Without arguing the toss on the first part I doubt time in the twos would do a lot for his fitness. Preseason is the place to build the foundation which looks still to be weak. Any improvement from there is likely to be incremental.Amartey is an interesting question in my mind. If he can make it click, he could be immensely valuable. And a forward line with three strong marking targets also has strong appeal - it improves the chance of any one forward being “on” and stretches the defence. It’s also not like all three forwards will always be in the forward line. McLean will head to ruck and all will rest on the line at stages.
However, Amartey’s time on ground is unacceptably low and his versatility is also low. I keep thinking about Parker’s role when he is back, and I find it hard to see how replacing Amartey with Parker does not improve us now in multiple respects: a 4 quarter effort; more tackling pressure; more leadership; more versatility to run through mids; also a very strong mark.
I would not be against Amartey getting fit in the 2s once enough players return from injury.