Milne investigated over taunt

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Can you leave their posts us when you do it to oust them? Or will you just give them the alias badge?

Like the old South African Government: there will be no warning, they will just disappear, either of their own volition or by my hand. Feel free to light a candle to the fallen troll though.
The irony is some homosexuals get offended by terms such as homo and ****, yet will often end up being vindictive and making fun of other minorities. This is nothing short of hypocritical and seen it happen on many occasions.
There are hypocrites in all walks of life. A whole group can't be held accountable for those amongst them.

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People have touched on this earlier in the thread, but I thought I'd throw my own perspective in.

I'm sure most of us here has called someone a "dickhead" at one point in time in our lives. Now, when you said that, did you actually mean to suggest that the individual that you targeted with this insult actually has a penis instead of a regular human head? Or did you possibly mean to say that this individual has this item of genitalia on some part of their head?

No; of course you didn't. You called them a "dickhead" because it is a common insult, and you wished to insult them.

The same can be said for w***er, idiot, tosser, jerk, c**t, arseh*le, jackass etc.

These are all words that are used as insults because they are known to be insults. Their literal translation (such as the implication of having a penis instead of a normal head), or their original meaning (such as a w***er being someone who pleasures themselves far too regularly) have long been lost.

In today's society, the same goes for homo, ****, gay, ****** etc. These are just like the aforementioned insults. They're an insult because they're an insult.

When these words first arose, they were used as derogatory terms for homosexuals. Using one was not just an insult, but it carried a rather strong level of homophobia with it.

Nowadays, the implication of homosexuality being a negative thing is virtually non-existent with these words. Yes, it is rather unfortunate that these words have become insults in their own rights. But they're not a pure insult because the person who says it believes that homosexuality is vile, disgusting, or evil; they're a pure insult because the word has evolved and is so widely used as a general insult, that it is no longer derogatory towards gays.

This isn't to say that there still aren't any homophobic individuals that still use this as an intended derogatory slur towards the homosexual community (take fundamental Christians, for example), but these people are few and far between. I will guarantee you that an amazingly overwhelming majority of the use of these supposed homophobic insults is not done so with the mindset that homosexuals are in any way lesser than us.

So how about you dickheads just lighten up?
Just wow. Cannot believe this is actually happening.

Do we know if the homo call is alleged to have happened during the incident in which the 50 was paid to Obrien against Milne? All I heard on the broadcast was "what are you gonna do, f@#khead". Watched most of the match and didn't hear anything like 'homo' from Milne. If we're gonna start reporting players for slurs that weren't even picked up by the broadcaster, that AFL investigator bloke is going to be mighty busy.

Milne would be called a rapist, multiple times, every week of every season. Absolute joke that he's fired back with this and it's somehow going further. Smacks of an umpire with an axe to grind.

I have a real issue with this. I'm no great fan of Milne, but you cannot tell me he would not have more derogatory comments made to him by other players than pretty much any other player in the competition. It's a national past-time. Now because Margets has heard Milne say one thing, this is going on report?!

Does this mean St Kilda will call all these players to report any comments made towards Milne in the match? And if so, what will happen to those players that made those comments?

What if someone called someone else an idiot? Now is it not bad form to call someone a word which defines a person of profound mental ******ation and a mental age below 3 years? Why the hell do they let players get away with this, picking on the disabled in our community. This is the folly and stupidity of what is happening here, and more than that, I have a feeling that if O'Brien had said this to Milne (and who knows what the hell he said to him during that match), it would be going no further.

I am not a St Kilda supporter, but seriously I am completely bored of Milne bashing.

Top post :thumbsu:
Homophobic abuse should be no more acceptable than racial or sexual vilification. The AFL has constantly clamped down on racism and sexism, but a bit of good old ****ta bashing is still treated with a wink wink, nudge nudge sort of attitude. It's about time the AFL put as stop to this sort of thing if it wants to be the truly inclusive sport that it aspires to be, and has made a lot of headway in becoming.

i think law breaking is worse aka calling milne a rapist
No it's not.
Try going to Capetown and telling a black man who lived through the persecution of apartheid, where violence and hate and insults like ****** and Kaffer were used to oppress and signified a state-sanctioned hatred that divided an entire nation. Call me a black **** and, apart from being absurd, it's just an insult, with nothing behind it. It's a very different thing for a black person. because of the history And to that effect you do have a responsibility: and that's to be aware of why language like that is deeply offensive to some.
Big difference between someone who has had to live through institutionalised racism and someone who's grandparent did.

My mother, grandmother, uncles and aunties all had to suffer through apartheid but I still don't think that means I should be overly sensitive about it. Using a racist term and actual race based discrimination are so different it's not even funny.

Tbh I find it patently ridiculous that people (especially young) in America get so offended by things like the KFC West Indies ad when in all likelihood it has been multiple generations since their family member has had to face institutionalised racial discrimination.

The most disturbing thing about Milne's comments is that he hasn't acquired any new material since he was 9.

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Big difference between someone who has had to live through institutionalised racism and someone who's grandparent did.

My mother, grandmother, uncles and aunties all had to suffer through apartheid but I still don't think that means I should be overly sensitive about it. Using a racist term and actual race based discrimination are so different it's not even funny.

Tbh I find it patently ridiculous that people (especially young) in America get so offended by things like the KFC West Indies ad when in all likelihood it has been multiple generations since their family member has had to face institutionalised racial discrimination.

The most disturbing thing about Milne's comments is that he hasn't acquired any new material since he was 9.

I respect your position. My point is that racist insults have the weight of (various) racist histories and persecution behind them; in your case, they don't carry much weight, for others they do. That's why I find the casual use of them so abhorrent, especially when people refuse to concede that their is any reason why they could be so offensive. But. we're getting off topic.
AFL is predominantly played by, and supported by, young, white hetero men, so it's hardly surprising how many simply can't understand discrimination and hatred. If the internet was as prevalent in the '90s as it is now, half the people here would be telling Nicky Winmar and Michael Long to harden the f*** up, and defend racism as just harmless words that should be left on the field.
AFL is predominantly played by, and supported by, young, white hetero men, so it's hardly surprising how many simply can't understand discrimination and hatred. If the internet was as prevalent in the '90s as it is now, half the people here would be telling Nicky Winmar and Michael Long to harden the f*** up, and defend racism as just harmless words that should be left on the field.
Winmar maybe, because a lot of opposition supporters didn't like him (mainly after he had just tore their side a new one :D) but I think Michael Long would have had a lot of supporters because he was universally liked as a player and as a person.

It's a tough call really.
Thanks for your feedback. I by no means intend to speak on behalf of the gay community as I am not gay (although like most, have a gay family member) and I have acknowledged context. However, does the gay community in general feel this way? I mean there are plenty who are comfortable in their own skin but plenty more still made to feel ashamed. I don't know if all gay/bisexual people are quite ready to differentiate between the different contexts that can be used. It may evolve in time, although I kind of hate the idea that language evolves from a crude origin like that, but we have no real control. As for using them yourself, we all acknowledge that minorities will often use words they would disapprove of from anybody else, amongst themselves. Again context and delivery is all important.

I don't think the AFL would be able to adequately explain context to the public when they have a policy that was developed so recently.

You seem fairly progressive and pragmatic about it all though and I commend you for it.

Firstly, I havent felt like a a minorty until i posted on this site 30 minutes ago and I get an email from a site my brother joined me up to four years ago putting down gays and then when i decided to reply, i get a threat that my brothers account will be banned.

AS for how the gay community feels. Why dont you go out and ask them ? I speak for myself and ive always had incredible support from friends and family and never been made to feel different until now.
What are acceptable insults on the footy field nowadays?

"Ha ha! I've got the ball and you haven't."
"Your kicking skills are average, or slightly above average at best."
"I'm taller than you."
"Your handballing technique is seriously flawed. It needs a lot of work."
WTF is this shit, fined for calling someone gay?

I'd bet 99% in junior football, you'd be called gay, fat, shit, big head, some bs, its all part of the game...

My gosh... $3k for calling someone gay, this is a total joke. Might as well call him a rapist as well then, there's always one in the crowd that would... this has to be a joke.

Anyone remember a North player, I think it was Ferrito, taking Milne's mouth guard and not giving it back, basically put it down his pants the entire match? Like fck me, that imo is far worse, and a mouth guard is a safety item, but yea, as usual, Milne cops it, gets nothing, gives it, gets its.

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