Traded Mitch McGovern [traded to Carlton in a three-way trade involving Sydney and McAdam]

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2 weeks ago Carlton supporters were happy and resigned to using PP12 to get McGovern. The minute the AFL said no suddenly pick 24 and a mature recruit they dont even own is a good price and Crows fans should be happy.

glory be off numpties
Exactly. Just because they dont have the currency they thought they would doesnt mean Adelaide need to accept a half eaten sandwich.
Where does this common knowledge come from? Please enlighten us...... Also 'his manager said they are similar doesn't cut it. That's like saying that 'Donald Trump has a very very large brain'.
The “common knowledge” doesnt exist.

All that happened was govs manager muttered about the carlton offer being “similar” to what hes on at the crows..

Not that anyone could ever believe a word Colin Young says.. but the carlton supporters have now turned the word “similar” into the word “same” in a desperate attempt to support their weak as piss arguements.

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The funniest thing in all of this is McGovern asked to leave the Crows because he didn't like the direction they were heading. So he then requests to go to a club that was beaten by 100 points by the Crows, finished last with only 2 games won and had a percentage of 59.3%.

How likely is it a manager will come out and say "my client is changing clubs for the :dollarsign:"?

I've never heard that, ever but you'd think it's safe to assume players have changed clubs for :dollarsign:.

Don't know why carlton supporters are so touchy on it. You get players to your club however you can get them, especially when you've just had the worst season in recent memory. Just check those ego's at the door.
He's not really downplaying it though. He just made a comment which was deliberately vague enough that we don't really know either way. Managers do this all the time. Their clients don't want the general public to think it's about money. Look at the Lever situation as an example. He was willing to stick around if Adelaide paid him what he wanted. When they refused, all of a sudden Lever's camp starts talking about him being homesick when he never once gave that impression in his time at the club. At the end of the day, no player wants to be seen as a money grubber.

You can't blame Adelaide fans for being skeptical here. Gov's manager has stated it's more about location than money but how does that make any sense? He's from WA. He signs a three year deal at Adelaide and within months he wants to move to Melbourne, a place he's never lived, to play at the worst club in the country? You can't really blame Crows fans for thinking it's about money and unless we see solid proof to the contrary, good luck convincing us otherwise.
His girlfriend is going to be studying in Victoria...the course she is doing is not available in South Australia or Perth.
It's common knowledge that the $$$ are the same as his contract in Adelaide. Next...
Its not the same money, he has been offered more, Young said close to by the way not the same as. But he also said Fremantle offer was close when it was over 100k difference.

Also, You are forgetting 1 slightly important fact. McGovern share of ASA was bugger all at the Crows, but at Carlton, it is expected to be lot more some are saying a shit load more.
Remember ASA's Carlton have 1million plus per year outside the cap. to divide up amongst a few players at the Crows this was divided up amongst 10 plus players and was bone of contention with McGovern when Gibb came in and received a portion of it.
You Richmond supporters have short memories.
Look. We never attracted anyone when we were poor except for Nathan Brown. He'd had a feud with the Bulldog's CEO and Coach and was pretty open about why he came across. They offered him no more money and nothing outside footy. So he came to us for just that. No ifs or buts. Pretty open about it.

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I don't place much stock in what player agents say. They are a slippery bunch. "Similar" could mean anything coming from people like that.

At this time of year, you just cannot believe one word that comes out of a player manager's gob. This is their "big bucks" time of the year, the better the deal they get for their player by changing clubs, the fatter their wallet gets too.

They'll say anything if it helps get a deal done and puts an extension on their house.
To be honest I feel like Adelaide are just doing this because they still upset with how the crows handled the Gibbs situation and there is bad blood between these two clubs. Any other club and I think 2 second rounders gets it done

The average 2nd would be lucky to play 50 games. We rate Gov at $550k by 3 years and rushed him back after a long lay off which we only do for our high end players. I understand why neutrals don't rate him too highly, to them he's a 3rd tall benefiting from a decent team and 3rd or 4th best defender. They rately watch closely and rely heavily on stats. I rate him higher than both Lever and Cameron and am gutted that he's going. I expect our stance wouldn't be different if nominated the Roos.

Although I do wince a bit in our thread when one of a few regulars mention something about SOS. All he did was exactly what we should be doing. I just don't get it.
You dare to compare a speculative rookie pick to an early 2nd rounder in the national draft? Geez the ignorance and delusion levels are strong in you mate. Take a long hard look at yourself. Then try again.

McAdam is not yet a 2nd round pick. It's highly unlikely that he'll go that high. There's 16 clubs that you can trade him to and then you'll know his value pre Gov offer.

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Traded Mitch McGovern [traded to Carlton in a three-way trade involving Sydney and McAdam]

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