More proof that Non Victorian sides need more benefits

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Oct 3, 2004
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
Man Utd, Perth Glory.
So Robbie Warnock leaves Fremantle to return to his home of Melbourne for "family reasons"

The same thing happened to West Coast last year but hurt them a million times more. Chris Judd returned to Melbourne for "family reasons"

It's just another prime example that clubs outside Victoria can't compete on the same level as clubs from Victoria. Players from Victoria always have the option to leave to go home while players who get drafted by a Victorian club from interstate never really want to leave because the lifestyle is too good.

For instance Buddy Franklin is unlikely to leave Victoria ever to come back to WA because of the night life and big city life of Melbourne but if he was a Victorian living in WA , he would be more likely to leave because Perth and other cities around Australia can't compete with Melbourne on those levels.

Solution? Well from memory in the early 90's if players left clubs they were compensated with a preliminary pick. Why not bring this back into play?
The Eagles' should have been compensated better than what they were with the Judd deal. The AFL should have granted them with an additonal pick for what he was worth eg: The best young player in the draft. If for instance say Braun wanted to return to Victoria last year, we would only get a late pick from 50 >onwards.

The Dockers should be compensated additonally for Warnock returning to Melbourne with another pick in the 20's on top of the one they will likely recieve from one Melbourne based club this upcoming trade week.

It's a much fairer system.
Re: Warnock Leaves - More proof that Non Victorian sides need more benefits

What a complete load of crap, it works both ways. If you are at an interstate club and want to come to Victoria you have potentially 10 clubs bidding for your services so you will get something good. At a Victorian club if you want to go home you only have 1 or 2 teams you can go to so you don't have as much bidding power. Plus without doing the maths I'm confident more WA/SA players end up in Victoria than the other way round, so whilst they are more hesitant to leave, you get plenty coming home. WC got perfectly compensated for Judd last year, and it will be Freo's fault if they can't get something decent for Warnock.

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Re: Warnock Leaves - More proof that Non Victorian sides need more benefits

What a complete load of crap, it works both ways. If you are at an interstate club and want to come to Victoria you have potentially 10 clubs bidding for your services so you will get something good. At a Victorian club if you want to go home you only have 1 or 2 teams you can go to so you don't have as much bidding power. Plus without doing the maths I'm confident more WA/SA players end up in Victoria than the other way round, so whilst they are more hesitant to leave, you get plenty coming home. WC got perfectly compensated for Judd last year, and it will be Freo's fault if they can't get something decent for Warnock.

Yep, the best player in the competition wasnt even worth the best 18 year old in the country - more than fair :rolleyes:

There are other issues at play here. 10 Victorian teams means that most Vic kids grow up with a view that they will play in Vic. Most get their way. ALL players from other states grow up knowing that the likelihood of playing at "home" is small. They are prepared to leave home mentally from probably age 15.

Vic players who do end up "interstate" (and half the psychology of this is contained in the use by ALL Vics of the term interstate) can usually count on 2 or 3 Vic teams low on the ladder, usually one is last and that means they can nominate "going home for family reasons" absolutely 100% confident that they will, at worst, get home via the PSD which puts enough pressure on to ensure their current club grants their wish and trades them.

WA/SA teams are rarely at the bottom (maybe Freo :D) and WA & SA guys dont have the luxury of the PSD threat - I mean if you wanted to go gome to Port this year you would have to hope that the Dees, WC & Freo pass you up in the PSD - gives you less leverage and that coupled with the knowledge from age 15 that you will likely play away is enough to keep you away.

Honestly, its a massive advantage for Vic players wanting to go home - that coupled with Vic metro seeming to have a lot of mummies boys is a problem.
Half of Freos list is made up of homesick players and is one of the reasons they are so soft/crap.

How many players that have gone home have been better players than they were before?

Cannot believe what I'm reading...a new record for a West Coast supporter feeling the world owe's them something...make that 'victoria' owe's them something.
Meanwhile my team is fighting for it's life on and off field, 2 player leave WA and they need compensation...because the Victorian lifestyle is better.
I'm getting too angry, end post.
Scott Thompson Board.

This cuts both ways.
Freo supporters have already forgotten about Josh Carr.

And what about Hes Dedland...or have we forgotten him too?

Tyson Stenglein? Daniel Chick?

Any established gun walking into Melbourne is the subject of a bidding war, meaning they either get overpaid in terms of draft picks, or overpaid financially.
it works both way and usually ends up pretty even.

we got slightly screwed on the Judd deal but Kenneddy and Masten are both coming along pretty nicely. But the only reason we couldn't have got more was because Judd was coming off contract.

Although i think Kerr is staying, if Kerr leave this year we'll get more for Kerr than we did Judd despite the fact he is not as good and a year older than Judd (actually he'll be 2 years older than Judd was when he was traded).... Purely because he is under contract.

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Tell that to North Melbourne. Daniel Motlop was one of Port's best this season.

And who says Warnock wants to leave for family reasons? I would've thought the reason he wants to leave is for more opportunity. Sandilands is number one at Freo and will be most of his career.
typicall interstate comment, thinking they need more benefits than victorian clubs because of players leaving. If the players dont want to stay at a club and are out of contract they leave. What about Kerr, he wants to leave his home state, why should west coast be given extra benefits because a WA boy wants to leave? Doesnt make sense, and as for warnock, lil tip for every1, he will b wearing a navy blue top nxt year
it works both way and usually ends up pretty even.

we got slightly screwed on the Judd deal but Kenneddy and Masten are both coming along pretty nicely. But the only reason we couldn't have got more was because Judd was coming off contract.

Although i think Kerr is staying, if Kerr leave this year we'll get more for Kerr than we did Judd despite the fact he is not as good and a year older than Judd (actually he'll be 2 years older than Judd was when he was traded).... Purely because he is under contract.

Weagles got wayyyyyyyyyyy over compensated for Judd. He was out of contract ffs. You're just lucky he nominated a club and tried to do the right thing by the Weagles or else you would have got absolutely nothing for him in the PSD. You got pick 3 (Masten) Kennedy and pick 20. Stop whinging, it's not like Judd owed the club anything, you got 6 stellar seasons out of him.
There is no way you'll get more for Kerr than for Judd, you're delusional. He's under contract, so what!! If he doesn't want to be there (I don't know if he does or not) what's the point of hanging onto him? There's definately clubs that want and could use him but it depends on what price he puts on his own head, what price the Weagles put on it and what clubs are prepared to part with.
I wish Jonathon Brown also ran back to Melbourne.Would have been even better if it was through the doors of the Lexus Centre.

West Coast has won as many flags in the last 15 or 16 years as any other club. Yes you lost Judd but all in all i think most supporters of every club would love to be able to say we have won 3 flags in the last 16 years, but we lost juddy and i don't think we got enough for him or words to that effect.
Alot have never even seen their team win a flag.

You guys have done alright and i don't think how things are laid out have affected you guys too badly.

If players from Melbourne are constantly coming back home and you guys can still do that does it really matter? You still are drafting great players and generally still had a great team .Now it is just time to rebuild

Being dyslexic i accidently sold my soul to santa
McPharlin? Jarman?

Hawks won't agree with your assessment.
It works both ways. The Swans got Tony Lockett because he wanted to move away from Melbourne due to the amount of media focusing on him. Lockett was happier in Sydney where the media didnt pay as much attention to his every move.

Of course the Swans have lost players like Grant and Rocca because they wanted to go back to Victoria.
Interstate teams have plenty of advantages over Victorian teams, I can't believe this is even being raised as an issue.

You hardly got ripped off for Judd either, I'm sure you wanted more, but him being out of contact means the ball isn't in your court.

Pick 3, 20 and Josh Kennedy isn't a weak hand, even though you would have liked more, I haven't seen too much more given up in a trade before. If a player wants to leave your club you rarely get compensated as much as you think he is worth.
Regardless, there are 10 teams in Victoria, and 2 in WA.

If a WA player wants to return home to WA, West Coast and Freo have a 50% chance of getting the player.

Melbourne club's have a tiny chance of getting the player who is returning home.

So West Coast should get more benefits why? Hawthorn haven't had any players returning home, why should West Coast get an advantage over Hawthorn just because they lost Judd? Rubbish

Interstate teams do all right, given they dont' have saturated markets and the AFL do all they can to ensure there survival, I wouldn't have thought there would be too much to complain about, and this definately is a non issue.

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More proof that Non Victorian sides need more benefits

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