Northern Football League Division 2 - Part II

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not forgetting that had monty not pulled out the next week, kyl only needed 6 or so goals to make the ton, and then would have received a trophy for that (not that he needed another trophy), and probably would have picked up dvfl votes and won the B&f for that year. Also he equalled shane harvey's record in the under 15's 23 goals, then played in the 17's and kicked 4 on that day. How are ya crckrs?

so this all said looks like a good pick for macleod! hope to see him outa there kicking a million goals in the 2nd half of the season!

good luck to all players playing today!
Sorry guys to bring this to the table and change the subject but can I get onto the junior side of things within the league.
Before I continue I must say that up until now I have been totally supportive of the new (NFL) administration.
That is until tonight when I had a frank discussion with some junior people within our Club.
I, like most of you BF posters always buy the NFL Record each week and until it was pointed out to me tonight, totally overlooked or paid little regard to the fact that the junior section has disappeared from the publication.
Then, and I understand that you may all think that it is a biased view, I’ve been told that with the Metropolitan Junior Championship games scheduled to be played at Montmorency Juniors home ground this weekend, in its wisdom, the NFL have granted the catering rights to Lower Plenty FC (a senior body) when in the past it’s always been the junior body’s right.
I have two comments on this:
1. To the NFL executive it’s about time that you got your collective heads out of your rear ends and started to respect the importance of the junior competition and gain an appreciation to the efforts and achievements of Lew Hall and his supporters to junior football in the past. Regardless of the fact that they were under the DVFL banner is irrelevant.
2. Shame on Lower Plenty to take acceptance of the right to “host” these games this weekend when knowing full well that they did not have the right to.:mad:

shame on lower plenty get your hand off mate, if monty juniors want to use our ground then we should atleast get a little bit in return, if monty wanted the right to "host" these games why didnt they just play the games at their own shit heap of a ground, probably make a bit more sense in regard to them getting the takings etc etc
Sorry guys to bring this to the table and change the subject but can I get onto the junior side of things within the league.
Before I continue I must say that up until now I have been totally supportive of the new (NFL) administration.
That is until tonight when I had a frank discussion with some junior people within our Club.
I, like most of you BF posters always buy the NFL Record each week and until it was pointed out to me tonight, totally overlooked or paid little regard to the fact that the junior section has disappeared from the publication.
Then, and I understand that you may all think that it is a biased view, I’ve been told that with the Metropolitan Junior Championship games scheduled to be played at Montmorency Juniors home ground this weekend, in its wisdom, the NFL have granted the catering rights to Lower Plenty FC (a senior body) when in the past it’s always been the junior body’s right.
I have two comments on this:
1. To the NFL executive it’s about time that you got your collective heads out of your rear ends and started to respect the importance of the junior competition and gain an appreciation to the efforts and achievements of Lew Hall and his supporters to junior football in the past. Regardless of the fact that they were under the DVFL banner is irrelevant.
2. Shame on Lower Plenty to take acceptance of the right to “host” these games this weekend when knowing full well that they did not have the right to.:mad:

Go and get some tissues to wipe up the tears you big sook! If you want some more money, go and put your hand out to your senior club. They seem to have plenty with all the new recruits they bring in each year!

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Sorry guys to bring this to the table and change the subject but can I get onto the junior side of things within the league.
Before I continue I must say that up until now I have been totally supportive of the new (NFL) administration.
That is until tonight when I had a frank discussion with some junior people within our Club.
I, like most of you BF posters always buy the NFL Record each week and until it was pointed out to me tonight, totally overlooked or paid little regard to the fact that the junior section has disappeared from the publication.
Then, and I understand that you may all think that it is a biased view, I’ve been told that with the Metropolitan Junior Championship games scheduled to be played at Montmorency Juniors home ground this weekend, in its wisdom, the NFL have granted the catering rights to Lower Plenty FC (a senior body) when in the past it’s always been the junior body’s right.
I have two comments on this:
1. To the NFL executive it’s about time that you got your collective heads out of your rear ends and started to respect the importance of the junior competition and gain an appreciation to the efforts and achievements of Lew Hall and his supporters to junior football in the past. Regardless of the fact that they were under the DVFL banner is irrelevant.
2. Shame on Lower Plenty to take acceptance of the right to “host” these games this weekend when knowing full well that they did not have the right to.:mad:

Firstly champ the catering rights were awarded to us and we have as much right as anyone. We support a junior club in Research and do as much to develop and support them as most senior clubs do in regards to junior football. We are the only club in the comp that has to get by with an opposition senior clubs juniors useing its facility, costing us the opportunity to develop and progress the way other clubs can. Every other senior club with a junior affiliation or arrangement has the opportunity to expose it`s junior organisation to the senior facility/playing conditions as a way of creating a closer relationship. Except Lower Plenty! This has been an unacceptable position for a long time but something which Lower Plenty has had to put up with and work around, a situation which visiting senior clubs find ludicrous and dare I say the N.F.L. also.

On the catering rights, the games that were played at LOWER PLENTY ( our ground ) were originally scheduled for RESEARCH ( our juniors ), however this was changed on the protestations of the N.F.L. Junior Board as Research`s ground is too small and does not have the parking facilities. Also we suggested to Montmorency Juniors that they could take on the hosting role as it was not something we aspired to do, there response was that they were happy for us to do it as they preferred to have the weekend off.

In general we do not have any axe to grind with Mont Juniors and in fact out of neccessity we have a fairly good working relationship with them, however there are those who fail to understand the issue`s that we face with this forced arrangement. Perhaps the 600k reno at the Montmorency Pavillion could include some space for there junior club (not ours) and perhaps in the near future they can redirect some of their ample cash reserves from the player budget into the cow paddock there expensive recruits are forced to risk injury on. I mean please, they even scarify our ground and throw the contents on Monts to try and improve it. These guys must be laughing!
Punching over the fence?
The fight may have been near the fence and even spilled over through the gates into the crowd but I don't remember any crowd members throwing cut-lunches.
I remember a few Lower supporters jumping in between the fights and I did see a few grab our players by the jumper and throw 'em around.

And then some you LPFC gimps want to sook because we didn't use your rooms? Like everyone said, we tried to last year and were not welcome.
I remember a few Lower supporters jumping in between the fights and I did see a few grab our players by the jumper and throw 'em around.

And then some you LPFC gimps want to sook because we didn't use your rooms? Like everyone said, we tried to last year and were not welcome.[/QUOT

Absolute crap mate. I was talking to some people from Watsonia in the club rooms after last years game, so to say you werent welcome is not true. And if you didnt want to come into the rooms this year then that is up to you. But to go and sell your own grog at the game in full view of everyone is a pretty ordinary act. I think we at least made your club feel welcome afterwards and didnt stoop to the low level you did - even presenting the best player in each game with a 6 pack of Crownie's after we knew what had taken place during the afternoon!!!
I remember a few Lower supporters jumping in between the fights and I did see a few grab our players by the jumper and throw 'em around.

And then some you LPFC gimps want to sook because we didn't use your rooms? Like everyone said, we tried to last year and were not welcome.

Mate your full of shit, I remember quite well your President trying to sweep the incident in the Reserves under the carpet by trying to bring up this alleged thirds incident. At the end of the day you guys were dragged over the coals for trying to protect a thug, he copped his right whack (pardon the pun) and your response was to turn up again next year and sell your own grog in protest. Very mature and responsable of you! Your players who came into the rooms after the game last Saturday were welcome and respected, we awarded your thirds, reserves and senior best players with rewards and we sold you a slab at cost for your seniors after the game. We could have I suppose sunk to your immature level and showed you the lack of respect that you showed us, however perhaps next when we meet at your establishment we will tow our food van down and sell grog and food on the outer side of the ground to our supporters at a discount rate. One year not paying your bills and pleading for support, two years later arrogant and disrespectfull tossers.
I remember a few Lower supporters jumping in between the fights and I did see a few grab our players by the jumper and throw 'em around.

And then some you LPFC gimps want to sook because we didn't use your rooms? Like everyone said, we tried to last year and were not welcome.

you are dellusional you germ, all you blokes try to do is take a little incident and blow into something its not all because you want to sweep under the carpet what your idiot of a player did last year in the 2s, every team is welcome into our rooms after the game no matter what happens on the field, when the siren goes you shake hands have a beer and joke about it, have a spell champ i think you may need it
Mate your full of shit, I remember quite well your President trying to sweep the incident in the Reserves under the carpet by trying to bring up this alleged thirds incident. At the end of the day you guys were dragged over the coals for trying to protect a thug, he copped his right whack (pardon the pun) and your response was to turn up again next year and sell your own grog in protest. Very mature and responsable of you! Your players who came into the rooms after the game last Saturday were welcome and respected, we awarded your thirds, reserves and senior best players with rewards and we sold you a slab at cost for your seniors after the game. We could have I suppose sunk to your immature level and showed you the lack of respect that you showed us, however perhaps next when we meet at your establishment we will tow our food van down and sell grog and food on the outer side of the ground to our supporters at a discount rate. One year not paying your bills and pleading for support, two years later arrogant and disrespectfull tossers.
selling our own grog? wtf r u on about m8 no1 was selling grog, ppl mite have bought their own tho
ok back to football!

weekend rep footy results reflect the NFL's attitude and selection towards the game !!! an idea.... maybe select the best players in the division?? might work...:D

and big game this week Thomastown v Whittlsesea .... good indicator perhaps to minor premiers?
selling our own grog? wtf r u on about m8 no1 was selling grog, ppl mite have bought their own tho

I had a couple of long term Watsonia people come up to me after the game and apologise for the act because it was so blatant mate, they were embarrassed! Also had numerous people comment to me throughout the day on it. The fact that I was working in the bar and only sold grog to about half a dozen Watsonia people also suggested something not right.

Even though it left a sour taste, the remainder of our week highlighted more important things in life. So lets just put it to bed as of now.
What a great game by the blue boys, In the eight i hope here we come, Marc Murphy a little dynmo, Kruzer has got ooz, and Gibbs, wish we had them down at the stars:):thumbsu:

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not forgetting that had monty not pulled out the next week, kyl only needed 6 or so goals to make the ton, and then would have received a trophy for that (not that he needed another trophy), and probably would have picked up dvfl votes and won the B&f for that year. Also he equalled shane harvey's record in the under 15's 23 goals, then played in the 17's and kicked 4 on that day. How are ya crckrs?
How are you cc's hows hubby ray and family, tell'm i said g'day, true it didn't help with wallen pulling out should of gottin that ton.:):thumbsu:
How are you cc's hows hubby ray and family, tell'm i said g'day, true it didn't help with wallen pulling out should of gottin that ton.:):thumbsu:

wallen didn't pull out it was monty. Anyway look forward to seeing you and everyone else when McLeod play you guys in the second last match of the season at your home ground. At least its much closer to home than the western suburbs. This time it won't be casey to kyl ,or kyl to casey, unless casey's on the backline, that'd be interesting. And g'day back to you and everyone.
Terry Paterson a Lower Plenty Legend lost his brave fight with illness today at 2.49pm. Terry fulfilled every role imaginable at Lower Plenty and whilst facing the greatest of battles, still managed to display the passion and commitment that he was renowned and admired for by all who knew him. I first met Terry back in 1996 when I was involved at Research Juniors and the affillliation began with Lower Plenty. Terry was a huge reason behind the great relationship the two clubs now enjoy and the passion of Terry towards this relationship is available for all to witness in the great Research talent on display at Lower Plenty.

Terry, although your brave fight has come to and end, your inspiration and passion will live on.

brutal. just wanted to mention the moving funeral and heartfelt wake that took place last friday for terry. a wonderful person and a legend and life member at both lower plenty and montmorency. what was disappointing was the lack of respect by the nfl administration for a great servant of two of their member clubs. no senior nfl people or administrators at the funeral or the wake. nothing mentioned on their website. shows how they are trying to distance the history and legend of the dvfl from the nfl.
brutal. just wanted to mention the moving funeral and heartfelt wake that took place last friday for terry. a wonderful person and a legend and life member at both lower plenty and montmorency. what was disappointing was the lack of respect by the nfl administration for a great servant of two of their member clubs. no senior nfl people or administrators at the funeral or the wake. nothing mentioned on their website. shows how they are trying to distance the history and legend of the dvfl from the nfl.

This is not the right thread to get into any sledging. I would like to pass my condonlences onto terry's family. Also to both football clubs, I am sure that Lower will certainly miss his absence around the ground.

As for the NFL not reconising Terry in any way. I am not soo sure if it is totally their fault. Remebering there is a lot of new people on the board. I would think that if the Secretary or President of either club had rang Kevin Crompton it may have been a different situation.

Just for your info the league is now reconising all DVFL/NFL GAMES. So it looks like things are slowly coming into place.
brutal. just wanted to mention the moving funeral and heartfelt wake that took place last friday for terry. a wonderful person and a legend and life member at both lower plenty and montmorency. what was disappointing was the lack of respect by the nfl administration for a great servant of two of their member clubs. no senior nfl people or administrators at the funeral or the wake. nothing mentioned on their website. shows how they are trying to distance the history and legend of the dvfl from the nfl.

Was a great tribute to Terry and the amount of people and different faces from all walks of life indicated the impact that Pato had on so many people. Whilst we have known that he was quite ill the funeral really hit home that he will no longer be with us. Which makes it even more important that we carry on the great legacy that Pato left at our club. He was the first person I spoke to when I walked in the doors 10 years ago and from that monent on I saw what a great bloke he was and how passionate he was about the club and everyone involved in it.
WRONG WRONG :thumbsdown: on both accounts. With any luck :) could all be done by Friday, but just may have to want until after the break.

So it looks like i was right when guessing ewart a couple of weeks ago! He was a gun when we (WALLAN) played them in the under 17s. He ended up kicking 99 for the year. But they got knocked out in the prelim final so he missed the ton.
ok back to football!

weekend rep footy results reflect the NFL's attitude and selection towards the game !!! an idea.... maybe select the best players in the division?? might work...:D

It's not just picking the best players in the Div, You have to get them to want to play.

who wouldnt play if they get piked!! you listen to too much afl talk obviosly!!!
So it looks like i was right when guessing ewart a couple of weeks ago! He was a gun when we (WALLAN) played them in the under 17s. He ended up kicking 99 for the year. But they got knocked out in the prelim final so he missed the ton.

Hey Dwyane, Well done as it has turned out you are right but if Macleod had got what they were really chasing this would have been a pea in the ocean. Should still be a valuable assest with both him and Puffa up forward.
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