It was Trigg who championed a hate campaign on us that had Andy Dee calling for calm
lest this incitement led to ugly scenes on the terraces.
He epitomised the smug old boys network of Adelaide that has few peers for naked hatred
As Finbarr noted the references to us as the other mob. Trashing our brand for devaluing the
AFL brand. All in all he was handed the reigns on a horse that was miles ahead $'s wise and
turned out to be nothing more than a lazy comfortable thief
lest this incitement led to ugly scenes on the terraces.
He epitomised the smug old boys network of Adelaide that has few peers for naked hatred
As Finbarr noted the references to us as the other mob. Trashing our brand for devaluing the
AFL brand. All in all he was handed the reigns on a horse that was miles ahead $'s wise and
turned out to be nothing more than a lazy comfortable thief