USA Policy positions of Donald Trump; let's see how many he achieves

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Tis a bit of a trolley problem. Fascism through the front door or vote for genocide for some people you never would have known anyway?

I don't fault the people who considered that and abstained.
Sure, it would have been difficult for those who objected to Israel's actions. I know I would have struggled if I were a US voter, because of the Gaza atrocity.

But they didn't think it through. By not voting they would have known that a Trump win was an increased possibility. So they have given themselves a temporary sugar hit (by sticking it to the Dems) but now they have ended up with an administration even more supportive of Israel's actions.

When you are given one ordinary option and one absolutely appalling option at election time, you really need to get off your bum and make sure the latter doesn't win. For reasons we are seeing now.

In any case, all that doesn't detract from my point - whatever the reason for eligible Dem voters not voting, meritorious or not, they are nevertheless a big part of the reason for the Trump victory.
Rudd's second election, so you voted for Tony Abbot? My god, dude, that explains a lot

They were not "misled", Trump is doing exactly what he said he'd do on the campaign trail: tariffs, mass deportation, etc etc etc. He didn't even lie that much, certainly not as much as 2016 and 2020, he was outright broadcasting the heinous shit he'd do and they voted for it anyway. There's no "misleading" going on

Ah yes, you have more of a problem with "left wing self righteous idiots" yet going out of your way to bat for the American right wingers who've voted for monsters for over two decades, I see why you voted for Tony now, it all makes sense, what a clown

You think I am the one dehumanizing people and not the people who voted for the guy who is doing the deporting and Gaza leveling and Ukraine selling out? You are too far gone, buddy, out of your mind

Was Tony Abbot a good PM, hell no. But neither was Rudd. But one election over a lifetime of voting labour does not make me some right wing nut job. But it serves to highlight the problem, in your eyes anybody who voted for Tony Abbot is some sort of monster it seems. So not only are most Americans monsters deserving of no pity but most Australians as well, after all the lib's won that election.

He did mislead them about medicad which was what the video was about. I did not say I have more of a problem with "left wing self righteous idiots", I said both were as bad as each other. Nor am going to bat for for American right wingers, simply pointing out that you are no better, condemning both.

You and they are dehumanizing, both of you. Try to get this into your head, just because I oppose your bigoted views does not mean I support their bigoted views.
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Sure, it would have been difficult for those who objected to Israel's actions. I know I would have struggled if I were a US voter, because of the Gaza atrocity.

But they didn't think it through. By not voting they would have known that a Trump win was an increased possibility. So they have given themselves a temporary sugar hit (by sticking it to the Dems) but now they have ended up with an administration even more supportive of Israel's actions.

When you are given one ordinary option and one absolutely appalling option at election time, you really need to get off your bum and make sure the latter doesn't win. For reasons we are seeing now.

In any case, all that doesn't detract from my point - whatever the reason for eligible Dem voters not voting, meritorious or not, they are nevertheless a big part of the reason for the Trump victory.
Most of the time I reckon I would have agreed. Right now I reckon the accelerationists are right.

Having said that, you can't do the more/less thing with the Israel support thing man. That shit is proper ****ed.

It's genocide or genocide with a more naked profit motive. You don't have to be a Palestinian to opt out of that do you?
I felt sorry for that woman for 98% of that clip.

Until she said that if she had her time over, she wouldn’t have voted for anyone.
I felt sorry for her in general but there were two things that annoyed me about her.
1. She voted Republican because of their stance on abortion
2. As you said, she wouldn’t have voted if she had her time again.

Abortion isn’t something that would affect her so she is sort of « punching down ».
She is part of the problem
Ah yes, I am the bigot because I call out bigots, typical centrism right here, fellas

They voted for him three times in three election, they know what they're doing, stop pretending otherwise, the whole "oh they were just misled" thing is getting old since George W Bush got voted in twice, if you don't wanna accept reality then you can keep burying your head in the sand, these people are in a cult and they cannot be changed

Stop babying these people like they are helpless victims, they are 40+ years old grown ass adults, they know exactly what they're doing. They didn't care when he led the Jan 6 siege, they didn't care when he let COVID rip, and voted for him again, there's no victim here, purely accomplices
You’re preaching to the choir mate. That woman in the video was her own worst enemy.
Not only did she hurt herself but hurt others in her own community by voting Trump.
There were millions that wanted to vote against Trump but the Republicans made sure they couldn't.

You can only blame voter suppression for so many elections until you realise the people who consistently and unendingly vote for the GOP are the problem. Trump was on the ballot for 3 elections, he won two of them and the other he lost, he actually got a record GOP turnout, there's no more misleading going on when it's 3 times, they like the poison he's spewing

It's still a pretty decisive minority, 70% is nearly 3/4 of your population not giving a ****, I have sympathy for that 30%, but when 70% of your country either voted for him or shrug their shoulders, I'm sorry if I don't give a **** either
There were millions that wanted to vote against Trump but the Republicans made sure they couldn't.

Indeed I have seen figures that suggest that if all the disallowed votes were democrat and were allowed then Trump would have lost. Add this to the people that wanted to vote democrat but the red state they are in made it so difficult they did not. The 2024 election may well be the true stolen election.
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Abortion isn’t something that would affect her so she is sort of « punching down ».
She is part of the problem
Living in California, it’s not even clearcut it was an election issue for her. I know Trump can’t be trusted but his official position was that abortion should be left to the individual states.

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Was Tony Abbot a good PM, hell no. But neither was Rudd. But one election over a lifetime of voting labour does not make me some right wing nut job. But it serves to highlight the problem, in your eyes anybody who voted for Tony Abbot is some sort of monster it seems. So not only are most Americans monsters deserving of no pity but most Australians as well, after all the lib's won that election.

He did mislead them about medicad which was what the video was about. I did not say I have more of a problem with "left wing self righteous idiots", I said both were as bad as each other. Nor am going to bat for for American right wingers, simply pointing out that you are no better, condemning both.

You and they are dehumanizing, both of you. Try to get this into your head, just because I oppose your bigoted views does not mean I support their bigoted views.

No one's calling you a right winger, mate, but if you looked at Tony Abbott and would vote for that moron in good conscience then I'm sorry, that says a lot about you

He's been bleating about cutting medicaid and abolishing Obamacare for ages, none of what he's doing is misleading, it was all broadcasted on a megaphone.

Lol, "both are as bad as each other", the people who are calling out the racists are as bad as the racists who voted for a dude that's destroying lives, you are absolutely out of your mind, buddy, braindead stuff. That's where the "both sides are equally bad" centrist brainrot is. Clown shit

In fact, the whole "both sides are equally bad" garbage is what leads you to a Trump, when you make blanket false equivalences like that, it only benefits the actual evil side. Your mentality brings about a Trump
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No one's calling you a right winger, mate, but if you looked at Tony Abbott and would vote for that moron in good conscience then I'm sorry, that says a lot about you

He's been bleating about cutting medicaid and abolishing Obamacare for ages, none of what he's doing is misleading, it was all broadcasted on a megaphone.

Lol, "both are as bad as each other", the people who are calling out the racists are as bad as the racists who voted for a dude that's destroying lives, you are absolutely out of your mind, buddy, braindead stuff. That's where the "both sides are equally bad" centrist brainrot is. Clown shit

So you double down on denigrating most Australians, cannot say I am surprised.

No I am not saying both sides are equally bad. You keep putting words in my posts that are not there. I say all bigots are bad, left or right wing. The MAGA side are clearly far worse than the democrats. What I am saying is YOU personally are bigoted. In full knowledge that you are so invested in your bigotry that you can never accept this and therefore must declare my position to be something it is not and had never said it is.
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It is interesting to listening to the Bulwark's Focus Group podcasts. The GOP voters who respond often never mention the silly stuff of Trump, at least nothing beyond dismissing it. They seem to focus on any promises he made about the economy. Basically it felt like they thought they were voting for normie GOP business policies and immigration. They don't usually state any specifics except that Trump promised it. The more 'educated' sounding ones think that a lot of Trump ideas are bluffs or posturing for negotiations, and that he wouldn't really go overboard with them. I would guess they didn't get a lot of bad press about Trump during first term, so believed him or thought he would be more serious with a second chance.
This was from around the inauguration so I'll have to check out the newest ones.
It is interesting to listening to the Bulwark's Focus Group podcasts. The GOP voters who respond often never mention the silly stuff of Trump, at least nothing beyond dismissing it. They seem to focus on any promises he made about the economy. Basically it felt like they thought they were voting for normie GOP business policies and immigration. They don't usually state any specifics except that Trump promised it. The more 'educated' sounding ones think that a lot of Trump ideas are bluffs or posturing for negotiations, and that he wouldn't really go overboard with them. I would guess they didn't get a lot of bad press about Trump during first term, so believed him or thought he would be more serious with a second chance.
This was from around the inauguration so I'll have to check out the newest ones.

If all they watched was Fox news or the like, than the little noise that entered their attention about him being a bad man was just fake news, the other side saying what they always say.

I recall some Skynews headline in my news feed this week that said something like "Dutton says this Labour government the worst Australian government ever". I never click on Skynews headlines so they are wasting their time and my reaction was "bullshit its his job to say that, but really its over the top rubbish" But I suspect the same reaction was occurring among Republicans voters.
No I am not saying both sides are equally bad.

I said both were as bad as each other. Nor am going to bat for for American right wingers, simply pointing out that you are no better, condemning both.

You and they are dehumanizing, both of you. Try to get this into your head, just because I oppose your bigoted views does not mean I support their bigoted views.

You don't even remember what you said 3 minutes ago, need some help? You called us both "dehumanizing", the absolute idiocy of that

"Denigrating most Australians", now you're just being a melodramatic karen, I was just making fun of you voting for Tony, I didn't make fun of anyone else, why drag anyone into it. What's with the drama queen antics?

You keep namecalling me as a bigot clearly shows you are the actual bigot tbh, is that how this kinda idiotic karen argument works?

You absolutely would've voted for Trump in one of the 3 elections guaranteed if you're an American, we see through your surface level pearl clutching for what it is, buddy.
Living in California, it’s not even clearcut it was an election issue for her. I know Trump can’t be trusted but his official position was that abortion should be left to the individual states.
It is until Trump tries to bring laws to make abortion very hard nationally


You don't even remember what you said 3 minutes ago, need some help? You called us both "dehumanizing", the absolute idiocy of that

"Denigrating most Australians", now you're just being a melodramatic karen, I was just making fun of you voting for Tony, I didn't make fun of anyone else, why drag anyone into it. What's with the drama queen antics?

You keep namecalling me as a bigot clearly shows you are the actual bigot tbh, is that how this kinda idiotic karen argument works?

You absolutely would've voted for Trump in one of the 3 elections guaranteed if you're an American, we see through your surface level pearl clutching for what it is, buddy.

Yes I did call YOU and the MAGA bigots dehumanizing. But YOU do not represent one side, you are you, your bigotry does stain all who oppose Trump, people like me for instance.

You posted;

"if you looked at Tony Abbott and would vote for that moron in good conscience then I'm sorry, that says a lot about you"

Clearly it is meant to denigrate me for that vote. But as the libs won that vote you are also denigrating every Australian who also voted for the libs in that election, that is more than 50% of voters, most.

"the fact of having and expressing strong, unreasonable beliefs and disliking other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life:"

You have expressed your strong dislike of people who voted Republican, that is people who have different beliefs to you. You fit the dictionary definition.

As for your comment that I would have voted for Trump in one of the elections. Cannot say I am surprised you have gone there, in your head as I oppose your bigotry that makes me one of the enemy you so hate and dislike. But if you are now calling me a bigot because I am calling you one, than yes that is kind of how an idiot Karen argument works.

Have you ever asked yourself why so many people voted for such a bad person? If your answer is just they are evil, bad people deserving of no sympathy than the problem is in you.

I will give you a reason. For the last fifty years the rich in the USA have been stealing the proceeds of productivity gains from the working and middle class. The middle class has been hollowed out. History tells us what happens in this case. That is how Fascism first arose. Democracy cannot survive the loss of a stable middle class.
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Yes I did call YOU and the MAGA bigots dehumanizing. But YOU do not represent one side, you are you, your bigotry does stain all who oppose Trump, people like me for instance.

You posted;

"if you looked at Tony Abbott and would vote for that moron in good conscience then I'm sorry, that says a lot about you"

Clearly it is meant to denigrate me for that vote. But as the libs won that vote you are also denigrating every Australian who also voted for the libs in that election.

"the fact of having and expressing strong, unreasonable beliefs and disliking other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life:"

You have expressed your strong dislike of people who voted Republican, that is people who have different beliefs to you. You fit the dictionary definition.

As for your comment that I would have voted for Trump in one of the elections. Cannot say I am surprised you have gone there, in your head as I oppose your bigotry that makes me one of the enemy you so hate and dislike. But if you are now calling me a bigot because I am calling you one, than yes that is kind of how an idiot Karen argument works.

Have you ever asked yourself why so many people voted for such a bad person? If your answer is just they are evil, bad people deserving of no sympathy than the problem is in you.

I will give you are reason. For the last fifty years the rich in the USA have been stealing the proceeds of productivity gains from the working and middle class. The middle class has been hollowed out. History tells us what happens in this case. That is how Fascism first arose. Democracy cannot survive the loss of a stable middle class.

Man you're pulling out the dictionary definitions, that's when we know you are cooked, buddy

Equating ME with a MAGA just because I disagree with you on an internet forum is what's ****ed in the head about what you're doing, but you are too unhinged to be able to see it

So suddenly you think I don't represent one side yet you think me making fun of you voting for Tony = denigrating all Australians? You are missing a few marbles upstairs, my guy

Yes, expressing strong dislikes for people who empower and vote for evil men who destroy other people's lives based on their race and gender = me as bad as those people. You are twisted, man, you need help

You have been more vitriolic to me, just a guy on the internet, than you ever were to Trump voters who voted for all this madness, whom you show "sympathy" for, that shows where your true colors are. You are crazy, buddy, you need help

Did you watch Lord of the Rings and say Frodo and the fellowship are bigots to those poor Orcs who were just misled by Sauron?
Man you're pulling out the dictionary definitions, that's when we know you are cooked, buddy

Equating ME with a MAGA just because I disagree with you on an internet forum is what's ****ed in the head about what you're doing, but you are too unhinged to be able to see it

So suddenly you think I don't represent one side yet you think me making fun of you voting for Tony = denigrating all Australians? You are missing a few marbles upstairs, my guy

Yes, expressing strong dislikes for people who empower and vote for evil men who destroy other people's lives based on their race and gender = me as bad as those people. You are twisted, man, you need help

You have been more vitriolic to me, just a guy on the internet, than you ever were to Trump voters who voted for all this madness, whom you show "sympathy" for, that shows where your true colors are. You are crazy, buddy, you need help

Did you watch Lord of the Rings and say Frodo and the fellowship are bigots to those poor Orcs who were just misled by Sauron?

A dictionary definition is what a word is, what I have done is prove I am correct in my use of the word.

Of course you are never going to accept that in your own way you are as bad as them.

I am the one being vitriolic, when you are saying I am unhinged, crazy, twisted, need help. yea right. As I disagree with you, your bigotry means I must have something wrong with me. I must be evil, crazy, need help.

"Yes, expressing strong dislikes for people who empower and vote for evil men who destroy other people's lives based on their race and gender = me as bad as those people."

I am saying its bigotry that is driving them & its bigotry that is driving you. Bigotry in a good cause does not make it ok.

Do I dislike or even hate the Trumps, Musks, etc, yes I do, they deserve it. But the ordinary Republican voter, they in my mind are like the fools who supported the Fascists in the 30's. I do not hate them, I mostly pity them. Almost everybody is capable of great evil in the wrong circumstances.

The simple fact of the matter is most people are capable of being mislead into great evil. It becomes normalized and they no longer see it. The thing to do is not hate them but try to understand why this behavior is being normalized.
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A dictionary definition is what a word is, what I have done is prove I am correct in my use of the word.

Of course you are never going to accept that in your own way you are as bad as them.

I am the one being vitriolic, when you are saying I am insane, crazy, twisted, need help. yea right. As I disagree with you, your bigotry means I must have something wrong with me. I must be evil, crazy, need help.

"Yes, expressing strong dislikes for people who empower and vote for evil men who destroy other people's lives based on their race and gender = me as bad as those people."

I am saying its bigotry that is driving them & its bigotry that is driving you. Bigotry in a good cause does not make it ok.

Do I dislike or even hate the Trumps, Musks, etc, yes I do, they deserve it. But the ordinary Republican voter, they in my mind are like the fools who supported the Fascists in the 30's. I do not hate them, I mostly pity them. Almost everybody is capable of great evil in the wrong circumstances.

The simple fact of the matter is most people are capable of being mislead into great evil. It becomes normalized and they no longer see it. The thing to do is not hate them but try to understand why this behavior is being normalized.

You know I'm not reading all your long winded diatribe, you do understand? It's just the ramblings of an angry man who is angry because... I called out Trump voters?

You called me a bigot and started saying I'm as bad as a MAGA, so yeah you're pretty vitriolic, everything I've said about you is just self defense. You need help buddy, when you are THIS triggered because someone said something about Trump voters and that leads you to angrily insult them, that makes you look pretty unhinged, only stating facts here

Btw you absolute vote Trump if you're an American. Also, did Tony win your vote when he chewed on that raw onion?

You can keep ranting and raving like a lunatic, I'll stop here, don't want the mods to come in here, keep babying those poor misled Trump voters who voted for him 3 times and are apparently all just victims, while I am the actual villain, because you're a weirdo
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You know I'm not reading all your long winded diatribe, you do understand? It's just the ramblings of an angry man who is angry because... I called out Trump voters?

You called me a bigot and started saying I'm as bad as a MAGA, so yeah you're pretty vitriolic, everything I've said about you is just self defense. You need help buddy, when you are THIS triggered because someone said something about Trump voters and that leads you to angrily insult them, that makes you look pretty unhinged, only stating facts here

Btw you absolute vote Trump if you're an American

You can keep ranting and raving like a lunatic, I'll stop here, don't want the mods to come in here, keep babying those poor misled Trump voters who voted for him 3 times and are apparently all just victims, while I am the actual villain, because your brain works funny like that


Always knew you would never accept the honest truth, eyes closed, ears blocked, mind shut, run away. But bored and sometimes its fun if a little cruel to pull a bigots tail and watch him wiggle. But maybe one day you should ask yourself why people do things, instead of hating on them like an angry old man shouting at clouds.
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U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuangruled in favor of a group current and former USAID employees and ordered Musk and DOGE to reinstate payments, security notifications, and access email and all other electronic systems to USAID employees.

According to Chuang, it would be up to Congress to decide “whether, when, and how” to close USAID and DOGE’s actions deprived of the Congress of their constitutional authority.

Another judge Trump will scream impeach

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USA Policy positions of Donald Trump; let's see how many he achieves

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