Prediction New Club Logo

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Okay, this is the last time I'll post this idea lol

Probably the best effort I've seen so far. Excellent work.

Comments (from a design perspective, and given in good spirit)

— the words 'PORT' & 'ADELAIDE' feel a little too disconnected. tighten up that relationship.
— 'Est. 1870' curve clashes with the angle of the shield. try a curved bottom shield. (see note below)
— secondary lockup looks great but the elements feel a little 'floaty'. tightening up the relationships between each element will help this.
— thunder bolt feels too static. try some perspective and angle it up from L to R slightly.
— minor issue, but the type needs some optical kerning. (see note below)
— because of the space on the RH side of the T, the word PORT doesn't justify well. minimise this by shortening both sides of the crossbar on the T.
— I would consider using 'Est. 1870' & '1870' as standalone secondary elements, particularly for merch. IMO, this is a better use of it than being incorporated into the logo. (although, I do acknowledge that your logo design uses it to balance visually pretty well)

— multi-tiered system, rather than a 'rubber stamp' approach.
— elevates PORT as the nickname
— keeps the guernsey designs as guernseys, (ie doesn't diminish them to an element within a logo), and works well with both.
— good range of merch options.

— still has a generic feel to it.
— feels a little too sharp and symmetrical.
— PA monogram is different typeface to Est 1870 & PORT so it looks like it doesn't fit.
— use of teal needs some further consideration. (looks great on cap, and as backdrop for secondary lockup, but looks weird as the bolt)

Notes on type:
— First rule of thumb: mechanical first, optical last. Always set your type using the base settings within the software. Once the design layout is there, then manually kern each letter using your eyes to optimise the visual balance.
— Blurring your eyes helps to 'see' where any odd spacing issues are. So does turning it upside down.
— Reversed type/logos (ie white on black) will always appear 'bolder', (see the diff between both PAs above) so consider a variant for the reversed version to optically match the black on white artwork.
— Work your size relationships out as proportions. (eg 'PORT' is 3x 'ADELAIDE', which is 1.5x 'Est. 1870', etc
— You can make things much tighter/closer than you think.

Note on shield:
refer to RH shield in image below.


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Probably the best effort I've seen so far. Excellent work.

— 'Est. 1870' curve clashes with the angle of the shield. try a curved bottom shield. (see note below)
— feels a little too sharp and symmetrical.
I wanted to carry over the sharp edges of the current logo, which is something I reckon is cool and distinct about it. Also it fits with the square, blocky nature of the number panel and bars.

— I would consider using 'Est. 1870' & '1870' as standalone secondary elements, particularly for merch. IMO, this is a better use of it than being incorporated into the logo. (although, I do acknowledge that your logo design uses it to balance visually pretty well)
For sure, I was thinking it would be used the same as the PORT mark is used.

— PA monogram is different typeface to Est 1870 & PORT so it looks like it doesn't fit.
I toyed with a monogram that matched the blocky type used across the rest of the logos but it never looked as good as the current one does. I just beefed it up so it scales better and looks good on anything that isn't just a hat.

— still has a generic feel to it.
The thing I was mostly disappointed with was how it is still somewhat generic. Thin line between generic-simple and strong, distinct-simple.
By far the best Power logo I've ever seen. The only concept I've ever seen that I'd instantly take over the incumbent.

I like that both the entire logo and different elements can be used individually and in different colours to great effect. I love that black PORT t-shirt with the black writing on the panel. Perfect.

I like that you haven't used a guernsey element apart from the hint to the number panel.

I like the subtle separation of Port and Adelaide to elevate PORT as the nickname. I love that it doesn't use Power.

The bolt sits nicely and is sharp without being tacky. I like that teal is left to the bolt.

I like how the curve of the Est.1870 is set off against the sharp straight lines of the shield. I think it's a nice element to balance the bottom of the logo.
— still has a generic feel to it.
— feels a little too sharp and symmetrical.
— PA monogram is different typeface to Est 1870 & PORT so it looks like it doesn't fit.
— use of teal needs some further consideration. (looks great on cap, and as backdrop for secondary lockup, but looks weird as the bolt)
Biggest con: gratuitous image of Ken Hinkley.
Okay, this is the last time I'll post this idea lol


It’s a great effort and I love the panel vibes in the top half but I agree with bomber about the bolt and the curved text not matching the shield shape. Both elements just don’t look quite right atm.

Lightning graphics need a bit of energy in them to convey speed, but I appreciate that you need to balance this against the geometric nature of the design.

Halfway between what you’ve done and this Chargers concept below might work. Maybe tie in the angle of “EST. 1870” with the angle of the bolt i.e. upright letters tracking slightly upwards a la Pirate Life logo.

Not to rain on your parade, but the lightning bolt is just so... meh as a representation of the club. It doesn’t mean anything.
There isn't really anything else to use as a central icon. People have suggested the bars but it isn't a strong logo element like it is a great guernsey design.

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Not to rain on your parade, but the lightning bolt is just so... meh as a representation of the club. It doesn’t mean anything.

What does a magpie ‘mean’?
What does a magpie ‘mean’?

Magpies are black and white like our new guernseys were in 1902 when we couldn't get the dye to replace our old magenta and blue guernseys. There's another one for the #bringbackthebars campaign. We didn't wear black and white guernseys because we were the Magpies, we were called the Magpies because our guernseys were black and white. Magpies is just what black and white teams get called, the guernsey was chosen first.

I think what he's getting at is the old tangible mascot vs untangible abstract noun nickname argument. Power is harder to get behind than say, Tigers, or Bombers, or Pirates, because it's just a concept, not something concrete.

I know that the decision was made not to replace the Magpie with another tangible mascot style nickname because the magpie is sacrosanct. I don't agree with that decision. If the intention was to not replace the Magpie, then that's precisely what we should have done, and gone nicknameless. Power replaced Magpie just as much as Pirates or Dolphins would have, and there has been a period of adjustment followed by it settling in as the least popular nickname in the league.
Magpies are black and white like our new guernseys were in 1902 when we couldn't get the dye to replace our old magenta and blue guernseys. There's another one for the #bringbackthebars campaign. We didn't wear black and white guernseys because we were the Magpies, we were called the Magpies because our guernseys were black and white. Magpies is just what black and white teams get called, the guernsey was chosen first.

I think what he's getting at is the old tangible mascot vs untangible abstract noun nickname argument. Power is harder to get behind than say, Tigers, or Bombers, or Pirates, because it's just a concept, not something concrete.

I know that the decision was made not to replace the Magpie with another tangible mascot style nickname because the magpie is sacrosanct. I don't agree with that decision. If the intention was to not replace the Magpie, then that's precisely what we should have done, and gone nicknameless. Power replaced Magpie just as much as Pirates or Dolphins would have, and there has been a period of adjustment followed by it settling in as the least popular nickname in the league.

We could have gotten a worse nickname!

if i wanted to read too much into it i could wonder if the black/white/silver background of this pic alludes to dropping teal, but highly doubtful, would be very cool tho

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Prediction New Club Logo

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