Paris 2024 Olympics

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TERFs have lost the plot so much they are literally ripping down a woman because she doesn't confirm to western notions of femininity

born with a vagina
bought up as a girl
no transition at any point

comes from Algeria of all places who would be nothing but hostile to trans folk

what else is she supposed to do?

plus, she has lost to 9 other women before ? so.. what does that say?
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So from the predictions it seems really sailing is the only other expected Gold.

Obviously track and Field isn't our strong suit, our 2nd week has never been that strong.

I reckon we may be able to sneak a gold in one of the men's or women's hockey or Waterpolo all 4 teams have competed well so far still need a lot of luck though
So from the predictions it seems really sailing is the only other expected Gold.

Obviously track and Field isn't our strong suit, our 2nd week has never been that strong.

I reckon we may be able to sneak a gold in one of the men's or women's hockey or Waterpolo all 4 teams have competed well so far still need a lot of luck though
Still backing the Opals or Boomers to nab a medal

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So from the predictions it seems really sailing is the only other expected Gold.

Obviously track and Field isn't our strong suit, our 2nd week has never been that strong.

I reckon we may be able to sneak a gold in one of the men's or women's hockey or Waterpolo all 4 teams have competed well so far still need a lot of luck though
Haven’t we got Arianne still in the 800?
And a relay or so?
It's great. I'm not saying any of the sports aren't good or worthwhile. Maybe they just don't fit in an Olympics.

There is a BMX race BTW
Saw it this morning. Spectacular and fast.

If anyone remembers the old Rollergame on Aus TV in the 70's. They need a sport like that . Biff and all.

TERFs have lost the plot so much they are literally ripping down a woman because she doesn't confirm to western notions of femininity

born with a vagina
bought up as a girl
no transition at any point

comes from Algeria of all places who would be nothing but hostile to trans folk

what else is she supposed to do?

plus, she has lost to 9 other women before ? so.. what does that say?

I agree. Maybe this woman has some natural advantages others don't have - but that's all elite athletes. When George Foreman was said to have one of the hardest punches of all time, nobody said that something was anything untoward. He was just naturally talented in a way most others weren't, and he used that to his advantage. And he was also far from unbeatable. But if he laid a punch on you, you were screwed.

Look, there is clearly space for debate about how there needs to be a universal standard on boxers, governed by a central body. That is a completely separate discussion from the ranting of bigots desperate to scream about how this woman, who identifies as woman, who grew up as a woman, who has lived as a woman her entire life, and who has female sexual characteristics, is ACTUALLY A MAN who just wants to beat up girls. That shit has no place anywhere.
I agree. Maybe this woman has some natural advantages others don't have - but that's all elite athletes. When George Foreman was said to have one of the hardest punches of all time, nobody said that something was anything untoward. He was just naturally talented in a way most others weren't, and he used that to his advantage. And he was also far from unbeatable. But if he laid a punch on you, you were screwed.

Look, there is clearly space for debate about how there needs to be a universal standard on boxers, governed by a central body. That is a completely separate discussion from the ranting of bigots desperate to scream about how this woman, who identifies as woman, has grown up as a woman, has female sexual characteristics, is ACTUALLY A MAN. That shit has no place anywhere.
A question I would ask is should women be boxing at all in Olympics? A sport that requires you to injure your opponent.
So from the predictions it seems really sailing is the only other expected Gold.

Obviously track and Field isn't our strong suit, our 2nd week has never been that strong.

I reckon we may be able to sneak a gold in one of the men's or women's hockey or Waterpolo all 4 teams have competed well so far still need a lot of luck though
I thought there were some track & field events where we were favourites?

I love the swimming, but love even more the rando events where we somehow jag gold. Didn't we win the modern pentathlon last olympics? Water polo would be another one. The girls won in Sydney, and we've looked alright this year.
I thought there were some track & field events where we were favourites?

I love the swimming, but love even more the rando events where we somehow jag gold. Didn't we win the modern pentathlon last olympics? Water polo would be another one. The girls won in Sydney, and we've looked alright this year.

We have a few world class women high jumpers

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I thought there were some track & field events where we were favourites?

I love the swimming, but love even more the rando events where we somehow jag gold. Didn't we win the modern pentathlon last olympics? Water polo would be another one. The girls won in Sydney, and we've looked alright this year.
3rd I think Ash Maloney?
Just watched the 3 on 3 basketball. First team to 21. Very physically intense and very watchable.
Yeah, it's a great watch. Interesting tactics too

We also have a windsurfer in the final and guaranteed a medal too.

Men's water polo beat Olympics champs Serbia and then beat France who are ranked 4th in the world so they are looking really good to potentially win a medal too
Yeah, it's a great watch. Interesting tactics too

We also have a windsurfer in the final and guaranteed a medal too.

Men's water polo beat Olympics champs Serbia and then beat France who are ranked 4th in the world so they are looking really good to potentially win a medal too
Our hockey teams are looking strong too, both the mens and womens
Well, there are some poor takes in this thread, so because I've got the time I'll go through them...

First off, let's see what we do and don't know.

Imane Khelif (and Lin Yu-Ting) were disqualified from the women's category by the International Boxing Association based on "gender testing" (i.e. sex testing). I have the IBA's latest statement but for some reason I can't upload it here.

The IBA does not specify the nature of the testing, although IIRC they have previously said it was not testosterone levels. It seems likely it was a chromosome test.

We do not know the actual status of these two people. Are they "100%" male (XY with no disorder of sex development (DSD)), or do they have a DSD of some kind? It seems likely they have a DSD. We do not know exactly which DSD this would be (there are many) or what is the appearance of their secondary sex characteristics (including genitals) although it seems likely that in Khelif's case, at least, it may be that their genitalia are ambiguous because apparently they were raised as a female.

What we do know is - the IBA tested them and found they were male. The IOC has conducted no such tests and is relying solely on self-identification (including, laughably, what their passport says).

So there is some speculation, and a lot of "extremely likely" involved.

She has a vagina.
You do not know this. Also, males with a DSD will often present with the appearance of female external genitals, but they don't have a vagina as such.
Has lived as a women her whole life.
"Lived as" is not the same as "is".
Isn't transgender, because that's illegal in Algeria,
No-one is saying they are transgender. Transgender and DSD are different things.
When you say conditions that make someone "appear" to be female, what do you mean? They appear to have breasts, female genitalia, no Adam's apple?
More or less, yes. A male with a DSD may have some apparently female characteristics (genitalia more than the other things).

the boxer isn't trans?
Then what the **** is everyone complaining about?
Um, males being allowed to compete in the female category.

No "males with a DSD", or "males with low testosterone", or "males with external genitalia that appear female", or "males who think they are female". Just, males.
Ok she has a clear physical advantage but that's not her fault
No, it's not their fault. And I'm sure it would be distressing to be raised as a female, told you are female, and then when push comes to shove finding out that you're actually male and not eligible for the female category. But life isn't fair sometimes, and sporting bodies aren't obliged to change or corrupt their rules to protect people's feelings.
when men have clear physical advantages they dont get chastised by all and sundry culture warriors
No, because they are competing against other males. And it's not "culture warriors", it's people - women in particular - who want to preserve women's sport for women.
also it just goes to show that the whole THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS BINARY RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE can be a little murky
Human biology, and the way our sexed bodies develop, is complicated. But there are only two sexes.
Claiming your opponent is a man and then watching the media blow up about it is certainly a good way to deflect from basically giving up immediately in your fight
Wow, nice victim blame. She was, in her own words, hit harder than she had ever been in her life, and she feared for her safety. And she hasn't, as far as I know, made it about her opponent being a man.
picking on one woman because of current culture wars regarding trans people is ****ing disgusting
It's not "picking on one woman" and it's not about trans people. It's about the difference between male and female in the sporting arena.
reckon we should retroactively strip Michael Phelps from all his gold medals - double jointed, massive lung capacity and lactic acid resistance meant his competitors never had a chance... right ?
Some people have physical advantages. As long as they compete within the appropriate sex category, that's all that can be done.
also lol I just read that Imane Khelif has lost 9 fights in her career to female fighters
Women sometimes beat men when they are matched up in a sporting contest. The fact that a mediocre man can be beaten by an exceptional woman doesn't mean it's OK to just open up the sex category.

I mean - why do you think we have sex categories in sport, in the first place?
TERFs have lost the plot so much they are literally ripping down a woman because she doesn't confirm to western notions of femininity
Rational people are criticising a system that allows males to compete in the female category. It has nothing to do with the "appearance" of the person in question.
what else is she supposed to do?
Compete in the category they qualify for. Like everyone else. It's not the responsibility of the rest of the sporting community to change the rules to protect the feelings of some individuals.
We probably don't have enough scientific data to say either way if there is any distinctive advantage.
You mean, like the data that show that men have a punch strength 162% > women?

The data that show that there's about 1500 (IIRC) high school boys in the USA who can beat the women's world record in a running race (can't recall which distance)?

I mean - seriously.

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Paris 2024 Olympics

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