A Section Premier Section 2024

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It's still a load of horse he doesn't get to play because the game has been moved forward by 24 hours. The 24 hour period between day 20 and day 21 is meaningless.
Yes we want to protect the players at all costs, but to think the league's best captain and player misses out because of an arbitrary number of days and the VAFA's incompetence moving a grand final is beyond idiotic.
Surely he will play. 9 hours difference shouldn't make too much of a concern, although, i'm not a doctor. If he gets a medical clearance and signs a Stat Dec to say that there will be no action towards the VAFA and his club if something does happen such as another hit in the head, then its his and the clubs choice. To miss a GF would be shattering, and i'm pretty sure that most of us would do the same, and play.

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I'm sure a few at Camberwell Oval and TH King are praying the letter of the law is followed for this one, despite being fully aware the lawmakers are what the french call "les incompetentes".

Let's hope common sense prevails
Silly comment. One player doesn’t win a grand final, as evidenced by his teams previous attempt.
I expect the 21 day rule for local football is based on of a player missing two games and then be right for week 3. It was no doubt developed based on the accepted practice of local football being played on a Saturday. The VAFA deciding in their wisdom to play the GF on a Friday has obviously created an unintended consequence. Hill will have missed 2 games and should be right to play week 3 as per the intent tof the policy. If the 21 days elapses at 1 minute past midnight and the game is schedule to start at 2.30pm he misses by 9 ½ hours. Surely if he is medically cleared and has already sat out for more than 20 ½ days we don’t let a kid miss GF for the sake of a few hours. While certainly well intentioned we need to remember that it is just policy, not legislation.

While it should not be a deciding factor, Hill is an absolute gun who could make a fortune playing in the paying comps. He could easily be playing VFL but has remained loyal to his club. Heart and soul type and from all accounts a ripping young bloke. OBs best players, club captain and already a legend of the club and the comp. While others will have a contrary view, which is understandable, personally I hope he get’s to play.
Yep, mate who played for OB confirmed this, he was AFL or old brighton, no inbetween, toured richmonds facilities just to be told at the end he'd be on the vfl list and turned them down, co captain super young too

Agreed 100%, i'd hope SKOB/Scotchies don't kick up a stink about it, should have to beat the best to win it all not rely on things like this
We are all just giving opinions here, neither club is thinking about it to be honest, we just play whoever the opposition is.

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A Section Premier Section 2024

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