased opinion with absolutely no substance or reasoning behind it. When this argument was met (and falsified) with a reasoned counter argument that displayed logic, reason and evidence... you resorted back to name calling and and trolling.

Is it because possibly we have stretched your intellectual capacity and perhaps you in fact have nothing useful to add to this forum?

Perhaps next time someone disagrees with you, respond with a post that addresses the key argument of the post you disagree with itself (and attempts to disprove or refute the earlier posts central theme or point using facts, reason and evidence) and don't just resort to personal attacks directed at the poster personally out of realization that you may just in fact be wrong.
Don't be jealous that our captain actually plays for the jumper, not the wallet. He is one of the most improved players in the competition, and nothing you say will change it. Deny it all you like, distort it any way you wish... at the end of the day he has starred for the club all year and led his team into a prelim final [a team that is extremely young too]. Ah, the future is bright. Oh wait, we don't need to focus on the future yet... because the present is just as bright!

Sellf righteous, holier than thou Collingwood ...

Maxwell, what would he be worth playing for $.....not as much as you think, did he get named captain or 'vice captain' in the AA squad. Hi inclusion, which by the way as parrot said is a joke, how he got ahead of others is unbeleivable, don;t kid you're deluded self for one nano second that any Carlton person is jealous.

Come-uppance is waiting.
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